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    15 Movie Moments That Make NO Sense

    SPOILER ALERT! Usually when we're watching movies, we get so caught up in the characters and emotions and storylines that we don't really notice when things don't exactly make sense. But when we look back later, it's a lot easier to realize if something within the movie's fictional world is totally fishy! We loved all of the movies on this list, but that doesn't mean they're totally and completely reasonable and logical. Some of the movie moments that make zero sense are so subtle that we didn't really notice them until we thought long and hard about it after years of watching the movie. Other moments are so silly that they zap you right out of the movie! Some of the following movie flaws come in at the end and kind of ruin the resolution of the film, and some are just so unbelievable that they make the whole plot totally unnecessary! Here are 15 movie moments that don't make sense.

    15 Sam's Hidden Identity In 'A Cinderella Story'

    This movie basically got us through our tweens, so Hilary Duff and her roller-skating co-workers at the diner will always have a place in our hearts. This story is a modern retelling of Cinderella. The main character Sam Montgomery's job is to slave in her stepmom's diner for the jocks and cheerleaders she goes to school with. With the help of a fairy godmother (of sorts!), Sam gets all dolled up for the homecoming dance where she waltzes with Austin, the popular quarterback. The whole movie revolves around the fact that Austin wants to find her again after the dance, but doesn't recognize Sam because less than half of her face was covered with a mask. Really? Her voice, her hair, her stature and even her eyes aren't big enough hints for you to realize that your Cinderella is actually the diner girl you chat to in between breakfast burritos? Good luck at Princeton, Austin.

    14 Aladdin's Final Choice In 'Aladdin'

    It breaks our hearts to criticize Aladdin, but it totally has to be done! If you don't know the whole deal (not sure how that's possible but we'll explain anyway!), Aladdin stumbles upon a magic lamp and is seriously crushing on Princess Jasmine, so he wishes for the genie to make him into a prince. After escaping the Cave of Wonders with the genie's help and wishing to be a prince, Aladdin only has one wish left at the end, which he promises to use to wish the genie free. They beat the bad guy, but then Aladdin suddenly tells the genie that only a prince can marry a princess, and he has to use his last wish to become a prince. But he's already a prince?! When Jafar gets hold of the lamp, he changes Aladdin's clothes back to rags, but nothing was said about him reversing his new royal status. So this was a dramatic ending, but so unnecessary.

    13 Emma And Liv's Reunion In 'Bride Wars'

    Emma and Liv spend the entire movie Bride Wars fighting because they're supposed to get married on the same day at the same place and neither girl will change her mind. This all blows up on their wedding day when Emma has finally had enough of Liv's BS and storms into her wedding chapel to quite literally take her down in the aisle. So Liv attacks Emma and the two tackle each other to the ground, before realizing that this whole thing is silly and they should make up. We don't think you could be so mad that you'd physically attack your ex-bestie and then want to make up two seconds later, but anyway. The real issue is that the wedding guests stay silent and just watch as the two fight and then lie on the ground whispering apologies to each other. If you saw that at a wedding, you would definitely react!

    12 The Ice In 'Edward Scissorhands'

    Edward Scissorhands is a masterpiece, but that doesn't mean it's a totally flawless movie! Our issue is with the ice. Edward, the artificially created man who has scissors for hands, is brought down from the abandoned castle he resides in to live with Peg and her family. Edward is really the nicest guy ever, but the suburban people just can't get over his differences. They turn against him and ruin everything. In the end, Edward returns to the castle, never to be seen again, and Peg's daughter Kim grows old without him. At the end of the film, she tells her granddaughter that she believes Edward is still alive because she believes the town's snow is really the shavings of ice that Edward carves up in the castle. But Edward doesn't leave the castle, no one goes up there, and it's pretty warm, so where does he get the ice from? Hmm.

    11 Maleficent Being Excluded In 'Sleeping Beauty'

    The movie Maleficent sheds some light on the relationship between the fairy Maleficent and the royal family in Sleeping Beauty, and if we take into account that plot, we can see why Maleficent wouldn't attend the christening of Princess Aurora. In that version, King Stefan is awful to Maleficent! But in Disney's Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent is just an evil force and the royal family exclude her because of that. The whole story revolves around Maleficent cursing Princess Aurora as revenge for not receiving an invitation to the christening party, so when you think about it, the King and Queen really should have just invited her to keep the peace. The fact that they didn't is really so silly that it doesn't even really make sense! If you know there's a powerful fairy in the kingdom who is looking to pick a fight, wouldn't you just invite her to stay safe? We would!

    10 Marty's Relationship With His Parents In 'Back To The Future'

    In the first film, Marty travels back to 1955 and has to do some serious damage control when his mother falls in love with him. He ends up rewriting history so he can get his parents back together and he changes the lives of not only his mom and dad but his father's bully, Biff. That's all well and good, but when he eventually goes back to 1985 and the future has changed to take into account Marty's actions, his parents don't appear to have noticed that their son is the splitting image of the mysterious kid who set them up back in high school and then disappeared. Even if they are too close with Marty to draw a comparison like that, wouldn't the future Biff have made the connection? Surely he would have said, “This kid looks exactly like the guy who made me crash into a manure truck back in the day!”

    9 Malcolm Not Realizing The Truth In 'The Sixth Sense'

    If you aren't aware of one of the biggest plot twists in history and don't want it spoiled for you, look away now. Okay. The revelation that psychologist Malcolm is actually a ghost himself after spending the whole film trying to help Cole (who can see dead people) is pretty epic. But does it actually make sense that Malcolm didn't know? Malcolm is shot and the only person he converses with is Cole. He's married and he believes his marriage is strained because his wife is acting cold, but how bad must their marriage have been for him not to realize that her not talking to him at all is a sign that something is wrong? What about all the other people in his life? Is it really normal for his family and friends and shop assistants and everybody else to not even acknowledge him with eye contact? So weird and we will never make sense of this!

    8 The Flying Car In 'Grease'

    This movie moment is iconic, so we're sorry to have to put our analytical hats on and declare that it makes no sense. After finally getting together (when there was secretly no real reason that they couldn't be together the whole time but whatever), Sandy and Danny leave their senior fair via flying car. There is nothing even remotely close to fantasy in the film before this point, and then all of a sudden, Danny's red car takes flight, and Sandy is mildly surprised but smiling nonetheless. First of all, unless you're in a world created by J.K. Rowling, cars don't fly! If your car started to fly, wouldn't you scream? So confusing! Some people say that the whole film is actually taking place in Sandy's imagination as in the beginning she actually drowns at the beach with Danny and goes a bit delusional before eventually dying. At least that explains the flying machinery!

    7 Cinderella's Shoes in 'Cinderella'

    This one isn't Disney's fault since they were just following the original fairy tale. But those Brothers Grimm certainly could have thought this story out a little better! We all know the story of Cinderella, and it's probably so ingrained into your brain that you haven't even questioned any of it. The fairy godmother crafts Cinderella a magic slipper of glass, and later as the Prince is looking for her we find out that the shoe fits her perfectly. So how could it have fallen off in the first place?! Yes, running in heels is complicated, but if it's been magically tailored just for you, surely the fit is perfect. Prince Charming's method of finding his dream girl is also flawed because would one girl really be the only person to have a particular size foot in the whole kingdom? Gosh. All we can say is she's definitely not a size eight!

    6 All The Money In 'Sex And The City 2'

    One of the biggest things that doesn't add up about the girls' trip to Abu Dhabi is the amount of money they seem to have at their disposal. We know that the trip is paid for through one of Samantha's deals, but the ladies are all in fancy designer clothes, so they don't give off the impression of limited means at all. Then when you see Carrie's apartment (and that fine closet!), it's clear that at least Carrie is doing pretty well for herself. So why is it suddenly the end of the world when the funding from their trip is cut off? They scramble about the hotel to get out of there ASAP so they can still catch their paid-for flight, but if you were financially comfortable, would you rush out of a foreign country just to avoid paying for an extra night in a hotel and one flight? Probably not!

    5 Becca And Tyler Being Sent To Their Grandparents In 'The Visit'

    The Visit is definitely one creepy movie, but if we're being picky, the whole premise is hard to believe. Loretta Jamison hasn't seen her parents for years after she fell out with them, but she sends her children, who have never met them, alone to stay with them. We're not buying it! If you don't want to talk to your parents yourself, you probably wouldn't want your kids to have anything to do with them either, and if you did, you'd probably escort them there yourself. Especially if there's bad blood and you haven't seen them for years! So that part is a bit fishy. It ends up that the real grandparents have been murdered by escaped psychiatric patients from the facility where they worked, and this is something else that seems a little farfetched. Since two patients have escaped and two workers are missing, there would be more of an investigation IRL!

    4 The Final Competition In 'Billy Madison'

    To prove that he's worthy of taking over his father's company, Billy Madison goes head-to-head with Eric, who's trying to steal it, and tries to beat him in an academic competition. It's a great way to show Billy's character growth, but we feel like it's unnecessary. Billy's father learns that Eric sabotaged Billy's efforts in going back to school to earn the company and sees his son is worthy, but Eric says that if he doesn't inherit the company like he was promised, he's going to sue. Firstly, Billy's father is a hotel tycoon who could afford any lawyer he wants, and people have gotten away with a lot more than that when they've had a good lawyer by their side. Secondly, we didn't see anything signed to state Eric was going to get the company, so he probably didn't have much of a case if there were no witnesses to their verbal agreement. You know?

    3 Alan And Sarah's Memories In 'Jumanji'

    If you don't know Jumanji, Alan and Sarah's lives are changed when they're playing a board game and Alan gets sucked into it. Time moves on and they grow up, Sarah in their hometown and Alan in a jungle inside the game, but after many years, they pair up with kids Judy and Peter, finish the game, and restore everything to the way it was before they ever played it. This is a good ending since it allows them to go back and fix things with a few people in their lives. But the sketchy thing is that they remember it all. Imagine if you went back to the age of twelve… but kept your 20-something-year-old brain and memory. Not only would doing it all over again be a total bore, even if you got the chance to change some things but wouldn't an adult mind in a child's body cause a few problems? We're not buying it.

    2 Scar Letting Simba Go In 'The Lion King'

    We're happy that this moment doesn't really add up. If things had been more realistic, we might have lost Simba in The Lion King! But we can't help but focus on how this movie moment definitely makes absolutely zero sense. Scar's mission in life is to steal the throne from his brother Mufasa, and he goes so far as to murder his brother to get his wish. If you'd gone to all that trouble, you'd probably do everything you could to make sure nobody stole your prize from you. Simba being alive poses a serious threat to Scar's claim to the throne, so you'd think that being the evil mastermind that he is, he would kill Simba ASAP. Instead, he just tells him to run away and never return. Bad move, Scar! He does then have second thoughts and orders the hyenas to do the job, but that's a big job to trust them with! A real villain would have done it himself.

    1 Jack's Death In 'Titanic'

    Just about the whole world has a problem with this moment, so of course, it's going to be at the top of our list. We're just going to put it simply: there was enough room on that floating door for both Rose and Jack at the end of Titanic. There was no need for him to die! We see Jack trying to get on the door and then it capsizes, but that's clearly because he pulled it down. If they had taken maybe a little bit more care, it could have supported both of them! And if it really couldn't (it so could have), they could have alternated so Rose probably would have ended up with a stronger case of hypothermia, but at least Jack would be alive. We understand the significance of Jack's death in the story, but the filmmakers could have at least organized a smaller door so we wouldn't be forever aggravated.