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    15 Reasons You're Over Grey's Anatomy

    Oh Grey's Anatomy. At this point, you might be the only one in your friend group still watching because a lot of people gave up on it long ago. You would have done the same except for the fact that you're totally addicted to this show. Yup. You are. You said it. You can't help but want to find out what happens to Meredith and Alex and the whole hospital crew. There are certain couples that you ship and storylines that you want to happen and you want to be there for all of it. There's only one problem: lately, you're becoming pretty frustrated with the show, and you're not sure how to stop feeling and thinking that way. Maybe it's inevitable since the season 13 finale recently aired. That's a really long time to watch a show. There are tons of TV shows that never make it even half that long. So really, it's no wonder that you're a whole big mess of emotions right now. Here are 15 reasons that you're over Grey's Anatomy.

    15 The Couples You Love Break Up

    And they break up for good. That's definitely something that makes you really unhappy about this show. When Jackson and April broke up, you hoped and hoped and hoped that they would change their minds and start dating again. That almost seemed like it was going to happen… and then it just didn't. They're coparenting, sure, and things seem to be going really well in that regard, but that's it. And what about Owen and Amelia? Okay, okay, so technically they didn't break up, but it's no secret that things are rough between them. You're also still really bummed out over the fact that Arizona and Callie broke up and there's definitely no chance of them reuniting, especially now that Callie has moved to NYC (and the actress is off the show, of course). Oh man. You're getting super stressed out even thinking about this, so you should probably distract yourself right about now.

    14 The Best Characters Leave

    Whether they pass away tragically and unexpectedly or move away, it's safe to say that a lot of characters on Grey's Anatomy don't stick around. And you're really upset about that. You can't even deal with it. From Derek to George to Izzie to Callie, you miss your favorite characters and feel like they can never be replaced. Sure, there are always new faces at the hospital and it's not like you totally hate them. In fact, you love most of them. But it's just not the same. Oh yeah, and then there's Cristina, who obviously left the show after the tenth season. You're definitely not over that. You're over this show because you can't keep saying goodbye to the people that you have grown to love and care about over the years. It's just too much and you don't think that you want to keep getting so attached just to have to move on.

    13 The Hospital Has Changed

    Sure, life is full of change and you totally get that, but the changes happening at this hospital are honestly too much. You absolutely hate that Richard is no longer chief and it's tough to see how much Dr. Bailey seems to hate the position and how stressed out she is all the time. You just don't think that she's the right person for the job and you wish that they would give it back to Richard. You also hate, of course, that Eliza has been hired and that she's been making everyone's lives miserable. The hospital has changed so much that it just doesn't seem like the same place as before, and you often wonder if the doctors are even happy there anymore. You could honestly see the show ending after the next season and all of the doctors leaving the hospital and going their separate ways. That would make sense to you at this point.

    12 The Characters Seem Totally Unhappy

    You know that being a doctor must be really hard, and being a surgeon is definitely not for the faint of heart. It's all about long hours and staying determined and motivated no matter what and having a legit bedside manner. And yet… these characters seem way too unhappy. For a while there, you were absolutely fascinated by Meredith's background and storyline and you loved the fact that she was dark and twisty. You got that she had had a hard life and that she was struggling to become an adult and deal with everything. But now, it seems like everyone on the show is dark and twisty, and you don't know when that happened. It seems like everyone is ina perpetual bad mood. It's a bit hard to take and you wonder when (or if) this is going to change. You definitely wish that people would smile a bit more.

    11 The Earlier Seasons Were Better

    There's this general understanding among Grey's Anatomy fans that the earlier seasons of the show were the best. Fans usually say that after season four, things got pretty bad and that the show wasn't worth watching anymore. Well, former fans say that, of course. Those people aren't watching anymore and they have long since given up hoping that Derek didn't really die or that certain couples will announce their love for each other and all will be well once again. You're still watching so you're still a fan, but you do agree that the beginning of the series was much easier to watch than the later episodes. You miss the old days of watching this show and getting super excited over all the juicy storylines and crazy moments and texting your BFF all the time all "OMG did you see that?!" Those moments are not as common these days, and that's really a shame.

    10 Storylines Are Teased Then Don't Happen

    Like the Meredith/Alex romance, for instance. You probably never thought that these two characters would end up together. No, that really wasn't on your radar. Alex has always been with Jo (or at least for the past few years) and Meredith, of course, was crazy in love with Derek. But… when you heard people talking about the possibility of a Meredith/Alex relationship, you didn't totally hate the idea. You really didn't. You thought that it made sense since after Cristina left the show, Alex became Meredith's person, and you loved that. It was sweet and charming and unexpected. Let's face it, Alex has really changed over the years and has transformed into an amazing person. You think that Meredith would be lucky to have him and vice versa. But then… this never happened. You really believe that this storyline was teased but then let go of, and that's too bad.

    9 You Wonder About The Ending

    When the series finale rolls around, you get that it won't be for a while. The next season is going to be number 14 and it's totally possible that this show will get 20 seasons. Or even more. No, you're not being nuts. That's honestly how popular this show has become. You wonder about ending because you're scared that by the time you sit down to watch the series finale, you're just not going to be pleased with the outcome. And that will seem horrible since then you will have watched this show for so many seasons. If a show is going to be on the air for this long, you really want a guarantee that the characters that you love and care about and have loved and cared about since forever are going to get some seriously happy endings. You're not sure what the tone of the finale will be, but you're pretty sure that it won't be as happy as you want it to be.

    8 Meredith Deserves More

    You totally believe that Meredith Grey deserves more. At this point, she's suffered so much, you can't even believe it. It seemed like she was finally going to find love with Nathan Riggs and although you never want her to move on from Derek fully, you get that she has to. You know that she has to. And you're okay with that. Really. Because Riggs is the most adorable guy ever and he really cares about her and they're both doctors and they just seem to get each other. They've also lost the loves of their lives. But now that Riggs' wife is actually alive, it seems like he and Meredith are totally over. In the season 13 finale, she told him that he should go because she would already be gone if she had found out that Derek hadn't actually passed away. While that warms your Meredith and Derek loving heart, it's still incredibly sad. You hope that next season, Meredith gets more. More happiness. More love. And no more misery.

    7 You Don't Love Where Things Are Going

    In the season 13 finale, a possible Maggie/Jackson romance was teased, and you're not on board with that. Not at all. You don't think that they would make a good couple because you're still holding out hope that Jackson and April will reunite. You also think that if this does happen, then April needs a new love interest because you don't want to see her pining over Jackson and feeling bad about the fact that he moved on first. You just don't want to witness that. Is it too much to ask for your favorite characters to get back together and be happy? It's always tough when new couples form on your favorite TV shows since you get that the writers want to keep things interesting, but there are certain characters that you don't see together and don't think should date. Maggie is lovely but you don't think that she needs to be with Jackson. There must be someone else.

    6 It's Becoming Formulaic

    By this point, you get that in every episode, you're going to see one crazy/fascinating/weird/sad/moving/etc. medical condition. The doctors are going to banter and find a new and innovate way to save someone's live. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. It's all very real and raw and sad and at this point, you're used to it. But the show is becoming formulaic because besides the formula of each and every single episode, there's also the fact that the season finales are always pretty nuts. You get that they have to be and that people want that, but at the same time, it would be okay with you if things were a bit calmer and happier and more peaceful. It wouldn't ruin the show. It really wouldn't. It would be cool if each season finale from now on would feature an interesting medical case or something like that, and that way you're not all bent out of shape over the fate of your favorite characters. Just putting your two cents in here.

    5 The New Characters Aren't Always Memorable

    Do you remember the names of the new crop of interns? Not really. And while you would usually feel bad about that because you're a loyal TV fan and you take your TV watching very seriously, you honestly don't care because you feel like you have been let down by this show. You keep wondering why the new characters aren't as memorable as the older ones. You miss Izzie and Cristina and Callie, and while you love DeLuca and agree that he's a great addition to the show, the others just don't seem to play a big role on the show. You also aren't a big fan of Eliza because she's so hated by the majority of the doctors and you don't like this storyline. Does anyone like any of the characters that have appeared on the show in recent years? You would have to say that the answer is a big fat no, and that's too bad.

    4 The Characters Don't Always Change

    Look at Amelia, for instance. Look, you love Amelia. You totally get that she's had a rough time of things and that she can't always handle her emotions and express herself. But by now, when she's married to a lovely guy like Owen, you would expect her to man up and be able to talk to him about what's going on. When she thought that she might be pregnant with Owen's baby and freaked out about it, you knew that it was only a matter of time before she ran away and refused to talk to him. Because you know her. You know how she acts and you know that this is just what she does. You want to see a different side of Amelia because by now, you think that she should have changed more. The characters on this show don't always change and that is something that really frustrates you. You've invested so much, you need to see more positive changes.

    3 The Season 13 Finale Was Too Much

    Sure, you're all about a juicy, dramatic episode. That's why you watch Grey's Anatomy, after all, along with so many other amazing shows. But you have to admit that the season 13 finale was a bit too much. Watching Stephanie deal with that fire was just absolutely terrifying and heartbreaking, and then there's the fact that none of the storylines got tied up (more on that soon). You just kept asking yourself if things were going to get better for the characters and instead, they seemed to get worse. Even though in the end she ended up being okay, who's to say that when we come back to season 14 things change! She did say that she quits being a doctor, so does that mean she's leaving the show? Or will her recovery be part of a storyline? Yeah, you're not sure how you're going to wait until season 14, and you're going to worry about Stephanie a lot for the next few months.

    2 Some Storylines Don't Get Resolved

    What's going on between Jackson and April? You thought that by now, they would have gotten back together, right? The truth is that some storylines just never get resolved on this show, and that means that being a fan can be pretty frustrating. There are a lot of plot lines that just seem to get forgotten about and the show moves on… while you're sitting there, still thinking about those storylines and wondering why they had to just be left behind. It really feels like some characters and situations are simply ignored. What's going on between Jo and DeLuca? He pretty much confessed his love for her and she shut him down and now that's it. You wonder if she should choose between him and Alex and you definitely wanted to have found that out by now. It's just confusing that this keeps happening.

    1 Alex And Jo Still Aren't Back Together

    Oh man. The saga of Alex and Jo. After all that -- Alex getting in big trouble for beating up DeLuca, Jo revealing that Jo Wilson isn't her real name, and she's really married and her husband was so abusive that she had to run away -- nothing has been resolved between the two of them. There has been no big talk between Alex and Jo. No reconciliation. No apologies. Not talk about the future and how they're going to move on. Are they ever getting back together? Do they even still want that? Do they still love each other? You have so many questions and you honestly can't believe that these questions haven't been answered yet. You've been a good, loyal fan. You've watched for 13 seasons now. And you're probably going to keep watching next season. Probably. But you have to be totally and completely honest: you're pretty much over this show.