Laman » Hiburan » 15 Hot Photos Of Khal Drogo You NEED To See

    15 Hot Photos Of Khal Drogo You NEED To See

    Over the course of Game of Thrones' air time during the last few years, we're willing to bet you've fallen in love with at least one of the leading men. Be it Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, or even The Hound, it seems like there's a man for each preference. Whether you like them honorable and upright or sneaky and drunk, it's hard to keep ourselves from falling all over these well-crafted characters. There's one main man that gets everyone's hearts a flutter, though, and that's Khal Drogo. Khal and his Khaleesi are the hottest couple on the show. No spoilers (just in case you're not caught up), but we will say that Daenerys Targaryen holds her own in the bedroom, battlefield, and strategy room. They're the best power couple, but that doesn't stop us from going gaga over pics of him when she's not around. We've compiled the 15 hottest photos of Khal Drogo. Let yourself get excited and flip through this fine old mountain of a man.

    15 The Stern Brow

    There's nothing hotter than a look that says “I'm in control”. And a look that says “Don't you dare mess with my control” kicks the whole hotness level up a notch. It's like taking the amp and turning it up to 11, but with sexy eye energy. Without a doubt, we love what he's doing with his face here, and especially with his eyebrows. It makes us think he's deep in thought or maybe staring down someone who's looking at his girl. It's the perfect image to make us think about how he could be staring on our behalf. Maybe we're the girls he's trying to protect from creepy Lannister men! If only. Luckily, imaginary characters live in the imagination. This means you can get wild with your fantasies and no one can say a word. Dream on, dream girls. Khal Drogo is here to look stern on your behalf.

    14 The Best Butt in the World

    Whether or not Khal Drogo is real is up to you and your imagination. But(t), do you know who is real? The actor playing Drogo. And his behind is out of this world. We've never seen a rounder set of cheeks, and we love his sexy strut to the bed in the show. Daenerys looks pleased too, which means no doubt he's got some impressive material in front too. They look like they're inflated, and we can't get over the little jiggle they have when he walks towards Khaleesi. If only we could watch them in real life, right? On second thought, maybe a gif of his behind is better. This way we can watch that bouncy booty bob away over and over again, and no one will judge us or think we're caught up in an unhealthy obsession. It's just a really, really nice bum… And we all need to appreciate people's finer assets more, right? 

    13 Bloody and Raw

    No, we are not talking about a certain type of intimate moment during a certain time of the month. We are talking about a scene from the show where he is literally holding something bloody and raw, which has the best balance of both disgusting and hot. While we would be horrified if our boyfriends ripped out our enemies' throats with their bare hands, somehow the fact that it's Khal Drogo makes it alright. We know he probably had a good reason for it. Maybe he was protecting Khaleesi, or maybe he got mad that he lost a bet. Either way, we think his heart and soul were definitely in this act of violence, which makes us inclined to accept it as an endearing trait, and not any sort of threat to our safety. While it would be ridiculous if a real life person did this, tv and book characters get a free pass. It's just a part of his world. 

    12 Sexytime

    We had to include at least one picture of these two together. Drogo and Daenerys are the two hottest people on Game of Thrones, so it only makes sense that they find themselves put together. We love their chemistry, and we love how she took control of the whole intimacy situation. Drogo didn't know what was coming when he agreed to take her as his Khaleesi. She didn't know what to expect either, but we think it turned out okay. The scenes they have are hot, romantic, and absolutely are our favorite parts of the show. There's nothing that could tear them apart, and we know that Khaleesi is going to take over the Iron Throne one day, hopefully with Khal Drogo by her side! This picture is one of our favorites, giving us a great image of the sexy nights they spend together and letting us imagine what it would be like to be kissed by him like that.

    11 Daenerys, Drogo, and… Baby?

    We do not know the context of this. We can't say whether this is their child, someone else's child, or even a dead child from war. What we do know, however, is that we have never seen Drogo look so sweet at anything (except maybe Daenerys). He is looking with a tenderness and love that is incredibly uncharacteristic of him, but very becoming. His big, rough, fighting hands are holding that child with sensitivity and care, and it is remarkable how much of a change that is from the way he usually works. We would love to know what is happening here, but we also love the surprise. While we can't say for sure, we think it might have something to do with extended family. Maybe we will get more back story on Khal Drogo, giving us a better idea of the type of man he is beyond the fighting. 

    10 I'm On A Horse

    While that is not entirely true, it does evoke the dazzling and sexy scent of Old Spice. Remember those commercials? Putting the hottest man in the world on a horse made him even hotter, which is just remarkable. Who would have thought putting two powerful creatures together would make both of them even more powerful? Not us! The sentiment holds true here, where we see Khal Drogo handling that beautiful steed with care. It is almost like watching him in the image above with the baby. We can ignore Daenerys here, as we would prefer to imagine ourselves being gifted with this beautiful gift. Her white hair blends into the horse anyway, which makes us think that Khal Drogo is very thoughtful. Instead of giving his Khaleesi a rough riding steed, he's given her this beautiful princely animal. It's a beautiful, sensitive show of how much he cares… If only he'd show that to us! 

    9 This Sexy Little Sigh

    You thought Marjorie was the queen of the micro-expressions? Not even close! Khal Drogo has a lot of sensitivity and a lot of heart. It comes through in his breathing, and sometimes even his eyes. This look says “I want you”, and we can only hope he is talking to us. The way his eyes look up to whoever is standing above him gives us the idea that we could walk right over and straddle him… And the sigh makes us think he might enjoy it. While we can't say for sure how he feels, we can say that he looks super into it. The gif captures his seductive essence and soft, squishy center well. He just looks like a happy guy on a date or hanging out at home with his significant other. We love this look, and we know we will be thinking of it later tonight. 

    8 The Action Shot

    Every sexy man needs a good action shot for us to go gaga over. Khal Drogo happens to have many. In a world where violence and hand to hand combat are inevitabilities of life, Khal Drogo has achieved the kind of body and fighting skills most real life people only dream about. It makes him all the better to fantasize over, especially when we think about all the things those strong arms could do. Not only do they beat up the bad guys, they also offer a great jungle gym for climbing around. If he can throw huge enemies to the ground, no doubt he could throw you on the bed too. The possibilities are endless, and we love seeing photos that make us think of all those possibilities. Like this one! While there are a few other violent, hardcore shots on this list, we hope this one gives you some great ideas. Remember: a made up character means you can make up whatever you want!

    7 Knife Drop

    Nothing says “come at me” like a double knife drop. He's got more confidence and swagger than a prize fighter and a model combined… Which is also not a bad description of Khal Drogo. He's got looks that could stop even the most bitter and unfeeling of us in our tracks, and the confidence to make us feel like he's always in control all the time. That's why this gif is so hot. He knows that he's got the power, and he's ready to pull it over someone else. By dropping both knives he's saying “I know we're fighting. I know I can win. Come and try your luck”. It's a bold move, and one that we hope pays off. While we can't say what happened, we can say that he's got us very excited with this power play. One day we want to watch him fight for our honor, and hopefully, he'll pull the same trick. There's nothing hotter than a man dropping his guard and still coming out on top! 

    6 My Daughter Will Never Date You

    That is how we imagine this conversation started. Someone came up to him and asked if they could take his daughter's hand in marriage, and the next thing they know they are being threatened with death and worm crawling. Just kidding! Khal Drogo does not have any children (yet), and we can't imagine him being Dad to a pretty daughter. No doubt Dothraki women are just as vicious as the men and she would be able to hold her own against any suitors, especially if her mother was Khaleesi too… But that wouldn't stop Dad Drogo from getting involved. Protective fathers are cute, in a weird “I trust you with our child's life so you must be doing something right” kind of way. Maybe one day we will get to make a kid with him, and he will be protective over our little family. While we know he is a character, we also know we can dream.

    5 Deeper And Deeper

    Yes, he's a bit of a barbarian. His society is much different than the world Daenerys lived in. Not only does he have more violence and anger, it's more acceptable to be out in the open with those things. Combat is celebrated, not avoided or kept to the confines of trials and judgments or expensive wars. This photo shows off those beliefs well. His scars are kind of weirdly hot, showing us that he's super tough and knows how to survive wounds. We also love that his deep stare off into space could say anything from “why am I stuck here” to “I wish I was getting busy with you”. While we don't want to put thoughts into his head, we can't help but think that he's pining over us. The chasm of his thoughts runs deep, and it's totally possible that his mind is both on battle strategy and the bedroom. We hope there's success on both accounts. 

    4 “I don't take any crap”

    That is what this look says, with his long hair pulled aside in a business casual look. Also, can we just say that those locks ar one of the most beautiful things ever, it kind of makes us have hair envy. He's got his stomach covered, which might mean he's ready for battle… Or he's ready to stare down anyone who dares question his authority. The sunlight is really hitting his skin well, offering a glow that we don't normally see in Khal Drogo. He has our hearts captured with this look because we know we can be a little ridiculous sometimes. Having him keep us in check might be scary, but his sense of humor pulls through. When his stare says “No, I won't buy this snake oil” instead of “I'M GOING TO KILL YOU” it's proof that there's more to him than meets the eye. There's humor and intelligence, and those are (arguably) the hottest things about a man. 

    3 Holding His Horn

    Talk about suggestive. When people talk about subliminal messages in advertising, a lot of the time they are talking about sexy things. Tricks that make the product seem hotter and more desirable. However, it is also featured in regular shows and movies as well. Khal Drogo is the product being sold here, and we would love nothing more than to get our hands on this limited edition collector's item. We love his big horn and wild hair. He actually looks like he is king of this free world, ready to take off and fight at any moment… Or ready to sit and casually put his lips around his big old horn cup. If only we could get our lips around it too! We would love to sit down and share a drink with him. Especially if it is as big as that! Sorry not sorry, he is just so sexy we can't help our imagination. 

    2 Stern and Shirtless

    This is how we like our men; half naked, glaring, and covered in weird scratch mark style tattoos. While we believe that he's actually a caring man, without a doubt Khal Drogo was formed with influence from his culture. Growing up in a world that has a clear preference for the most vicious or bloodthirsty fighter, it makes sense that he was forged into the steel hearted man he is today. People might think (spoiler alert) that he's cruel, wretched, and aggressive for treating Daenerys the way he did. Being intimate with her by force was absolutely not okay, nor was treating her roughly and like property. However, having his eyes opened to other ways of the world made him quickly do a 180 degree personality turn. He went from treating her rough to being totally in her power. While they didn't change the whole society, we can certainly see their power dynamic change… But he's still as stern and as hot as ever! 

    1 Real Live Khal

    Khal Drogo might be the hottest person on Game of Thrones, but we're willing to bet he's also one of the hottest people in the real world too. Just look at that casual hands-through-the-hair action. Nothing can phase him, not even what we assume must have been a pretty tough interview question. He looks thoughtful, perplexed, and a little flirty-- Or maybe that's just how we wish he would look at us. Either way, he's saying a lot with very little. His casual demeanor doesn't fool anyone, though, and we know who he really is. We know he's actually a tough Dothraki killer, Khal of his cohort, and lover of his dear Khaleesi. He would do anything to protect his family and friends, especially the love of his life. No, not you. Maybe (no spoilers) we'll find his Khaleesi dead one episode… Then he'll be all ours. We can't wait!