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    15 Celebrities Who Continuously Make Us Hate Them

    Everyone has their favorite and least favorite celebrities. Hollywood and media have given us so many different ways to follow stars and their lives. Every move they make is shared, and every mistake they make is criticized. Many celebrities just want a normal life and want to be treated like anyone else. They go get coffee, hang with their family, and spend time going for a quick jog. These celebrities can sometimes provoke hatred from their fans when they treat their fans like nuisances whenever they approach them. After all, if it was not for the fans, these celebrities would be nothing.

    Then there are the celebrities who like the attention and will do almost anything to get in the spotlight. These are also the kinds of celebrities we tend to hate. These people are the ones who wreak havoc at parties, are caught in the act and get a mugshot, and go above and beyond to ruin other people's lives in the process. Attention seekers are the worst because there is no limit to their endless rampage of bad behavior. Many will go one step further and continue to do every little thing to make us hate them that much more.

    Hating celebrities is a great conversation topic and creates drama in the Hollywood world. It is like a real-life movie put on for us by the people who are in the movies. These celebrities do so much to make us continually hate them, and we love it because there is one more piece of gossip in the world because of it. Here is a list of 15 celebrities that continue to make us hate them!

    15 John Mayer

    We all know John Mayer as the singer who touches our hearts with his raspy voice and amazing guitar skills, but he is a celebrity that continues to make us hate him. The way John Mayer goes from girl to girl, breaking hearts and moving on quickly is the reason that we continue to despise this singer. He hasn't only dated Jennifer Aniston, but Taylor Swift, Vanessa Carlton, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Jessica Simpson, Mink Kelly, and most recently, Katy Perry. He wasn't always the one to initiate the break-up with all of these women, but may describe him as womanizing. He describes his past relationships with the problems they all had and how they weren't good enough for him. The fact that he can walk over so many female celebrities that we know and love instead of empowering them is the reason why we continue to hate him!

    14 Madonna

    Madonna might not be someone you instantly assume is hated by all, but the fact is that since her pop music came out years ago (“Like A Virgin”), she was criticized for the type of music she put out. Over the years, Madonna has not seemed to diminish and she was hated for her image, music, and for all she represented. Most recently, Madonna was in a custody battle with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie for their son Rocco, in which Ritchie got to keep custody of his son. Madonna reacted to this custody battle by posting immature images on her Instagram account and hating on her ex. She further went on tour and brought up her bitterness about the issue on stage, leaving fans confused and annoyed. Madonna's recent childish behavior over the custody battle and seemingly self-righteousness is another reason why we continue to hate her.

    13 Gwyneth Paltrow

    When we see a picture of Gwyneth Paltrow, we probably instantly think that she is a sweet lady. She is beautiful, blond, and in great shape; plus she has a cookbook! How could she not be a nice person? Wipe that conception away because Gwyneth Paltrow is actually said to be a selfish, judgmental, and a terrible person. Over the years, she has said some things that leave us questioning who she thinks she is (ex: “I am who I am. I can't pretend to be somebody who makes $25,000 a year.”). Recently, she was actually voted the most hated celebrity, to which she replied that she was shocked but didn't care. She stated that she was just who she was and didn't excuse her rude behavior at all. She even tried to turn it back against the people by mentioning that she worked hard for her life but if they didn't understand it, then too bad.

    12 Justin Bieber

    Justin Bieber started out as the young boy who melted our hearts with his amazing talent. The reason we loved this young star was because he was REAL. But as he has grown in the thick of Hollywood, there is something that has changed in him. Who began as the boy who wanted to fit into the crowd has become rude and doesn't seem to care about anyone anymore. Instead of thanking and being appreciative to his fans, he has been caught being rude to them on numerous occasions. He also has peed in a public kitchen bucket and seems to have anger problems. But worst of all, Justin Bieber just recently pawned off his sick puppy to one of his friends who is now looking for roughly $8,000 to save this animal's life. Yep, every move Justin Bieber makes is putting his name deeper and deeper into our bad books.

    11 Taylor Swift

    There are many hardcore T-Swift fans out there, even some who would take a bullet for the young singer, but Taylor Swift is actually very much hated by many. The fact that she keeps revolving her songs around her many boyfriends and is STILL doing it makes us continue to hate her. She has been very honest by telling us over the years that her songs are in fact about her heartaches and the guys she has dated in the past (Jake Gyllenhaal, Harry Styles, Joe Jonas, John Mayer, and many others). Many think it is fine to do one or two of these songs and sing about your pain, but the fact that every new album features an ex-boyfriend continues to make us hate Taylor Swift more and more. Furthermore, her fans became upset with her when she took her songs off of Spotify because she wasn't getting paid (as if she needs the money). Taylor Swift is one of those celebrities that continues to make us hate her.

    10 Kim Kardashian

    We all know Kim Kardashian as the dramatic star who is married to Kanye West. Many agree that Kim Kardashian actually became a celebrity and famous for doing… well… pretty much, NOTHING! But because she did become famous, she has let that build a life for herself and uses it as a way to broadcast her neverending drama. She feels the need to share everything personal about her life. Many hate her because she is famous for doing what everyone else is doing -- living a normal life -- except she gets paid for it and is broadcast and followed by paparazzi. We continue to hate her for her annoying presence on social media and are unable to handle her overdramatic, fake, and annoying life that is seemingly a plot to get more attention. It is even said that she will call up the paparazzi to inform them of where she will be next!

    9 Chris Brown

    The beginning of our hatred for Chris Brown all began when he was physically violent to the singer Rhianna. That hatred only intensified over the years due to his bad boy attitude and behavior. His temper has gotten worse since the Rhianna incident, and when asked about it in the years following, he got extremely upset and angry and threw a chair at a window. He has since gotten into brawls, been caught high while doing community service, committed a hit-and-run, been accused of fraud, and has been involved in more battery cases. Jail time seems not to be doing anything good for this celebrity and instead, he goes from one criminal act to another. Because this isn't just pop-star drama and is actually causing harm to innocent others, our hatred for him has only grown. Chris Brown is definitely a celebrity that is continuing to make us hate him.

    8 Jennifer Lopez

    J-Lo may not be the first person you consider when listing some of the most hated celebrities. Sure, a lot of people find her extremely annoying and think that she tries too hard, but what is the real reason behind our hatred for her? Although she may appear all smiles and giggles on television, it is understood that Jennifer Lopez is actually a terrible human being. On various occasions, her rude nature has been reported. It has even been heard that she has gotten a housekeeper at a hotel fired for trying to get her autograph. Many have reported that she makes unrealistic demands and expects only the best for herself. It is said that her personality is that she is overly sensitive and has to make everything into a big deal. Not to mention that a lot of people don't like the fact that she is dating Drake (okay, it may be a lame reason to hate her, but who cares!).

    7 Lindsay Lohan

    The good question to ask is what has she done that DOESN'T make us hate her. She makes up drama and claims outrageous things just to get attention, and broadcasts her emotions over social media. A few months ago, when asked to appear on a Russian television show, she made a list of demands that she required before she came. Some of these demands included an outrageous sum of money and even a photo-op with Putin! She has also sued Grand Theft Auto for creating an image that looked like her, but the suit didn't go through. Most of the world just wants her to figure out her life, get help, and move on, but the problem is that she can't seem to do that. Rehab hasn't helped and being a celebrity is definitely not helping either. This girl is just one disaster after the other and she is hated because she is a problem that won't go away!

    6 Katherine Heigl

    Two years ago, it was Katherine Heigl (not Gwyneth Paltrow) who held the most hated celebrity title. The celebrity is reported to be a bit of a diva and is said to have high expectations for everyone. It has even been said that directors will avoid casting her simply because of her bad and annoying behavior. She questions scripts, has high demands, uses extremely bad language, and is rude and demanding. She even had the nerve to criticize her best movie (Knocked Up) as sexist! Pretty much she is your stereotypical diva movie star. The star is trying hard to get some big screen time, but her latest film (Unforgettable) pins her as the crazy ex-wife who is trying to ruin the ex's new girlfriend's life. The film is a psycho-thriller, which, many of us will agree, isn't giving Katherine Heigl a better look at all! If anything, it makes us more scared of her and hate her more!

    5 Miley Cyrus

    Miley Cyrus began as a cherished girl, moved to a rebellious teenager, then became a messed-up woman, and now is just an annoyance on your news feed! Miley Cyrus has no boundaries for what she won't do and she makes it clear that she doesn't care what anyone thinks! When her rebellious behavior began a few years ago, we thought it was just a small outburst. Recently Miley Cyrus has shared that she is a nudist and will often post nearly nude selfies on her Instagram account. What used to be a role-model for young girls has now become a living nightmare for parents. It was even stated that on SNL, Miley Cyrus said that she “murdered Hannah Montana.” The innocence is all gone and she uses any public stunt she can to get more attention and one-up the latest crazy. Miley Cyrus is one celebrity that continues to make us hate them.

    4 Kanye West

    Oh, Kanye… one of the reasons we hate Kanye is simply because he is married to Kim Kardashian (yet another celebrity that continues to make us hate them). But this overdramatic man who seems to think that the world revolves around him is the real reason why we actually despise him. Of course, we hate Kanye because of what he did to Taylor Swift at the 2009 VMA's (taking the mic from her and saying that the award actually deserved to go to Beyoncé). But this man's ego is bigger than Justin Bieber's and Jennifer Lopez's combined. He has claimed of himself that he is “the greatest living rock star on the planet.” Does that sound like someone who is a little self-obsessed? He even said that the worst thing in life will be that he won't get to see himself perform. But what people hate him the most for lately is the fact that he and Kim Kardashian named their son NORTH WEST. How pretentious!

    3 Shia LeBeouf

    There are numerous things that Shia LeBeouf has done to make us keep hating him. If you have seen any of Shia LeBeouf's videos, you will know why we continue to hate him -- that and the fact that he used an entire theater to show HIS films… . self-obsessed a bit? He then made a public show of wearing a paper bag over his head with the words “I am not famous anymore” written on it to his Nymphomaniac red carpet event. Recently he was seen storming out of a press conference for his own show using the same strange words Eric Cantona (Manchester United Player) used to walk out of his own press conference. Shia LeBeouf can't seem to figure out what he wants in life and so he just keeps doing what he wants and making a big deal of it when people question him! He loves to be weird for the sake of being weird and to the rest of the world, it's just annoying.

    2 Mariah Carey

    Mariah Carey has been a name well known for many years. She has come up with hit after hit and her fame has only grown over time. While her music and performances may have elicited a lot of hatred from viewers, she is also known to be a bit of a diva and make high demands. Even Miley Cyrus has mentioned that she doesn't like Mariah Carey and stated that her music is “so much about Mariah Carey.” Miley may be on to something as it's said that Mariah is very vain! Her twin girls were introduced into the world by her own singing voice, she will not speak the day before a performance, and has even sung/told off her backup singer to “stop singing my part”… at a live performance! She has recently garnered a lot of criticism because she was caught lip-synching at the New Years Eve celebration in New York, and tried to claim that she was sabotaged.

    1 Mel Gibson

    Mel Gibson has been known for his terrible attitude, has been caught on tape being arrested for drunk driving, and has used his profane language to insult those around him. The guy seems to be a world class jerk that people cannot seem to forgive. Since the film What Women Want and the various terrible and threatening things he has said to his girlfriends or ex-girlfriends, we have concluded he is terrible towards women. The number of things he has said to them is outrageous and awful (ex: “You're an embarrassment to me… ” followed by a lot of profanity and vulgar language). This guy, although he may be a talented actor and director, is an awful human being. He just won an award for his latest film, Hacksaw Ridge, but it is understood that just because he's good at what he does doesn't mean we like him as an individual.