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    12 Celebs Who Give Major Interview Attitude

    Just because giving interviews is a crucial part of the publicity game doesn't mean that celebrities have to like it. It's pretty hard to believe that interviews go as smoothly as they often do, because being questioned about your private life can get super weird, no matter what the situation. Generally, we have no idea if a celebrity isn't feeling an interview, since they're image and branding pros after all, but occasionally they can't hold back their true feelings. Here are 12 celebrities who have given major attitude during an interview… or even stormed out totally. As you'll see, some of them were totally justified.

    12 Rita Ora

    Rita Ora was not pleased during a 2014 interview when she was asked about her ex Calvin Harris. The then 23-year-old was in New York promoting her new fragrance and expecting to answer questions about her album when she was hit with questions about Calvin instead. There were rumors going around that Calvin refused to release some of her music or allow her to perform it. When asked to confirm this, she simply said "thank you" and walked away in a hurry.

    11 Joan Rivers

    Joan Rivers was known for her very specific brand of comedy, and she didn't appreciate when people didn't even want to understand it. The iconic host once shut down a CNN interview for this reason. Before leaving, Joan said to interviewer Fredricka Whitfield: “Stop it with 'You do this' and 'You're mean' and 'You're that,'” You are not the one to interview a person who does humor. Sorry.”

    10 Ariana Grande

    In 2015, Ariana Grande stopped by L.A. radio station KPWR to promote her song "Focus." DJs Justin Credible and Eric D-Lux asked sexist questions, such as which would she rather use one last time -- makeup or her phone. "Is that what you think girls have trouble choosing between?" she said.  They then asked about emojis and made fun of her liking the unicorn symbol, and she had a stellar reply: "You need a little brushing up about equality… Real men use the unicorn emoji and aren't afraid."

    9 Selena Gomez

    In 2013, the singer was interviewed by reporter Dean Richards via satellite, on a day which happened to be her birthday. Dean started to ask her about Justin Bieber, who had recently been caught peeing in public. He said, "You're, you know, probably as close a friend to Justin Bieber as they come. Is there something about him that we don't get or we don't understand? I mean, there is one story after another of, you know, pretty outrageous behavior that we're reading about." Selena vanished from the screen, pulling the plug on the whole deal.

    8 Robert Downey Jr.

    The actor was promoting Avengers: Age of Ultron when things started to get weird. His interviewer began to ask him questions about his past issues with sobriety which the actor was clearly not comfortable with. He tried to get help ending the interview but then just did it himself. He didn't exactly cop an attitude, but he gave the succinct statement “it's getting a little Diane Sawyer-y” as he got up and walked out.

    7 Nicki Minaj

    The singer actually walked out on a New York Times Magazine interview. It went sour when Vanessa Grigoriadis asked Nicki if she thrived on drama because of the feud between Drake and Meek Mill, and Lil Wayne and Young Thug. Nicki asked, "What do the four men you just named have to do with me thriving off drama?'" She ripped the interviewer a new one about how anti-feminist it was to blame her for what guys do as if she's their mom or something. Later Vanessa agreed the singer behaved correctly: "Even though I had no intention of putting her down as a small-minded or silly woman, she was right to call me out."

    6 Robert Pattinson

    Robert Pattinson made history as the only celebrity to walk out of a Ryan Seacrest interview. If you haven't noticed, Ryan Seacrest is not only the busiest man in Hollywood, but he's not exactly controversial and seems to be pretty well-liked. We're sure Rob felt the same until Ryan happened to ask about his ex Kristen Stewart. The wound was apparently just too fresh. Robert just got up and walked out on the radio interview.

    5 Kristen Stewart

    Kristen has been very vocal about the fact that she doesn't care much for media attention, and she's also had her fair share of very awkward interviews. Let's just say she doesn't hide her (sometimes bummer) emotions. She hates that people think she's not grateful for her successful acting career, because she is. She's just not into the spotlight.

    4 Tom Hardy

    Tom Hardy was at a press conference for Legend when an interviewer asked, "Do you find it hard for celebrities to talk to the media about their sexuality?” Tom asked what he was talking about, and the reporter asked the question again. Tom replied, “I don't find it difficult for celebrities to talk about their sexuality. Are you asking me about my sexuality?” The reporter said "Um, sure" and Tom responded "Why?" He really shut it down.

    3 Mel Gibson

    When Mel Gibson was interviewed about Edge of Darkness, the reporter asked about his seven-year acting hiatus when Mel stated talking about his evolution as a person. When he was asked if the break had to do with his anti-semitic comments, Mel responded, “I've moved on. I guess you haven't!” and then swore at the guy. Sorry not sorry Mel, you're still in the wrong.

    2 Justin Bieber

    Justin Bieber has had his fair share of interviews gone wrong. Once a radio DJ asked him if he was worried about having Harry Styles around his mom since he likes to date older women, and Justin responded with, "I don't think you should worry about me [and my mom with Harry Styles] -- Worry about your mom, bro." Then he hung up. In 2015 ,Justin walked out of an interview that was hosted in Spanish.

    1 Taylor Swift

    The singer-songwriter is usually pretty friendly, but it's definitely possible to push her to the limit. In one interview, she was asked several questions about Kanye West, and really wasn't feeling it. We get it -- that was probably a super annoying, upsetting situation. She spoke her mind: "I really would appreciate if we could talk about something else - because I've asked you three times now. I'm trying to be nice about it. Because it's not something that we need to spend this whole interview talking about." The DJ responded  with “It's good for your career though… Because you are the hero here and he is the zero." She walked out, so she probably wasn't into his response, either.