Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celeb Couples Who Haven't Let Hollywood Ruin Them

    15 Celeb Couples Who Haven't Let Hollywood Ruin Them

    With celebrity culture on the rise, it's become the new norm for role models and finding people who inspire us. Usually, when we think of individuals who inspire us daily we think of creatives that work in the field we're pursuing or fashion inspiration, we don't usually think of relationship inspiration! That's all about to change! Can anyone say: #RelationshipGoals?!

    There's no shame in looking towards celebrities for some inspiration every once and awhile as long as we don't try to copy every single thing they do with their lives. I've looked to many celebs for advice, even how to handle stress! The individuals on this list have been together for years and some even decades, making an everlasting impression on those seeking relationship inspiration! If you don't know how to deal with a specific situation or how to grow as a couple, looking towards the red carpet is a great place to look, especially with these power couples who have shown they're more than just showbiz. These couples proudly show how strong they really are and how much they can endure while dealing with their careers, personal life, children, marriage, and most of all the spotlight!

    “Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quite understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” - Ann Landers

    15 Matt and Luciana Damon

    Whoever said you can't find love at a bar is seriously wrong! This is exactly where Matt Damon and Luciana Barroso met! It was love at first sight and ever since they've been there for each other every step of the way. They've currently been married for over 11 years, they've remained in love with each other every single day as well! Now that's something I look up to! Many people who know them in real life constantly speak up about how it was love at first sight and no one could ever disagree. Matt and Luciana Damon are forever head over heels with each other despite their pasts. Not only is their relationship inspiring, their career is as well! They've worked together on many films and even acted together, could you picture a more perfect scenario? Many say their love will last forever and I honestly will have to agree with that statement!

    14 Rachel Zoe and Rodger Berman

    The perfect urban couple who spend their time with their two kids walking and exploring their home in Beverly Glen California, enjoying iced Starbucks teas and the love they all share between them (if that doesn't sound like the most perfect life then I don't know what is, because it sounds perfect to me!). Seriously, if that isn't a perfect picture to you I don't know what is! Rachel Zoe and Rodger Berman have had two children that are totally adorbs, they've been known to be the most fashionable couple and family in many tabloids and they keep up with that reputation! They're always looking super stylish and have amazing attitudes on life to match their very cute and hippie aesthetic! I couldn't be more jealous of this special pair than I already am!

    “Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead.” - Oscar Wilde

    13 Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond

    Did you know they both actually were dating for 7 years before actually getting married? That's crazy and crazy beautiful! They originally met at Second City and dated those 7 years with love overflowing in their hearts. When they got married they had two daughters together, Alice and Penelope! With their love of Ohio, they make very frequent trips to go camping and see musicals with the family, traditions they still keep to this day. Their bond is extremely strong and it's obvious even through the spotlight the support they give to each other! Tina Fey while currently working on her hit show 30 Rock, the support given to her by her husband and children is seriously inspiring! If I had to choose one couple I wanted to be most like they would be pretty close to the top of that list! Not to mention they're another couple that constantly works together on new projects, helping them both grow creatively together!

    12 Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

    Sarah Jessica Parker has always been a huge inspiration in many women's lives but with her marriage in the spotlight because of her new show, Divorce, she has spoken out about her relationship and how much love and compassion she has for her husband Matthew Broderick. For nearly 20 years, this couple has been growing stronger and stronger each day together. In multiple TV interviews, Matthew Broderick has claimed to be his wife's number one fan no matter what she does. This is the ultimate inspiration, knowing that you have a husband by your side that will be there for you no matter what and no matter what sort of creative project you want to start next. Sarah Jessica Parker told People Magazine that she's quite nervous to return to TV but with the help and support of her husband she finally took the plunge and went for it! Go girl!

    11 Sting and Trudie Styler

    They've both said countless times how lucky they are, claiming they must be one of the most lucky couples in Hollywood because of the love they have for each other in their hearts. They've been together for over 30 long years, sharing their love for each other every step of the way with the world around them. While Sting goes on tour just as much as he did in his youth, you might mistake Trudie as a groupie because of how excited she always is to see him perform something he loves! They've always been there for each other and many just see them as young teenagers in love because of how their love radiates! Sting has always believed that their love is so strong because of their strong friendship they've had for decades, it's lasted for 50 years and it continues to grow stronger each day. If this couple doesn't inspire you to put your most in the relationship you're in, I don't know what will!

    10 Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson

    One of the most notable relationships on this list simply because their 28-year marriage almost never even happened. Tom Hanks has revealed in multiple interviews that their love story was not an easy one. It was full of his insecurities that almost prevented him from even talking to Rita Wilson when they were younger. He was always so nervous around her and he has mentioned that if they went to the same high school they probably wouldn't get married because he was just way too awkward to even speak to her as beautiful and smart as she was! Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have been a constant reminder on the red carpet and in celebrity culture in general that love really does exist and it can exist while being under the spotlight. A career doesn't have to get in the way of real love if you work together and communicate!

    9 Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller

    Seth Rogen and Lauren Miller have had quite the emotional journey when it comes to their love story. The beginning of their relationship started ten years ago, surrounding the stress and trauma caused because of his mother-in-law Adele was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. It was a very emotional time that caused both pain and hope for doing better in the world. They worked together to create the cause called, Hilarity for Charity, an organization they helped found to support Alzheimer's. While this might have been a bit of a rocky start to such a strong relationship they would have to disagree and say that it brought them together to do more for the world and community around them. So far they have been going strong ever since, working with various charities to make a difference in the world while also balancing their careers! She is also so beautiful!

    8 Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell

    They've been together since 1983 and have such a strong relationship it all kind of makes us sick! While they lead a bit of a different lifestyle than most, at the end of the day they still hold onto their love for each other and move forward together in love together as one couple. They've been rumored to spend most of their time apart but if that's what works for them and the love is still there, who are we to judge their own personal choices. I don't know if I would go about my life with my partner like this but either way, they've shown that through the decades long love they've shared that nothing will get in their way. They've worked together in the past and have been extremely open about their private lives, what more could you ask for! But seriously, they have a unique relationship and they remind us all that it's okay to be a bit different.

    7 Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld

    Jerry and Jessica Seinfeld have been together for so long but throughout their relationship they've had various slander pointed in their direction. Regardless of the accusations they've been accused of, they've shown the world how important it is to be a team with your spouse. To know how to understand each other and how to support each other even through extremely rough situations. It might not always be easy when so many people show their blatant hate, but they've worked through it together!

    Here's a quote he constantly refers to when talking about his career and his relationship, just do it right!

    “For me, it's a purity thing about the joke itself. It's a test of a joke whether or not you do it completely clean and it works. If it does, then that's a legitimate item you have there. For me, it's nothing to do with finding those words offensive. It's just not what I'm in search of. Do it clean, and you are really earning that laugh.” - Jerry Seinfeld

    6 Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith

    Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been so honest to their audience, they have admitted their flaws and they have worked together to heal as one. They've talked to many publications about their time in marriage counseling, discussing their struggles and how they've overcome them in recent months. While no marriage is perfect, they've shown the world that it's seriously okay to need help sometimes, that that doesn't make you weak or incapable, it shows you care and want things to work out and to me that's more commendable than anything else, especially when it's a couple just pretending they're okay when they really aren't. Their honesty towards those who care is just plain inspiring. Not only that but their careers are skyrocketing, I can only hope for another Will Smith movie soon! There's nothing wrong with needing an extra hand every once and awhile, we all need it sometimes.

    5 Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne

    When you think of old school couples, the first people that come to mind would have to be the Osbournes, they've been real about their love since the start of their rise to fame. They've become an iconic duo that's been known for their creepy style and outlandish thinking but at the end of the day, most people know them as the couple that made it through all the BS. Yeah, they fight and bicker on their TV series, but don't we all. They only fight because they care about each other and they care about their kids, they care about their careers and their future together. They're an inspiration!

    “I'm about caring, I'm about people, and I'm about entertaining people. I'm a family man. A husband. A father. I've been a lot of other things over the years, which we don't really want to talk about.” - Ozzy Osbourne

    4 Denzel and Pauletta Washington

    With the constant rumors circling everyone's heads thinking these two are headed for a divorce, we can't help but step into their shoes for a moment and feel the pain they're both feeling. It's so sad to see a couple attacked because of their own personal issues they're trying to work through. Who are we to assume they'll be getting a divorce because we don't know them personally and even if we did that wouldn't give us the right to assume something about their relationship. They've been accused to be a show marriage, but I beg to differ. I feel as though they've both made it through so much, they've raised four kids himself and they've grown together throughout their careers. They've been there for each other and shown the world what it means to get through a tough situation. Their 23 years of marriage isn't something of a joke to be shoved in the spotlight.

    3 Tina Turner and Erwin Bach

    Tina Turner and Erwin Bach have been together since 2013, BUT have dated for many many years on and off, they have shown their commitment is strong and they will do anything for each other. What is so amazing about this fantastic couple is their strong romantic love they are not afraid to hide from the world. You can feel the butterflies from here! They have also broken many many stereotypes with their marriage and partnership, they have shown that it does not matter what your skin color is when there is love. Their love breaks boundaries that bigots seem to still believe in in this day and age and most importantly they have grown so close together they also show us how important it is to not give up when you are older. There is so much life to live it is never okay to just give up on life no matter what your age is!

    2 Meryl Streep and Don Gummer

    They have been married since 1978 and he has been by her side every step of the way. While she focused on her career of acting, he focused on his creative career of sculpting. They have been quite the successful pair, giving out so much inspirations for young couples on the red carpet and those sitting at home watching such regal events. Meryl Streep is one of the most elegant women alive, she has made so many differences in Hollywood and in acting. She's had a past love by the name of John Cazale who passed away, after that tragic event she met Don and it was love at first sight. They've shown us how sometime moving fast in a relationship is perfectly okay!

    “I have a holistic need to work and to have huge ties of love in my life. I can't imagine eschewing one for the other.” - Meryl Streep

    1 Elton John and David Furnish

    They've been husband and husband for some now since Elton John came out as gay and it's such a beautiful site to see him truly happy. They live a glamorous lifestyle with their two children, they've shown the world that it's okay to do what you want when it's for love and it doesn't hurt anyone! Their love is blossoming and they've been together since 2005, but looking at them now you'd think they're still in puppy love because of how happy they look together! If there's one thing I've learned from writing this list, it's the fact that you can love who you want and if you two really do share a strong bond it will work out no matter what.

    “We were both very much the same. We were both very impulsive. We both loved life. We both loved shopping. We both had a love of clothes, obviously, because he was the designer that I kind of wore forever and ever.” - Elton John