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    15 Movie Moments That Make Us Swoon

    We all know the best and most romantic movies to watch on a quiet night in with bae (or when we're feeling sorry for ourselves and need to cry it out with a film about true love). But there are also some swoon-worthy romantic scenes in other movies that are worth checking out! Sure, at first you wouldn't think a Disney movie would have anything that could make you (aka a grown woman!) smile and secretly wish that you were a cartoon, too. You wouldn't think superhero movies aimed at guys could possibly contain anything romantic or powerful. We totally believe that you should give the following 15 films a chance when you're in the mood to be swept off your feet -- vicariously, of course! We've also included a few of the usual suspects in this list because their romantic moments are simply too iconic and unforgettable. Happy swooning!

    15 'The Princess Diaries'

    You probably first saw The Princess Diaries film when you were young, and maybe you even underestimated the cuteness of some of the scenes Princess Mia shares with Michael, her friend's brother who secretly likes her. Early in the film, Mia tells her mom that when she has her first kiss, she wants her foot to “pop”, or technically speaking, to kick backward so her knee is at a right angle and she looks like the ultimate doe-eyed girly girl. She has a nightmare first kiss with Josh, who's a jerk-and-a-half, and her foot doesn't pop. But when she gets her second kiss, Mia has just accepted her role as Princess of Genovia at the Genovian Independence Day Ball and is in the garden with her best friend's brother, whom she kisses because he noticed her when she “was invisible." And then her foot pops, accidentally setting off super-romantic lighting in the garden. Super cute!

    14 'The Lion King'

    This is another childhood movie that you might have to re-visit! As kids, we only really understood that Simba was the rightful king, Mufasa was dead, and Scar was a meanie. We didn't totally grasp how cute a couple Simba and Nala were, and we were probably too busy singing along to "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" during the romance scene to appreciate how cute that would be IRL. Basically, Nala finds her childhood BFF Simba years after thinking he had tragically died, and the two frolic around the African jungle together. That might sound less than ideal, but the animation makes it look like some kind of paradise where we all need to go ASAP. Seriously, there's serene rivers trickling through lush greenery, hanging vines, soft-looking grass, and even a pretty waterfall. This is all set to one of the most romantic songs ever, and honestly, will make you want to be a lioness.

    13 'Spider-Man'

    You probably wouldn't run to Spider-Man if you were in the mood for something romantic, but it's worth sitting through the rest just to watch the iconic kissing scene! Peter Parker is neighbors with Mary Jane Watson and has a huge crush on her, but doesn't have the confidence to do anything about it. He soon gets bitten by a genetically-modified spider and turns into Spider-Man, and then gets himself a fancy costume and swings all over town rescuing people and fighting bad guys. One night he saves Mary Jane when a group of men follow her down an alley with the intention of attacking her, and he delivers her to safety in the rain. As a thank you, she kisses him while he's hanging upside down. The fact that he's always liked her adds to the overall cuteness. This inspired a kiss between Seth and Summer in The O.C. which is another really amazing scene!

    12 'Notting Hill'

    Notting Hill is the story of Will Thacker, a bookstore owner in London who falls in love with the movie star Anna Scott. By chance, she stumbles into his bookstore, and from there, a series of events lead him to discover that life as a celeb isn't all it's cracked up to be, and she may not be as out of his league as he originally thought. Ultimately, their feelings for each other are strong enough to overcome what at first seems like such a truly bizarre relationship! In what has to be one of the cutest scenes ever, Anna visits Will after they've broken up and he hears her talking about him behind his back. She tells him to not worry about the fame and that she is “also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” This doesn't convince him to take her back, but things work out okay in the end!

    11 'Forrest Gump'

    If you've seen Forrest Gump, you know that no matter what Forrest does in his life (and he does some pretty incredible things!), he still loves his childhood BFF Jenny more than anything else. In our opinion, Jenny kind of takes Forrest for granted, but the heart wants what it wants! Our fave romantic scene of this film is when Forrest is giving a speech at an anti-war rally in Washington DC, and over the crowd of thousands, he hears Jenny calling his name. He hasn't seen her for a while at this point, and this means more to him than the honor of delivering a speech in the first place! Jenny treks straight through the Reflecting Pool by the Lincoln Memorial, and Forrest runs down there to meet her in the water. We wish this signified a happy ending for Forrest and Jenny, but at least they share this moment together!

    10 'Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2'

    Harry Potter might not be what first comes to mind when you need something romantic to watch, but there is one scene in the final film that can warm anybody's heart. If you're unfamiliar, the tension between Harry's best buds, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, essentially begins to mount since their first meeting on the Hogwarts Express in their first year. Their personalities instantly clash, with Hermione being the ultimate perfect nerd and Ron being a total slacker. They bicker throughout the series and even feel a bit of jealousy in later years when they each get involved with other people. So when they both finally swallow their pride, give in to their feelings and kiss passionately at the end of the last film, it's a huge deal! Not only has this been coming for years, but they're in the Chamber of Secrets, there's a war going on, and they might die soon. Intense!

    9 'Pretty Woman'

    There are a few scenes in Pretty Woman that make the cut, but we do have one favorite scene in particular! At the end of their week together, Edward offers Vivian the chance to see him again and proposes that he'll give her a place to stay. By now, Vivian has been through some significant personal growth and decides that isn't the happy ending she had in mind and declines. They go their separate ways, but Edward realizes that she's taught him a new outlook on life and can't let her go, so he goes to her apartment, conquers his fear of heights and climbs up the fire escape to try and be a knight in shining armor. This is after she's told him that she used to fantasize about knights in shining armor, so it totally works. They kiss, and we assume that they go on to live happily ever after for real!

    8 'The Notebook'

    We know this movie is so well-known now that it's almost become a cliché, but that doesn't stop some of its scenes from being totally swoon-worthy! The Notebook is about Noah and Allie, who fall in love while they're young but politics and money are just some of the obstacles between them, and since he's poor and she's rich, her family steps in to put a stop to their relationship. They eventually find their way back to each other, but Allie has a chip on her shoulder because she believes Noah never wrote to her after she moved away. In a rainy scene, Allie confronts Noah for not writing, telling him she was waiting. He's confused, and tells her he wrote to her every day for a year (outside forces were manipulating their relationship again -- sigh). He then tells her it still isn't over and they kiss in the rain. This kiss won an award for being so cute! Sure, it might seem a bit cheesy, but we love it!

    7 'How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days'

    We have been shipping Andie Anderson and Benjamin Barry since this film came out in the early 2000s! Andie and Ben initially get together because they both have an ulterior motive: he is trying to win a bet by getting a woman to fall in love with him, and she is writing a magazine column about getting a guy to break up with her. Even though they're both in it for the wrong reasons, they end up falling in love. There are some cute scenes when Andie lets down her guard with Ben during her time with his family, but our favorite moment has to be at the end when everything is out in the open. Andie's running away from Ben in New York in a taxi, and he chases her on his motorbike, gets her to pull over, and then the two declare their love and kiss as traffic passes them by. Swoon! This is one movie moment we totally wish we could recreate.

    6 'Edward Scissorhands'

    The entire concept of Edward Scissorhands can bring a smile to our faces, but there is one scene that we could watch over and over again! Edward is brought down from the castle to live with Peg and her family, and while he's there, he falls in love with Peg's daughter Kim. Of course Kim has an annoying AF boyfriend who's mean to Edward, but she begins to see that Edward genuinely cares for her. The two can't be together because Kim's neighbors are just too much and get the police involved, and there isn't a place for Edward in her world. She goes on to have kids and grandkids, but when she's an old lady, she tells her granddaughter that she knows Edward is still up in the castle, and she still secretly dances in the ice shavings from his work. Now, that is how you make the best of a bad situation!

    5 'Sweet Home Alabama'

    Sweet Home Alabama starts with a young Melanie Smooter and Jake Perry on the beach. He's proposed to her (bless), and she asks, “Why would you want to marry me for, anyhow?” He tells her, “So I can kiss you anytime I want.” Fast-forward to the future when she's a hot designer in New York City and engaged to the mayor's son, she needs to return to Alabama and get Jake to sign the divorce papers that he never signed so she can move on. While she's down with her family she re-discovers herself and realizes she's still in love with Jake, but fights it and goes forward with her engagement to the mayor's son. Cutest scene ever: she skips out on her own wedding, finds Jake on the beach again, and tells him she wants to marry him because, “I can kiss you anytime I want.” This is what dreams are made of!

    4 '10 Things I Hate About You'

    10 Things I Hate About You pretty much ruined all our expectations of what high school romance would be like. In this Shakespeare-inspired movie, Patrick Verona is paid to date the difficult and stubborn Kat, but falls in love with her for real in the process. Obviously there are issues when she finds out he was paid, but in his attempts to get her to notice him, he hijacks the marching band and P.A. system and performs a rendition of "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" as an ode to Kat. He does this in front of everyone from the school's bleachers and is quickly detained. Any guy willing to sing and get in trouble to impress a girl has our vote, so this scene will always be a favorite. We were utterly shocked when we didn't have the same high school romance, but at least we can always live vicariously through Kat!

    3 'Titanic'

    There's no way Titanic couldn't make this list, but our favorite scene isn't the standard sunset kiss on the ship's bow. Yes, the whole “I'm flying, Jack” situation is romantic, but it's not the most powerful in the film. We also aren't fans of the final “I'll never let go” scene because it was so unnecessary that Jack had to die, but that's another issue! Our top swoon-worthy scene in Titanic has to be when Jack gets Rose settled on a lifeboat and she's being lowered to freedom, but she knows that Cal really isn't going to help Jack get on another boat, and she can't leave him to die. So she jumps off the lifeboat, climbs back onto the ship, zooms past all the panicking passengers and meets Jack on the grand staircase where they kiss and decide to stick together. The score here is hauntingly beautiful, which makes the scene even better!

    2 'Love Actually'

    Love Actually was the first major ensemble-cast film which inspired all the rest, and it has a few scenes that give Valentine's Day and He's Just Not That into You a run for their money! Juliet has just got married and is under the impression that her husband's best friend Mark doesn't like her because he acts kind of stand-offish around her. As Christmas draws near, he shows up at her front door and silently delivers a message to her on cue cards so as not to alert her husband. On the cue cards, he tells her that he actually loves her, and that's why he's been acting awkward. This is obviously a difficult situation (which would cause colossal problems in real life, let's be honest!), but Mark maintains that he isn't trying to hurt his friend. He just wants closure on his feelings. Juliet responds with a quick peck, so everybody wins!

    1 'Lady And The Tramp'

    The top movie scene on our list comes from Disney, but it still has us swooning every time! Lady and the Tramp is the ultimate story of romance between people (or dogs, in this case!), who come from totally different places in society. Lady has a collar, a loving family, and an old-money mansion to live in, and the Tramp sleeps on the other side of the train track. But they have a dinner date at Tony's Italian restaurant, where they share spaghetti and meatballs by candlelight. Anyway, while munching on a string of spaghetti, they unknowingly end up in a kiss. Then there's only one meatball left, and he rolls it over to her. Not only is this adorable and makes us wish our lives were written by the people at Disney, but it also taught us a valuable lesson. Ladies, get you a man who will happily give up the last meatball!