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    12 Super Frugal Celebs

    It's pretty safe to say that most celebrities make more cash than the average person. A lot of them make us pretty clear of that fact by living some pretty lavish lives. We're talking mansions (sometimes several, and sometimes in several different places), more than one fancy car, designer clothes, shopping at organic markets, giving tons of money away to charity (which is definitely a nice perk of being rich and famous, we would say). But not everyone who makes a ton of money likes to show it… or even spend it. Here are 12 celebs who make plenty of money but prefer to live frugally anyway. Well, at least they're frugal compared to other rich and famous people. Maybe not to regular folks like us.

    12 Paul McCartney

    As one of the biggest musicians of all time, Paul McCartney is worth an estimated fortune of over a billion dollars. He actually refused to pay for his daughter, Stella McCartney's, college education unless she decided on a reasonably priced school. During Paul's highly publicized divorce from Heather Mills, she mentioned that one thing she didn't like about him was his refusal to spend money on charity. Ouch.

    11 Leonardo Dicaprio

    It sure seems like Leonardo Dicaprio lives the high life, but when it comes to spending money, he's relatively frugal and cares a lot about the environment. His estimated worth is over $200 million, but he still only owns one car: an eco-friendly Toyota Prius. Sure, he owns an island, too -- we can't forget that. But he's an environmental activist and started the Leonardo Dicaprio Foundation plus has donated over $39 million for the World Wildlife Fund's tiger habitat conservation fund.

    10 Sarah Jessica Parker

    This one might surprise you. Sure, the real woman behind Carrie Bradshaw isn't exactly living like a pauper. But besides investing in real estate like the brownstone that she lives in with her family, she lives a relatively frugal life. Her kids, for example, wear a ton of hand-me down clothing despite that not being exactly necessary. Sarah Jessica grew up poor in Ohio, and while she's never been ashamed of it, she's never forgotten it, either.

    9 Jay Leno

    Jay Leno has actually never spent any of the money that he has earned on the Tonight Show. Instead, he lives off the wages that he made doing comedy circuits. He reportedly makes around $25 million a year from other work, so he probably has quite a lot of money saved up. He puts his money into investments and savings as opposed to spending it on things he doesn't need. Not that he doesn't spend a lot of money, but relative to what he makes, it's pretty low.

    8 Mariska Hargitay

    Mariska Hargitay reportedly gets around half a million bucks per episode of Law & Order SVU, but she doesn't consider herself a big spender. As most people do, she struggled financially when she started out on the path towards stardom, and she's always been conscious to save as much as possible. She has actually mentioned that it's important to her to have plenty of money saved up in case the roles stop coming in as she ages.

    7 Dave Grohl

    Dave Grohl has made a ton of money being a member of both Nirvana and Foo Fighters, but he prefers to save as much money as possible. He never graduated high school so he always had the idea that he wanted to always have enough money to fall back on if things didn't work out for him musically. He also likes to set a good example for his kids. He said that the recording studio he built into his L.A. home is the biggest expense he's willing to make.

    6 Jennifer Lawrence

    Jennifer Lawrence has already made millions but she admits to still being very frugal. She has said that she was brought up to think that money is something that you should have tons of respect for and think that it's worth something. She credits her fam with keeping her grounded (and frugal).

    5 Vincent Kartheiser

    The Mad Men star never went crazy when the wages started rolling in from his role as Pete on the hit AMC show. He actually still lives in a one-bedroom apartment and takes the bus to cut down on the costs associated with driving a car. Yes, really. The bus. Now that is extreme frugal living for someone who makes a substantial income in Hollywood. It sounds like he's got a pretty good head on his shoulders too and zero ego, which is always nice to see.

    4 Tyra Banks

    Tyra Banks has told Forbes that she still asks her accountant if she can afford things and then he laughs at her. She's worth about $75 million. She explains that she's always been pretty frugal, and  she even still takes the soaps and shampoos from hotels to use at home. Hey, you might have more in common with Tyra Banks than you thought.

    3 Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga probably spends a good amount of money on some things, but the star has admitted that she still uses coupons when she goes grocery shopping. In 2012, she even told the media that her manager often phones her and asks why she doesn't ever buy anything.

    2 Zooey Deschanel

    The actress has had a super successful film and TV career, plus she's got her music and her website, But she still lives pretty frugally. When she was going through a divorce in 2013, some of the paperwork was (rudely) leaked and it laid out her monthly expenses. The documents showed that she only spent a small portion of her income on monthly needs, and that a good amount of her money was invested or given away to charity. She has also expressed her love of vintage clothes shopping.

    1 Warren Buffett

    Warren Buffett is one of the richest men in the world, which is partly because he's great at making money and partly because he doesn't spend any. In 1958, he bought a home in Omaha Nebraska for $31,000, and he still lives in it. He makes careful choices about everything that he spends every single dollar on, whether it is his groceries or big investments out in the world. He has said:  "Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."