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    15 Celebrities Who Are Trying To Change The World

    You might think that celebrities spend all their time shooting movies and TV shows, going to glamorous parties, flying around the world to exotic locations, and running from the paparazzi. Celebrities seem like they live in an elite Hollywood bubble, so you might assume that most of them don't think too much about what goes on outside of that bubble. After all, they've got it made sure, there are tons of problems going on around the world, but those problems don't usually affect them, so why would it matter? However, you might be surprised to find out how many celebrities are actually involved in activism. Lots of celebrities stand up for causes they believe in, and because they have a lot of money and influence, they have the power to set off some major changes and make progress on these issues. Here are 15 celebrities who are trying to change the world.

    15 Leonardo DiCaprio

    We've loved him since Titanic, and his movies are reason enough to be a huge fan of Leonardo DiCaprio, he just seems to nail every role. But there are even more reasons to love Leo besides his acting. He's a huge advocate for climate change awareness, sustainable living, and renewable energy. In fact, he just released an amazing documentary about climate change and the environmental movement called Before the Flood. To produce this documentary, Leo traveled around the world as an ambassador for the UN, visiting places that were affected by climate change. He interviews leading environmental scientists, politicians, and people who concerned about the impact that climate change will have on their countries. Leo has been talking about climate change and how we need to change our lifestyles for years, but this documentary explores the full scope of the problem and suggests some solutions that everyone can take part in.

    14 Shailene Woodley

    You probably first heard about Shailene Woodley when she played Amy on Secret Life of the American Teenager, -a guilty pleasure show if there ever was one! Secret Life ended a few years ago, but she also went on to star in the Divergent films and The Fault in Our Stars. Her acting resume is definitely stacked, but she's also an activist. Recently, Shailene actually went to Standing Rock to protest the pipeline that was going to be built through the Sioux tribe's land. These protests were successful, and authorities are now considering rerouting the pipeline, this just goes to show that when people come together and stand up for what they believe in, they can really make a change! Shailene was arrested while protesting at Standing Rock, but that will never stop her from standing up for what's right! It's pretty inspiring to see a celebrity who truly lives by their principles.

    13 Emma Watson

    Emma Watson became a household name when she played Hermione in the Harry Potter films. Her character was smart, strong, and never backed down from a challenge. So it's no surprise that Emma herself is a fighter with the courage to stand up for women around the world. Plus, Emma is probably just as smart as Hermione, after all, she did go to Brown University! Emma is also an outspoken feminist, and now that she's done making Harry Potter films, she's playing more female characters with the same values as Hermione. She'll be playing Belle in the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast! Emma started a foundation called He For She, which aims to educate men about feminism and women's rights issues so that they can be allies to the cause. Reaching out to men and encouraging them to help women is a great idea, and Emma's cause is a step in the right direction.

    12 George Clooney

    George Clooney might be the first name you think of when someone says “silver fox.” Let's be real, your mom definitely has a crush on him… and you might too, even though he's on the older side. No shame there! Clooney has been in a ton of awesome movies, and he's also been voted “The Sexiest Man Alive” more than once. But you know what's even better than being a handsome actor? Being a handsome actor who's also a dedicated activist. Clooney's activism might not make as many headlines as his starring roles or his good looks, but make no mistake, he's progressive at heart. Clooney has spoken up about violence and conflict in Darfur and traveled extensively through the region. He was also appointed as a UN messenger of peace. He also raised lots of money for victims of the earthquake in Haiti back in 2010. Keep up the good work!

    11 Angelina Jolie

    It should come as no surprise that Angelina Jolie is on this list, after all, she's actually pretty well known for some of her activist efforts. You probably already know that she's adopted three of her six children, but did you know about all of the other work she's done for various causes? Jolie has been known as a humanitarian for years, and she has even received awards for her efforts. She has worked with the UN to advocate for refugees, especially child refugees, and she has also worked on projects concerning conservation and women's rights. She got her start as an activist while filming Lara Croft: Tomb Raider in Cambodia, a country which has suffered because of war and political violence. She has said that seeing the horrible effects that wars have had on this nation inspired her to dedicate her time and efforts to improving people's lives around the world.

    10 Miley Cyrus

    Look, we know that Miley Cyrus might be the last person that you think of when you hear the word “activist.” Can you really imagine Hannah Montana getting out there to try and change the world? Well, let go of the media's image of Miley for a second and you'll see someone who actually does care about lots of important issues. Miley has been an advocate for homeless LGBT youth for a few years now, and she even had a homeless young man accept a VMA award on her behalf to raise awareness of this issue. Furthermore, she has started a foundation to fight for this cause called the Happy Hippie Foundation. Deep down, Miley is all about spreading love, and even though she's done some controversial things, she is genuinely trying to make a positive change in the world and has helped a lot of people along the way.

    9 Matt Damon

    You might have loved Matt Damon in The Martian, but did you know he's actually advocating for a few important causes here on Earth? Damon's activist efforts usually go to support a basic human right: the right to clean water. There are many people around the world who do not have access to clean water, even in developed nations! Many people take clean water for granted, but Damon is working to help everyone understand the importance of this resource and give more people access to clean water. He is the founder of H2O Africa, a foundation that helps improve access to clean water in Africa. He has also supported other causes that help African nations, such as protesting the wars in Darfur and raising money to help solve this crisis. He also supports the ONE campaign, this campaign is dedicated to helping people in developing nations who were affected by AIDS.

    8 Akon

    Sure, you probably only hear Akon's name when you turn on the radio. He doesn't exactly come up in the news much, so many people do not know about all the activist work that he's done. This rapper isn't also well known as a humanitarian, but he has actually helped many people get access to electricity, which can help in all areas of their lives. Akon is originally from Senegal, and his charity work aims to help more homes in Africa get access to electricity. So far, his efforts have been quite successful, his foundation hasn't completely solved the problem, but they have helped many villages gain access to electricity in fourteen different countries across Africa. This is very important because having electricity means having access to the Internet and other tools that are necessary in today's world. The Akon Lighting Africa charity has worked effectively to bring electricity to many parts of Africa.

    7 Beyonce

    Beyonce is quite obviously the queen of everything she can dance, sing, and drop a surprise album that shocks the whole world. She is such an accomplished artist that her art really speaks for itself, and you might wonder how she could possibly be any more amazing. Well, prepare to be amazed again. Beyonce is a passionate feminist, and many of her songs are all about spreading the message of female empowerment. Her music has tons of inspiring themes for young women, and she's all about being a strong role model for girls everywhere. Her video for “Formation” was so much more than just a typical music video she tied together lots of messages about feminism, the Civil Rights Movement, racism, and even the tragedy of Hurrican Katrina. Who else could pull that off besides Beyonce? She celebrates being a black woman and inspires women and girls of every race to celebrate themselves as well.

    6 Victoria Beckham

    Every 90s kid loved the Spice Girls it had to be some kind of law. Everyone had a favorite Spice Girl, and you can probably still name all five! This girl group was awesome, and we'll probably always miss them. So if you ever get nostalgic for the good old days of the Spice Girls, it might make you feel better to know that a few of them are now dedicating their lives to helping others. Victoria Beckham is one example. In 2014, Beckham was appointed as a UNAIDS International Goodwill Ambassador. Now, she travels the world helping countries figure out strategies for fighting AIDS. One goal of the program she represents is to end the global AIDS epidemic by 2030. That might seem like a pretty bold statement, but women like Beckham know that the future is in our hands, and we need to stand up for what's right and keep fighting to create that change.

    5 Shakira

    It's a fact, Shakira's hips don't lie. But Shakira is so much more than her body, or even her super fun dance songs, she's a powerful woman who stands up for human rights causes. She's also incredibly educated and speaks multiple languages! Yup, Shakira is definitely a role model. And Shakira is certainly not afraid to get political, she doesn't just pay lip service to causes, she actively works towards progress. Did you know that she served on the Obama administration's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics? The goal of this group was to implement educational policies that will help the Hispanic community in the US. Since Shakira knows the value of a great education, she has dedicated herself to helping young people stay in school and create better futures for themselves. She started a nonprofit to help fund schools in impoverished areas after her first radio hit, and she's been working for the cause ever since.

    4 Christina Aguilera

    Christina Aguilera is a blonde bombshell, a judge on The Voice, and she probably sang a few of your favorite hits growing up. "Genie in a Bottle", anyone? Christina can belt out a song like no other, but she's got more going for her than just her voice or that perfect blonde hair. Christina has actually helped with relief efforts in the wake of many natural disasters. After a natural disaster, people are very vulnerable, and they need lots of resources and donations to start rebuilding their communities. Christina went to Haiti after the earthquake in 2010 to help out, and she also traveled to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In 2012, Christina was at it again, and she assisted with the relief efforts after Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey. Having celebrities on board to help raise the necessary fund after a natural disaster can be very helpful!

    3 Mark Ruffalo

    Mark Ruffalo might have starred in The Avengers movies, but he's also a bit of a real life superhero which is just as cool as being in a superhero movie. Ruffalo is a major environmental activist who is extremely passionate about sustainability and preserving the earth for future generations. He's very aware of the threat that the fossil fuel industry poses for the future of our planet. He is a bit more radical in his views and his methods compared to other celebrities, but that's not a bad thing it just means that he's brave and fully understands the importance of his causes. He has stood up to the CEO of Monsanto, and he also co-founded a foundation called The Solutions Project, which promotes the use of clean, renewable energy over fossil fuels. Ruffalo also traveled to North Dakota to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline, hey, maybe he ran into Shailene Woodley while there.

    2 Natalie Portman

    Natalie Portman is an amazing actress, and she's also undeniably beautiful but there's so much more to Natalie than her acting skills and a pretty face. First of all, Natalie actually has a degree from Harvard University, which she completed while still acting in movies, pretty impressive, right? And she's put her knowledge to good use as an activist. Natalie is an animal rights advocate, she lives by those principles. She has followed a vegan lifestyle for many years, and she even launched her own brand of vegan footwear. She also supports environmental causes and even traveled to Rwanda to take part in a documentary called Gorillas on the Brink, which focused on the critical state of the gorilla species and conservation efforts. She also supports efforts to help women in developing countries start small businesses and earn more money to help their families. Natalie is a great role model for all of her fans.

    1 Morgan Freeman

    Morgan Freeman has played lots of great roles, and we know that you could listen to his voice narrate the phone book and he could somehow make it interesting. He always comes across as very wise and knowledgeable, and that's probably because he is! Morgan Freeman is educated on a variety of issues people are facing around the world, and he has quite literally used his voice as a force for good. In 2004, Freeman co-founded a charity called The Grenada Relief Fund to aid people on the island of Grenada who were affected by Hurricane Ivan. He also narrated clips produced by organizations like One Earth, an environmental advocacy group. No doubt that people will be more inclined to listen if Morgan Freeman is saying it! Using your skills to help raise awareness of an issue is a great way to push for change, and Freeman is doing just that.