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    15 Nice Celebs Who Are Nasty IRL

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet your favorite celebrity in person? You've probably imagined it plenty of times. You would ask for an autograph and a selfie, tell them how much you admire them and what their work means to you, and obviously end up being best friends. Or, at the very least, have a very nice five minutes. Most of us think about meeting our favorite celebrities because they inspire us and seem like amazing people. But what if that wasn't the case?

    Let's face it, some people are just not very pleasant to be around, and this applies to celebrities, too. Some of them are pretty ungrateful of all the support their fans give them, and some of them act very entitled and condescending around people who aren't famous. Here are 15 celebs who are actually mean in real life, is your fave on the list?

    15 Lucille Ball

    Lucille Ball, the hilarious star of I Love Lucy? The woman who always seemed so chill, funny, and quirky? Who was basically a trailblazer for female comedians at a time when women were typically not welcomed in the comedy world? Well, unfortunately, fans who had the chance to meet her have said that she acted quite rudely towards them, and their expectations were totally shattered. This actually lines up with what other celebrities at the time felt about her. Hosts were hesitant to book her on talk shows because she was often nasty towards the other guests, and they did not want to deal with the attitude. People who worked with her have also revealed that she did not like interacting with “the help” or people who were lower than her on the totem pole of the entertainment industry. Sorry, Lucy, maybe we don't love you as much as we thought we did.

    14 Michael Jordan

    Michael Jordan is obviously one of the greatest basketball players of all time, but unfortunately, many fans have reported that his personality definitely leaves a lot to be desired. He has been kicked out of country clubs for being rude to the staff and other guests, and many fans have also said that meeting him was a huge disappointment. He is reportedly dismissive of fans who ask for pictures and autographs. You know, the type of things that fans typically would ask a celebrity for, nothing out of the ordinary for someone who is famous! He also punched a fellow basketball player in the face over a disagreement! Steve Kerr, who has played on the court with Jordan, stated that one night they got into a minor disagreement and he could no longer remember the issue. However, Jordan ended up taking it very personally and actually took a swing at Kerr.

    13 Demi Lovato

    Now, this one is pretty ironic, as Demi Lovato has been a huge supporter of anti-bullying campaigns. She has spoken up about being picked on for her weight, and she even developed an eating disorder at one point. Her whole motto is about loving yourself and being confident, no matter what other people say. But many people from her past have stated that she used to be a typical “mean girl.” There are anecdotes floating around the Internet from people who claim to have gone to school with Demi and were shocked to see her come out so hard against bullying since she actually used to be known as a bully! One fan actually claimed that Demi made rude comments to her about her weight at a meet and greet event. If these accusations are true, maybe Demi is only standing up to bullying to cover her own tracks in some way.

    12 Justin Bieber

    Alright, Justin Bieber's antics are pretty well documented. During his younger years after he became famous, he quickly went from adorable sweetheart to major jerk in what seemed like a matter of months. He was constantly hours late to his own concerts and made fans waste their time waiting to see him. He once called a fan a “beached whale” while on tour in Australia, which was probably heartbreaking for her to hear. Possibly worst of all, he once famously visited the Anne Frank House and wrote a completely inappropriate message in the guest book. Instead of reflecting on the somber lessons we can learn from a place like this, he proudly proclaimed that Anne “would have been a Belieber.” Justin, it seems like you totally missed the point of this visit. He has also been caught spraying graffiti in Australia and peeing in a mop bucket at a restaurant.

    11 Taylor Swift

    Thanks to Kim Kardashian, we all know that Taylor Swift has been a total snake this whole time. Despite her sweet girl next door aesthetic, she is anything but. She is always starting feuds with fellow female celebs, even though she claims to be a feminist. Just ask Katy Perry how much Taylor actually supports her fellow women in the music industry! And she is known for smearing all the guys that she has dated in the past. Newsflash, Taylor, just because someone breaks up with you doesn't mean that you have to be petty and write a song about it. And if you've been through this many break ups, maybe it's time to look in the mirror and realize that the problem was you all along! While Taylor is known for being nice to her fans, she was also known as a bully in middle school, just like Demi.

    10 Michael Phelps

    Michael Phelps is without a doubt the greatest swimmer of all time, but unfortunately, that has not stopped him from being a total jerk. Phelps is from Baltimore, and while he does have that hometown hero status, many people from the area who have met him do not think very highly of him. He actually was arrested for driving under the influence back in 2014, which is definitely not a good move for someone who so many people look up to. He has also been caught with drugs before. He reportedly often isolates himself from his teammates at the Olympics. Maybe this helps him get into a better state of mind for competition, but if there's ever a time to bond with your teammates, it would be during the Olympics! This makes it seem as though he thinks he's “above” his team he is clearly not a very humble Olympic champion.

    9 Shaun White

    Another Olympic champion has earned a spot on the list! You may know Shaun White if you're a big fan of snowboarding or even if you're not! If you've ever watched the Winter Olympics, you've probably seen Shaun, also known as “The Flying Tomato,” flipping through the air on his board and winning medals left and right. Yes, his skills speak for themselves, but so does his personality. Like Phelps, he often trains alone instead of working with his teammates. Instead of treating his teammates like friends, he treats them purely as rivals, which is not in the spirit of healthy competition. He also reportedly has been rude to fans and brushed them off when they have asked for autographs. Many other snowboarders do not like Shaun because they feel he doesn't positively represent the sport. He comes off as arrogant and condescending, which is a huge let down for his fans.

    8 Jennifer Lopez

    Yes, Jennifer Lopez might have an awesome body, but sadly her personality does not match up. Maybe you can get by on looks alone? Once when J. Lo was staying at a hotel in Dusseldorf, Germany, a maid who was a huge fan of hers and had been cleaning her room wanted to get an autograph. She came to the door one day and politely knocked, but J. Lo's two assistants greeted her and told her to leave. Disappointed but understanding, the maid left and did not ask again. However, she was fired anyway! She also once rented out an entire dog groomers business so that her dogs could be groomed in private. Okay, maybe some crazed fan would try to dognap one of her fur babies, but it's highly unlikely, and renting out an entire place for yourself just for this seems so excessive, come on, Jenny from the block.

    7 Zooey Deschanel

    Zooey Deschanel may come off as cute and quirky on New Girl and movies like 500 Days of Summer and Elf, but apparently, this is not representative of her real personality. Fans and extras alike have reported rude behavior. Like many of the stars on this list, she consistently brushed off excited fans and ignored them. Obviously, everyone deserves to have boundaries, but talking to your fans every once in a while won't kill you. People who have worked with her have told the press that she has a huge ego and can act very stuck up while on set and off set. Apparently, some of her costars have said that she basically will throw a tantrum about anything and has a tendency to delay shoots. However, if someone else delays filming for whatever reason, she can't stand it! Hypocritical much? We still love her movies and her look, but not that attitude.

    6 Jerry Seinfeld

    If you're a fan of 90s sitcoms, you've probably seen Seinfeld a few times. Seinfeld influenced modern sitcoms so much, and even today, it's a pretty funny show. Jerry Seinfeld is a funny guy, but apparently, he's not very pleasant to be around. His worst offense? Dating a 17-year-old when he was thirty-nine! Yup, many people today do not know about this, but he dated a much younger woman for five years, Apparently no one at the time had much of a problem with this, but it sounds like it should have been illegal. Today Seinfeld is actually pretty disrespectful towards young people. He has stated that he will no longer perform at college campuses because students are too sensitive these days. But this is the most progressive generation of all time sorry Seinfeld, maybe you just need to get some new material! Plus, we can't really forgive him for Bee Movie.

    5 Ariana Grande

    Ariana Grande seems to be getting more and more famous every day. Since her time on Nickelodeon, her career has really taken off, and she is known for her music and her style. While her fans are totally obsessed with her, some other people in the entertainment industry are not nearly as impressed. Many of her former co-stars have expressed their frustration with Ariana. In fact, Victoria Justice, who worked with Ariana for years on Victorious, has said that Ariana basically bullied her on set. And yet they had to play friends on the show-ouch! Ariana is known as a diva throughout the industry, and she has been known to act very entitled. It seems that the main problem with most of these nasty celebs is that they just let their heads get too big. They feel like they've made it, so they're better than everyone below them take note, Ariana!

    4 Jason Biggs

    If you're a big fan of Orange is the New Black, you probably know Jason Biggs as Piper's boring ex-fiance, Larry. No one really misses him when he's not featured in the show, so his absence in certain seasons really isn't a big loss. And for someone who appeared on such a progressive show, he's honestly a huge jerk in real life. Even though OITNB is a show that is known for its feminist angle, Biggs has revealed himself to be a huge misogynist. He has posted many rude tweets about women and went on a lengthy Twitter rant about the girls on The Bachelor one day. He made nasty comments about the women's bodies, their teeth, and even mocked a contestant who talked about her family members with special needs. We're not sure how you could appear alongside so many awesome women on OITNB and still be this way.

    3 Chloe Grace Moretz

    Just like Taylor Swift, Chloe Grace Moretz loves to give off that nice girl next door vibe, but that's just not the reality. Chloe doesn't seem like a “typical mean girl,” but she has gotten into feuds with some other women in the entertainment industry. Not a good look! When Kim K posted her famous nude selfie on Twitter, Chloe replied and told her that she needed to show girls that they were worth more but let's be real here, there was no reason for her to get involved, and Kim is a grown woman who is more than capable of making the choice to do whatever she wants with her own body. Look, we can be forgiving towards Chloe here to an extent. Maybe she just didn't realize how judgmental her comments sounded, and hopefully, she has learned from the experience and will keep her opinions to herself in the future.

    2 Katherine Heigl

    If you're a sucker for romantic comedies, you definitely know Katherine Heigl, because for a while it really seemed like that was her niche. However, those days seem to be slowly ending for Katherine, and it's not because of a lack of talent. It's because directors simply don't want to work with her anymore! Yup, she was such a brat that her attitude might end up being the downfall of her career. She has a reputation for being very difficult to work with, and after shooting Knocked Up, rumors about her nasty behavior were flying around Hollywood. She also criticized Shonda Rimes for her work on Grey's Anatomy, and she has also been known for making ridiculous salary demands, even before she was a big name. Maybe this is the reason that she has gone through so many publicists! She has hired and then fired several over the past few years.

    1 John Mayer

    We may love his chill music and guitar solos, but unfortunately, John Mayer is known for being a jerk in real life, especially when it comes to the women that he dates. We'll give Taylor Swift a little credit here, yes, she is super dramatic about break ups, but maybe her song “Dear John” was deserved. He has used racial slurs in one of his interviews, and he has made many inappropriate comments about the women that he has dated. For example, he has said that he only finds white women attractive, which is pretty racist. He has also made comments about his relationship with Jessica Simpson that she probably would not have wanted published. John Mayer might write some good songs, but clearly, the relationships he is singing about are not based in reality, because he is widely known for treating the women he dates like dirt. Dear John… we're over it.