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    15 Movie Scenes That Still Get Us

    There are a lot of movies in our lifetime that touch our hearts. It might depend on what type of movie you're into, but there are always a few that come to mind when you think of truly tragic tales that touched your heart. Many of those movies had particular scenes that moved you in a way you didn't know possible, and chances are, those scenes still get to you when you re-watch these movies. It's especially true when you watch a movie that you haven't seen since you were a kid, and some of the events hit you harder now that you can actually understand them. Those movie scenes will always stick close to us, and we might dread them when we see them again because we know the waterworks will arrive shortly. Here are 15 movie scenes that still get us! Warning, there are totally some spoilers ahead!

    15 Goodbye In 'Marley And Me'

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    There's nothing quite like the death of an animal to evoke emotions that you didn't even know you had. It creates the kind of gross, dry heaving sobs that make you hate the world and hate the movie even more, and that's why the ending of Marley And Me can move even the coldest of hearts. While this dog wrecks havoc on the family that loves him, it's hard not to fall in love with him, and that's why the ending is so damn heartbreaking. Of course, we can expect it, but that doesn't make it any easier. When they have to euthanize the dog that has become the most loved member of the family, it's impossible to hold in the tears. Why can't dogs live forever? While the movie portrays Marley having an amazing life, that doesn't make his loss any easier. If you need a good cry, watch this movie and wait for this scene. Or literally any of the other ones on this list.

    14 Left In The Woods In 'The Fox and the Hound'

    Animated movies have the ability to pull on your heart strings in a way that most movies never could. Even though these movies have an intended audience of children, sometimes the adults who are watching are the ones who experience the loss even more acutely. It might be a good idea to go back in time and give this classic another watch because while it's a bittersweet tale of friendship, it's not just about the fox and the hound. When Widow Tweed, the sweet little old lady that owns a farm, decides to adopt the orphan fox and name him Tod, it's the beginning of one of the sweetest relationships on screen. She loves Tod as if he was her own son! However, as Tod grows older, it's apparent there will be complications with owning a fox, and Tweed is forced to drive Tod out into the woods and leave him there. Their farewell is heartbreaking, and it's a scene that will never become easy to watch.

    13 The Funeral In 'My Girl'

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    Any scene with a dramatic loss of innocence tends to stick with us after we see it, especially since they almost always make us cry. This scene will always still get to us without fail. It's a coming of age tale that reminds us of our youth, which is why we can relate to Vada. You grow to adore Vada and Thomas's innocent and pure friendship, so when he goes into the woods to rescue Vada's mood ring, only to be stung to death by bees, you know the scenes that follow are bound to be difficult to watch. When she sees Thomas in the coffin and begins bawling that he needs his glasses because he can't see without his glasses, it's difficult to pretend you're not dying inside. It's painful to watch, and it's a scene you understand with greater depth the older you get. You can try to pretend this scene doesn't get to you, but you would be lying.

    12 When Wilson Is Lost In 'Castaway'

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    This is an enthralling tale of survival, but more importantly, it's about loss. It can be hard when you reach the end of the movie and realize that Chuck will never be able to be with the woman he loves because she has a new family and thought he was dead for the past five years. However, nothing is as heartbreaking as when he loses Wilson. It might seem to be a little odd when he begins talking to a volleyball, but after being stranded on an uninhabited island for half a decade, you might start talking to a volleyball, too. After spending all that time with Wilson, there are few things harder to watch than Chuck desperately swimming after the volleyball when it becomes untethered from the raft. It's even harder to watch when he realizes Wilson is lost forever, and he swims back to the raft and breaks down in tears. This movie makes you love the volleyball as much as Chuck does!

    11 When Allie Remembers In 'The Notebook'

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    The first time you watch this movie, the ending can be both shocking and devastating. When you discover that the sweet old folks are Noah and Allie years down the road, it's difficult knowing that after everything they'd been through and how deep their love was, that Allie no longer remembers Noah because of their old age. Noah's devotion to reading the notebook to her is enough to make you emotional, but when Allie suddenly remembers Noah towards the end, it's enough to make you simultaneously cry with joy and grief. The happiness is short-lived, and that's when the movie truly stabs you in the heart -- when Allie loses her memories as quickly as she regained them and begins screaming, it's awful to see Noah break down and lose the love of his life. There are a lot of scenes in this movie that are hard to handle, but this one is particularly saddening.

    10 Jenny Dies In 'Forrest Gump'

    The life of Forrest Gump is an adventure from beginning to end, which is why this is a favorite movie for many people out there. Neither he nor his soulmate Jenny have an easy life, as their childhood has brought them a lot of trouble and scars. However, they always seem to find their way back to each other, and it's one of the sweetest scenes when Forrest finds out he's a father. He loves Jenny so dearly, but it all comes crashing down after the wedding - Jenny dies from the illness she's been suffering from, which is presumed to be AIDS given the timeline of the film. It was a shock for the audience when Forrest lost Jenny, right after they had a sweet scene where she told him she loves him. As he cried at her grave and told her he wished dying wasn't a part of life, you can feel his sorrow, and it makes you bawl your eyes out too.

    9 The Ending Of 'Old Yeller'

    The combination of a tale of losing innocence as you reach adulthood and the story of a beloved animal losing its life is deadly when it comes to your emotions. That is exactly the combination in Old Yeller. While the film is very old, not many of us reached adulthood without seeing this classic, but we probably wish we could have avoided it to escape the pain. When Old Yeller fights off the rapid wolves, it's distressing waiting to see if he gets rabies. When he eventually does, it's agonizing to watch Travis have to shoot the beloved dog. After Old Yeller has done so much for the family and becomes so cherished, it can be difficult to experience the loss along with the family. There's nothing quite as sad as a dog losing its life, and that's why this scene always gets to us still. It's just so tragic and it's not something that you can ever forget.

    8 The Mother's Death In 'Bambi'

    If you were to pinpoint when you lost your innocence, it might have been the first time you watched Bambi. This is an incredibly beautiful movie that's also a real coming-of-age story as you watch the young deer grow up, but it was a sobering moment when you realized with him that his mother was dead. The frantic begging of his mother to keep running and to not look back is terrifying, and you almost expect her to join Bambi at the thicket when he excitedly exclaims they escaped. As the snowflakes fall, Bambi realizes what's truly happened, and it was a confusing moment when you first watched it during your childhood. If you find yourself watching the Disney classic again, you'll relive the anguish, and it'll probably be more intense now that you're older and understand the weight of the loss. This movie makes you seriously hate hunters, but that scene was life altering.

    7 The First Ten Minutes Of 'Up'

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    In a matter of less than ten minutes, Up manages to touch base on all the hardships of life as you grow older with the one you love. The love story of Ellie and Carl is all too real, but the quick journey makes you think of your loved one. They meet as children, grow up, fall in love, and get married. However, there are painful bumps in the road that pluck the chords of your heart in the most harrowing way. They have a miscarriage and realize Ellie is infertile. It's a depressing moment that still gets to us adults more than it probably hurts the children that watch it because you realize that they love each other and won't be able to have a child together. It gets more challenging than that because when they decide to complete the lifelong dream of visiting Paradise Falls, they never make it because life gets in the way and Ellie falls ill and dies. The pain of real life is all too real in this opening skit.

    6 Ennis Finds His Shirt In 'Brokeback Mountain'

    One of the most remarkable movies to be made to shatter stereotypes and reveal the truth about how challenging it can be to be homosexual in a world full of oppression is nothing short of brilliant, but it's also tragic. The love between Jack and Ennis is palpable, and it makes your heart scream for them to have a happy ending. As you watch their lives unfold as they try to find their way to each other, it's impossible to not root for the secret lovers, but life takes its toll on them and tears them apart after a few decades. It's frustrating and makes you hate the world to see them not be able to be together, but it brings you to tears when Ennis finds out Jack is dead. When he visits Jack's parents' farm, he discovers a shirt he lost decades ago… which means that Jack stole it all those years ago, because of how deeply he'd fallen in love with Ennis. Ennis breaks down, and so do you.

    5 Mufasa's Death In 'The Lion King'

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    Everybody loves The Lion King, and everybody remembers how traumatizing it was when Mufasa died. Watching young Simba slowly approach his father's dead body and beg for him to get up because they have to go home, makes you cry along with the young prince. It makes you hate Scar! The evil uncle completely uproots Simba's life, and considering Mufasa was such a lovable king, how could he kill his own brother? It was a difficult scene to watch as a kid, but it's even more difficult now. As an adult, we experience the full anguish of what Simba must be feeling, and it's a scene that still gets to literally everyone. It's an amazing movie, and probably still one of your all time favorites, but this scene never gets any easier to witness. This death will forever haunt your nightmares, along with some of the other scenes that still get to you on this list.

    4 In Your Eyes In 'Say Anything'

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    Oh, there's nothing like a romantic movie to moisten your eyes. Who says chivalry is dead? Well, you've probably never experienced it Lloyd Dobler-style, and that's enough to make you sad. Why can't boys come to your window at dawn and play your song every time they screw up? It might be time for your boyfriend to take a lesson from Lloyd. Watching his love for Diane develop is sweet, as they find a deep intimacy with each other, but the meddling antics of Diane's father ruins it all, of course. Our hearts ache for their broken romance, and it makes us relive all the pain of our failed relationships. However, when Lloyd comes to her window with a boombox in his hands playing the song they first made love to, it's pretty clear to Diane that Lloyd is someone to let slip away. It's an iconic scene for a reason, and of course, it still gets to us every time.

    3 Another Goodbye In 'The Fault In Our Stars'

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    This movie cruelly plays with our emotions, toying with the grief of illness and first love. Cancer is an emotional topic, to begin with, but we see full throttle the pain and loss of the illness in this movie. The love between Gus and Hazel is young and endearing as they bond quickly, and while the movie is heavy when it comes to metaphors, it doesn't make it less clear how perfect the two are for each other. After having such challenging youths, finally, they have a light in their life and hope. Just as they make love for the first time and the best of their days seem to be ahead of them, Gus admits his cancer has returned and its terminal. It breaks Hazel's heart, and ours too, and it makes us realize how unfair life is. When Gus dies, it's tragic, and literally, everyone cries at the end of this movie. However, the hardest scene is definitely when Hazel has to say goodbye to Gus… So many goodbyes and they're all so sad!

    2 Sickness Ruins Love In 'A Walk To Remember'

    Of course, you must have been expecting a lot of death on this list. It's one of the hardest parts of life, and watching characters we fall in love with who tragically pass away is really difficult, too. When you throw in some lost love, it's the perfect storm for a lot of tears, and rain is the forecast when it comes to A Walk To Remember. When Landon and Jamie fall in love, only for her to reveal to him that she has leukemia, it's too much to handle. As expected, the movie gets more harrowing as it's revealed Jamie has a list, and Landon is determined to fulfill them. He builds a telescope for her, they get married at the church where her deceased mother was married, and she states that he's an angel sent for her during these rough times. Yup, this is a movie that will make you cry huge, gross tears, but the scenes where Landon is fulfilling her wishes are scenes that will always get to us.

    1 Never Let Go In 'Titanic'

    "I'll never let go, Jack." Those words broke our heart in a way we had never experienced before. It wasn't pretty what this movie did to us! You hoped and prayed for Jack and Rose and you swear they were real. Their love was intense, passionate, and nothing on earth could tear them apart. Just as Rose declares she's getting off the ship with Jack, all hell breaks lose, and it's only another two hours before they're in the icy waters fighting for their life. Jack refuses to let her die. He says that he doesn't regret boarding the Titanic because it led him to her, and at that moment, you realize he loves her so much he'd sacrifice his life for hers in an instant… and that's exactly what he does. Rose will never let go of her promise to him to live a full life, and we'll never forgive her for not making room for him on that damn piece of wood. We're still crying just thinking about this scene! Pass the tissues!