Laman » Hiburan » 15 Of The Craziest Things Obsessed Fans Have Ever Done

    15 Of The Craziest Things Obsessed Fans Have Ever Done

    Welp, "fan" is short for "fanatic," and we all know how crazy people can get when it comes to their favorite shows or celebs! You see devoted groupies at every event and you see audience members trying to sneak on stage during concerts. You see screaming teens with their walls plastered in posters and other memorabilia. You hear people heatedly debating online about this or that and you know how carried away shippers can get!

    But you haven't seen anything as crazy as this! Here are 15 accounts of some of the craziest fan-related stories ever, and you'll realize the true extent some people will go to get recognized by their beloved celebs or get close enough--that it's a felony. Being a famous person isn't all bright and cheery if you have to deal with some delulus like these. How far would you go to see your favorite celeb? Hopefully not this far! See for yourself below!

    15 The classic Van Gogh move

    Star Jared Leto casually revealed once the craziest gift he ever got from a fan. It's probably a gesture that his Joker character from Suicide Squad might appreciate--oh wait, real-life Jared Leto seems quite amused by it, too. He said on a radio station in Britain once, "Someone cut their ear off once and sent it to me. That was very strange. A whole ear. The Van Gogh move. The note just said, 'Are you listening?' I never knew who it was. Who's missing their ear out there… I poked a hole in it and wore it as a necklace!" and he proved this by posting a picture of an ear with a string going through it on his Instagram! Nothing like badass jewelry to prove he's a badass man.

    14 Why just love the star when you can look like him?

    In his late twenties and early thirties, Tobias Strebel did everything in his power, no matter how much money and time and pain had to go in to it, in order to look as close to Justin Bieber as possible. He underwent a ton of plastic surgery over the course of five years to become the singer's doppelganger. The procedures included a smile surgery so it looked like he was always smiling. It succeeded in giving him the youthful look he was going for, but it took him a month to recover! He also targeted his eyelids, after which he could not even open his eyes for a whole week. After spending almost $100,000 on all of the plastic surgery, he definitely did look a bit similar to Justin Bieber, but unfortunately, he didn't have much time to enjoy this as he passed away not too long after in 2015.

    13 I love you. Period.

    Although not all of you may know him, Taecyeon of Korean boy grouop 2PM is immensely popular, especially in Asia, so it comes as no surprise that he had to deal with quite the psychotic fan himself. A few years ago, he received a letter from a fan written in blood--but not any blood. Blood that proves she is a woman. Yeah, you know what I'm getting at? It was her period blood. She wrote that the period blood letter was dedicated to Taecyeon, who could not "live without [her]" and added that it was sprinkled with her pubes. When people claimed it must be a fake, she jumped to prove its veracity because she followed up with a picture of the bloody pad she used… as the ink to dip her pen in? His other fans flooded her with hate comments and she posted an apology.

    12 Possibly the oddest reason to attempt an assassination

    Renowned actress Jodi Foster was allegedly the reason behind two assassination attempts on two different presidents. A man named John Hinkley grew obsessed with her after watching her in Taxi Driver and tried to reach out to her while she was attending Yale University. Things turned way more drastic when he decided that he had to do something even bigger to grab her attention. He actually decided assassination was the way to go. He first tried for Jimmy Carter, but was arrested before he could do anything. The next time, he got close enough to Ronald Reagan to fire shots at him, one of which actually hit the president indirectly. Hinkley was arrested for making this "love offering" to Jodi Foster.

    11 All it takes is a broken leg

    While no fan attacked Jessie J and broke her leg or anything like that, the singer was understandably terrified nonetheless. After Jessie J broke her foot in 2011, a teenage fan followed suit, breaking her own leg so that they could basically be twinsies! Yay… The crazy stalker did this crazy action, and then sent a picture of proof to the singer after getting her personal information, as if it was something to brag about. The fan sent many texts to Jessie J, one of which explained why she broke her own leg: "I will do anything to be just like you." This fan knows no pain or boundaries, and no one can blame Jessie J for being freaked out, rather than touched, by the gesture.

    10 If you can't marry him, marry his cardboard cutout

    A One Direction fan carried out a whole fantasy so that she could tell people she married member Harry Styles! Named Allie, the girl posted a bunch of pictures from the proposal and marriage ceremony. In the pictures, you can see a cardboard cutout of Harry's face behind the words, "Allie, will you marry me?" so she was thorough, making sure she was proposed to by the pop singer first. Then, other pictures show the elaborate wedding ceremony in which Allie is the bride and her friends are the bridesmaids. The groom is cardboard cutout Harry Styles and the cardboard cutouts of the other One Direction members are the groomsmen. Honestly, what's scary is not only the elaborate wedding plan but also the fact that a handful of other girls went along with it in all seriousness.

    9 You're so cute, I just wanna adopt you!

    Looks like someone really wanted to be the father that will hear about whatever Draco Malfoy has to tell him because actor Tom Felton revealed an American man once tried to adopt him while he was a minor--but this man wasn't kidding, he was dead serious. Tom Felton revealed, "An American once tried to adopt me. It was the most disturbing fan mail I received. He was very serious. It wasn't just a letter. He sent a binder of official documents that he'd filled out for me, so I just had to sign, change my name to Draco, then divorce my parents and go over to America to live with him." Apparently, after Tom Felton went along with this for whatever reason, he and his new father were going to live in a house called Malfoy Manor together.

    8 An idea for your next gift

    So… this is pretty nasty actually. Maybe not as nasty as the ear Jared Leto got, but still up there. Actor Zac Efron appeared on Conan O'Brien's show once with Miles Teller, who revealed a rather disturbing story. Teller had once asked Efron what the craziest gift he had received from a fan was, and Efron had responded, "Oh, I had a fan send me a piece of their skin." Understandably, Conan O'Brien was taken aback. Zac Efron revealed that he had been amused and still loves all of his fans, after which Conan O'Brien regained composure and joked that the skin was so Efron could grow a woman at the lab. Perhaps the fan wanted to be cloned by Efron or something, who knows? But also it's gross to think about the fan cutting off a piece of his or her own skin. Ouch!

    7 What's in the vents? Oh, just a crazy fan

    You would think crawling around the vents is just something you would see on TV, whether it's in some serious crime-fighting drama or a quirky Disney channel show. You would not really expect to see or hear something like this happen in real life--so imagine everyone's surprise when sexy sensation Ricky Martin revealed to Britain's This Morning that he actually experienced this firsthand! The fan, although creepy, hit the jackpot because the singer was caught wandering his hotel room au naturel. Ricky said he heard a noise, knew someone was in the room, and then figured out that the fan found a way into the hotel's ventilation system! Dedication. He still took a picture with the fan and signed autographs, though. What a good sport.

    6 A body art shrine for his "wife"

    British man Carl McCoid had almost 30 tattoos on his body at around 40 years of age--all dedicated to pop singer, former Disney star, and his "wife," Miley Cyrus! Thirty tattoos is a whole lot of body art, and it sure can be expensive. He spent over $5,000 on the tattoos, but he'll be spending more money to remove them after the pop singer balked at his sign of devotion (words "creepy" and "ugly" were known to have been thrown around). You know how people say you will regret getting a tattoo? He was in way too deep because it took about thirty for him to realize that getting Miley tattoos all over his body wasn't going to help out his image and love life. Not only did he get tattoos, but he actually named one of his daughters Miley after her. Time for a name change!

    5 Well, that's just 18,887 tweets too many!

    Former Disney star Ashley Tisdale was understandably freaked out when she was being bombarded by strange, creepy tweets from an obsessive fan! She got 18,888 tweets from one person, who made it seem as if they were in a relationship together with messages like, "I'll never lose u baby even in 20 years til infinity you'll always b my best friend," and, "My body is yours & even as friends I f***in love how I make u feel like mom maybe we both got issues cuz nobody's perfect." The fan then went so far as to "visit" her house two different times, once under the pretense of being a deliveryman. He was revealed to be a man named Nicholas Fiore, who was given a restraining order, which he then broke, of course. The star also claimed that her stalker threatened to shoot her.

    4 Please don't press charges…

    Poor Sandra Bullock had a very frightening experience! A few years ago, the movie star heard banging in the house while she was sleeping, so she got up and went into the hallway… only to see a stalker standing in her home with a loaded machine gun! The actress quickly slammed her bedroom door shut to call 911. The stalker turned out to be a middle-aged man named Josh Corbett who apologized and begged her not to press charges, but the police found an arsenal in his home and charged him with owning multiple weapons. Although Sandra and her son Louie were not harmed by this account, this is definitely a scary case of home invasion that they can't easily forget!

    3 "Let's move in together," said no one

    Jennifer Lopez is not only a popular singer but also a rather accomplished actress, so it's no surprise that she attracted a creepy stalker who one-sidedly decided to move in with her! John Dubis did many things, like contact the singer's mother to get to Jennifer, which resulted in a protective order against him. However, he seemed to only have gotten more motivated because what he did next was definitely creepy beyond belief. He somehow evaded Lopez's security team and "moved in" to Jennifer Lopez's pool house! And guess what? He stayed there for a couple of days, sharing pictures onto Facebook, until he got caught and kicked off the premises. Sure, stars live in huge homes, but how creepy is it to think that he got away with something like this for that long? He better watch it before she goes "Enough" on him.

    2 Name change = Marriage, same diff

    If you can't go to the courthouse with your beloved celebrity to wed him, then you can still go to the courthouse and change your name to make it seem like you wedded him. Well, that's what Linda Resa, oh excuse me I mean Mrs. Kanye West, did anyway. A few years ago, she legally changed her name from Linda Resa to Mrs. Kanye West, explaining that she decided to do this so she could show him how much she loves him. She also has his name tattooed twice on her body, so there's some definite dedication here! In her mind, this must be as close to officially marrying him as possible. Not sure how Kim Kardashian feels about this!

    1 Lawn goals

    Jeff and Teresa Greenwood of Summers Farm claim they're not crazy "Swifties," but considering the level of appreciation for the artist that they went so far as to show their love in this way, they're definitely dedicated! It must have taken a lot of work but this couple actually imprinted the face of the artist into their corn maze with the message "Dare to be different." They explained how they immensely respected the singer's story and her belief that it's okay if everyone's a bit different. It's actually quite stunning what they did to their corn field, a masterpiece that aliens all over the galaxy will be sure to appreciate. The singer herself appreciated the gesture, posting a picture onto her Instagram account with caption "Lawn goals," to the couple's immense excitement.