Which Kardashian-Jenner Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Depending on your beliefs, zodiac signs are either an ancient, totally reliable form of getting in touch with the world and your inner self, or they're fun fodder for your Facebook page. For those that don't know anything about zodiac, there's 12 signs. Each sign corresponds to a constellation, and explains your deepest, most significant traits. These signs can also be used to help you figure out compatibility with other people, or how (in our case) which Kardashian/Jenner you are! We've crafted this Family Zodiac, where each member of the family represents one of the signs. Go through, find your sign, and find out with family member you are! Who knew that the Kardashians and the Jenners weren't just good for fun media events; they're also good for telling you about your true self! Are you more a Rob, or a Brody? What about a Burt or a Khloe? Read on to find out which Kardashian/Jenner you are based on your zodiac.

12 Kim Kardashian (Leo)

This boss lady is the queen of social media lately. Her babies have taken the world by storm, and she's probably the most hardworking fashion icon out there. Plus, she looks amazing. We only wish we could pull off clothes like she does, and have our Instagram look as exciting and on point. Not to mention, she has a bit of a mouth. She's not afraid to say what she feels, and she won't let anyone stand in her way. If you're a Leo, you're the lucky lion that gets to be Kim K's counterpart. Her long, fierce mane is enough to inspire jealousy in even the most humble zodiac sign, and we love her passion and creativity. The world loves to love her, just like everyone loves to love you, Leo. Get out your Kim K emojis and start expressing yourself, because you're the queen (or king) of the social media jungle.
11 Kourtney Kardashian (Cancer)

The oldest of the Kardashian kids, Kourtney is as sweet as sweet can be. While she needs to be outgoing in order to keep up with her wild family, she's got the introverted side that we so sorely need to see sometimes. She's not one to have a short temper, and she's less of the media attention-seeker than her sisters. She's also a Mom, which is maybe how she practices keeping such a cool head. We've paired Kourtney up with all the Cancers out there, because of your internalization of emotions, your willingness to help others, and your devotion to your family. All these Cancer traits are perfectly represented in Kourtney, which makes you two the perfect twins! Cancers also have a knack for being unable to blend into the world around them, even if they don't feel like they're anything special. We think that that's another Kourtney trait, as she's a head turner without even trying.
10 Khloe Kardashian (Taurus)

Khloe Kardashian has been making waves lately due in part to her change in looks. For a while, she reports that she was made fun of for being the “fat” sister; the “ugly” one. We're calling bull on those calls though, since she's got legs for days and a gorgeous smile. Her commitment to herself and who she is as a person has really spoken to her headstrong nature and her perseverance. She's totally gorgeous now, if only because she's finally in control of how people see her. We've chosen Taurus as Khloe's counterpart, because Taurus are notoriously stubborn. They let themselves be swayed by no one and nothing, just like Khloe. Taurus are also the masters of taste. You always look good, even if you're having an off day. Khloe's the same; with her fashion forward nature and super stylish 'do, she's got everyone turning heads. We believe that she's going to preserve this look too, since it's got her looking and feeling her best.
9 Rob Kardashian (Gemini)

Youngest brother of the Kardashian clan, he's got the dance skills to pay the bills. Having made it incredibly far in his time on Dancing With the Stars, he got not only most improved, but second place! Woah! Other than that, we know him from Keeping Up with the Kardashians. He's a nice guy, with a heart of gold under a sometimes rough exterior. He's also had quite a few high profile relationships. If you're a Gemini, you might be able to see yourself in his actions. Geminis like being with people, and they hate to be alone. They do, however, need their independence. They represent opposites. Both expressive and intelligent while being contained and hard to get to know, we see these traits well in Rob. We also see the typical Gemini indecisiveness coming through. His relationships over the years have been either all in or passionless, and sometimes vary between the two. His most recent relationship with Blac Chyna has shown us this, with all their splits and reintegrations. Gemini? You're totally Rob.
8 Kylie Jenner (Pisces)

This sweet girl is one of the Jenner clan, daughter of Kris and Caitlyn (then Bruce) Jenner. She's got a charming smile and a smart mind to boot, and is the youngest of all the Jenner-Kardashians. As a 19-year-old entrepreneur, it seems like there's nothing this girl can't do. She graduated high school through homeschooling, and she released not only her own fashion line, but her own makeup line too. She seems to love “pretty”, and she certainly pulls it off well. Pisces traits line up well with this lip-lining fiend. Pisces tend to be artistically inclined, and like to do things their own way. They're totally selfless, going so far as to forgive people with little to no grudge holding after. Does that remind you of a certain famous Momager battle? Yes, when Kylie and Kris had a falling out, Kylie forgave and forgot just as fast as Kris did. She's always there to help her sister, and brought a huge amount of positivity to the Kardashians show. If we had to assign any Kardashian to the Pisces trait, it would totally be Kylie.
7 Kendall Jenner (Scorpio)

Who's the hottest cat on the walk? It's Kendall, the girl with legs for days and a killer smile. She's poised and ready for anything, and likes to have all eyes on her. While less attention-seeking than the Leos of this world, they still feel that they're entitled to centre stage. Why? They work hard enough to deserve it! Yes, we're talking about Scorpio. While Kendall might be a Scorpio (one of the few on this list whose sign actually matches the traits they present to the media), she very clearly represents this sign in the grand scheme of the family zodiac. After finishing school through homeschooling so she can pursue modeling on her own terms, she's worked with a list of brands and companies that's longer than most people's grocery lists. And way, way more exciting. None of it would have been possible without her commitment and motivation, and her determination… All Scorpio traits. She also presents a little more grown up than she actually is. Barely out of her teens, but we wouldn't be surprised if she and Kim were twins. This older image is definitely a Scorpio thing too, you lucky, luxurious ladies (and gents)!
6 Kris Jenner (Sagittarius)

Sagittarius are bold, dynamic, and like to be involved in the world… If not BE the centre of the world. They tend to pay attention to their goals more than the goals of those around them. Lucky for the Sagittarius-born, they have the motivation and power to achieve them. Only Kris could possess the complexity of traits necessary for the Sagittarius sign. This outspoken woman isn't afraid to be herself, no matter the cost. She'll get into arguments in order to prove her point, and she's always playing to achieve her own end game. She's also the glue that holds the family together, but hasn't sacrificed her freedom for it. This is really important in the Sagittarius mind, since freedom is one of their motivating factors. Kris is totally free of any and all complications. That doesn't mean she's complaint free though! There's always something that's not quite up to her standards, and she'll tell you about it if that's the case. Talk about textbook Sagittarius.
5 Caitlyn Jenner (Virgo)

As an ex-Olympian, Caitlyn has had to pay close attention to everything; how she trains, how she eats, and how she keeps the rest of her life in balance. This detail mind is also found in the sign of Virgo! If you're a Virgo, you get excited by the thought of things being organized and planned. Your life is often ruled by how to get the most out of your goals and dreams, and how to push yourself to go farther than you ever thought possible. Kind of like this Olympic athlete, eh? She never let her dreams go unachieved, and has always stayed true to herself. This is even true during her transition. She knew what she had to do, and she didn't let anyone stand in her way. She stayed true to herself despite all odds, which is a real Virgo trait. She's also not one to grasp greedily at centre stage. Virgos can be quite private, which makes this pairing a perfect one.
4 Father Robert Kardashian (Libra)

Having passed away in 2003, Robert Kardashian was the ruling overlord of the Kardashian family. This business mogul and public figure the world loved to watch. As someone involved in business and the world of the rich and famous, Robert Kardashian is a perfect figure for the Libra zodiac sign. He balances this family zodiac in the same way he balanced the family. He brought stability and normalcy to his clan, even if he did tend to come off a bit harsh sometimes. Mood swings and emotionality is a sign of the Libra born, which don't tend to disappear after adolescence. These are a tried and true personality trait, which we feel Robert holds more than the rest of the family. His book balancing skills are also a Libra talent. While you might not necessarily be good with numbers, Libra, you are good at making it all work out in the end.
3 Brody Jenner (Aquarius)

Aquarius are typically on the shy side, and like to live in control of their excitement. While they'll let themselves get swept up moment-to-moment, they also will be sure to not lose themselves. This is a perfect match for this young Jenner, who markets himself as a DJ/MC of dance parties. He's had a decent career, and his twitter feed is full of comments about the shows he's playing. DJing is the perfect way to lose yourself in the party while still staying in control. We also seldom hear of him outside of this, which is another Aquarius trait. Aquarius need alone time to recharge their batteries, and Brody certainly knows that he needs the same. Being caught on the cusp of the Kardashians can make it hard to find peace and quiet, but this kid has used his wits to stay smart, stable, and sometimes alone. What a perfect match for our family zodiac!
2 Burt Jenner (Capricorn)

Not sure who Burt Jenner is? We don't blame you. This rough and tumble guy hasn't really seen the flashing lights of the paparazzi, let alone been asked for comment. Every once in a while he puts a message out there, but other than that we seldom hear from him. The same goes for Casey too, the Jenner's older half sister. Both Burt and Casey were from Caitlyn's first marriage, and are basically uninvolved in the lives of the Kardashian/Jenners nowadays. We've decided to team them up for a Capricorn call out. This stubborn sign always seems to get the short end of the stick somehow. They tend to be family focused, but only with those that feel like true family; famous folk are often not their top pick. They like stability in their lives and don't like to draw too much attention to themselves, unless it's to speak up against something that's pissed them off (which can be almost anything, all the time). Burt and Casey, the bitter older half siblings of Caitlyn's first marriage, totally fit the bill on that front.
1 Kanye West (Aries)

Need to kick things up a notch? Chances are you'll enlist the help of an Aries. These outstanding signs are the most energetic and eccentric, going their own way regardless of if there's a path there or not. They're proactive, and usually speak before they think. Sometimes the energy of this sign makes them hard to be around, but they're actually the most down-to-earth, loyal friends you'll ever have. We see it in Kanye! While he might be married to super queen Kim K, he's just a big, goofy dad at heart. He plays with his babies like everyone else, and values the life that he and his new family, the Kardashians, have together. We had to include him because you can't ignore his wild vibes, even if he's only Kardashian by marriage. He totally counts, especially having spent so long in the spotlight himself. He's used to the go go go life of a Kardashian.