Laman » Hiburan » 15 Of The Best Chick Flicks Ever

    15 Of The Best Chick Flicks Ever

    With the term 'Chick Flick' becoming a common way to describe 'movies for women' in the mid nineteen eighties, the phrase itself has been around a lot longer than originally thought. With roots back to the beginning of the twentieth century, the expression was usually connected to that of movies which had female lead themes. From romance and intimacy to addictions and ambition, Chick Flicks could be attributed to just about anything, as long as there was a woman involved of course. However, receiving a number of negative responses, the term has often been labeled as demeaning, with a number of feminists commenting on the number of offensive connotations that the expression holds. With claims that the word is just 'an attempt to lump together an entire gender's interests into one genre', the phrase is often sometimes avoided.

    Nevertheless, it is important to discuss such movies, even if they do have some questionable labels that describe them. So, to celebrate such wonderful womanly inclined pictures, here are 15 of the best chick flicks ever.

    15 Pretty Woman

    Dubbed as the modern day Cinderella, X-rated of course, Pretty Woman not only kick-started the career of the queen of Hollywood herself, Julia Roberts but also cemented Richard Gears's firm grasp on the sexiest man in cinema award. Set in Los Angeles, the movie centers on out of town millionaire businessman Edward Lewis, who just so happens to get 'lost' around known sketchy hot spot Hollywood Boulevard. Happening upon Vivian (Julia Roberts), who coincidentally plays a night worker, he then asks her for 'directions', inviting her back to his hotel room, to you know, just talk. What comes next is a romantic revelation, showcasing just how split Los Angeles really can be. Only within a matter of meters can the divide between the rich and poor become so alarmingly apparent, with the scale of wealth compared to those that aren't, extremely and embarrassingly obvious. A smash hit, Pretty Woman was enormously successful, creating a partnership with Roberts and Gear that continued with the also triumphant Runaway Bride.

    Shot Assistant: Hello, can I help you?  Vivian: I was in here yesterday, you wouldn't wait on me. Shop Assistant: Oh. Vivian: You people work on commission right? Shop Assistant: Yeah. Vivian: Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now.

    14 Legally Blonde

    Based on the novel of the same name, Legally Blonde is not just your average comedy, with Reese Witherspoon displaying a great sense of comedic skill among a cleverly written script. After being dumped by her boyfriend who claims he needs 'a Jackie and not a Marilyn', to help him with his law career, Elle Woods (Witherspoon) embarks on a journey of self-discovery all while trying to win him back, with a twist of course. Crushing the old age stereotype of dumb blondes and valley girls, Legally Blonde celebrates such common typecasts rather than using it as a form of comic relief. However, make no mistake, Legally Blonde is funny, so funny in fact that it received a number of awards with regards to its seething sense of humor and Witherspoon's excellent delivery.

    Elle: You're breaking up with me because I'm too… blonde? Warner: Well, no. That's not entirely true… Elle: Then what? My boobs are too big?

    13 When Harry Met Sally

    One of the best and smartest rom-coms to have ever come out of Hollywood When Harry Met Sally is also one of the most quotable. Starring Billy Crystal and Chick Flick favorite Meg Ryan, the movie raises the old age question of 'can men and women ever be just friends?'. With Harry (Crystal) certain they can't, and Sally (Ryan) somewhat disagreeing, the idea for the films platform came from director Rob Reiner's return to bachelorhood, after a lengthy divorce. Enormously successful, the movie earned a variety of nominations, and awards, cementing itself as one of the funniest films of all time. Memorable for one scene in particular, in which Harry is adamant that he can tell when a woman is faking it, Sally then proceeds to prove him wrong. Faking one in the middle of a deli, the other diners watch in horror, while a clearly embarrassed and beaten Harry looks on. With the deli still standing to this day in New York City, the attraction garners fans from all over the world.

    Customer: [to waiter] I'll have what she's having (after watching Sally faking it).

    12 Breakfast At  Tiffany's

    Loosely based on the Truman Capote novella of the same name, Breakfast at Tiffany's sparkles at every opportunity. Set in New York, Audrey Hepburn stars as the girl about town, Holly Golightly, intent on marrying a rich man to help fund her lavish lifestyle. With some slight changes to the book, which Capote apparently hated, Hepburn dazzled as the socialite and IT girl Holly Golightly, thrusting her into the spotlight as Hollywood's number one new girl on the block. As the movie follows the trials and tribulations of the now iconic Golightly, Hepburn completely and utterly owned the now iconic role. In fact, Hepburn was so iconic, that her portrayal of Holly Golightly, along with the oversized cigarette, the little black dress, and the high chignon bun, has gone down in history as one of the most symbolic images of cinema.

    Holly Golightly: Promise me one thing: don't take me home until I'm drunk, very drunk indeed.

    11 Clueless

    Loosely based on the Jane Austen classic, Emma, Clueless is not just your average American high school movie. Extremely well written, Clueless is not only funny but incredibly smart. Focusing on popular rich kid, Cher, played by the glorious Alicia Silverstone, the movie also sees a number of other well-known faces. From Paul Rudd to the late great Brittany Murphy, Clueless is now considered something of a cult classic. After somewhat developing a conscience, high schooler and master of the social cliques, Cher, embarks on a mission of good deeds and matchmaking schemes, one of which involves giving the nerdy Murphy a full on make over. From life lessons to learning about love, Cher ends the movie a changed woman, with her heart firmly in the fight place. As well as inspiring a number of books and a television show, Clueless also kick started a whole new fashion era, with the clothes worn throughout the movie now iconic with regards to 90s nostalgia.

    Mel: What the hell is that? Cher: A dress. Mel: Says who? Cher: Calvin Klein.

    10 Pitch Perfect

    Featuring a phenomenal cast with the likes of Anna Kendrick, Rebel Wilson and Elizabeth Banks to name but a few, Pitch Perfect is surprisingly based on the real life nonfiction book, Pitch Perfect: The Quest for Collegiate a Cappella Glory. Centered on the recently dejected, Barden Bella's, an all girl college a Capella group. The movie follows their journey back to the top, however, not without their fair share of hurdles along the way. Released to a number of positive reviews, the movie was an instant hit, earning a number of awards. As well as showcasing a great cast, Pitch Perfect was also praised on its sharply written script, displaying a witty and droll sense of humor. Extremely original and one of a kind, the movie was so well received that a sequel was produced not long after, with a third to be released in 2017.

    Aubrey: What's your name? Fat Amy: Fat Amy. Aubrey: You call yourself Fat Amy? Fat Amy: Yeah, so twig b!+c**s like you don't do it behind my back.

    9 Love Actually

    Up there with the best Christmas movies ever created, Love Actually is an absolute joy from start to finish. Yes, it may be a little too sickly sweet at some points, and may over do it in the 'love' department, but what would Christmas be without it? Showcasing a 'best of British' with regards to the cast, Love Actually really pushes the boat out with a number of high-profile stars, similar to that of the cast of Harry Potter. From Hugh Grant as the British Prime Minister to Emma Thompson putting in a stellar performance as the cheated on wife, the cast really is the highlight of this Christmassy classic. Primarily set in London, the movie links a number of stories, all of which include the theme of love in one form or the other. From falling in love to extra marital affairs, the movie will make even the toughest of us shed a tear or two, demonstrating a variety of different tales and romances. Cementing itself as the one to watch at Christmas, Love Actually has even managed to become as important as It's a Wonderful Life, with regards to classic Christmas viewing.

    Sam: But you know, the thing about romance is… people only get together right at the very end.

    8 Dirty Dancing

    No surprise here then! Often crowned as the number one Chick Flick of all time, Dirty Dancing is a film favorite among many. Set on a fancy holiday resort during a long hot summer in 1963, the movie is by far one of the best holiday romances ever depicted in cinema. While vacationing with her rich and middle-class family, 17 year old 'Baby' becomes infatuated with the camp's dance instructor, Johnny Castle. Played by the late great Patrick Swayze, Johnny instantly became a pin-up for young girls everywhere, pushing Swayze into the limelight as Hollywood's newest stud. As Baby and Johnny embark on a romantic journey of self-discovery and er… dirty dancing, the movie ends with the now iconic dance move, attempted by most drunken young men and women on a daily basis. With the soundtrack going on to be just as famous as the movie itself, the signature song '(I've Had) The Time of my Life' even won an Academy Award for best original song.

    Johnny: Nobody puts Baby in the corner.

    7 The Notebook

    Based on the novel of the same name, The Notebook stars the now iconic pairing of Ryan Gosling (Noah) and Rachel McAdams (Allie) as a young couple who fall in love during the 1940s. Spanning over a number of decades, the film follows the lives of the star-crossed lovers as they embark on a journey that ultimately separates them for a number of years. Retold from the present day, the narrator, played by the exceptional James Garner, begins explaining the story to a fellow resident at the nursing home he is staying in. With standout performances from both Gosling and McAdams, the movie was extremely popular, performing exceptionally well at the box office, and making a fortune in tissues. Exploring a number of themes such as Alzheimer's, romance, and despair, The Notebook is most definitely a tearjerker from start to finish, and will most definitely break your heart over and over again, but in a good way. Kind of.

    Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you every day for a year. It wasn't over.… it still isn't over.

    6 10 Things I Hate About You

    Based on the Shakespeare classic, The Taming of the Shrew, 10 Things I Hate About You sticks out among a number of teen dramas that were churned out during the late 90s. Starring the wonderful Heath Ledger (Patrick), and the queen of the teens herself, Julia Stiles (Kat), the movie propelled its two leads into teen heaven stardom, along with a number of other actors and actresses that starred in the film. Receiving positive feedback and a number of awards, 10 Things I Hate About You is often to this day labeled as the best teen flick out there, with Ledger a definite highlight. In fact, the movie was so well received, that a TV show was released not long after, based on the plot of the actual movie. Getting better with age, the movie has become somewhat of a classic, with Ledger fondly remembered as the dashing anti-hero.

    Patrick: What is it with this chick, she have beer flavored [n!*s]?

    5 Beaches

    Don't forget to bring your tissues. Dubbed as one of the biggest tearjerkers of all time, Beaches is a sob fest from start to finish. Displaying the beautiful acts of friendship, Beaches follows the lives of two very different women from two extremely different backgrounds. Meeting as young girls, under the boardwalk in New Jersey, the pair become life long friends, filtering in and out of each others' lives, with a number of small bumps on the way. Celebrating the wonderful world of female friendships, Beaches is extremely relatable for a number of women, who themselves have experienced similar themes that are thoroughly explored throughout the movie. With standout performances from both Barbara Hersey as the middle class and straight-laced Hillary to the exceptionally talented Bette Midler as the outlandish CC Bloom, Beaches not only brings you along for the ride but keeps you around when it's finished. An instant classic.

    CC Bloom: But enough about me, let's talk about you… what do YOU think of me?

    4 Bring It On

    Inspiring movies such as Pitch Perfect and the fabulous Mean Girls, Bring It On has become a cult classic among movie goers. Inspiring a number of sequels, the movie centers around a high school cheerleader, who is preparing for the upcoming cheerleading championships. Anxious about losing, Torrance, played by the incredibly funny Kirsten Dunst, discovers a number of shocking secrets along the way. Extremely well written and exceptionally funny, the movies success is mostly down to the leading actors, who all excel as their individual characters. From Kirsten Dunst to Eliza Dushku, as the bad girl gone rogue, the movie became a launch pad for the majority of the cast. Taking the box office by storm, Bring It On was very well received, with Dunst in particular praised for her comedic ability.

    Torrance: So, is that your band or something? Cliff: The Clash? Uh… no. It's a British punk band. Torrance: Wow vintage!

    3 Miss Congeniality

    Starring Sandra Bullock as the tomboy FBI agent Gracie Hart, Miss Congeniality was a surprise standout hit on its release in 2002. With female-centered comedies extremely rare back then, even more, than they are now, Miss Congeniality was really one of a kind. While working under cover, the awkward and frumpy Hart is thrust into a world of teen queens and pageant sisters in order to scope out a deadly super villain. Perfectly showcasing her range as a comedy actress, Bullock almost certainly steals every scene from her co-stars, with even the magnificent Michael Caine succumbing to her hilarious charm. Receiving a number of positive reviews, and making a mint at the box office, the movie even inspired a sequel, with Bullock on top form once more in Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous.

    Gracie Hart: I am in a dress, I have gel in my hair, I haven't slept all night, I'm starved, and I'm armed! Don't mess with me! 

    2 Bridesmaids

    Hands down one of the funniest movies to have come out of Hollywood in a long time, Bridesmaids won a number of awards, even earning itself a best original screenplay nomination at the Academy Awards. Written by Kristin Wiig and Annie Mumolo, the movie centers on the life of singleton Annie Walker, played by Wiig herself. After her best friend asks her to be Maid of Honor at her wedding, Annie embarks on a journey of social mishaps and hilarious consequences. With a stellar cast, of which includes the hilarious Melissa McCarthy, who earned an Academy Award nomination in the process, the movie gained a number of positive reviews. Kicking ass at the box office, Bridesmaids not only informed audiences worldwide that women were just as funny as men, but that they may even be that little bit funnier.

    13 Year Old Jewelry Store Customer: Well, you're an old, single loser who's never going to have any friends. Annie: You're a little c#nt!

    1 Mean Girls

    Extremely funny, amazingly acted and exceptionally well written, Mean Girls is by far the best female lead comedy, if not the best comedy, that has ever graced the wonderful world of cinema. Dubbed as the ultimate teen comedy, the movie is so much more, offering audiences a bunch of relatable characters and experiences that we have all had to endure at some point during our lives. Written by the incredibly talented Tina Fey, the movie centers on new girl Cady, fabulously played by a pre-crazy Lindsay Lohan. Focusing on social cliques and high school dramas, Mean Girls gets it spot on when it comes to staging stereotypes. With Rachel McAdams totally embodying the role of head b!+c* Regina George, it is her two minions that really steal the show, with Lacey Chabert (Gretchen Wieners), and Amanda Seyfried (Karen Smith), completely owning the roles that they have joyfully been given. Sparking a cult following, the movie has become extremely quotable, with almost every word becoming a famous line, worthy of a thousand laughs. Receiving critical acclaim worldwide, Mean Girls ranked number 1 at the box office, creating whispers of a sequel ever since.

    Karen: If you're from Africa, why are you white? Gretchen: Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white.