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    15 Celebrities Who Are Weird AF

    If there's one thing that most people think about celebrities, it's that they're perfect. They look perfect on TV, they have the best and most luxurious life that most people are dreaming of, and they learn how to deal with negative press and haters. No, their lives aren't perfect but compared to most of us, the normal, ordinary human beings that we are, celebs may seem to have better lives. Well, not so fast dear readers! Because just like all of us, Hollywood stars also have their fair share of craziness, dirty little secrets, and weirdness of all sorts. And we're lucky because people aren't afraid of talking about such weirdness anymore. It's not as taboo as it used to be. But who are the weirdest celebrities of today? This list is going to shock you. It may not even include the celeb you first thought of!

    15 Jessica Simpson

    Why in the world would Jessica Simpson be considered weird? Well, for a lot of reason. First of all, who would have thought that she used to sing gospel? Not that we think it's wrong but seriously, it's not really part of the image that most people have of Jessica Simpson. Second of all, she has this weird addiction to nicotine gum. As in the stuff that you chew when trying to get over your smoking addiction. Despite her addiction to it, Simpson is not a smoker. She has never actually smoked. At least that's we know. So why the nicotine gum addiction? Nobody knows. Which is why we think the Blonde Ambition star is weird in more ways than one. But never mind, she's good at acting, she's got tons of projects lined up, and she's invading the fashion industry like a queen. So yeah, go Jessica Simpson!

    14 James Franco

    Next up on the list is the Freaks and Geeks star. If you're not familiar with that hilarious TV show, that's because it was on the air back in 1999 and 2000. If you forgot about that show, that's okay, it was a long time ago. But there is no way we're going to forget James Franco who, after that TV show, started having this amazing acting career. And he's also weird. Yes, he is. Don't you think that talking in the third person is weird? We think it is. Especially if you're not in character. Yes people, if you hang out with James for an entire day, you will definitely catch him talking in the third person more often than not. Who does that? Obviously, he doesn't care because it helps him with his career. No wonder he has been the narrator for tons of documentaries. Because he became so good at talking in the third person.

    13 Angelina Jolie

    Aside from the fact that she once wore her lover's blood in her neck (remember that vial necklace?), Angelina Jolie is a lot weirder than most people think. The Oscar-winning actress is known for her pretty face and gorgeous bod and far-from-typical family, but there's so much more about Jolie. Did you know she's a fan of exotic meals? Yes people, she eats pretty much anything that you put in front of her. And yet she still has that slender body that people dream of. Also, she's a fan of eating bugs. Yep, you read that right. As in creepy crawlies. Why? Well, according to some reports, Jolie discovered bugs are packed with protein, and that's when she decided to munch on them like popcorn. Now we're wondering if her kids do the same. Hmmm. The more you know, right? Will you do this?

    12 Catherine Zeta-Jones

    If there's one person who is super dedicated to keeping her teeth white, that would be Catherine Zeta-Jones. The UK-born actress has been in front of the cameras since forever. Seriously, can you remember the first time you saw Zeta-Jones? Probably not, because that was a really long time ago. It just goes to show she is a super good actress and a lot of people love her. In fact, we can't wait for the release of her new film Vivaldi which is coming out this year. It's rumored to be two hours long and it's probably going to be the best two-hour movie ever. But that doesn't erase the fact that Zeta-Jones is living a luxurious life to the point that she uses strawberries as her toothpaste. Yes people, that's how weird she is. Apparently, strawberries are good for making your teeth whiter, and that is why instead of a regular toothpaste, Catherine settles for berries.

    11 Miley Cyrus

    And now we have Miley Cyrus, who is weird in more ways than one. Don't you think it's crazy that she morphed from an adorable Disney kid into a provocative young lady? She was a star in the eyes of so many kids back then because her Disney characters were relatable and she was great at bringing those characters to life. Even if she was playing a bratty kid who would yell all the time, people absolutely loved it. Parents were okay with their kids watching it. Everything seemed to be going well for Miley… until she decided to go gaga and drink a lot and do drugs. It didn't take long before she made the evening news for terrible reasons, and take note, she did all of that in a short span of time. She changed in a snap. Do you think you can do that? Probably not. Maybe it's her superpowers or something.

    10 Cameron Diaz

    This blue-eyed blonde is the epitome of gorgeous. We all know that, right? Also, we all know that she is one of the best actresses of all time. Right? Right? Well people, Cameron Diaz is beloved by all human beings because she doesn't give a crap about rumors. That's probably one of the best things about her. Try spreading something negative about her and she'll just shrug her shoulders and continue walking down her awesome path. Because that's how she rules her world. But that doesn't mean that she's not weird. Because she is. She has weirdness running through her veins just like all of us. Who the heck opens doors with their elbows instead of their hands? That would be Cameron. Apparently, Cameron Diaz was diagnosed with OCD, aka obsessive compulsive disorder. Because of this, she opens doors with her elbows.

    9 Eminem

    Now we have the master rapper, none other than Eminem. Okay, for those who don't know, Eminem is not just a rapper. He has done so many things in his life that it would be a super long list if we tried to list absolutely everything. Instead, we're just going to talk about the highlights, like that moment he starred in the film 8 Mile. And the time he was on TV shows like Ladbrokes World Grand Prix, Who's Doing the Dishes, and Dafabet Masters. He did all of this while writing songs and rapping and performing and being the amazing musician that he is. Eminem probably has an overflowing source of energy. Maybe because he can't sleep in a room unless it's totally dark. So yes, if you want Eminem to have a sleepover at your apartment, you should make note that there is one room there that is super duper dark.

    8 Megan Fox

    We all have our own drama in life. That's a fact. And if you think you don't have any drama at all, you probably need to think again. We all have our own rituals and beliefs and we follow them like they're all parts of our lives. Hey, maybe they are. Like the fact that Britney Spears songs are part of the life of Megan Fox. Believe it or not, Fox can't get on a plane unless she has an iPod full of Britney Spears songs. Yes people, you read that right, she's going to spend an entire plane ride, no matter how long or short it is, listening to songs like "Baby One More Time." Why? Simply because she believes Britney's songs keep her safe. It's really that simple. At least it is for her. We still have some questions, Britney Spears sure knows how to make songs that make people happy, that's for sure, and Megan Fox seems to be one of her biggest and most loyal fans.

    7 Christian Bale

    Speaking of beliefs, if there's one person who has dedicated his life to following all the superstitious beliefs you can imagine, that would be Christian Bale. From "step on a crack and break your mother's back" to walking under ladders, Christian Bale is a master of it all. And by master, we mean he remembers all of it and he follows it unconsciously. Or maybe consciously. Who knows?! What we do know is that he has an accent since he was born in the UK and we love it, and we also love the fact that he's working on tons of films, some of which will hit the big screen this year. Like Hostiles. He starred in great films like American Hustle (who can forget that?), The Promise, and The Flowers of War. And then there's the 2018 Jungle Book. There you have it, friends, a list of films you should see starring one weird guy.

    6 Jane Lynch

    There's probably only one reason for you to drink NyQuil and that is if you have a cold or flu. Basically,  if you're not feeling well. But for the star of Glee, Wreck-It-Ralph, and the short film Writer's Block, well, she drinks it every single night. She can't sleep unless she drinks it. Yes people, we know, that's just weird. But don't worry , Jane Lynch is still a great person and she's not as weird as Madonna or Lady Gaga, so y'all are all safe if you think she will start wearing cone bras and sleeping in gigantic eggs. Instead, just focus on the fact that a new Wreck-It-Ralph film will come out next year and we can't wait. And in case you're wondering, Jane Lynch is the voice of Calhoun. She's also part of one of the best TV series of all time, Criminal Minds, and is the character Diana Reid, the mother of the super smart Spencer Reid.

    5 Dennis Rodman

    In case you don't know him, Dennis Rodman is one hell of a basketball player. Okay fine, he's retired now, but he's still one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Also, he's done a lot of cool stuff in his life, such as dressing like a bride, working as a professional wrestler, and dying his hair in all possible colors. If he wants to get his hair colored, he will get it colored. Rodman has played for many different teams, all in the NBA, like the Los Angeles Lakers, Chicago Bulls, San Antonio Spurs, and Dallas Mavericks. And despite the weird hair color fetish that he appears to have, he also spent a few years acting. He also appeared on two Pearl Jam albums. Yep, we're talking about the rock band Pearl Jam. So yes, Dennis Rodman is one man who is not afraid to try anything, and that includes kicking a cameraman in the crotch. Yup, he did that once.

    4 Demi Moore

    Demi Moore started her career when most of us were still babies. This woman knows how to keep the career that she loves going. Despite her not-so-pretty childhood. Demi was able to make the best out of her life, and really, that's what's important. Apparently, it's also important to keep your body clean, inside and out. At least according to this celebrity. One of the many rituals that Demi does for her bod involves leeches. Yes, leeches. And yes, live ones. Demi Moore is known for using leeches to suck the blood out of her which is a method of detoxing. Now you know what to do if you want to detox and you have no budget. Just go look for leeches, put them on your skin and hope you're doing it right. We're not sure how long the star has been doing this but we can all see how good she looks, so… maybe leeches really are good.

    3 James McAvoy

    James McAvoy has a lot of films in the works and we can't wait for all of them to hit the big screen because he is one hell of an actor. One of his most anticipated projects is Gnomeo & Juliet: Sherlock Gnomes where he will be the voice of Gnomeo. According to reports, it will be out in 2018 so while we're waiting for that, since we're not very patient people, let's talk about how weird this man is because, well, there's something that he does that is pretty odd. He says "white rabbit" to the very first person that he sees every month. No, that's not a joke or a code or a euphemism. That really is what he says. How weird is that? Now we're not sure where he got this habit and when it started but what we do know is that it's weird. And we also know that we're not going to be able to stop thinking about this and wondering about it.

    2 Prince

    There's probably not a single person who doesn't know Prince. The late singer-songwriter is a legend and that's true for so many reasons. Prince is best known for his wide vocal range, which makes him the best singer ever. As in, EVER. He also was an incredibly talented songwriter. And if that's not enough, Prince was a master when it came to fashion innovation. As in, he wore whatever he felt like wearing and he didn't care if it was trendy or popular or if people liked what he was wearing. Sometimes he wore heels. Yup, heels. Prince also spent some time acting and in case you didn't know, he could play a lot of different instruments. Probably not at the same time because then he would basically be an octopus. But hey, we think that he probably could. He was honestly that amazing and awe-inspiring.

    1 Jennifer Aniston

    Jennifer Aniston's mom is of Scottish, Irish, English, and Italian descent and her father is Greek. Aniston is also known for being quirky. You would know that if you're her best friend or if you pay close attention to the celebrity gossip and entertainment news. We wish we were her BFF but, sadly, that's not the case. Apparently she always enters a plane with her right foot first. Always her right foot first. She also taps the outside of the plane first. Why? There's really no clear answer for this. What we do know for sure is that she has starred in tons of different movies, she was Rachel Green on Friends, and she once lived in Greece. How cool is that?! If we were given the chance to live in Greece, we would pack our bags and go there immediately. We maybe wouldn't step on the plane with our right foot first, but hey, if it works for a celebrity…