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    15 Reasons Why You Have To See Doctor Strange

    Marvel's latest comic book to screen adaptation is one of it's most stunning and watchable yet. Featuring dazzling graphics and mind-blowing special effects, Doctor Strange is a must watch while it's still in theaters. Directed by Scott Derrickson, Doctor Strange is the fourteenth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Affectionately known as the Internet's Boyfriend, British actor Benedict Cumberbatch stars as Doctor Stephen Strange. Others might know him for his iconic role as Sherlock Holmes in the television series Sherlock, or remember his velvety voice as the dragon Smaug from The Hobbit.

    In a succinct Tweet, Jaden Smith pretty much articulated the best review yet, “Just Watched Doctor Strange, I'm Completely Blown Away, And I'm Going To Dedicate The Rest Of My Life To Those Practices. Thank You!”. ScreenRant reports that Doctor Strange Has Grossed More Than $325 Million Worldwide, and if you haven't taken the time to check it out yet, here are 15 reasons why you have to see Doctor Strange.

    15 It's unlike any other Marvel superhero movie to date

    When it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, most superhero flicks are known for ending on a destructive note. If you need a refresher, just look at the Avengers, or even Captain America: Civil War, which featured big cityscapes rendered to chaos and destruction. In Doctor Strange, the creative team decided to go in an entirely different direction. In fact, the movie doesn't even feature a single gun, and instead, it shows the power of the mystic arts and fighting using magic. The director, Scott Derrickson, has noted that Doctor Strange is the only MCU movie to not even feature one gun. Warriors like Mordo and the Ancient One create shields and weapons through mystic energy and fight against former student Kaecilius and his zealous followers. At the end of the film, it's become common for Marvel movies to feature chaotic battles involving exploding buildings and innocent casualties. However, in Doctor Strange, things are actually put together in a mind-bending reversal of time, and Stephen Strange fights to keep things from falling apart.

    14 The visual effects and 3D graphics are stunning

    If you haven't seen a movie in 3D since Avatar, you might want to reconsider your trip to watch Doctor Strange. In the past few years, special effects, 3D graphics, and technology, in general, has been steadily improving at a fast rate. The results? A wild adventure in the form of Doctor Strange. If you end up checking it out, you'll be wowed by the incredible detail and the psychedelic landscapes found in Doctor Strange. From learning about spells and sling rings to seeing them in action on the big screen, the visual effects work is really stunning. Tilda Swinton as the Ancient One sets the tone right off the bat, with the first major fight scene in the movie against her former student, Kaecilius. Wearing a mysterious hood and to-die-for athleisure-inspired robes, she summons a pair of gigantic shields using her magic. We won't give away any more of the details because you'll just have to check out this one for yourself!

    13 You'll go on a global adventure

    If you've got a little bit of wanderlust, you'll definitely appreciate the globe-trotting aspect of Doctor Strange. In the beginning, you're given a look at Doctor Strange in New York City, where he works as an expert surgeon and drives a super fast exotic car. In an unexpected turn of events, Stephen experiences a tragic automobile accident, ultimately causing extensive nerve damage to his hands. Desperate to find a cure, Strange literally spends his last dollar on a one way trip to Kathmandu, Nepal, in an attempt to find a mysterious location called Kamar-Taj. There, he meets the Ancient One and begins to study the mystic arts under her leadership. When her former pupil, Kaecilius, steals a page from a forbidden text, the sorcerers of the mystic arts have to fight back against Earth's utter destruction. You'll be taken on a wild adventure with Doctor Strange, where you'll see familiar buildings on the New York City skyline (Hello, Stark Tower!) and even an evil creature from the Dark Dimension as it attacks modern day Hong Kong.

    12 Incorporates a lot of magic, no wand required

    If you love everything to do with the wizarding world of Harry Potter, chances are, you'll love Doctor Strange. The film incorporates a lot of magic, spells and Eastern philosophy into the mix. Although you won't see Doctor Strange pick out his very own wand from Mr. Ollivander's shop in Diagon Alley, there are a few impressive magical objects that come his way. For example, you'll get a closer look at the powerful amulet called the Eye of Agamotto, a device which allows the user to manipulate time. Just when things seem pretty bleak for Doctor Strange, the Cloak of Levitation comes to his aid. When fighting Kaecilius in the New York City Sanctum Sanctorum, Strange almost gets knocked unconscious by a powerful blow. At the last minute, the Cloak of Levitation stops his arm and shields Strange from his attack. You'll love watching their magical relationship unfold, and it just may remind you of how “the wand chooses the wizard” in Harry Potter!

    11 You'll like it if you're curious about time travel

    If you've ever wanted to go back in time, for whatever reason, you'll definitely get a kick out of this movie. When we take the time to reflect on our life, sometimes we might yearn for a time travel device of our own. What would have happened if I chose differently? Or how would my life have changed, if only I tried that? In most movies with time travel, the user usually goes back in time to answer those types of questions, or to save someone or stop an event from happening. While the thought of time travel might make you instantly think of classic eighties film Back to the Future and Marty McFly, this movie takes a different, more modern approach. The whole film focuses on the power to travel back in time, but not in the typical way that you might think. For example, Kaecilius, a former sorcerer at Kamar-Taj, comes back and steals a few pages from a forbidden text, intent on bringing Earth to its utter destruction. When Doctor Strange suddenly finds out the extent of that power, his curiosity gets the better of him, and he tries using a powerful amulet called the Eye of Agamotto. This relic gives the user the power to manipulate time, including rewinding back into time and speeding ahead into the future. Although Mordo and Wong instantly reprimand him for trying out the power for himself, Strange saves the entire world by using it defeat Kaecilius and his followers.

    10 Spell casting moves inspired by a dance style called tutting

    Part of what makes Doctor Strange so magical is watching how the sorcerers cast spells and the actual movements were inspired by dancing and martial arts. The director, Scott Derrickson, was inspired by martial arts movements, classic kung fu flicks and hand gestures to unlock special abilities that he saw in Japanese anime. The spell-casting movements translated easily to the cast of Doctor Strange. Tilda Swinton stole the show as the Ancient One, seriously showing off her effortless display of fluidity and style whenever she summoned a weapon. Doctor Strange may have taken a little while to get the hang of things, but when he had to face his enemies, he really showed them how it's done! In several interviews, Swinton and Cumberbatch talked about how they prepared for their roles by learning a dance style called finger tutting. Cumberbatch affectionately referred to it as “breakdancing with your fingers”, which sounds all kinds of awesome. A choreographer called JayFunk lent his skills to the project, and the movements definitely look super edgy and cool.

    9 It's the type of movie you can see with your BF, your fam or your BFF's

    Doctor Strange is one of those movies that appeals to all generations, so it's the perfect choice for date night with your BF, your crazy family or as a girl's night out with your BFF's. Don't worry, it certainly won't be a snoozefest, because you and your boo will love every second of this action-packed flick. You'll definitely appreciate the character development, especially how Doctor Strange changes over time. The movie explores how a person can change from an arrogant, egotistical person to a selfless, humble person who's dedicated to making the world a better place. Talk about a powerful message for our day and age! Sometimes when people become humble, they also lose their drive and determination, but it's not the case here. Even though he has a photographic memory, you realize that Strange never loses his desire to learn something new. The film has a message about self-acceptance and silencing the ego, a super important life lesson that everyone can probably relate to in some way.

    8 It features a critically acclaimed cast

    If you don't already know who Benedict Cumberbatch is, sad to say, you're probably in the minority on this one. He has legions of fangirls, including a group who dub themselves @Cumberbitches on Twitter, boasting with over 200,000 followers. Benedict is popularly known for his detective role with the ongoing British television series Sherlock, which he has starred in for the past six years. If you still can't place him by face, you might recognize his villainous voice as Smaug in The Hobbit. Benedict also starred as Alan Turing in The Imitation Game (2014) and Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness (2013). Next up, Cumberbatch will voice the Grinch in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Shere Khan for the Jungle Book, to be released in 2018.

    The film also includes Tilda Swinton, who you might remember as the White Witch in the film versions of the Chronicles of Narnia. Swinton plays the Ancient One, who is the mentor and teacher of Doctor Strange in the film. Chiwetel Ejiofor plays Mordo, one of the Ancient One's rigid pupils. Ejiofor received critical acclaim for his work as Solomon Northup in the film 12 Years A Slave. The lovable Rachel McAdams stars as Doctor Christine Palmer, who had a brief relationship with Doctor Strange. Benedict Wong plays an updated version of Wong, the newly appointed librarian at Kamar-Taj. Kaecilius, the main baddie of the film, is played by Mads Mikkelsen, who we'll see next month in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

    7 It's totally trippy and psychedelic - in a good way

    Doctor Strange was originally inspired by a comic from the late sixties, so it should go without saying, it definitely has its fair share of trippy moments. Comic book artist Steve Ditko incorporated a lot of surreal qualities in his psychedelic backdrops, and the creative team for Doctor Strange wanted to pay homage to that. In one scene, the Ancient One sends Doctor Strange flying backward with a totally rad sucker punch to the stomach, ultimately separating his astral self from his physical self. In an attempt to get him to see beyond his narrow-minded, selfish point of view, the Ancient One tells him to open his eye, and lightly touches the space between his eyes on his forehead, also known as your third eye. In a mind-blowing sequence, Strange falls down a kaleidoscopic rabbit hole, and he's catapulted through other universes and other-worldly dimensions. In other scenes, city skylines fold and bend in weird, mind-boggling ways, reminding viewers of an MC Escher painting. With inspiration from sci-fi thrillers like Inception and classic fables like Alice and Wonderland, let's face it, your New Age-y, EDM-loving friends will love it. Just tell them it's like going to a rave, but without all the substances (and crazy hangovers), so leave the glow sticks at home, okay?

    6 The movie has a lot of heart, it's funny and filled with easter eggs

    Despite being a movie about serious stuff, like magic, time travel, and the destruction of Earth as we know it, Doctor Strange does have a lot of heart. For all of its heavy moments, it certainly has light-hearted ones too, and you'll appreciate the laugh-out-loud one-liners that are welcome in every Marvel movie. We definitely loved the quip about the WiFi password, and possibly the best one in the film, when Strange first meets Wong (no, he's not talking to Adele). Watching Doctor Strange secretly steal books from the library while Wong jams out to “Single Ladies” is certainly a laugh-inducing moment, for sure, and who could possibly resist the lovable Cloak of Levitation?

    If you keep up to date with Marvel Cinematic Universe, you'll appreciate the fact that Doctor Strange is packed with easter eggs. No, we're not talking about literal eggs, but rather, subtle hints about upcoming Marvel movies and small references that you might miss. If you're interested, Screen Rant put together a detailed list of 24 Easter Eggs You Probably Missed from Doctor Strange. We really loved the part where Doctor Strange and Mordo end up slamming into a bus, where we see a quick cameo of none other than Stan Lee himself!

    5 The Ancient One teaches Doctor Strange about surrendering and letting go

    Learning to surrender and let go of negativity is a lesson we constantly need a reminder about. Maybe you've taken a yoga class and you've heard the teacher talk about releasing pent up emotions and letting go of attachments. Tilda Swinton does an impressive job as the Ancient One, teaching an egotistical Doctor Strange ultra important life lessons.

    In the film, Doctor Strange is shown as an expert surgeon, literally removing a bullet out of a man's skull without any assistance. But the viewer quickly realizes that although he's got plenty of skill and accolades, he has some serious character flaws. He treats his ex like dirt, but we'll save that for later, and it clearly shows that he is totally condescending towards other people. When he receives physical therapy for his injured hands, he acts like a total d-bag towards the employee, referring to him as “Bachelor's Degree” and proceeding to treat him like the scum of the earth. You totally see how much he's out for himself when he's heading out in his ultra-fast exotic car (a Lamborghini, no less) and speeding like hell. Strange skims his phone, looking for potential patients, but he turns down people in serious need of help, all due to the fact that they might ruin his perfect record. Everything comes to a screeching halt after he suffers an unexpected automobile accident, and his life is changed forever. The Ancient One teaches Doctor Strange that there's more meaning to life-and it's not… about… you!

    4 It's an origin story about overcoming struggle and adversity

    The best part about Doctor Strange is that in essence, it's an origin story about how former surgeon Stephen Strange learns how to tap into his hidden potential. After watching the film, it's clear that there's so many deep, philosophical themes that everyone can relate to. In one memorable line, the Ancient One tells Strange, “Death is what gives life meaning. To know our days are numbered, your time is short.” A short quote, to be sure, but each word is heavy with meaning, and it's a poignant reminder that tomorrow isn't promised to us.

    Sometimes it's difficult to talk about traumatic experiences or even overcoming struggle and adversity. If you're looking for an easy conversation starter, use Doctor Strange as a jumping off point. Sensitive souls might find it hard to open up about difficult experiences on their own, but after watching a movie, it makes it easier to get the conversation flowing. Superheroes and heroines are known for having an immense amount of strength, but sometimes it's not even about the physical strength that makes them so relatable. The Ancient One asks him, “Who are you in this vast multiverse, Stephen Strange?” Get inspired by the origin story of Doctor Strange, and try answering heavy questions with your BF or bestie. It'll definitely bring you guys closer together and make your bond even more unbreakable than it already is.

    3 The Ancient One adds more female representation in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

    Doctor Strange is the fourteenth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but believe it or not, there still hasn't been a single stand alone film with a female protagonist. What does this mean? Ladies need way more representation on screen in the MCU, and director Scott Derrickson tried to rectify things with his latest.

    In the comics, the Ancient One was portrayed just like every tired old-and-wise Asian teacher stereotype imaginable. Derrickson wanted to take a modern approach to the role, and instead casting a woman in place of the traditional male teacher role. Wanting to avoid any additional negative stereotypes, like the female “Dragon Lady” trope found in many shallow Asian roles, Derrickson envisioned Tilda Swinton in the role. Instead of making the Ancient One an elderly Tibetan man, he opted to reimagine the role as a mysterious Celtic woman in the form of the singular Tilda Swinton.

    There's rumors circulating about a possible Black Widow movie in the works, and we hope to see more female-lead movies in the Marvel universe soon! Girl power rocks and we need more of it shown on screen, just look at Daisy Ridley as Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Charlize Theron's bad ass portrayal of Imperator Furiosa in Mad Max for more recent examples.

    2 The characters are more complex than you think, and they grow and change over time

    Actor Chiwetel Ejiofor plays Mordo in Doctor Strange, a character that appears to be morally rigid, but by the end of the film, the line starts to blur into gray territory. When we're first introduced to Mordo, it's clear that he's a fervent admirer and loyal student to his teacher, the Ancient One. His character is strong, physically capable of fighting against the evil foes that they encounter, but also mentally strong as well. When Mordo and Wong discover that Doctor Strange was using the Eye of Agamotto to accidentally manipulate time, they stop him immediately. They tell him how even the slightest change can have dangerous repercussions later down the line. In the end, Mordo is shocked when he finds out that the Ancient One had been tapping into powers from the Dark Dimension to extend her life. Strange understands where she's coming from and realizes that she was only doing it for the greater good and to protect Earth, but Mordo seems totally betrayed. If you're going to see it soon, make sure you stay to the very end of the credits for a quick post-credits scene about what's to come. It looks like Mordo will be back in the follow up to Doctor Strange, and this time, with a vengeance.

    1 Rachel McAdams, lead actress from the Notebook, stars as his love interest

    We already went over how Marvel seriously needs to work on adding more female representation in movies, but we were totally filled with glee after hearing that Rachel McAdams was starring in the film. McAdams plays Doctor Christine Palmer, who acts as Doctor Strange's former love interest and literally the polar moral opposite to Strange. In the film, Doctor Palmer asks Strange for help, after discovering that a marked-dead patient is actually alive, due to a bullet that's pressing against his brain. Strange gets to work, and flexes his seriously intense surgeon skills, but needs to step up his game in the relationship department. The two have a murky past, and Palmer has to coolly remind him that whenever they'd spend time together, it was always about him. After his accident, Palmer is constantly there for him, even weeks after he desperately searches for a way to cure his hands. She gently reminds him that there's more to life than his career ambitions, and feeling pushed to the edge, Strange lashes out at her, saying, “What, like you?” and literally tears all of our hearts in two. Sure, the scene is seriously heartbreaking, but it is slightly refreshing to see a more realistic relationship portrayed on screen.

    That being said, Palmer is definitely not an ice queen, and she repeatedly comes to Doctor Strange's rescue time and time again. Honestly, who hasn't been in the situation where someone you love just happens to keep popping back into your life, suddenly begging for help? Palmer literally operates on him in minutes, and even fights to try and save the Ancient One's life while in the ICU. The pair definitely have some chemistry, but it's unclear what the future holds for them. In the comics, Doctor Strange links up with a powerful woman named Clea, so we hope that they'll expand on Rachel McAdams role in future work!