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    15 Hottest Doctors On TV Of All Time

    What is it about doctors that we just find so attractive? Well, with the phenomenon actually becoming something of an actual real life thing, a variety of studies have been done on the matter. That's right, from surveys, interviews, questionnaires, and experiments, the love for those who are donned in white, has been an issue for a long time. But why? With those involved in medicine seen as 'healers' as such, anyone that is able to take away your pain, is automatically seen as someone who we admire, lust for or are just outwardly attracted to. Also, a doctor is by far a respectable profession, with a whole lot of skill and brains required for such a job. Holding a certain sense of professionalism, doctors ooze charm, with their mannerisms and characteristics holding our affections. The actors or actresses of the medicine world, doctors are seen as Hollywood superstars, only paid less with more hours. However, with both actors and doctors sharing that unique quality of an automatic appeal, it seems that the TV doctor is the one to beat with regards to instant hotness. So, to celebrate the sexiest TV profession of all time, here are 15 of the hottest TV doctors.

    15 Dr. John Carter (Noah Wyle)

    Played by the cute but handsome heartthrob Noah Wyle, Dr. John Carter was a firm favorite within the realms of television show ER for a number of years. That's right, he's been there since the very beginning, Wyle appeared in the pilot, initially as a medical student. The youngest member of the cast, Wyle went on to star in eleven seasons, earning a number of awards and nominations along the way. Popular, Wyle was asked back to star in a couple of one off episodes, which pleased fans across the globe. Involved in a number of high profile story lines throughout the emergency room, Dr. Carter had a variety of unsuccessful relationships, was once stabbed in the kidney, was held at gun point, once ran away to the Congo, once built an AIDS/HIV clinic, was quarantined for Monkeypox, and developed an addiction. All in a days work huh Dr. Carter?

    14 Dr. Remy 'Thirteen' Hadley (Olivia Wilde)

    One of the most successful medical drama's of all time, House is also one of the strangest. Centering around the unconventional and outwardly rude Dr. House, and his team of doctors, the show was immensely popular throughout its eight seasons. However, it was the mysterious Dr. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley that intrigued viewers the most, played by the ridiculously attractive Olivia Wilde. Honestly, even not as a doctor she is just so beautiful we can't even take it. Extremely private, Thirteen, is one of the most secretive characters in the series, making her presence known in the first episode of the fourth season. So maybe that is why she seems so hot, who doesn't love a good mysterious character. In fact, Thirteen is so confidential, that her surname isn't even revealed until the end of the season itself. Known for bringing awareness to Huntington's disease, Thirteen is also bisexual, representing a preference that is rarely portrayed on screen.

    13 Doctor Who (David Tennant)

    OK, so not strictly speaking in the medical sense, but I am sure Doctor Who would be more than sufficient in an emergency situation. That's right, hailing from the planet Gallifrey, Doctor Who is most definitely the hottest time lord we've ever come across, even allowing us to pick and choose our favorite image of him. However, it is David Tennant's portrayal of the famed time traveler that really tickles our fancy, with Tennant able to offer that extra bit of je ne sais quoi. Playing the role of the 'tenth doctor', Tennant is by far the most popular, with his charisma, likable attitude, and easygoing nature a hit with audiences worldwide. Known for his sideburns and spiked up locks, Tennant's geek-chic appearance was also part of his appealing on screen persona. Often voted the sexiest Doctor Who of all time, it will be hard to beat such a true science fiction icon.

    12 Dr. Leo Markus (Harry Connick JR.)

    Definitely not the best character to come out of the popular sitcom, Will and Grace, but Dr. Leo Markus certainly makes a claim for the hottest. Portrayed by cute crooner, Harry Connick Jr., Leo is initially introduced as a love interest for main character Grace Adler, played by the hilarious Debra Messing. Marrying, the love birds later break up, after it is revealed the Dr. Leo cheated on her while working for Doctors without Borders in Cambodia (ugh how can he do such a terrible thing). Divorcing, Leo appears on and off throughout the rest of the series, with it then announced that Grace is pregnant with his baby. Ending up together, the pair live happily ever after, bringing up their daughter together. However, with news that the popular show will be returning for a 10 episode special, there has been no word on whether Connick Jr. will be making an appearance. Fingers crossed!

    11 Dr. Jack Shephard (Matthew Fox)

    One of the most memorable characters of "the greatest TV show of all time", Lost, Matthew Fox was only supposed to be involved in the pilot, before being cruelly killed off in a surprise twist. However, due to early screen tests and audience appeal, Dr. Jack Shephard stuck, with actor Fox also still in with a job. That's right, ending up as one of the main characters, Shephard lasted until the very end, starring in 113 episodes, of 121, and receiving a number of awards and nominations. One of the main protagonists, Shephard also had a number of issues, as well as a couple of on-screen relationships. That's right, part of the famous love triangle between Kate and Sawyer, poor Jack found himself on the wrong end of the angle a fair few times. However, proving that nice guys always finish first, Jack and Kate go on to live happily ever after, kind of, who knows what goes on in that show.

    10 Dr. Danny Castellano (Chris Messina)

    One of the funniest comedy series on screen at the moment, The Mindy Project circles around a bunch of goofy doctors in New York City. However, it is Chris Messina that stands out as the nerdiest, yet strangely attractive Dr. Danny Castellano, that has women routinely weak at the knees, on and off screen. One of the main character's, Castellano is the stereotypical working class American Italian, raised on Staten Island, and brought up alone by his mother. That definitely has to be what makes him so attractive, who doesn't love an accent? Ambitious, demanding, and a bit of an idiot, Castellano ends up in a relationship with main character Mindy, much to both their disdain. But, although often seen as a real jerk, Castellano is a Mommy's boy at heart, often seen providing a huge amount of comedy with regards to the relationship he has with his overbearing mother. Plus, he's easy on the eyes too.

    9 Dr. John Thackery (Clive Owen)

    Set in a fictionalized hospital during the early twentieth century in New York City, The Knick makes you extremely thankful for modern day medicine. That is right, making you wince with terror, the show depicts the every day on goings of Dr. John Thackery, played by the extremely handsome British actor, Clive Owen. Acting as the chief surgeon, Thackery is hugely talented, and attracts a number of wealthy clients from across the globe, with his skillful surgical antics. However, although enormously respected with regards to his skills in the operating theater, the handsome Thackery also sports an unhealthy addiction to some illegal substances, as well as regular outings to an opium den. What is it with these doctors having unhealthy addictions, don't they know it is bad for them? It seems like a common theme among TV doctors, but we can't help it, we all love a bad boy!

    8 Dr. Sam Bennett (Taye Diggs)

    Playing the role of Dr. Samuel Bennett in the spin-off from Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Taye Diggs has garnered something of a huge following. That is right, often voted, Television's sexiest doctor, Diggs first appeared in season three of Grey's Anatomy, before starring in all six seasons of the immensely popular Private Practice. With Dr. Samuel Bennett one of the main characters, he was also involved in a number of high profile story lines, as well as having to balance romantic liaisons inside the work place. Smart, funny and incredibly sexy, Dr. Samuel Bennett is most definitely credited as being one of the nicest, caring, and hottest TV doctors ever to exist in the land of fictionalized medical dramas. Even in the show, every character is aware of how attractive he is, and we have to say that he seems to know it too. He is somewhat of a ladies man, but we don't mind because we just love everything abut this character! Too bad the show is over but you can binge watch the episodes which totally rocks!

    7 Dr. Robert Chase (Jesse Spencer)

    Yes another doctor to have made the list from this amazing show. They really knew how to pick a really attractive cast, dare we say almost more attractive than Grey's? First appearing in the pilot of the acclaimed medical series House, Dr. Robert Chase immediately shines as one of the dishiest doctors of all time. Portrayed by the equally handsome Jesse Spencer, Chase is involved in a number of story lines throughout his eight-season stay, as well as becoming one of the most popular characters in the series. Previously famed for his role in Australian favorite, Neighbors, as heartthrob Billy Kennedy, Spencer originally auditioned for the role of Chase expecting it to be just the average run of the mill medical drama. However, instantly impressed, Spencer fought hard for the part, even convincing producers that the character should be from Australia, instead of the intended America, just to add that extra little bit of spice. It worked!

    6 Dr. Elliot Reid (Sarah Chalke)

    Forget J.D, Turk, Carla, or even Dr. Cox, It's Dr. Elliot Reid who takes the top spot as the hottest doctor ever to walk to the corridors of the famed Sacred Heart Hospital. That's right, appearing in the extremely popular comedy Scrubs, since the very beginning, Dr. Reid is often described as the funniest character too, sometimes some girls just have it all. Played by the equally charming Sarah Chalke, Dr. Reid was featured in every single episode of the eight season run, apart from just two episodes in the final season. Immensely popular, Dr. Reid was involved in one of the most prominent relationships in the show, sporting an on/off love affair with the main character, Dr. John Dorian. Shown to be socially awkward, hyperactive, inappropriate, and displaying a total lack of social skills, Dr.Reid was still extremely attractive, often showcasing some serious hotness throughout her 8 season stint.

    5 Dr. Christian (Julian McMahon)

    When Nip/Tuck came crashing on to our TV screens in 2003, no one quite knew what to expect. Created by TV mogul Ryan Murphy (right there you know that this is one show that will be amazing, with or without the hot doctors, but it does help), the series focused on the wonderful world of plastic surgery, as well as illicit love affairs and one-night stands. However, it was the character, Dr. Christian Troy that really shocked audiences, with his character seemingly lacking any kind of morals whatsoever. Yet, as always, with bad boys seemingly the most attractive, Dr. Troy went on to become a symbol in his own right, despite his lack of empathy towards those of the fairer gender. That's right, initially portrayed as a huge serial womanizer, with flashy cars and Gucci suits, Dr. Troy eventually began to soften, falling in love and changing his ways. Ahh everyone likes a redeemer.

    4 Dr. Callie Torres (Sara Ramirez)

    With Grey's Anatomy, one of the most popular medical drama's this world has ever seen, you know you can't help but still watch this long time running show, it is no surprise to see at least a couple of its series regulars make the list (even though this season Callie is nowhere to be seen). That's right, with both men and women severely denting the hotness scale, it's Dr. Callie Torres that makes the biggest impression, becoming one of the show's most favored characters. Initially incorporated into the series as a love interest for one of the main characters, Torres was included full-time when producers realized she was more popular than the protagonist himself. Involved in a number of storylines, from marriage, plane crashes, amputations, and custody hearings, it was her portrayal of swinging both ways that really won critics over, having received a number awards for her characters depiction.

    3 Dr. Luka Kovač (Goran Višnjić)

    Another Doctor of the famous ER, Dr. Luka Kovač, appeared much later in the series after resident god, George Clooney, left the show. Originally from Croatia, Dr. Kovač was immediately adored, often compared to that of his predecessor Clooney himself. Involved in a number of high-profile storylines, it was later revealed that Dr. Kovač came to the USA after his wife and daughter had died during the Croatian War of Independence. Suffering from severe survivor's guilt and PTSD, the character brought a much needed attention to the illness, especially with that of bringing awareness to male sufferers. Due to his handsome good looks, and extreme appeal, Dr. Kovač also had a number of relationships on screen, counting main character Abby Lockhart as one of them. With the popular pairing resulting in one of ER's most cherished relationships, Dr. Kovač will go down in history as one of the most liked doctors in the land of TV medical dramas.

    2 Dr. Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey)

    Well they don't call him McDreamy for nothing. That is right ladies and gents, Grey's Anatomy's very own fictional god, Dr. Derek Shepherd, has been making women and men weak at the knees since his first appearance in the very first episode. Receiving a number of awards for his portrayal of the dishy doctor, actor Patrick Dempsey became an immediate desirable symbol across the globe. Known for his on-screen romance with main character, Meredith Grey, the couple went on to become the Romeo and Juliet of the hospital world, forced to endure a number of tragedies between them. From brain surgeries to shootings to ex-wives and cheating best friends, life wasn't easy for the once time chief of medicine. Funny, charming, intelligent, and most importantly sexy as hell, Dr. McDreamy is the number one hottest TV doctor of all time, for a number of people all over the world.

    1 Dr. Doug Ross (George Clooney)

    The only person on the planet able to beat Dr. McDreamy, George Clooney became an immediate household name when starring as the handsome Dr. Doug Ross, in acclaimed medical drama ER. Playing Dr. Ross for five seasons, Clooney returned for a cameo in the final season, much to the pleasure of fans across the globe. Initially depicted as a womanizer of sorts, Dr. Ross finally got his act together, embarking on a love affair with nurse manager Carol Hathaway. On discussing the creation of the role itself, Clooney stated that he had initially received a draft version of the script, claiming that he was instantly drawn to the role of the flawed doctor. Now, remembered as one of the greatest TV characters of all time, Dr. Ross often tops polls worldwide with regards to being the hottest doctor ever on screen, with Clooney himself receiving two Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series. Now a huge movie star in his own right, Clooney has Dr. Ross to thank for propelling him into Hollywood stardom.