15 Most Scandalous Rihanna Outfits Ever

Confidence queen and a mean fashion machine, Rihanna has amazed us time and time again with her outstanding outfits. She has the body and brain to pull off anything, and we can't think of a single outfit that she looks bad in. This, however, can sometimes get her into some trouble. For a woman who looks good in everything, the risk is that she'll try anything. While we need people in the world who are willing and able to forge new fashion trends, we would love if they were feasible ones; unlike the dress made of a mesh of crystals, or the fur jacket shaped like a large, red heart. These are things that are better suited to a costume party than real world wear, just like her Mummy-bandage dress and flying squirrel suit. Read on to see all the scandalous things Rihanna's worn over the past few years, and remember: she got away with wearing all of it! If she can pull off a lime green fringed jumpsuit, you can certainly pull off thigh highs and heels.

15 Who Needs Clothes? Not Rihanna, Clearly

She has decided to coat herself in a fine layer of sparkle instead of getting dressed in this photo. Clearly taking the cake as one of the most scandalous, it is certainly the fanciest (and most glamorous) scandal we have ever seen. The dress itself seems to be made of a fine mesh material, clinging to her curves and showing off in all the right spots. For something that is made of more air than fabric, the outfit is not actually as dramatic as some of her other ones. In fact, she looks pretty normal. There has been a few other stars who have utilized the “dress made of crystals” style trend, which means this is not actually as shocking as she might want. Rihanna definitely upped the ante, though, choosing to go braless and bare underneath the glittery net. It is a bold choice, but one that she certainly can get away with.
14 LWD

That stands for “Little White Dress” for those that do not know. Similar to the LBD (Little Black Dress), the LWD is just as important for anybody's wardrobe. Typically used for summer functions and daytime parties, this is also a look that can work for red carpets. More casual, the dresses usually give an air of innocence and playfulness. They can also be much more young looking than LBDs, which make them a popular choice for celebrities that want to push some envelopes. Rihanna has taken the innocence and purity of the LWD and twists it around with this look, causing a little more scandal than just wearing a straight-up revealing dress. The sideboob is strong with this dress, and she pulls it off well. Pair it with those bright red lips and she has got bada$$ery for days, all wrapped up in a neat white bow.
13 Jewels And… Spikes?

This Queen is all about the contrast and proves that it is not just diamonds that are a girl's best friend. It is also spikes. And leather boots. And sharp corsets. These are all things that create such a strong type of woman who is not afraid to rock anything. This outfit makes Rihanna look HOT, and gives us a few ideas about how she got to be such a commanding presence. She's quite the head turner in this sparkly, sharp outfit. While the scandal might not be as intense as the other outfits she's got on this list, it's certainly got some edge. We can't believe she didn't take out somebody's eye with that bodice too. To be honest, that's the scandal we would expect with these clothes. It looks like it would kill someone if she fell on them, or stabbing them through the arm if she bumped into them on the subway. Yikes! Thank goodness everyone survived.
12 Hard Choices

We are the first to admit that fashion has a weird side to it that a lot of us are unsure of. There's too many trends, and very few of them look good together. With this dress, Rihanna tried to pair together quite a few different trends… And had middling success. The look overall isn't terrible, but it's not good. We also can't figure out if she's trying to be provocative, or subtle. The bedazzled boobs are a great nod to the bras currently out at places like Urban Behaviour and Forever 21, with peach-skin-tone mesh and pictures printed over the area. Pair that trend with the thigh high stockings she's rocking, and the trend of choker neck shirts and dresses and you've got… This. It's scandalous just because of how odd it is. Definitely the most indecisive outfit we've seen her in, and we think she can do better.
11 The Depths Of… Well, We Won't Go There

The dress is doing everything but putting up a neon sign, and while it is not unflattering, it is certainly ridiculous. We are not entirely sure how it is staying up, other than maybe some artfully placed double sided tape. This silky number looks like a cross between a slip and a potato sack, with a slightly more decadent coloring. It is not the fact that she looks bad, or that it is an unimaginative dress. The biggest, most scandalous issue we take with this piece is the fact that it is so low you can see right down… Well, you can see for yourself. How she gets away with this is no mystery. Rihanna has the confidence to pull anything off, and not to mention the body for it as well. We just wish she would not have to rely on those qualities to pull off her outfits, and instead wore some better outfits.
10 Oscar

We are not trying to be grouchy, we are just confused by this monster of an outfit. A little green around the edges, Rihanna must have worn this in her early days because we can't imagine her in anything close to this ridiculous now (except maybe for something red and furry, but more on that later). The matching crinkly leather boots make us concerned that she not only skinned Oscar and wore his skin, but turned the excess into leather for her shoes. It is not that she looks terrible. Her hair is super cute, and the style of the clothing is something we have seen in past seasons in places like Forever 21 and Urban Behaviour. We have just never seen it in such a horrendous green color. This is definitely the worst outfit on the list so far, and even though she is not showing a lot of skin, she is definitely causing a scandal with this one.
9 The Mummy Rises

We're getting a bit of 80s-Horror-Movie-Mummy off of her here. It's not bad, and it's definitely bold, but it's also not the best. It looks like someone tried to make a cheap Halloween costume by wrapping white hockey tape around their body, but started to run out before they finished the legs. Yikes. Isn't she hot in all that tape? Doesn't it get sweaty under there? If we were her, we'd be scared that it would get a little slippery too. You never know what might pop out when you're wearing strips of plastic-type fabric, and we definitely don't want to find out for ourselves. This bodysuit is by far one of the more confusing outfits she's worn, as we're not even sure it counts as an outfit. And what's up with the weird spikes on her shoulders? Next time she should try to get some actual clothes, and leave the Mummy Chic at the Halloween party.
8 How Hot? SO Hot

Rihanna looks so freakin' hot in this outfit, and we can't quite place our finger on what it is. Her dress is tight, but it is not like the bandage dress we just saw. It is fairly sheer, but it is no sparkle net (like we saw in the first photo). In fact, the biggest scandal we can see with this outfit is the huge cross dangling down and pointing towards her… Well, between her legs. The silver is a big contrast to the black lace she is wearing, which makes it all the more obvious too. What would the church say about this? We are pretty sure they did not say anything, but no doubt it raised a few eyebrows, depending on which communities saw this picture. The scandal was definitely a potential, even if nothing was said. We just love it when Rihanna decides to dress in an all black outfit. She takes the most dainty of fabrics, like this lace, and turns it into a hot edgy outfit that we can only dream of wearing.
7 Three Ways To Style… What?

We can't figure out what she was going for with this look. Three different angles give all the insight you need into why this outfit has scandal written all over it. First, let's talk about the cardigan. It is a lovely pattern and a longer length. These were popular a few years ago, and quickly became a staple in most people's wardrobes. Most people, however, wear them as intended: with shirts on underneath. Long cardigans are usually paired with longer skirts and pants as well, which Rihanna has also skipped out on. Let's be real: It just looks like she is wearing this cardigan. That is how she walked out the door, and she had no intentions of putting on any other clothing. It is questionable and ridiculous, and totally has scandal written all over it. Thank goodness there weren't any slip ups! But regardless of the lack of clothing she is wearing here, she still manages to look hotter than ever. Yup, we are jealous!
6 Gladiator Gams

We all remember the gladiator sandal trend that was popular a few years ago, right? With the straps wrapping up and fastening around our ankles, calves, or knees, who could forget these ridiculous, far reaching throwbacks to the past? The most ridiculous part about this is that the straps serve basically no purpose in the grand scheme of the shoe. The sandal can stay on just fine with a single strap, or even as a slip on. There's no reason for it to go all the way up to our knees! Rihanna took this a step further and wrapped the cord all the way up her legs. She then paired it with a dress that could pass as a t-shirt from the men's section at H&M it's so short. No one else could get away with doing this except Rihanna, and even she's causing some whispers about it. If it was in a brighter color, or something shinier, then we'd hear shouting about how bad it is. As it stands now, she's done okay. It's not the first outfit she's worn that's raised some eyebrows anyway.
5 We Don't “Heart” It

Red is a great color, and Valentine's Day is around the corner. Does that mean that you should wear it? NO. Rihanna really missed the boat with this one, walking around in a huge red heart shape made of fur. We don't know if we can actually describe this as a jacket, or just a shell. It's so big and puffy, and would probably hold its shape even if Rihanna wasn't inside of it. Can we talk about that hat too? “Hat” and “Heart” might be close in terms of words, but they're nowhere even remotely connected to each other in the fashion world. It really cheapens the experience of the large fur jacket, and the jacket just makes us notice the cap all the more. While a more subtle color might have helped, we don't know if it's really worth trying to save this look from tabloid talk. As far as we're concerned, anyone who loves this look needs to start integrating love in other areas of their life… And not wear it!
4 Squirrel Style

This outfit has caused a lot of debate, and not because we need to know who would wear it better on a red carpet. No, this outfit only gets talked about because we're not sure if it's more appropriate to call it the Bat Suit, or the Flying Squirrel Style. Both are just such accurate descriptions of this atrocious outfit. The color is a popular one right now, but that doesn't save the look; if anything, it might make it worse. Her sleeves are almost dragging on the ground, and she looks ready to soar off a building or send out some sonar sounds. The neckline is also way too curved to make the plunge look good, and the shoulders! What even are those? It's like she's attached boxes on her back and then draped fabric over them. There's nothing else to say about this look, though no doubt news of it has spread far and wide.
3 Banana Fashion

Yellow is a color that very few people can pull off. For many people it makes them look washed out, sad, and dishwatery. For others, it can come off as glaring, bright, and altogether too intense. Rihanna, however, wears the color well. It compliments her skin tone in a lovely way, and she looks fresh and young rather than drained and peeled. That doesn't mean she should drape herself in it, though. Just because a color looks good on you doesn't mean you need to cover yourself in it from head to toe and beyond. This robe/cape/dress thing is the perfect example of too much of a good thing. A scandalous philosophy lesson in dress form, Rihanna has proved here that there is such a thing as too much… And more is not necessarily better. We're unsure of the point of such a big slit up the side too. Did her leg just need air? Let's hope so, because who knows why else the designer would have chosen to cut up its side. It just adds to the banana peel-esque vibe of this dress, which even Rihanna is having difficulty pulling off.
2 Green Goddess

There's something about Rihanna and green that never seems to get old. The Oscar the Grouch jokes have definitely gotten stale, though they could describe this look too. Fringed and funky, this jumpsuit is a throwback to both the wild west era and the 80s. It's a bright, vibrant outfit that looks like a cross between an old lamp and a slime-covered catsuit, though she certainly looks good wearing it. While we can't judge Rihanna for any of these looks, we can certainly judge the clothes. In this outfit specifically, she looks as incredible as ever, showing off her rocking curves and bedazzled neck with a plunging neckline that seems to be made especially for her body. It doesn't change the fact, though, that this is a fringed bodysuit. C'mon. We're not talking about something that's inherently attractive, here. Props to her for filling it out, now file it away before there's any more discussion about it!
1 Taking the Cake

Where do we even begin with this? Should we start with her hair or her shoes? Should we ask who thought this was a good idea? While we don't want to play the blame game, we definitely do want someone to own up to the fact that a superstar Queen like Rihanna had to walk around in this weird outfit. The bodice looks like a butterfly, but a very stylized one. The pink is also a concern, as we're not sure if it's meant to match her hair or not. The pants aren't helping, as they look like a cross between trash bags and rain pants (and probably don't feel much better either). The shoes we're just confused by, unsure of whether she was trying to copy a specific style, or if she was just being edgy and trying new things. Regardless, we don't like it. Rihanna is an incredible woman, but it's a shame that some of her outfits have resulted in her awesomeness getting overshadowed. Focus on the ferocity, not the fashion. Especially when it's fashion like this!