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    13 Embarrassing Kardashian Moments

    We usually think that famous people live totally amazing, glorious lives where nothing bad happens. We're the ones who are lowly human beings who sit in traffic, get yelled at by our bosses and spill coffee on ourselves when we're walking to work. But of course, that's not the way that it works, and celebrities do have a lot of awful things happen to them… and we're talking really embarrassing moments. The Kardashians are definitely no exception. We love to watch their daily lives unfold on Twitter and Instagram, and of course we're all pretty much addicted to their reality show. But although this fam has tons of money and are all completely beautiful and stylish, they don't lead super perfect lives, and they make mistakes and go through stuff just like everyone else on this planet. We're breaking down the 13 most embarrassing moments that the Kardashian women are dealt with. Yup, you're probably going to be cringing a bit (or more than a bit).

    13 Kim's Claim To Fame

    We all know that Kim Kardashian catapulted into fame thanks to her, um, adult video. It definitely counts as a pretty embarrassing time because no one wants their private moments broadcast for the entire world to see. But we're not sure she would really see it as quite so humiliating since, well, she got where she is today. So this one is a bit of a gray area but it definitely made the list.

    12 Kourtney Making Fun Of Kim

    We're all pretty much obsessed with the GIFs of Kim crying and sobbing and making that ridiculous face. But did you see the episode of Keeping Up: Kardashians On Vacation a few months ago when Kourtney laughed at Kim for the way that she cries? She basically proved that it's hard to take Kim seriously when she's crying so much. Ouch. It always hurts when your own sister pokes fun at you, especially when you're in such an emotional, vulnerable place.

    11 Kendall Getting Tongue-Tied

    Last May, Kendall Jenner was one of the many presenters at the Billboard Music Awards and she had a pretty easy task: introduce 5 Seconds of Summer. Instead, she basically called them One Direction and totally confused the two boy bands. She said "one" and then stopped for a while before joking that she was really bad at reading. So that's basically two super embarrassing moments in one since you don't exactly want to admit that you don't or can't read.

    10 Khloe's Wasted Rant Towards Her Mom

    Apparently Khloe drank a bit too much (and by a bit we mean like a ton) when Kris Jenner turned 60 last February. Khloe reportedly screamed at her mom and swore a lot, complaining that it was really boring being forced to listen to a speech that Kris was making. As Stephanie Tanner would say, how rude! (#fullhouseforever) We don't know if this is 100 percent true or not since it's always impossible to tell, but let's just say this is a humiliating story, whether or not it actually happened.

    9 Khloe's Wishy-Washy Feelings

    Look, we get it: divorce is no laughing matter and it's definitely not a super easy decision to make. And of course, Lamar had some serious health issues recently, so it makes sense that Khloe and her family would rally behind him and try to help out. But it's a bit embarrassing how Khloe keeps going back and forth on whether or not she really wants to end things with her ex. She's totally wishy-washy and we never know what to believe -- one day the media claims she's 100 percent done and the next, they're apparently getting back together. Who knows what's really happening, but it's not great when a supposedly strong and successful and independent woman is spending all her time hung up on a guy.

    8 Kim Not Wearing A Bra

    Listen, ladies: you have to wear a bra. There is no question about there. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Apparently Kim didn't get the memo because she has stepped out in public without this super important undergarment.

    7 Everyone's Wardrobe Malfunctions

    There are endless photos around the Internet of each Kardashian female practically showing a bit too much of themselves. We're talking crop tops that are a little too cropped, shirts that keep almost completely opening by accident, and more. Come on, Kardashians. You're in the public eye 100 percent of the time. Can't you try a bit harder to make sure that your clothes fit and that nothing embarrassing happens to you? There's only so much that you can control in this crazy world, but what you wear is definitely one of them.

    6 Kris And Kourtney's Cheating Scandal

    Look, let's just get this out of the way first: we totally don't think that Kourtney is seducing her mom's new beau Corey Gamble and creating a massive scandal. But the cheating rumor is still really humiliating for the entire family, because no one wants people to say this kind of stuff about you.

    5 Kourtney's Annoyance At Her Fam

    A hilarious article appeared in Bustle showing all the times that Kourtney said really hilarious/borderline mean things about her dear old sisters. We love when she just straight-up called her family annoying and when she said, "I don't think normal people hate the people they're with this much." Talk about super embarrassing. You don't want the world to know that your own family member said something like that about you.

    4 Kim's Selfie Obsession

    We obviously all adore selfies, since that's what we post on Instagram on a regular basis. But we don't always love seeing celebrities who are so clearly in love with themselves that they can't stop snapping selfies. We have to call Kim out here for this because the girl even published a book about her selfies. It's pretty embarrassing to be that obsessed with getting the perfect and even imperfect photos, right?

    3 Khloe Showing Off Her Butt

    We get that you got all healthy and lost weight, Khloe, and that the Kardashian females are pretty much known and celebrated for their butts. But this photo of you showing off your butt in a skin-tight grey skirt is, well, a little bit much. We get that you have curves and of course you should love them, but why do you have to be so obvious about it? It's a bit embarrassing because just think of it like this: why would a normal person walk around flaunting their butt? They wouldn't. They just wouldn't.

    2 Kylie Having An Accident

    We have to admit that this embarrassing story takes the cake, and it comes straight from super stylish Kylie Jenner herself. She has admitted that she had a totally humiliating moment when she was only five years old when she, um, had an accident. We're talking the number 2 variety. But not just once. Apparently she moved all over her house and it kept happening. Can you say gross? Kylie was somehow totally okay admitting this, but her sis Kendall jumped in and helped tell the story, because there's nothing like embarrassing your own flesh and blood, especially when it's a super disgusting story, we guess.

    1 Kim's Spelling Mistake

    Sorry Kim, we still love you. But we couldn't help but point out this huge spelling mistake that you made over on Twitter. Last June, Kim tweeted, "Why did Georgio Armani discontinue my favorite foundation??? I'm on my last bottle & everyone I know uses this!!! Please make it again!” The response from the brand was that they would be thrilled to give her some of the product… but she should learn to spell, since Armani's first name is Giorgio. Oops. It's probably a good idea to check the spelling of the famous, legendary person that you're writing about.