12 Reality Shows We Wish Existed
If reality TV isn't your guilty pleasure, you're probably lying. No matter how much we try to claim that we're above watching total strangers yelling at each other or having arguments that don't make a ton of sense, we love it. We really do. There are reality shows about almost anything you could possibly think of, from people competing while stranded on a desert island to fighting while living in the same house to pitching business ideas. Sometimes the shows are completely cringe-worthy and other times, we get to watch what it's really like to have close friendships or family issues, and that can be inspiring. Yes, we just used reality TV and inspiring in the same sentence. But not everything has made it into the reality television genre yet, and that's a real shame if you ask us. Here are 12 reality shows that we wish existed. These would totally be our new guilty pleasures.
12 What It's Really Like To Use Tinder
We're all on Tinder (well, if we're single, that is). There's no denying that fact. But while we have magazine features about the dark side of this so-called hook-up app and Instagram accounts about the nightmarish messages that people get, we don't have a reality show about the reality of using the popular dating app. And we would love to see that. A lot of people find true love (or at least short-term relationships) using Tinder and it would be great if there was a reality show that followed a bunch of twentysomethings using the app, going on dates, and starting relationships. Seriously, why isn't this a thing yet?
11 A Show About Millennials
We have Girls and… that's about it. We need a reality show about what it's actually like to be a millennial today. It could follow total strangers or even a close group of friends, and you would get to see their daily lives as they struggle to find out who they are, to follow their dreams, to go further in their careers, and of course, to find love. It could be a really fun show that is both inspiring and illuminating. If anything, it would help everyone take this age group a lot more seriously, which would definitely be nice. It's about time, right?
10 A Freelance Writer Show
You might be a freelance writer or if you're not, you know someone who is. It's becoming an increasingly popular way to make a living and it's definitely a fun lifestyle to have. But it's also full of hard work, and it would be great if there was a reality show about what it's truly like to be a full-time freelancer. It would help get rid of some annoying stereotypes because, no, writers don't wear PJ's and refuse to shower, and they really do work hard.
9 A Good Blind Date Show
You have a few reality shows about dating, and they usually show really bad blind dates. Like really, really bad ones. You cringe, you want to look away, and you're super relieved that it's not you. But it kind of is you, because if you're single and dating in this climate, you're going on tons of bad dates. So it would be awesome to see a show that puts people on blind first dates… that actually go well. What a concept.
8 A Show Set At A Yoga Studio
Or a barre studio. Just some kind of workout place that has big attitudes, fancy/rich clients, and lots of behind-the-scenes drama. We have a few shows like this but nothing that focuses on yoga and barre, which are big businesses these days. This would be a hilarious, dramatic show but also really inspiring, and we definitely wouldn't mind having some more fitness inspo, especially with summer fast approaching.
7 A Realistic Apartment Hunting Show
The home décor, renovation, and real estate shows are super popular and have been for a while now. But we never really see anything that is super realistic, do we? We see couples young and older with huge budgets. We never see 22-year-olds who are starting their first job post-college and want to move out but can't afford a massive, fancy apartment. Let's have a show with people finding apartments that they can actually afford - the kinds of places that you and your friends actually live in.
6 A Show About Following Dreams
It would be nice if we could see something positive on reality television one of these days. How about a series that follows a bunch of people, both men and women, that are following their dreams on a daily basis? We would see the blood, sweat, and tears that goes into something like this, and the show could have a bunch of different industries, from more creative to more business-minded fields, in order to be really inclusive.
5 A Writing Competition Show
We have shows about being the next hot model, we've had some (awful) shows about acting, and Matt Damon makes that series about filmmaking. But what about writers? Sure, you might say that would be super boring because writing is definitely a solitary activity and who wants to watch a bunch of people typing on their laptops? But writers are actually super competitive, so this would be pretty dramatic and entertaining. Have a bunch of writers compose short stories and compete for some kind of awesome prize.
4 A Show Where You Face Who Ghosted You
Look, we have to have a show about ghosting. It's basically taking over our entire love lives over here and we need to deal with it. You would go on the show and pick someone who ghosted you and really hurt your feelings. Then you would have the chance to say whatever you want to say to their face - with the help of a therapist or love/dating/relationship expert. Sounds pretty good to us.
3 An Everyday Hero Show
Think about the heroes in your life. You probably think about your third grade teacher, your grandma, your mom, or even a co-worker who donates tons of time and money to charity. This show would focus on people that are living their daily lives while managing to be super heroic.
2 A Fun Matchmaking-Your-Friends Show
Sure, there are a few shows about matchmaking, but not about setting your friends up. Why not? You always have at least a few single friends of either gender that you think would totally hit it off, so this would make for an interesting series. You would see the first date, and each person would have to check in with the original friend who set them up about whether a second date was in order. Then all three people would meet up and, in front of an audience, the friend would reveal what the answers were. Your heart is beating already, right?
1 A Career-Swapping Show
Remember Freaky Friday when the mom and daughter switched bodies and lives? That would make an awesome reality show, but of course you can't actually do that, so instead it could be a series about swapping careers. You would switch jobs with your BFF for a week and see how it went. This would be absolutely hilarious, don't you think? It could even inspire people to change careers entirely. See, not all reality TV is so bad. It can actually be a force for good.