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    15 Celebs Who Aren't Taylor Swift Fans

    For a while, it seemed like Taylor Swift had it all. She had virtually taken over the world with no end in sight to her mounting success. Her music was topping all of the charts, she was performing in sold out arenas on tour, her music videos were getting tons of recognition, she was winning big at every award show, and she always had her loyal girl squad by her side and a hunky man on her arm. These days, it seems like Taylor's picturesque rise to fame has led to an epic fall from grace after a series of events that appeared to expose the star's true colors for all to see. Between numerous public feuds and being caught in a few sticky situations, the public has seemingly turned on Taylor. In turn, many of our favorite celebs have also hopped off of Swift's sinking ship. It's safe to say that these 15 stars definitely aren't on Team Taylor.

    15 Kanye West

    It seems like Kanye West and Taylor Swift will always be locked in a never-ending feud. To us, it's the gift that keeps on giving. The dramatic story between Kanye and Taylor all started back in 2009, when Kanye hopped up on stage and rudely interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech after just winning the award for “Best Female Video”. We'll spare you the details because you probably already know them, but over the next few years, it seemed as though the two mega-stars had buried the hatchet and made amends. That all changed when Kanye released the track, Famous, off of his most recent album. The rapper included a few lines that directly referenced Taylor Swift and insisted that he got her seal of approval before including her in the lyrics. When the song was released, Kanye looked like a super-villain, and Taylor publicly denied giving Kanye the green light to mention her. Kanye never holds anything back when asked about his battle with Taylor, and often brings it up every chance he gets. There's no denying it, Kanye and Taylor have some serious bad blood between them.

    14 Kim Kardashian

    As the loyal wife of Kanye West, Kim Kardashian was eager to come to her husband's defense when it came to the Kanye vs Taylor saga. In a recent interview with GQ, Kim assured the media that Taylor did in fact give Kanye her blessing to mention her on his new album. Kim said, "She totally approved that. She wanted to all of a sudden act like she didn't. I swear, my husband gets so much sh-- for things [when] he really was doing proper protocol and even called to get it approved." Once again, Swift denied Kardashian's allegations, only this time, Kim called Taylor's bluff. Kim had the video footage to prove that she and Kanye were telling the truth, and in a major power move, the star posted the evidence on Snapchat for the entire world to see. Taylor looked like the ultimate liar and referred to the incident as “character assassination." We don't know how much longer this feud will carry on but one thing is for sure: definitely, don't mess with Kim K.

    13 Troian Bellisario

    Troian shot to fame after landing the role of Spencer Hastings on the immensely popular TV show Pretty Little Liars. During a recent interview with Cosmopolitan, the star didn't hold back any of her true feelings when asked her opinion about the drama surrounding the Kardashians vs Taylor Swift. Troian responded that while she doesn't like either of them, she is definitely turned off by Taylor's use of what she considers “false feminism”. The actress went on to say, "It seems like she's this person who's like, 'Sisterhood!' and then she does nothing but tear down the women that were once her friends." We do have to admire Troian for publicly saying what most of us were all already thinking, but after she received backlash from Swift's fans for her comments, she was quick to backpedal by saying that she doesn't care about Taylor and she doesn't want any involvement in the matter. It's cool that the actress doesn't want to create a media frenzy, but her feelings about the singer have already been made quite clear. It's safe to say that she won't be joining Taylor's girl squad any time soon.

    12 Katy Perry

    It's no secret that Taylor Swift and Katy Perry share a long history that eventually resulted in a full blown tit-for-tat spat between the two divas. While the feud was never directly addressed by either star, both ladies have referenced their beef on social media, in interviews, and even in song. The two songbirds used to be friends once upon a time, but that all changed when Taylor accused Katy of trying to sabotage her tour by taking some of her backup dancers. Katy also dated one of Taylor's (many) old flames, John Mayer, which also likely caused a rift between the singers. We all know that Taylor loves to exploit all of her relationships by writing songs about them, and that's exactly what she did when she penned “Bad Blood” about Perry. Katy definitely doesn't deny the tension between her and Swift, and often makes subtle jabs at the star in her defense when she deems necessary.

    11 Calvin Harris

    Nicki Minaj was first to throw shade at Taylor after failing to snag a VMA nomination for “Video of the Year." Who did get a nom in that category? That would be Taylor's Bad Blood, of course. Feeling super snubbed, Minaj did what celebs do best and took her feelings straight to Twitter. She went on to say that “other girls” and “women with very slim bodies” (meaning Taylor) get more acknowledgments then she does. Taylor took the tweets personally, and fired back at Nicki directly by saying that it's unlike her to “pit women against each other”. This ignited a spark in Nicki, who went in on Taylor Swift and called her for assuming that the star's initial tweets were about her in the first place. The public spat went on for quite some time before Minaj and Swift joined forces for an unexpected VMA performance later that year to show that their disagreement had been squashed. Some say that the performance was all for publicity purposes. Whether or not Nicki actually likes Taylor when all is said and done - that's for you to decide.

    9 Chloe Grace Moretz

    At just nineteen, outspoken actress Chloe Grace Moretz has never been afraid to speak the truth when an interviewer asks her a question. Speaking to Complex Magazine, Moretz took aim at Taylor and her famous squad by stating that cliques like hers are known to “appropriate exclusivity." You have to admit, she makes a good point. Taylor and her group of girlfriends are like the popular girls in high school. They make it known that you have to be a VIP to be inducted into their group, and if you don't measure up then you basically aren't allowed to sit at their “cool kids” table. Chloe went on to say that she was even offered a coveted spot on Taylor's squad but she rejected the bid. While her statement may not have been a direct shot at Swift, her feelings about Taylor's circle of friends are pretty obvious. It's refreshing to see a young starlet stand her ground and not get too caught up in the hype of Hollywood.

    8 Joe Jonas

    Joe Jonas found fame as a member of The Jonas Brothers and more recently as the lead singer of the band D.N.C.E. Joe dated Taylor back in the earlier stages of her career and infamously ended things with the rising star during a 27-second phone call. It would come as no surprise if Joe and Taylor aren't on the best terms. Though they dated when they were just teenagers, Taylor capitalized on their breakup by writing a number of songs about their relationship such as Forever and Always and You're Not Sorry. Swift did a pretty good job of dragging Joe through the mud, so it would only be natural for him to have second thoughts about being on her side. Though Joe has been pretty tight-lipped about his stance on Swift over the years, he alluded to the fact that he thought she was crazy during an interview with New York Magazine in 2013. While discussing waiting for the right person before being intimate, Joe said, “I'm glad I waited for the right person because you look back and you go, 'That girl was bats-t crazy. I'm glad I didn't go there.'” Take that for what it's worth, but many assume that he was referring to Swift in that moment.

    7 Avril Lavigne

    While Taylor has long stood by her stance that women should empower other women, other celebrities have been quick to point out certain occasions where the stay fails to take her own advice. That's exactly what happened with singer Avril Lavigne over a petty disagreement on social media. It all started when a Swift fan posted an image on Tumblr that showed her happily embracing fans at a meet and greet event - in comparison to other stars (such as Lavigne) who looked less than thrilled to be bothered by fans in the contrasting collage. Taylor liked the post, which provoked Avril to take action. Lavigne, who has appeared on stage alongside Taylor in the past to perform a duet, tweeted “Comparison is judging and judging a person does not define who they are it defines who you are." While the statement may not have been directly geared towards Taylor, it's pretty obvious who she was talking about. Avril makes a decent argument. Taylor always says that she is a girl's girl and doesn't knock others down, but she didn't hesitate to like things that may be seen as offensive to other artists.

    6 Demi Lovato

    It seems as though Demi Lovato isn't afraid to go toe-to-toe with just about anyone, and that includes Taylor Swift. Lovato has always been pretty vocal about her opinions. This spat all started over Kesha's legal battle against producer Dr. Luke. Taylor quietly donated $250,000 to Kesha to help cover court costs, but hotheaded Demi saw Taylor's generous gesture as a cop-out. Lovato went to Twitter to take aim at Taylor in a string of insulting tweets. Lovato made no secret about what she thought about Taylor, stating, “I'm also ready for self-proclaimed feminists to start speaking out or taking action for women's rights.” Clearly, Demi may have blown things out of proportion and took things a little too far, but it's easy to see where she stands on Swift. She knows that Taylor has a huge fanbase and hoped she would use her fame as a platform to speak up for women's rights instead of using money as a way to show support. We get where Demi is coming from, but even we might have to side with Taylor on this one.

    5 John Mayer

    A few years ago, John Mayer was another one of Taylor's love interests, but when the two serial daters join forces it proved to be a recipe for disaster. Once their relationship went up in flames, Taylor took it upon herself to tell all about their love affair when writing the song, Dear John. The track didn't put Mayer in the most positive light, and Mayer spoke out about the matter in 2012. During an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Mayer said that the song "Made me feel terrible… because I didn't deserve it. I'm pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do." Pretty straightforward and to the point, right? Mayer also retaliated by releasing an exploit track of his own about Taylor called Paper Doll. Years later, John said that he was over the drama and commended Taylor for her artistry, but we know the damage had already been done.

    4 Justin Bieber

    The Biebs doesn't have many reasons to like Taylor Swift. After all, he was in an on again/off-again relationship with her BFF Selena Gomez and Taylor did not approve. The two were even friends at one point until Justin proved himself to not be worthy of being boyfriend material for her bestie. Taylor was just looking out for her best friend and didn't want Justin to keep breaking her heart, but it caused some serious tension between Swift and Bieber. Taylor makes no secret of her disdain for Justin - there's even a gif floating around on the internet of Selena and Bieber sharing a kiss when Taylor walks by and sticks out her tongue in disgust. Taylor knows that Selena can do better than Justin, and she doesn't get why she keeps getting back with him. Though Justin never publicly commented on the unresolved beef between him and Taylor, it would totally make sense for him not to be on Swift's side.

    3 Harry Styles

    Taylor is probably best known for her long list of lovers that includes some of Hollywood's hottest and most eligible bachelors… and on that list would be Harry Styles of the group One Direction. When they were together, they were super smitten with each other, but things went south (as they usually do in Taylor's relationships) and the pair went their separate ways. No one really knows exactly what went down that caused Taylor and Harry to split, but we're going to assume that it wasn't pretty. Taylor made the most of her breakup and wrote several songs about Styles following their split. Never failing to deliver when it comes to publicly bashing ex-boyfriends, Swift took a shot at Harry during the 2013 VMA's. While making her acceptance speech after winning “Best Female Video” for her song, I Knew You Were Trouble, Taylor took the opportunity to call out Styles, who was sitting nearby in the audience. Taylor quipped, "I also want to thank the person who inspired this song, who knows exactly who he is because now I got one of these." Super catty move, Taylor.

    2 Diplo

    World famous DJ Diplo briefly dated Taylor's nemesis Katy Perry in 2014. During that time, he decided to fight his girlfriend's battles and used Twitter to negatively speak about Taylor. Out of nowhere, the DJ tweeted, “someone should make a Kickstarter to get Taylor Swift a booty.” Um, what? As expected, millions of Swift's fans and friends came to her defense and called out Diplo for his poor behavior. Realizing that he had started a war he wasn't prepared to fight, Diplo backtracked on his remarks and took back what he said. It turns out, he actually received death threats and vile insults from Taylor supporters, and he was kind of afraid for his life. Speaking of the debacle to British GQ Style, Diplo said, “All I know is don't ever get into a feud with Taylor Swift. She has like 50 million people that will die for her. You can't step into that arena. That was something I was never prepared for… one of the biggest mistakes of my career was definitely [messing] with her”. We have to agree with you on that one, Diplo. Going after a woman about her looks is just plain wrong, and we're glad you learned your lesson.

    1 Wendy Williams

    Radio and TV personality Wendy Williams has the gift of gab, and never bites her tongue when she has something to say. We're pretty sure that Wendy isn't a fan of Taylor for a number of reasons. For starters, during a recent segment on her talk show, Williams gave Taylor the title of “the queen of the mean." Wendy called out Taylor for being both “sneaky and smart” while plotting her super calculated moves in the media. Wendy went on to tell the audience and viewers alike that Taylor has her “girl army hypnotized to think that she's the bee's knees”. Well, she kind of has a point there. Taking it one step further, Williams said that Taylor is “probably meaner than Beyonce and Kim put together." Whatever that means! The talk show host also has accused Swift of staging paparazzi photos with her latest BF Tom Hiddleston. We're not sure what exactly Taylor personally did to Wendy that may have rubbed her the wrong way, but she's certainly feeling Wendy Williams' wrath.