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    13 Movies That Will Make You Ugly Cry

    What do you want when you head to the movies, or when you're hanging out home alone on a Friday night browsing Netflix? Romance, horror, a thriller, or a total sobfest? Most of us don't actually seek out sad movies, because let's face it, no one wants to cry and no one wants to feel bad. Life is hard enough, thank you very much. But there are certain movies out there that are so tragic that they really get under your skin and hit you where it hurts, aka your heart. You can't help but sob like you've never sobbed before. If you're by yourself, it's not super embarrassing and you can pretend it never even happened. But if you're with someone else like your BFF or boyfriend, well, hopefully they're crying too so it's not that weird (even if your boyfriend would never admit to getting so emotional, of course). Here are 13 movies that will totally, 100 percent have you sobbing, no matter how many times you press play.

    13 The Fault In Our Stars

    This is totally one of those book/movie combos that are both exactly as good as the other. If you're an avid reader, you've probably had the experience (more than once) of reading an awesome novel and then being super psyched for the movie, then having it fall super short of your high expectations. But not with John Green's novel. The Fault In Our Stars is also about cancer, but the two teen main characters are super beautiful souls who will touch your heart.

    12 A Walk To Remember

    So apparently there are a lot of sad films about couples torn apart from a tragedy. A Walk To Remember is definitely one of them. Maybe you were a pre-teen when you first saw this flick but you've definitely seen it about a hundred or even more times since then. Because it's pretty classic, right? Shane West and Mandy Moore totally shine as a couple from opposite sides of the track who find each other and realize that they're totally meant to be. While their time together is pretty brief, their love will endure. Awww… Just try not to cry when Shane West cries. Just try.

    11 The Notebook

    Does Rachel McAdams only star in tearjerkers? No, of course not. But it sure seems like that. Does a sadder movie than The Notebook exist in the world? That would be no. You 100 percent cried the first (and second, and third, and millionth) time you saw this movie. Don't lie. It's okay because this romantic film makes every single person who's alive cry like a baby. Man, woman, super tough, super sweet -- no matter who you are, you've been super affected by this love story. It's actually pretty cruel how sad this movie is. It's hard not to be in a total funk after watching it for the hundredth time (usually when you're getting over a break up). But maybe that's from all the ice cream you've just consumed. Oops.

    10 The Choice

    The latest Nicholas Sparks movie is definitely worth watching. It's pretty good and has a super interesting story. A guy and girl meet cute, obviously (what else is new?) but they have a genuine connection because they live next to each other in a beautiful Southern small town by the water. They go through a super tragic thing that we won't spoil for you, but needless to say, the tears will be flowing before you even know it. Yeah, you may think you're pretty cool, calm and collected but this flick is going to prove you wrong.

    9 Love Story

    Have you seen this classic, well, love story from 1970? It's truly gorgeously shot and acted. You probably have heard the storyline by now so it's not really a spoiler, but it's about two college students who totally fall for each other… and then she gets cancer. Ugh. The worst. You will be so moved by their compassion for each other that you won't stop sobbing even when the final credits roll.

    8 Home Room

    You may not have heard of this movie but that's because it's a tiny indie film from back in 2002. You may know the two main actresses, though: Busy Phillips (from Dawson's Creek -- remember Joey's hilarious and troubled roomie?) and Erika Christensen (Swimfan and Parenthood). They play two high schoolers from different social classes who bond after a tragedy at their school. It's seriously touching and sad. Like really, really sad. You won't believe how sad you feel when watching this film, but it's worth it because it's such a well-crafted, well-told story.

    7 Stepmom

    OMG. This movie is super fun… and will definitely make you cry. A lot. You might have seen this Julia Roberts flick but if you haven't, here's the deal: she's (of course) a soon-to-be stepmom to two super adorable kids. Susan Sarandon's character is sick and the way that she spends time with her family before having to say goodbye forever is just devastating to watch. You will fall for all the characters, including the children, of course. You won't want their story to end and you won't want the movie to, either.

    6 Like Crazy

    This film may not seem like a total tearjerker at first glance but it will definitely get you. It's about a British girl and American guy who fall in love while at college in L.A. They have the best time ever together and really connect on a whole other level. Their love is so deep it's pretty magical and almost spiritual. Then, of course, she is forced back to London. What happens next is pretty interesting and definitely sad.

    5 Blue Valentine

    This movie is so crazy sad you might watch it once and never want it to watch it again. Or you might be a total masochist and keep viewing it. Who knows. But Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams give stellar performances as a couple who are dealing with the demise of their once happy and carefree marriage. Yeah, a total downer. But really well done too so you can cry while knowing you're getting some good entertainment.

    4 About Time

    This is one of two Rachel McAdams time traveling movies on this list but the two are super different. This one's about a British dude who has this special ability, and basically, you want to watch it because it'll make you appreciate the people in your life, especially your family. His scenes with his dad are heartbreaking.

    3 The Time Traveler's Wife

    Yup, another time travel movie starring Rachel McAdams. This one's even sadder, so get your tissues and ice cream out. Maybe some potato chips and sour candy too. You'll need lots of supplies and sugar to get through this one. If you've read the amazing, beautifully written book, you already know the deal, but here goes: Rachel McAdams' character meets an older guy, Henry, in her garden when she's a kid. She grows up and meets him at the right age and they fall totally and completely in love. But of course, he time travels, and after a certain point, he's gone. Ugh. The feels.

    2 My Girl

    You probably checked this movie out as a kid and couldn't believe how much you cried. The twist is a huge surprise and really hard to get over, so if you haven't watched this since, hey, we totally get it and we're on your side. If you're tearing up just thinking about it, it's okay. Take a deep breath.

    1 Remember Me

    OMG talk about another surprise twist. This one really, really affects you. You probably saw this in theatres because, well, Robert Pattison. You don't really need a reason beyond this cutie. But you were shocked to find out how a seemingly cute rom com became such a devastatingly sad and tragic story. You probably didn't even have the necessary stuff (aka junk food and tissues) on hand because you didn't expect to cry. Well, if you want to torture yourself now and watch it again, at least you'll be prepared.