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    15 Of The Craziest Reality TV Moments

    No matter how we may try to deny it, most of us have an intense love for reality television in all of its gritty, reckless glory. Whether it's a violent bar fight or alcohol-fueled meltdown, we all secretly get a thrill out of the lengths reality stars go to to keep us entertained. Some psychologists believe that we're drawn to reality shows because the ridiculous storylines make us feel better about the issues in our own lives. Thanks to networks looking for ways to create cheaper programs, we have more reality shows to choose from than ever before. All aren't necessarily based on drama, but if we're honest the best ones totally are! So that their efforts are not in vain, we have decided to make a list highlighting some of the best moments in reality television history. Here are 15 of the craziest reality show moments that have ever graced our screen.

    15 When The Model on 'ANTM' Fainted

    America's Next Top Model, a super popular reality modeling competition hosted by Tyra Banks, has blessed us with plenty of crazy moments over the years. But one of the most memorable moments happened in "cycle" 4 when Rebecca Epley fainted during the judging panel. Rebecca was in the middle of being judged for that week's photo shoot when, out of nowhere, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and collapsed onto the floor. It was so random and unexpected that the people in the room froze out of shock, before going down to check on her. Thankfully, Rebecca was excused so that she could receive medical attention and was eventually given the all clear. By luck, sympathy, or both, she didn't get sent home that week and was able to return to the competition, where she lasted for four more weeks. During a monologue, Rebecca later revealed that she'd suffered from fainting spells since she was a three years old.

    14 When John Dalton Faked His Grandma's Death

    We have all told white lies to get out of things at one time or another. But pretending that one of our family members has died is a line that most of us won't cross. But John Dalton would… and he did. Way back in 2003, when John was a contestant on Survivor: Pearl Islands, he told what was thought to be the biggest lie in Survivor history when he convinced part of the group that his grandmother had passed to garner sympathy. That was pretty low in itself, but can you believe that he and his friend thought up the whole ruse weeks in advance? While we don't condone faking family deaths, we have to admit that it was very smart move, strategically. Thanks to the lie, John Dalton got the reward challenge and ultimately skirt that week's elimination. Of course, the group was pissed when the lie was revealed, but there was nothing that could be done at that point.

    13 When Snooki Got Punched in a Club

    Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi has come a long way since her Jersey Shore days. Since the hit reality show went off of the air, Snooki has starred in a spin-off with her friend, JWoww, released a handful of books, and has pretty much come into her own. She's also a mom to two little girls now. But if we're being honest, we'll always remember her as the drink-guzzling party girl who was always at the center of some kind of confrontation. In the fourth episode of season one of Jersey Shore, Snooki was having a hard time bonding with the other cast members and was feeling pretty alienated. But when a guy sucker-punched her, the cast put their differences aside and proved that they really had her back. It was crazy, but it helped her win the support of her roommates. And don't worry about that jerk Brad Ferro. He was arrested and fired from his teaching job. Talk about karma.

    12 When Kourtney Kardashian Pulled Out Her Baby With Her Hands

    The Kardashians have proven time and time again that no part of their personal lives is off limits. Kourtney Kardashian has allowed cameras to film the births of all of her kids, but it was the first birth that has people talking so many years later. When the eldest Kardashian went into labor with her first baby, Mason Dash Disick, the Kardashian camera crew were prepared to document the special moments. With shows like A Baby Story, there was nothing particularly groundbreaking about Kourtney having her delivery filmed. In fact, the only noteworthy thing about it was that she seemed so poised through the whole ordeal. But it was when she reached down, mid-push and pulled her baby out with her own two hands that our jaws dropped. It's not often that you hear (or see, thankfully) mothers pulling out their own babies, so we were shocked, to say the least.

    11 Justin Timberlake Was Visited By The IRS

    Remember Punk'd? Talk about a trip down reality TV memory lane. Justin Timberlake totally freaked out when the IRS came in to seize all of his prized possessions due to unpaid back taxes to the tune of 900,000. Of course, it was all a prank orchestrated by Punk'd, but Justin didn't know it at the time and freaked out accordingly. What was particularly funny (or sad, depending on how you look at things) was his reaction when he thought that the IRS guy (Dax Shepard) was going to seize his dogs. There were a few scenes where Justin looked like he was about to burst into tears. Things were all good, though, once Justin saw Ashton Kutcher walking up to him and figured out that he'd been had. Fun fact: Justin told Playboy that he was so traumatized by the ordeal that he stopped smoking illegal substances. So there's that. The more you know, the better, right?

    10 Chrissy Lampkin Sucker Punched Kimbella

    Chrissy Lampkin has always been super protective of her man and her friends and she proved this during season 2 of VH1's Love And Hip-Hop. When Kimbella dropped the bomb on Emily B. that she was dating rapper Fabulous while Emily was pregnant with his child, Chrissy went straight into defense mode. She just couldn't believe that Kimbella had the audacity to spill the beans like that in front of a group of people and decided to take matters into her own hands. What started out as an argument from across the room turned into a full blown fight. Eventually, security pulled the two women apart. Then, Chrissy pretended to excuse herself, but instead made a beeline for Kimbella, delivered the ultimate sucker punch and even got in a swift kick. It's safe to say that Chrissy ultimately won that round, but Kimbella made sure to let the viewers at home know that she was all good because she still looked good.

    9 Joseline And Stevie Vs. Lil Scrappy And Erica

    0The slightest thing can and will set off a hot-headed person. Add in four hot-headed people and there is bound to be a ton of drama. That's exactly what happened when Lil Scrappy decided to confront Stevie J. on VH1's Love And Hip-Hop. The night prior, Stevie J was at a club and called Lil Scrappy's girlfriend Erica Dixon the b-word. When Lil Scrappy met up with Stevie J. outside of the recording studio, he let Stevie know that he felt disrespected. Stevie J. immediately tried to explain what happened (he was drunk, basically) and apologize. For a moment, it actually seemed that Lil Scrappy would have received Stevie's apology, but the chance of that encounter ending peacefully went out of the window, once their partners, Joseline Hernandez, and Erica Dixon got involved. Joseline--whose entire storyline revolved around her being Stevie's mistress, interrogated Erica about if she'd ever slept with Stevie J. Erica then denied the accusations and called Joseline "irrelevant." It's not clear who threw the first punch, but eventually, all four ended up in a giant fight in the parking lot.

    8 Tyra Banks Went Off On Tiffany Richardson

    It is safe to say that Tyra Banks was not pleased when Tiffany Richardson brushed off being eliminated from America's Next Top Model. The host and judge gave Tiffany a big speech about being ungrateful, not taking control of her destiny and some other stuff that got lost in translation. Tiffany then started crying, trying to explain that she did not feel like crying over an outcome that she could not change. Tiffany's pity party really set Tyra off because she ended up screaming at her to “Be quiet Tiffany” and asking what was wrong with her. She also screamed the now iconic line about how she and the judges were "rooting for her." The whole thing was super theatrical and basically out of character for Tyra, who is usually calm, cool and collected. Needless to say, this is one moment that definitely went down in reality TV history.

    7 When Rob Kardashian Accidentally Took A Pill

    Robert Kardashian got way more than he bargained for when he accidentally drank some coffee that was actually meant for his dad. Apparently, Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner was having a few issues keeping up with Kris Jenner in the bedroom, so she tried to sneak some male enhancement pills into his tea. Everything would have been fine if Rob had not intercepted the spiked coffee. Because of that, Robert ended up getting dealing with the effects that just would not go away (and that he couldn't explain) and eventually had to go to his pediatrician to get treated. Don't ask us why a twenty-something-year-old man still has a pediatrician, we don't know. What we do know is that the entire episode was hilarious, especially since Rob was so embarrassed at first that he couldn't even confront Kris to tell her what was wrong. Needless to say, she was terrified when she found out.

    6 When Porsha Stewart Attacked Kenya Moore

    The Housewives is no stranger to drama and arguments. Any episode from this series is jammed packed with some of the craziest drama you'll ever see on television. The feud between Kenya Moore and Porsha Stewart all started when Porsha referred to Kenya as Miss America when she actually was Miss USA 1993. In their three seasons on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, they've thrown jabs thrown back and forth and held absolutely nothing back. And while there have been physical altercations on the show, there had, so far, not been any fights between those two. That is, until one reunion when things got really heated. Kenya claimed that Porsha had cheated on her then-husband and the two fought until security had to get involved. Afterward, Porsha was visibly distraught over her actions and lay down on the floor crying out how she's embarrassed herself. Porsha was later charged with assault and battery.

    5 When Kenya Moore Was "Gone With The Wind Fabulous"

    Kenya Moore's personality is an acquired taste, to put it nicely. The former beauty queen has been a drama magnet since she made her debut on The Real Housewives of Atlanta at the beginning of season five. Whether it was a run in with Nene Leakes over who was the perceived HBIC or Phaedra over accusations of flirting with her husband, Apollo, she's had an encounter with almost every cast member. But one of her craziest/riduculous/ bizarre moments happened during an argument with, Porsha Stewart of course. When her character was called into question Kenya hit back and stated that she was not only fabulous but “Gone with the Wind Fabulous.” To further her point, she also started twirling as she chanted the phrase over and over until she twirled out of view. The kooky comeback became so popular that Kenya even filmed and released a music video for it.

    4 When Khloe Kardashian Kind of Went To Jail

    Khloe Kardashian made headlines in 2007 when she was arrested for driving under the influence.The less than glamorous moment was caught on tape by the Kardashian film crew and broadcast for our viewing pleasure during the first ever season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians. If you remember, it was on the same episode that Kris reprimanded Kim Kardashian for taking selfies in the car… while her sister was about to go to jail. Khloe's sentence demanded that she spend thirty days in jail and attend a stint in rehab. Due to overcrowding, however, Khloe never actually served any time. Okay, well she did if you consider just under three hours time served. Anyway, Khloe caught a ton of flack for her non-sentence and many attributed it to her celebrity status. The jail, after all, was the same jail that Paris Hilton served time in for her own alcohol-related driving case. Oh, the perks of being famous.

    3 When Steve Harvey Said The Wrong Winner

    Steve Harvey is an accomplished actor, comedian, and host of a nationally syndicated radio show. Surely someone who can juggle all of those jobs can pull off hosting the Miss Universe pageant. Well, not exactly. Steve Harvey only had one job the night that he hosted Miss Universe and that was to announce the rightful winner to the crown. As you know by now, he messed it up and big time. Instead of announcing Miss Philippines, as the winner, he announced Miss Colombia as the winner when she was actually the runner-up. It was an honest mistake, but it led to a pretty awkward moment when Miss Philippines joined Miss Colombia on stage to get her crown. We can't even begin to imagine how embarrassed both ladies must have felt. The moment will forever live on in television infamy as one of the worst host flubs in history and the night that had us on the edge of our seats.

    2 When Verne Troyer Did His Business On The Floor

    The Surreal Life was has been chock full of so many weird celebrity breakdowns that they could have pretty much made up this entire list. But few compare to Verne Troyer's bizarre scooter ride, so of course, we had to include that one. After a night of drinking, Verne Troyer hopped on his scooter and took a joy ride through the celebrity house bumping into walls and causing a lot of chaos. It was very cringeworthy and a moment that I'm sure Verne Troyer regrets to this day. We do too, to be honest. It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd been wearing even an ounce of clothing. He also peed in the corner in full view of the cameras. To top it all off, he ended the night lying his bed making weird, uncomfortable groaning noises. It's one of those moments that you really hope was scripted because the level of cringe is just too much to comprehend.

    1 When Pumpkin Spit in New York's Face

    Do you remember VH1's Flavor Of Love? If so, then you definitely remember season 1 contestant named Tiffany "New York" Pollard. She was an arrogant, pompous all-around mean girl, who possessed a deep admiration for Flavor Flav. During her tenure on the show, New York had plenty of run-ins with other contestants, but her most memorable stint (the only one that got physical) involved another contestant named Pumpkin. For the uninitiated, it was an elimination night, which ended with Pumpkin being eliminated. Flavor Flav had found out that she had been television prior to entering the competition, making him question her motives. Pumpkin then said that the person that he should be worried about was actually New York because she was an aspiring actress, which prompted an argument between the two before Pumpkin eventually spit in New York's face. New York reacted, as one does when someone spits in their face and tried to pull to ground. There aren't really any moments that warrant spitting on someone, so that moment actually made us side with New York for a change.