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    13 Signs You're An Indigo Child

    In the spiritual and New Age world there is a group called the “indigo children”, whom were born with specific traits that make them unique, special and more evolved human beings.

    The term became popular in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe who was the first one to come up with the concept. Others like Jan Tober and American channeler, speaker and author Lee Carroll developed the concept further.

    According to the New Age movement the purpose of indigo children is to help mankind evolve to a higher level of consciousness and to teach the world valuable lessons that can bring peace, harmony and benevolence in this chaotic world of ours.

    Many people are presumed to be indigo children who have failed to notice their own particular traits that make them special human beings. Who knows, maybe you're an indigo child. If you want to find out then keep on reading to learn these 13 signs that you're an indigo child.

    14 You Feel and Know You're Different

    From a very young age these children know they don't belong to the masses, that they are unique and different to the majority. They can be perceived as odd or weird, but this is simply because the majority of the world can't understand that they are simply different and more evolved human beings.

    Indigo children care little for the world's opinion and they feel they should be revered instead of criticized, because deep down in their subconscious mind they know they are of a higher level of vibration.

    13 Rigid Systems Cause You Stress

    You can't expect for an indigo child/adult to happily follow society's rigid systems, like going to school and sitting still on a chair or going to work from 9 to 5 every day and finding joy in it. They are free spirits that find confined schedules overwhelming and useless. They believe everything should be given a creative thought and approach.

    Indigo children can find it extremely difficult to adapt to expected behaviors and routines. Routines kill them mentally and emotionally, especially if there is no transcendental purpose to it, which in most cases there isn't

    12 You Are Perceived as Antisocial

    This is particularly noticeable as children when parents expect for their child to be a social butterfly and they instead draw away from other children and would rather spend time alone. As children, indigo children tend to socialize primarily with other indigo children, with whom they can relate to and feel understood.

    As adults, they know that there exists a social pressure that they have to create connections and socialize with other people, so they adapt but this doesn't mean they like it. Again, they will only find comfort and security when surrounded by other indigo adults. But generally speaking, they tend to be adults who will continue to draw away from the masses and will truly enjoy alone time, which to them is crucial snce it is when they regain their strength.

    11 You're Confident

    In spite of being looked upon as weird and different, indigo children have a very strong confidence. They know where they stand and they see the people around them (whom are not indigo) as weird and different. They walk on a completely different path than the masses, and stereotypical determinations of beauty have little effects on indigo children, since they can see beyond the intentions of marketing strategies. Nevertheless, their confidence stands beyond the physical attributes, they are focused on more transcendental qualities which give them a confidence that can't be destroyed by modern marketing strategies.

    10 You Fight The Rules

    Indigo children can find it difficult to follow strict rules just for the sole purpose of subjecting themselves to someone else's authority. They analyze things and if their analysis fails to find a purpose to the rules that are imposed upon them they will find a way to fight back or complain about it.

    Authority does not sit well for them. Parents and teachers have a hard time handling them because they won't obey for the sole purpose of being obedient; they dance to their own rhythm and are hard to control.

    9 You Need To Fulfill Your Personal Needs

    Of course this is important for everyone, but for indigo children this is crucial. If they can't grow or work in an environment that allows them to fulfill their personal needs they can easily fall into a depression. Many people can work a job they hate and still find a way to enjoy themselves. Indigo children can't, they'll burst into tears and find a way where they can fulfill their personal needs. After all, their personal needs are tightly united with the purpose of their soul which is why it's a need that goes beyond a traditional mindset, where it doesn't matter if you don't have your dream job.

    8 You've Experienced Existential Depression From an Early Age

    From an early age these children begin to wonder what's the meaning of it all. Their highly developed souls make them question and wonder about the existence of mankind on this planet, which also drives them to be misunderstood by adults around them who can't understand why their children are so unhappy. During their lifetime, indigo children will seek the meaning of existence, falling repeatedly into depression if they fail to fully comprehend the meaning of life.

    7 You're Very Empathetic

    They care too much and this can be perceived as a flaw because they can become extremely passionate regarding the troubles of the world, which can also cause them pain. They have a deep sense of empathy towards people, animals, plants and every living being on this earth. Nevertheless, they can also be intolerant regarding people's stupidity. They find it hard to accept people's ignorant behavior and attitudes.

    6 You're Intuitive

    For indigo children, their intuition has a particular sharpness and reliability. They somehow know when someone is not being honest or has a secret agenda. They can also sometimes have premonitions regarding future events, like having a gut feeling that something is going to happen and then it happens. Unfortunately they can't have a premonition regarding the winning lotto numbers, because they can't control their superpowers, but if you're an indigo child then listen to your gut feeling, because it is a trait that is highly developed in you and can be pretty handy.

    5 You Prefer Working Alone

    Indigo children tend to be loners and they find it really hard to work with people, especially because not everyone is an indigo child. This is why they'll prefer to work alone or have positions of leadership, where they don't have to take on an authority and can have the power to correct people to do a better job. They're highly efficient in the work place if they are working in something that they love. They're also great leaders thanks to their empathetic nature and overachieving personality. They'll make sure other people are doing their job right, but they'll always do it in a kind manner.

    4 It's Hard For You To Pay Attention to Something You Don't Like

    So most people can find it hard to do this one, but for indigo children it's simply impossible, they can't pay attention to something they're not interested in. For the medical world this doesn't make someone an indigo child, but a child that has ADD or ADHD. Nevertheless, for the New Age movement this is a clear trait of indigo children, their advanced consciousness not allowing them to give their precious attention to things that seem pointless. On the other hand if the indigo child is interested in something, it can be quite hard for an adult to take his attention away from that.

    3 You Have a Deep Desire To Improve The World

    It doesn't matter in which department. Indigo children have a strong desire to improve the circumstances of the world. It might be regarding education, medicine, arts or volunteering work. They feel like they have a commitment towards the planet and that their purpose in this place is to help. This is why it's not rare for indigo children to work for NGOs or have a position that enables them to do good in the world.

    2 You're Creative

    It is the sensitivity these children/adults have that allows them to be extremely creative beings. Even if they don't work in a creative field they will pursue hobbies that allow them to externalize their inner world. They need creativity in their lives to pour out their hearts and souls. Many of them become talented artists that change lives with their work. They can also go into other creative fields with amazing success. Creativity is in their nature; it's part of their essence.

    1 You're Into Spirituality

    This doesn't mean indigo children are religious. It means they explore the essence of religion, which is spirituality or at least have the ability to comprehend more abstract ideas. They are keen on reading and exploring the meaning of existence and work to develop a higher spiritual state, always seeking to increase their consciousness to expand their knowledge with the goal of helping others achieve a higher consciousness.

    Indigo children/adults are also devoted readers of paranormal things. They like exploring the alternative side to what is considered traditional. They are very open minded and even if they don't believe everything they read they may still hold onto the possibility it might be true.