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    15 Savage Things To Expect In The New Season Of GoT

    Game of Thrones fans have been waiting a very long time for winter to come, and now it's finally here. Season 7 of GoT has been one of the most highly anticipated events of the year, and there have been potential spoilers and rumors circulating the internet for months, driving curious fans crazy with the thirst to know. The 6th Season went out with quite the bang, left a lot of questions unanswered and opened the door to endless opportunities, so we can only assume that the 7th Season of the series will rise to meet all of our expectations. We don't know exactly what's coming, but we have reason to believe that a few things, in particular, are headed our way. Some of them will make you happy, but in typical GoT fashion, others will break your heart. Here are 15 intense things to expect this season on Game of Thrones.

    15 Arya Stark Ticks Some Names Off Her List

    Arya Stark's “To Kill” list has been brewing since she was still a little girl. After seeing her dad beheaded, she's had a vendetta against more than one prominent person in Westeros, and considering that we like some of the people on her list, this is a huge point of tension! We know that Arya is capable of killing, and we know she's a girl of her word, as she's already wiped out a few of the lowlifes on the list. We all enjoyed seeing Walder Frey finally meet his end for his part in the Red Wedding, so we know this girl doesn't mess around! Arya's smiling face as she murders him hints that she's slowly turning into a stone-hearted killer. She could join the Brotherhood Without Banners on her run from the Frey family and rendezvous with her old friend the Hound again, who is also on her list. Awks.

    14 Jorah Mormont Deals With His Greyscale

    Jorah Mormont has done a lot to win Daenerys Targaryen's heart and favor, and conquering the impossible isn't out of the question for this guy. After contracting the feared grayscale and declaring his love for the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys commands him to find a cure for his condition and return to her. It is totally within his character to pursue a remedy for her, no matter what it might be, because she's essentially his whole world. And a remedy for grayscale might not be impossible after all since Stannis tells his infected daughter Shereen that her own grayscale was contained before her death. So where might Jorah go to save his skin (literally)? A lot of people believe Qarth is the answer since that's the place where Quaithe prepares a man to head through Valyria, possibly immunizing him from grayscale. It only makes sense that those who can prevent it can also cure it!

    13 The Ironborn Battle It Out On The Seas

    We haven't seen too many epic naval battles in GoT up until now. There was the Battle of Blackwater, but that kind of escalated to a land battle after the business with the Wildfire. However, there could be a major battle on the seas waiting for us this season, since the Ironborn have a new king and have been ordered to build 1,000 ships (even though it's been confirmed that their island has no trees!). When we last saw Yara and Theon Greyjoy, they aligned their own fleet of rebels with Daenerys' massive horde. Supposing that Euron gets those ships he's after, we could be in for a huge fight. We're expecting that he won't be too happy with his niece and nephew for defying him ten minutes after he was crowned and beating him to Daenerys, so prepare for this to be one bloody battle. We just hope that Theon doesn't lose any more limbs…

    12 Jorah Brings Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen Together

    Before we all figured out that Daenerys Targaryen is actually Jon Snow's aunt, we totally shipped these two. We no longer want them to be together as a couple, but since they're arguably the two biggest stars on the show, we want them to meet this season. Spoiler pictures from shooting have shown that they probably will meet, and many suspect that it will be Jorah Mormont who actually brings them together. Supposing that he sorts out his grayscale, it is possible that Jorah will return to his house, which is now under the control of feisty Lyanna Mormont, to negotiate the Northerners siding with Daenerys. Lyanna is a big fan of Jon, and Jorah and Jon could get along wonderfully thanks to their united respect for Jorah's late father, Jeor. Jon might be allured by the prospect of using Daenerys' dragons against the White Walkers, and voila: a Targaryen family reunion!

    11 Gendry Returns

    It's been a while since we've seen him on screen, but how could anyone forget Gendry? The last Baratheon alive in the show, Gendry has been predicted by many to return this season. This is mainly because the actor portraying him, Joe Dempsie, was spotted in Belfast around shooting time, and author George R.R. Martin confirmed that Gendry and Arya are to reunite in the books. And you know, Gendry has been rowing for three seasons now, so he's probably very tired! The last Baratheon's return would be a huge deal for Arya's character arc, and possibly the one thing that can save her from becoming a mindless killing machine thanks to her thirst for revenge. In the 3rd Season, she tells him that he's her family, and we know that she is craving that sense of belonging since being from her own Stark blood since Season 1. Here's hoping!

    10 Kings Landing Goes Up In Flames

    There are a few pieces of evidence to suggest that we can expect to see Kings Landing go up in flames this season. The event has actually been foreshadowed twice in the show: Bran has visions of it in both Season 3 and Season 6, and Daenerys also sees a burnt throne room in the House of the Undying, when she has her own vision. In the last season, we see part of the great city go up in flames thanks to Cersei's plot to kill off the High Sparrow and his fanatics. This tells us that not only is anything possible, but there are confirmed depositories of Wildfire located at different points throughout the capital city. Kings Landing could be ignited in a number of ways, including a spark from Daenerys' dragons setting off a few more green-tinged explosions. If so, the Mother of Dragons might become the villain in the eyes of the city people…

    9 Kings Landing Gets Conquered By Dothraki & Unsullied

    … Which brings us to our next point! Even if she doesn't use fire, there is still the possibility that she's going to do some serious damage to the city. Many people believe that she won't even resort to using her dragons because she has an army of Unsullied and a horde of Dothraki. Both groups swear themselves to her, and at the end of Season 6, we see all of them aboard ships together, headed across the Narrow Sea. It was leaked that a casting call for Season 7 asked for a “tall muscularly intimidating man, ideally of Middle Eastern origins”. It doesn't take a genius to know that the role is of a Dothraki; it just takes a hard-core fan! And another casting call in Spain, which will likely be used to film shots in the capital, asked for men willing to shave their hair off, i.e. men who would be playing Unsullied.

    8 Sansa Stark & Jon Fight

    Nothing brought us greater happiness than seeing Sansa run into Jon's arms at Castle Black, but this family reunion could be short-lived, and it's all because of Littlefinger. We know that Littlefinger is in love with Sansa, and it is his loyalty to her that causes him to help Jon out during the Battle of the Bastards. He admits to her that his ultimate plan is to take the Iron Throne for himself, with her as his queen, but Jon being declared the King of the North puts a bit of a dent in these intentions! While Jon is being praised in the last season, we see Littlefinger give Sansa a look, suggesting that he might turn her against him. She's already argued with Jon, and there is the chance she might feel she's better suited to ruling and politics than him. We hope the tension dies down, and these two just hug it out!

    7 Romance Blooms Between Yara & Daenerys

    Game of Thrones isn't exactly a show about love, but that doesn't mean that they can't come up with some romance lines that get us hooked! An upcoming love story for Season 7 could play out between Yara and Daenerys, and fans are losing their sh*t. Why could this be the case? Well, it's pretty hard to ignore the flirting between these two gals when they meet in the Mereen Throne Room. Both women are leaders and confident, aggressive women who aren't in the least bit intimidated by the men around them. Up until now, we've only seen Daenerys with men, but that doesn't mean she isn't into women. And we know that Yara has a thing for girls, so it wouldn't be completely unrealistic to propose that these two might develop a bit of a fling over the season. They could even end up taking over Missandei and Grey Worm's role as our fave couple!

    6 Jon Finds Out Who He is

    The world now knows that Jon Snow isn't really the illegitimate child of the honorable Ned Stark with an unknown woman, but is actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark. The world knows it, and Ned Stark knew it, but other than Bran, nobody else in Westeros knows it, including Jon himself. The last time we checked, Jon still believed he was Ned's son and the other Stark children's half-brother. If Jon ends up connecting with Bran, he's probably going to learn the truth about himself, which could have some serious consequences. Could that Targaryen status go to his head and distract him from his battle against the White Walkers? Could he believe he has a right to challenge Daenerys' claim to the throne? Who knows! Jon and Bran might not even meet this season, but considering they're both in the North, it's a possibility…

    5 An Alliance Begins Between Cersei Lannister & Euron Greyjoy

    There are more than enough crucial characters in the story to keep up with, but if we break it down, the two most significant players (in terms of the Iron Throne) at this point are Cersei, who's sitting on the throne, and Daenerys, who's coming for it. Since Daenerys has half of the Ironborn on her side through Yara and Theon, it makes sense that Euron Greyjoy and his half of Ironborn will turn to the other side and help Cersei out. So an alliance between Cersei and Euron could be in the cards! We've seen that both characters are brutal, cunning, and power-hungry, so they'd probably get along famously. Once Cersei gets wind of the ginormous fleet of ships heading her way, she's going to turn to any option she has, whether she really wants Euron's help or not. With so many enemies, you really don't have a lot of choices sometimes!

    4 Cersei & Jaime Lannister Come To Blows

    Cersei and Jaime Lannister are the weirdest brother-sister team on TV, due in large part to the fact that they are also lovers. But their relationship has been severely strained thanks to the loss of all three of their children, and their differing morals. Jaime being the one to end Cersei's life would make sense, since he's already done that with one king who was out of control. There are similarities between Cersei and the Mad King Aerys, including the fact that they both liked to play with fire. So history might just repeat itself for Jaime Lannister in Season 7, only this time, his sister will be the one on the end of his sword. Cersei more than likely will become a much more uncontrollable and ruthless character, since her only redeeming factor for all this time has been her love for her children. Now that they're all gone, she might just become purely evil.

    3 Sansa Is Preggers

    We hope for poor Sansa's sake that this isn't true because the girl has been through quite enough suffering. But this is GoT, and we know that there is no such thing as too much pain or bad luck! There are a few hints in Season 6 that Sansa is carrying Ramsay's child without her knowledge. Firstly, while she's telling Littlefinger about her ordeal with Ramsay, she says, “I can still feel what he did to my body, standing here right now.” That could be a reference to the injuries he inflicted on her and her eternal emotional pain, but it could also be a reference to a hint of morning sickness. When she confronts Ramsay before his death, he says, “You can't kill me. I am part of you now.” This might just be his way of creeping her out, but it might also mean, “Hey, you're carrying my baby.”

    2 Daenerys Still Won't Sit On The Throne

    Millions of fans have been rooting for the Mother of Dragons to take the Iron Throne since we met her in Season 1. It would seem that Season 7 is when she's finally going to get her moment, but there have also been hints that she just won't get there. In Season 2 when she has that vision of Kings Landing being burnt, she walks into the Red Keep and almost touches the throne, but turns away because she is distracted by the wails of her dragons. Many believe that this foreshadows Dany never actually being able to take the throne, thanks to her deeply good, maternal instincts. If we learned anything from Tommen's reign, it's that nice people don't last long on the Iron Throne. But then again, nasty people don't last long either. We always thought Daenerys would make the perfect Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but it might not be up for discussion.

    1 Winter Is Here…

    The central conflict of Game of Thrones seems to revolve around who will sit on the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms, but we know that there are more serious issues going on. Namely, the White Walkers and their Army of Whites are marching South, which means that at long last, winter is here. The great majority of characters are so focused on who's going to rule that they don't give a second thought to the danger infringing their land, but it's clear that this season, they're going to have to start paying attention. The White Walkers were able to get through the Three-Eyed Raven's cave thanks to Bran being marked by the Night's King, so maybe the same will happen with the wall. All we can say is that we hope Sam is busy researching how to defeat the White Walkers in the Oldtown Citadel library because they're definitely coming!