Laman » Hiburan » 15 Hot Photos Of Paris Jackson All Grown Up

    15 Hot Photos Of Paris Jackson All Grown Up

    Paris Jackson is an off and on hot topic. As the daughter of the late and great (depending on who you ask) Michael Jackson, she was born into the world of stardom. While being sucked into the spotlight as a kid after her father died, she stepped back for a while and didn't pursue fame… Until the fame found her. She's been making more and more appearances lately and has recently been a central discussion point in the Blanket Jackson debate. She believes that he isn't living without a proper guardian, which may or may not be a bad thing, depending on which side you fall on. We're proud of Paris for growing up strong and smart, and for embracing her full self… Including her stardom! She's decided to finally take advantage of the spotlights that follow her and has begun modeling, singing, and speaking out to the world. She's really come into her own, and these photos prove it. Take a look to see this little Jackson all grown up!

    15 Her and her brother

    Paris has A LOT of tattoos. While she'd gotten a few of them when she was underage, this one is officially legal. Her and her older brother Prince got pair tattoos, representing the yin and yang symbol. They complete each other, which is a lovely and supportive gesture for each of them to take. Prince has been outspoken about his lovely sister, defending her creativity, wild ideas, and emotionality. He says that she's a lot like how Michael Jackson was, and he appreciates how she's kept the spark alive. She's talked about how this photo is a perfect representation of their relationship, with her brother being her rock and stabilizing point in life. As she is quite emotional and passionate, it's good to have someone that knows her so well and not only supports her but compliments her. She knows it too! It's a really grown up approach to take to the siblinghood, and we're glad she's got him in her life.

    14 Hippiedom

    Look at this smile! And all those tattoos! If this does not say “all grown up”, we do not know what does. She has got a great energy about her, and it's no surprise people say she reminds them of Michael Jackson himself. His spark is alive and well in her, with her passion for life and happiness shining through. It is great to see her so happy and healthy too, as she had a rough teenage life. Self-harm, suicide attempts, and drug use made for a rough time growing up, but she has pulled through and made it all worthwhile. Her positivity and light were able to blossom after going to a residential therapy program, and getting sober let her fast track her mental health. It is photos like this that really show how far she has come, and give us hope for others who have gone through rough teenage times.

    13 IMG Models

    One of the big things she talked about in her huge, fairly recent interview with Rolling Stone was the fact that she not only inherited money, she inherited a legend. She holds the power of the Jackson name and is not afraid to use it anymore. While at first she might have been upset or disgruntled with the paparazzi and star status young 11-year-old Paris had, she has moved on and grown up. She has got the power of the press on her side, and she's going to start to use it! This up and coming model has been lucky enough to work with a few big names, like this shot with IMG Models. Her love for modeling is a self-professed selfish one, but we do not mind. Not when she takes such gorgeous photos! This lady is truly versatile and we are glad she is stepping into the spotlight.

    12 This interview shot

    Look at that gorgeous dress and beautiful smile. Her eyes are dazzling, and she has got some funky hair going on. While she has toned down her style for this popular talk show appearance, we can tell that deep down inside (or maybe not so hidden), she has her punk-hippy-millennial spirit. Normally she appears in outfits that are a mix of hippy fashion and funk, with tie-dye and studs and leggings under oversized shirts. Which if we are being honest, is a look we wish we could pull off! It's a great fashion and one that really shows off her artistic side. This dress is much more subtle though, showing that she can be classy and regal when she wants to be. She's also well spoken, not afraid to speak her mind, and has lots of opinions that are not only good for the world but also good for the media to put out there.

    11 This Rolling Stone Cover

    Not only is this cover a gorgeous, glittery, rock and roll style shot of our favorite rock goddess, it is also a shot that encompasses everything we love about her. It has got all the colors and glitter of childhood in the Ferris wheel and gold lame jacket. Or at least, what we imagine her childhood to have been like. She has been vocal about the fact living with Michael Jackson was a wild ride, with the backyard a whole paradise for the kids. Yes, there was an amusement park. There was also a movie theater and animals, and all the other things that made their lives so outstanding and extravagant. Paris grew up well though, as we can see by this cover. Not at all spoiled or stuck up, she has paid homage to her roots with this sparkling cover. It certainly shows just how much she has grown too!

    10 Sexy and Bored

    This perfect pic is a shot that caught Paris unawares. Her outfit is a perfect encompassment of the popular current trends: oversized tie-dye, ripped jeans, and crop tops. It has got a vibe that sits somewhere in an alternate universe where the 70s and 90s had a baby. It is a common fashion style now, but she does it with such grace and style that it looks like she created it. And it really makes us kind of jealous. She is anything but generic, too, adding her own hippy flair with bangles and pendants and that signature free-flying hair. Carefree, but not careless, we wonder what has got her pouty and bored. Maybe running errands? Maybe doing chores? Who knows. All we know is that she looks almost incomparable to the little Paris Jackson we were used to seeing when she was a kid. It is awesome to see her owning her style like this!

    9 The Grammys

    Would you expect anything else from this rainbow, tie-dye queen? She is absolutely ruling the Grammys in this rainbow dress. The stripes add a ton of visual interest, which are complemented by the sparkly glitz and glamor of the fabric. Yes, it almost looks like she is wearing a rainbow itself. But not an ugly, over-the-top, primary colored rainbow. It is a rainbow that has subtlety, flair, and fashion happening. It also shows off her body nicely, without being too over the top in that regard either. The curves of the dress mimic her curves, and the cutouts on the side not only let us play peek a boo with some tattoos, but also add to the overall design of the dress. It is quite an adult number, and we think she has the poise to pull it off. Plus, look at that makeup! She is looking like a queen!

    8 #NODAPL 

    A post shared by Paris-Michael K. Jackalope (@parisjackson) on Feb 5, 2017 at 12:14pm PST

    This is an Instagram video that you can find on her page, but this one shows her and her friends protesting the DAPL. Pipelines have a hugely negative impact on the environment, as well as often destroying animal lives and human lives (especially first nations lives) that rely on the waterways and environment not to be covered in oil to happily survive. Pipelines cause much more harm than good, and we support Paris in her opposition of them. She has got some very grown up ideas now about how to save the world, and other beliefs. It is very mature, and proof that she has turned into a worldly, wise woman. We also love the fact that her sign looks hand drawn, and she has brought a bunch of bodies with her. Bodies make the change happen, and it is amazing to see her putting herself out there for the cause! We love when celebrities get involved!

    7 A fergilicious birthday

    highlight of the night, song from the stunning @fergie as the clock strikes midnight. birthday goals? 😍

    A post shared by Paris-Michael K. Jackalope (@parisjackson) on Apr 3, 2017 at 12:54am PDT

    You have gotta be grown up to have a fergilicious birthday. This lovely lady, Paris, received the best birthday song ever from none other than Fergie herself. We can't even imagine what it must feel like to have such an amazing birthday like this one, but we can just live it through this video and pretend it is our own birthday! The singer was caught reciting it for her in this video, which shows just the right amount of embarrassment from the person on the receiving end of a Fergie serenade. It looks like a wonderful night, and just the right about of regality meets wildness. Which is surprising when you compare it to other stars' birthdays. Miley Cyrus's party was much wilder than this one, and she's a little older than Paris. It's great to see that her sobriety and sanity have withstood the test of the birthday, and have kept Paris in a great mood all night… Especially here, during the dessert round of her best birthday ever!

    6 High-Fashion Happiness

    This gorgeous dress made its appearance at the GLAAD awards, and Paris Jackson was the body rockin' it. She wore it so well it's almost impossible to take our eyes off of it in any pictures she's in. The fabric itself is an almost see-through fabric, that's been layered a few times over to make it opaque at the bottom and clear on top. We love looking at the colors used, and find that it's totally reminiscent of a mighty peacock. The way the blue curves swoop down the front of the dress makes it look like a huge peacock's tail, with feathers grazing the bottom of the hem. The top part adds some of the much-needed splashes of red and green, which add contrast to the overall look. It's a beautiful, brilliant dress, and couldn't be more her. We love to see her expressing herself, and seeing how lovely and happy she looks.

    5 This Modeling Shoot

    Okay, there is no political statement here. There is nothing regal and elegant about her outfit and we are not judging her adulthood based on how active and outspoken she is, or how much she cares about her future. We are going purely on looks for this shot, which is why we pulled it as one of the most grown up. It is a dramatic shot, and very theatrical. This is definitely an artistic shoot and not a commercial one. Not only do we appreciate the integrity she has for her artistry by doing this shoot, but we love that it made it into Rolling Stone, one of the most prolific magazines that is out there. It also shows off her poise, presence, and stature well. She looks like an adult in this shoot, and we love the photographer that wanted to show this side of her off. It's a beautiful photo.

    4 Another Michael?

    Yup. Michael Snoddy was Paris's pair for the longest time, and as far as Wikipedia is concerned, they're still together. He's a little older than her and a drummer in a fairly popular band and gets to practice in Paris's suite on the Jackson estate. It's a wonderful world they've created between them, and we love how they've developed together. They're an adorable couple, especially when you see how sweet they treat each other. They also look amazing together, which isn't something we can say of all celebrity couples. The universe really hit the nail on the head bringing these two together though! It's also proof that Paris has grown up even more than some people realize. There's something about a semi-serious relationship that makes everyone go “Woah. They have their lives together”. It's really adult, and really no surprise the all-grown-up Paris Jackson has had it happen to her.

    3 Comparison

    Okay, we know Michael had had a lot of work done by the time this photo was taken. He also had lighter skin here than in his other photos and was going through a lot with the last company he was touring with. But if you look closely, you can still see some similarities between these two. Paris has been outspoken about how friends that knew her father well see a lot of him in her, and she's always taken it with great pride. We can see the similarities here. Their face shapes are the same, and their eyebrows (though Michael's look to be drawn on) have a similar shape as well. Their eyes have the same sort of dazzling energy to them, and their expressions are almost uncannily the same. It's surprising how much she looks like him, and there can be no doubt that he's her father… Despite what skeptics might say.

    2 The long process

    While it might seem like she grew up all at once, she actually had all the awkward steps the rest of us did-- She just kept it private from the media, which was a smart choice. There is nothing we can do other than shrug at some of the stuff she has gone through. Self-harm, suicide, and drugs are not things to be taken lightly, but she has taken them in stride. There are photos like this too that show her throughout her recovery, and prove that growing up is a process. She's still in process, as she's been for a while. However, she's got lots of friends and love and light in her life that helps to balance it out. Just look at how big she is smiling in these pics! Paris has been growing and will continue to grow. We can't wait to see what she does next as well!

    1 Paris Jackson

    Totally herself, and totally awesome, Paris revealed one of her early photo shoots with this bathtub shot. Her heavy eye makeup and wet hair makes it look super sexy and risque, even though she is wearing more clothes than she was at the Grammys. The jewelry also adds to the drama, as do her tattoos. They are really being shown off here in this photo, though it looks like she has gotten quite a few more since. We will say nothing about the fact that she was getting tattoos before it was legal for her to get tattoos… Just that they look good. It is the beginnings of her signature edginess being brought into her modeling artistry, and we love how it has informed her future shoots. Thank you for sharing your creative brain, Paris! It is all grown up now, and we can't wait to see what will happen.