Laman » Hiburan » 15 Celebs You Didn't Know Were Super Religious

    15 Celebs You Didn't Know Were Super Religious

    You might not think that Hollywood is a mecca for religion -- after all, it is definitely a place of excess, whether that is the money that celebrities make or the lifestyles that they live. But it turns out that there are many famous figures that are super religious. It makes sense since if you are living such a crazy life full of extreme ups and downs, you might want something to ground you and to believe in. Or maybe these stars were just raised religious and so that is all that they know and even though now they are living a famous lifestyle, they have not given up their traditional beliefs. The following stars may each follow a different religious but they all have one thing in common: They are super religious and do not apologize for their thoughts and beliefs. Here are 15 stars you didn't know were really religious.

    15 Candace Cameron Bure

    Did you know that the actress behind D.J. Tanner is super religious? Well, she definitely is. She is very outspoken about her religion and does not shy away from it. She identifies with being evangelical Christian and was part of a scandal when she said that she is a "submissive" wife because that is part of her religious beliefs. She told People, "In the past year, I have been working on understanding that not everybody is going to like me or agree with my point of view and it is okay.” Candace is right to not apologize for being who she is and she has taken the POV that she has to stop posting about her religious beliefs on social media since she doesn't want to start any controversy. That's definitely a good idea since nothing gets people talking like religion or politics -- especially when a famous person is religious.

    14 Kirk Cameron

    It makes sense that a brother and sister would both be religious if they were raised that way, but what is fascinating about Candace's brother Kirk Cameron is that he did not always believe in God. The Growing Pains actor considered himself an atheist when he was a kid. It was only when he turned twenty that he decided to become religious. He became a born-again Christian and never seemed to look back. Like his sister, Kirk has gotten into some hot water for saying what he believes, and actually, he ended up saying something similar to what Candace did: that a successful marriage means that the husband is basically in charge and makes all of the decisions. You can definitely see how people would get upset hearing that. Sometimes it is better to just not talk about topics like religion, especially when you are in the public eye.

    13 Mindy Kaling

    You definitely are a huge fan of Mindy Kaling. You have read her two fabulous memories and you never miss a single episode of The Mindy Project. But did you know that Mindy is religious? Mindy Kaling is Hindu and people really appreciate her approach to the religion. Both she and her sitcom character are more "modern" or "contemporary" versions of a Hindu woman since they are trying their best to make their religion work with today's culture (we love that). It just proves that you don't have to be super traditional in order to follow a certain religion -- you can make it work for you while still respecting the religion that you believe in and are a part of. People find her to be a total and complete inspiration and critics and fans alike are very impressed with the way that she portrays being Hindu on the show.

    12 Britney Spears

    It might come as a surprise that Britney Spears is super religious since back in the day when she was a super famous pop star, she was known for super skimpy outfits and suggestive dancing. But the truth is that she is religious. When the star appeared on the cover of magazine, she said the following about her religious beliefs: "My relationship with God and myself that is what matters to me. I really do not care what most people think." Apparently, Britney has explored different religions from Hinduism to Kabbalah (since she is friends with fellow pop singer Madonna). But she was brought up in the Baptist tradition so that is probably where her heart lies. It makes sense that Britney is religious though when you think about it since she has definitely got that wholesome, small town, the girl next door type of vibe going on.

    11 Vanessa Hudgens

    Are you surprised to learn that Vanessa Hudgens is super religious? You would think she is more free-spirited because of her hippie fashion sense. She was raised religious and so she has that background of believing in God and being part of the Christian tradition. It seems like she wasn't super sure if religion was important to her but in recent years, she has made religion a big part of her life once again. According to the wonderful world of the internet, she is a regular at church on Sundays. People think that she became religious again because of her boyfriend Austin Butler because his religion is really important to him, and that definitely seems to be part of it. That makes sense since being in a serious relationship definitely changes your POV on yourself and your place in the world. Now you're just thinking about how super cute this couple is, right?! OMG. Seriously.

    10 Kayne West

    Yup, the singer is pretty religious, and he has not been shy about that. He has said in interviews, "'It's important to me that I grow, walk and raise my family with Christian values." So there you go -- Kayne West is religious. One of his very first hit songs was called "Jesus Walks," after all, so maybe this isn't a huge surprise to you. He often talks about both Christianity and spirituality and what it means to be a prophet (and sometimes he thinks that he himself is a prophet). He has gotten into trouble for the things that he says in his songs and some Christians don't think that he really represents the religion well, but any time a celebrity says something publicly about their political and religious beliefs, they always seem to get into hot water. There are always lovers and haters and that's just a fact of life.

    9 Kristin Chenoweth

    The Wicked star and super talented singer and actress is also super religious. In an interview, the star once said, "I am an actress and a singer and I am also a Christian. We are not all crazy right-wingers… I just want to be like Jesus, forgiving and loving and nonjudgmental, accepting of everyone even if they do not agree." She was brought up as a Baptist and so that seems to be how she identifies today. It is good to see different people who are religious and hear their point of view on the subject since it is easy to think that everyone who follows a certain religion thinks and acts the same way, but of course everyone is unique. And it is great to hear that this star wants to be "forgiving and loving and nonjudgemental" since of course, everyone should follow that awesome advice, regardless of religious beliefs.

    8 Prince

    Did you know that Prince was super religious? Probably not, right? The (tragically) late singer knew that people would have been shocked to learn that he followed a certain religious tradition and he even talked about that sometimes. He became a Jehovah's Witness back in the year 2001 and that became a really important and big part of his life. He also said that the majority of people were okay with his religion and did not really make a big deal out of it. So in case you are wondering, yes, he said that meant that he would share his beliefs by knocking on people's doors and talking about his religion. If you want to listen to all of Prince's songs now to see if you can read between the lines and find some kind of spiritual or religious meaning, then you're not alone. That seems like an interesting project.

    7 Julia Roberts

    Julia Roberts identifies as Hindu. That is probably pretty surprising to you, but now you know. That is actually how she is bringing up her kids. She was actually raised in a very religious family (Baptist and Christian) but it was when she discovered Hindu that she realized this was the belief system that felt right to her and that she wanted to follow. She once said on Good Morning America, "I practice. I practice a lot of things. Hinduism is something that I am very intrigued by and very interested in." This is pretty interesting since it proves that you do not have to follow the religious background that you were raised in -- when you get older, you can think carefully about the kind of beliefs that you want to have. You do not have to just follow what your parents wanted for you. It is all your choice.

    6 Jane Fonda

    Jane Fonda became a born-again Christian back in the late 90s/early 2000s and she totally made headlines. You might not have a clue that she is religious because you were probably too young back then, but now you know. What is interesting is that she was not super public about her newfound belief system. She said that she was really into the religion and that she liked the whole vibe, but she also wanted to maintain some sense of privacy (we totally get you Jane). That is something to respect since just because a celebrity has decided to follow a certain belief system does not mean that everyone has to know absolutely everything about it. There is such a thing as being a private public figure, right? Even though it kind of seems like an oxymoron? But Jane has given a few interviews since then about her faith.

    5 Mark Wahlberg

    The famous actor is a Catholic and has definitely not been shy about talking about this fact in several interviews. He has said, “My Catholic faith is the anchor that supports everything I do in life… In my daily prayers, I ask for guidance, strength in my vocation as a husband and as a father.” He has said that knowing several priests who have basically been mentors to him from the time that he was a kid has been helpful. He has also said that he wants to raise his kids this way and that he would like them to share his super religious views. He has also said that when he wakes up in the morning, he prays immediately. It's no secret that Mark got into some hot water as a kid and that he changed his persona to become a do-gooder celebrity, and he has said that's all because of his religion.

    4 Angus T. Jones

    Angus T. Jones was a star on Two and A Half Men but made headlines a few years ago when he actually left the series. Why? He said it wasn't working with his religion. In October of 2016, he told People, "Over the last three years I've been involved with various faith-based organizations. Right now, I'm stepping away from the organizational business model programs. I'm interested in seeing where I go without an organization putting a stamp of approval on if I'm good or bad or whatever." So it seems like he needed some time to think carefully about which kind of religion he wanted to follow and what felt right for him, which is totally normal and natural. He's still pretty religious though since it seems like he definitely wants to follow a certain religious tradition, even if he hasn't been super sure which one to call his own yet.

    3 Andrew Keegan

    Remember the adorable actor Andrew Keegan?! He was a staple of the 2000s and starred in 7th Heaven and 10 Things I Hate About You. Did you know that he's not only super religious but actually started his own religion? Well, now you do! It's called Full Circle. Vice calls Andrew Keegan's religion "a new age temple and spiritual movement." Sounds pretty fascinating, right? Apparently this group is all about being "enlightened" and it's a very love-focused kind of religion. So if you thought that religion was about being close-minded and hating people who don't believe what you do, then this religion will totally change your mind and change your perspective. Andrew Keegan wants people who follow Full Circle to be all about love. He is all about living a calm life because a few years ago, he was shockingly physically attacked. That's what made him want to found this religion and become so spiritual.

    2 Madonna

    Madonna is another super religious star. She has been following the Kabbalah tradition since 1996, so for a while, you could not possibly escape reading about the singer and her religious beliefs -- it was literally everywhere. But since it has been a while since she has talked about her faith, maybe you forgot how religious she is. So what is Kabbalah exactly?! According to The Kabbalah Center, "Kabbalah is an ancient wisdom that reveals how the universe and life work. On a literal level, the word Kabbalah means “to receive.” It is the study of how to receive fulfillment in our lives." Sounds pretty good, right? What is interesting about the religion of Kabbalah is it is a super spiritual thing so that definitely sets it apart from other faiths. If there is one person, celebrity or otherwise, who has made Kabbalah famous, it is definitely none other than Madonna.

    1 Justin Bieber

    Justin Bieber is super religious and his Christian faith is a huge part of his life. In September of 2016, he even sang a Christian song at one of his concerts called "I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever." He often talks about his religious beliefs and background when he is interviewed. Back when he had an Instagram account, he would sometimes post photos of a Bible passage or verse that he thought was super relevant. Most interesting of all, Justin has said that when he went through that rough time recently, it was his belief in God that inspired him to have a comeback. He has said, “What's weird is I am a Christian, I am a believer and often people are too conservative and I don't think it's wrong. I'm stumbling over my words right now because I don't want to offend anybody but I believe you can go and have a good time, get some drinks and enjoy yourself and can be with girls. I don't think you need to be serious about it. Loving God is a separate thing. But I don't think you have to love God and not be able to go out and enjoy yourself. As long as it's not provocative or intense or mean or evil. If you are living life based on loving God then just keep that in mind.”