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    15 Celebs Who Aren't Kim K Fans

    The Kardashians are definitely notorious for making headlines and getting ample amounts of attention. Everyone knows how the family skyrocketed into instant fame virtually overnight with the immense success of their reality TV show, but the truth is they all have Kim to thank for opening the door to fame. Nobody knew who Kim K even was until she released a “private” home movie that turned her into a household name. Since then, Kim and her crazy family have been unstoppable forces in the entertainment industry. While Kardashian has garnered herself millions of fans across the globe, she has definitely gotten a number of haters in the process. Of course, Kim doesn't exactly have the best reputation when it comes to being a positive figure in the media and many people write her off because she's famous for “doing nothing." Plenty of people roll their eyes at the thought of Kim Kardashian's superficial rise to fame… and a few big celebrities haven't been shy about sharing exactly how they feel about her. Here are 15 celebs who definitely aren't Kim K. fans.

    15 Bette Midler

    In one of the most hilarious celeb feuds ever, Bette Midler has proven on numerous occasions that she has no problem taking on Kim Kardashian. Midler, who has built a long-standing career as a singer, actress, and comedian, doesn't keep her disdain for the over-exposed reality star a secret. Earlier this year when Kardashian shared a full nude mirror selfie on social media, Midler took to Twitter to say,"Kim Kardashian tweeted a nude selfie today. If Kim wants us to see a part of her we've never seen, she's gonna have to swallow the camera." Admit it, you probably laughed out loud after reading that one… and she actually makes a strong argument. Is there really any part of Kim we haven't seen yet? Kim fired back at the legendary entertainer by calling her a "fake friend", telling her it was "past her bedtime" and suggesting she "send nudes". Quick-witted Bette countered back at Kim by saying that she “wants me to send her my nudes! I'll send them right over but the lighting's bad right now since she threw all that shade!”  Not long after their public Twitter battle, Bette told reporters that one of her pet chickens (named “Kim Kardashian”) recently died of a yeast infection. Ouch… even we can feel the burn on that one. It's pretty clear that Bette and Kim aren't going to mend this fence any time soon!

    14 Chloe Grace Moretz

    When Kim posted that completely nude mirror selfie, there were some mixed reactions, but Chloe Grace Moretz made it clear that she was not a fan of Kim's eagerness to expose herself to the world. The actress tweeted at Kim, “I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies." The young rising starlet made an incredible point, and it's a huge reality check when someone who is still in her teens sounds more mature and level-headed than someone in her mid-30s… but Kim didn't quite see things that way. The reality mogul resorted to bragging about her bankroll (“sorry I'm late to the party guys I was busy cashing my 80 million video game check & transferring 53 million into our joint account”) before telling her followers to welcome Chloe to Twitter since no one knows who she is. Kim took a page out of Kanye West's playbook, and it made her look tacky and super inappropriate if you ask us. Needless to say, there's no doubt that Chloe still isn't a Kim K. fan… and she has every reason not to be at this point.

    13 Jeremy Renner

    If we're being completely honest, a lot of people think the Kardashians don't deserve their fame and fortune. That's definitely the case for actor Jeremy Renner who recently had a few choice words when asked about his stance on Kim and her famous family. Renner said, "Oh, all those ridiculous people with zero talent who spend their lives making sure everyone knows their name. Those stupid, stupid people." Clearly, he was referring to none other than the Kardashians, and it's Kim who's leading the pack. Further proof of Renner's dislike for Kim? After Pink tweeted her response to Kim's nude selfie -- that women should “use their brains” and not their bodies -- Renner gave his stamp of approval. It's super obvious that Renner is definitely not a fan of Kim's. We don't think that Kim will be sitting down and watching The Avengers movie anytime soon, much like it's super unlikely that Jeremy will settle in for an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

    12 Brody Jenner

    Brody Jenner and Kim have known each other for most of their lives, as they became step-siblings once Brody's father married Kim's mother. Just because they're technically related doesn't mean that Brody is always on Kim's side. In fact, he's usually not a huge fan of Kim at all. There's no denying that the Kardashians are very different than most of the Jenners (with the exception of Kendall and Kylie). Brody tends to be a pretty laid-back guy, while Kim and her family are obsessed with being super famous and building their brand. Brody has been fed up with the Kardashians for many years, but they aired their dirty laundry publicly when Kim was about to get married for the third time. Things between Brody and Kim really went south when Kim didn't want Brody to bring his new girlfriend to her wedding to Kanye West. Of course, this didn't sit well with Brody, who ended up boycotting Kim's wedding. Brody is also close friends with Kim's ex, Reggie Bush, and has said that he would choose Reggie over Kanye every time. Brody has been pretty outspoken about the fact that he's not close with any member of the Kardashian family, and was quick to point out that since their parents divorced, Kim isn't even his family anymore. Ouch. Brody Jenner is definitely not a member of the Kim Kardashian fan club.

    11 Reese Witherspoon

    While some people may dislike Kim Kardashian, others just flat-out despise her. Jon Hamm (aka Don Draper) definitely didn't mince any words when asked about his feelings on Kim. The actor took jabs at the star and her famous predecessor, saying "Whether it's Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian or whoever, stupidity is certainly celebrated. Being a f---ing idiot is a valuable commodity in this culture because you're rewarded significantly." We might not want to admit it, but his statement does hold some significant value. He continued by saying, “Our society enjoys to turn on the television and see someone who's maybe awful and they can say, 'Well at least I'm not as terrible as that person."Hamm was pretty firm in his stance that people like Kim and Paris are essentially responsible for the downfall of society, which is harsh, to say the least, but Kim definitely does hold a lot of power due to her ample amount of fame. It goes without saying, but we're going to come out and say it anyway: after those bold words, there is absolutely no way that Jon Hamm would ever be a fan of Kim's (or any Kardashian, for that matter).

    9 Daniel Craig

    British actor Daniel Craig is yet another celeb who is anything but fond of Kim Kardashian. In a 2011 interview with GQ, Craig said,"Look at the Kardashians, they're worth millions… you see that and you think 'what, you mean all I have to do is behave like a f---ing idiot on television and then you'll pay me millions'. I'm not judging it - well, I am obviously." Hey Daniel, tell us how you really feel! The James Bond star went on to say that the Kardashians continue to sell themselves for fame while making becoming a walking punchline for the whole world to see. Craig certainly did not hold back any of his hard feelings towards Kim, who he thinks is basically useless to the entertainment world. Yup, he's definitely not a Kim K fan. Whether you absolutely love her or totally loathe her, one thing is for sure about Kim Kardashian: nobody ever seems to stop talking about her!

    8 Taylor Swift

    There is definitely no possible way that Taylor Swift is a Kim K fan by any stretch of the imagination. At this point, we all know that Taylor Swift has been locked in an ongoing on again/off again feud with Kanye West, but recently Swift has taken on a new enemy: Kim Kardashian. Kim who publicly outed Taylor and made her look like a liar in front of the entire world after releasing audio of Swift and Kanye's private phone conversation on Snapchat. During the call, Swift approved the use of her name in one of Kanye's songs and went on to praise the rapper multiple times. The release of this audio proved to be a stark contrast from Taylor's claim that she would never authorize Kanye's use of her name in a negative light. In all, Kim and Kanye appeared to be telling the truth while simultaneously smearing Taylor's hard-earned reputation and career. Clearly feeling betrayed, Swift's team released a statement regarding the situation, stating, “Taylor cannot understand why Kanye West, and now Kim Kardashian, will not just leave her alone”. Kim Kardashian single-handedly took down Taylor Swift with a few simple uploads to social media, and needless to say, Taylor is definitely not on Team Kim (and likely never will be).

    7 Prince

    The late legendary pop music icon was absolutely not a fan of Kim's, and he established that on multiple occasions. One of the most memorable times that Prince proved himself to be anti-Kim was during one of his concerts in 2011 when he got fed up with her and kicked her right off the stage. Kim was in the audience and was invited on stage during one of his songs, but the reality star refused to dance and that's when things went south. Prince wasn't having any of Kim's diva behavior, and video surfaced of the singer yelling at Kim to “get off the stage!”. After the whole debacle became a hot topic in the media, Prince spoke to the press about his decision to give Kim the boot by saying, "She is a nice enough girl but she ain't got no talent. She can't dance, she can't sing, she can't do anything.” The Kardashians definitely rubbed Prince the wrong way, and when the girls were invited to do a guest spot on the same episode of New Girl that he was supposed to have a cameo role in, he was quick to put his foot down. Actress Zooey Deschanel recently revealed that once Prince caught wind of the fact that Kim and company were set to be in a scene with him, he told production that he wouldn't be on the show unless the Kardashians were cut out of the script.

    6 Piers Morgan

    Opinionated British journalist and TV personality Piers Morgan has never liked Kim or any member of the Kardashian squad. Morgan has publicly taken shots at Kim more times than we can even count, but we've rounded up a few of his most notable digs. When discussing the Kim vs Taylor Swift feud, Morgan suggested that Kim was blatantly jealous of Taylor because she has talent and is a quintessential "good girl" who has earned every bit of her success. Piers then said, “I certainly know which modern female icon I'd prefer my 4-year-old daughter to want to emulate when she grows up and it isn't the talent-less, bird-flipping [one]." Ouch. Those are some pretty harsh words launched at Kim Kardashian. Piers has also attacked Kim for being a faux feminist, as well as her inexplicable need to continuously pose nude despite being a 35-year-old who already claims to have more than enough wealth, success, and security. There is no doubt about it: when it comes to anything Kim Kardashian related, Piers Morgan is completely on the opposing side every time.

    5 Janice Dickinson

    The former supermodel-turned-reality-star has said some pretty hurtful things about Kim and the Kardashians over the years. There is no denying the simple fact that she can't stand Kim and her cronies, and she makes sure that everyone knows it. Most of us remember a few years ago when an animal activist poured a bag of flour all over Kim while walking the red carpet because she was wearing fur. Janice thought that Kim deserved a more severe punishment, saying, “Throwing flour on someone is rude! I think Kim should be tarred and feathered!”Dickinson also has suggested that the Kardashians have completely “ruined television." On top of that, Dickinson was super vocal about how she feels that Kim faked a marriage to create a storyline for her reality show. She went on to say, “That fake sham marriage was disgusting because they did it for money! She's a fraud, she's a hoax." We definitely don't think that Janice Dickinson and Kim Kardashian will become besties anytime soon.

    4 Sarah Michelle Gellar

    The Buffy actress tends to stay out of the spotlight, but when Kim Kardashian finally landed the coveted cover of Vogue, Gellar felt compelled to speak up. When the issue was released, Sarah Michelle Gellar took to Twitter to tell fans that she's done supporting the magazine and she encouraged her followers to do the same. Gellar noted, "Well… I guess I'm canceling my Vogue subscription, who is with me???” The tweet got Gellar both praise and some backlash, namely from Kim's BFF Jonathan Cheban, asking the star if she even matters. It's pretty safe to assume that her public opinion matters a whole lot more than his does, and there's nothing wrong with not being in favor of Kim Kardashian if that's what she chooses to do. Needless to say, Gellar has drawn the line in the sand and has made it very clear where she stands… and it's not in Kim Kardashian's corner.

    3 Michael Buble

    The singer seemed to have taken a cue from Prince and slammed Kim Kardashian during one of his concerts back in 2011. During his appearance at the iHeartRadio Live concert in New York, Buble thought he was being funny by telling the crowd that he had a special guest, before saying, "Please welcome Kim Kardashian!” The audience appeared to be shocked by the star's claims before Buble continued by saying, "Nah, just f---ing with you! That b*tch isn't coming on my stage.” Ouch, that one hurt. Who knew that Michael Buble had it out for Kim? Things only got worse from there when the singer then dedicated his next song to Kim's ex-husband, Kris Humphries. We're not entirely sure what ignited the feud between Michael and Kim, but we know for sure where his allegiance lies. He is definitely not a Kim Kardashian fan… so maybe he's a fan of Kris Humphries?

    2 Joel McHale

    Anyone who has ever seen an episode of The Soup already knows that host Joel McHale is definitely not a fan of Kim Kardashian and made fun of her every chance he got. No member of the Kardashian clan was safe from McHale's jabs, but it seemed like Kim was his total fave to mock. The list of jokes made at Kim's expense is a mile long, and he makes it known that they aren't exactly friends. "I know the Kardashians don't like me,” said the star. The Soup and The Kardashians and its many spinoffs were all on the e! network. Soon it became public knowledge that there were certain things that became off-limits for McHale to talk about on the show once Kim and her family complained about his jabs. McHale told the press that the network banned him from mentioning Kim's infamous tape with ex-boyfriend, Ray J. We're not sure if McHale's disses that he directed toward Kim were for the sake of entertainment, if he just doesn't like her, or maybe a little of both… but we're pretty confident that Kim and Joel aren't exactly fans of one another at the end of the day.

    1 Kris Humphries

    Come on… everyone knows that there can't be a list of people who aren't Kim Kardashian fans that doesn't include Kris Humphries, right? Kim and the professional NBA player's high-profile relationship was often documented on Keeping Up with the Kardashians…  and the couple is best known for being famously married for an incredibly short amount of time (72 days, to be exact). There's no doubt that Kim and Kris just didn't mesh well together. Kim is all about chasing fame and Kris eventually wanted to settle down and live a simple life in Minnesota. The couple had tons of problems, and after calling it quits, Humphries and Kardashian battled it out in the courtroom for quite some time. The basketball player accused Kim of engaging in a relationship with him for the sake of publicity. He requested an annulment on grounds of fraud, while Kim requested a full-blown divorce. The legal issue dragged on and on until they ultimately settled out of court, but there's no denying that Kris has some pretty poor feelings about his ex. Humphries will forever be linked to Kim and the Kardashian name, which is something that has only hindered his professional career ever since. It's super clear: Kris Humphries is definitely not a fan of Kim Kardashian.