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    15 Scandals That Prove Kim Needs To Stop Playing The Victim Card

    Kim Kardashian is known all too well for playing the victim in any scenario that she can commit to. There have been few times when she really had the right to the role. Like when she was robbed at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room. In those traumatizing cases, we can understand where she is coming from.

    When you are attacked in any way, then you are a victim. But when you self-dub yourself the most victimized family member, there's a good chance you're just dramatic and desperate for attention. Can you honestly think of a time other than the one we just named above that you've thought of Kim as a victim?

    If anything, it is the matriarch, Kris Jenner, who is possibly the most victimized in the family. And not by the media, but by her own family. Her ex-husband threw her under the bus in a book, and her children constantly pick on her, play cruel pranks, and viciously scold her for anything she can't get right. While they assure their mother it's all in good fun, maybe the kids can play a prank on Kris where they're all nice to her. Or is that just reserved for Mother's Day? Either way, I think we can all say that Kim Kardashian loves to play the victim card, especially when no one else is willing to come to her aid.

    15 When Fans Accused Her of Blackface

    While hyping up her recent release of contour beauty products, Kim's ads have been under fire. Many fans are claiming that Kim Kardashian used blackface in her recent ads. Kim is overly tan, her skin tone unrecognizable in her most recent social ads to promote her KKW contour kits. Of course, her odd skin tone color in her advertising images were criticized. Even at her tannest, Kim Kardashian is not that color. Everyone went off, insisting she touched up her skin to look way too dark than it's actual color. Kim barely owned up to this, claiming that she was just really tan when the images were shot and that it must be the contrast that was off on the photos. She also claimed no one brought it to her attention until she posted it on Twitter.

    14 She Tried to Steal the Spotlight from Bey's Twins' Birth

    Beyoncé's Beyhive is quite adamant on putting Kim K in her place when it comes to the queen. Just recently, Beyoncé was rumored to have given birth to her premature twins. And Kim wasted no time trying to one-up the Carters by announcing that she and husband Kanye West were hiring a surrogate to carry their third baby just a few days after.

    Needless to say, Twitter wasn't having it. Many came up to criticize her timing on the announcement, which truly could have waited. It actually could have never been announced. We would still be okay with not knowing and having a baby magically appear in Kim's arms one day when running about in seven-inch heels. Other's took it as Kim trying to steal the spotlight from Queen Bey because she's always wanted to be like her.

    13 North West Needed a Puppy to Match Kourtney's

    If there is one thing in this world that I would never want to be, it is a pet to a Kardashian or Jenner. Do you remember Dolce the Chihuahua that was killed by a coyote? Or Bella the Maltese, Bernard the boxer, and Charlie the Bengal cat, who were all re-homed? Have you seen Louis, Vuitton, Jackson, or Blu? Us neither, since they all went missing…

    Kim and Kourtney decided to add to the long list of missing pups in action with two sister puppies for Penelope and North. Here's to hoping these pups are treated much better than the many pets that came before them. Penelope has called her pup Honey, while North has chosen Sushi. I'm sure Kim helped her on that one.

    12 She Dubbed That She Made "Nude" a Thing

    There have been rumors that Kim Kardashian West changed up her style just to please her then-boyfriend Kanye. Kanye West himself has admitted to not being a fan of Kim's previous style. Our personal styles change, but Kim's changed thanks to the help of a team of experts. Kim claims that she made “nude a thing”. Maybe we would believe if she meant going nude in front of cameras, but she meant her usual color choice of nude at the time.

    Even her new line of cosmetics has nude colored packaging. Kim hasn't been much of an advocate of color, especially recently. Her style now is focused on nudes and skin-tight pieces. Her idea of color is black, gray, white, beige, or army green. We might believe her if she was a New Yorker.

    11 She's Got The Press Editing Her Images

    Kim was recently upset about some vacation images that surfaced, claiming photos edited her body on purpose to make her look bad. Because normal women with curves don't ever have cellulite, right?

    Recently, Kim, attempting to make-up for the bad beach shots, wanted to show us what she's made of by sweating under a hardcore regimen. Everything seemed normal until people picked and realized some places in the images didn't add up. These were of course of her body. Apparently, the press has been using photoshopped images of the workout for whatever reason. But you can see that some lines and angles just don't match up. Take a look at our image above as an example. Near her calf, her butt, and her stomach the image seems airbrushed and manipulated. Has she got the press working for her too?

    10 She's Competing With Little Sis Kylie

    Two years ago or so, little sister Kylie Jenner released a line of lip kits that has expanded into almost a full makeup collection. There were a few hiccups, but mostly the line has been quite popular and sells out almost immediately. You would think Kendall and Kylie would be competing against one another, but it is her second eldest sister, Kim, who is going head on against her little sis in the beauty world.

    Is the beauty market big enough for a Kardashian and Jenner to succeed? Maybe. Kim refers to Kylie as “the hot sister”. But it's clear that Kylie Jenner has gone out of her way to be a mini Kim Kardashian since she was a kid. Kim has only released a line of contour kits but plans to release more items in the near future.

    9 She's Still Wearing Unaffordable Fashion

    After experiencing a terrible robbery in Paris, Kim K came home to LA and went into hiding. Even her social media showed no activity for a while. After everything, Kim had said that her values and outlook on life had changed, and she knew what was important to her. I'm sure these were true words at the time. When she did reappear, it was in sweats, with perfectly done “natural” makeup.

    But eventually, Kim has gone back into her old routine. She is wearing nothing but couture and high fashion and still showing off her expensive pieces on social media along with her sisters. What happened to the Kim that valued family and friends? Well, I suppose the spotlight has made her realize she still needs and appreciates the nicer things in life.

    8 As If Khloe Was Really Going to Carry Her Baby

    On a recent episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Khloe Kardashian “offered” her sister her services by saying she would be willing to carry Kim and Kanye's next baby. In this same episode, Khloe admitted to lying to her then-husband Lamar Odom about going through fertility treatments in hopes of getting pregnant.

    Frankly, viewers were disturbed. Not by the fact that Khloe lied to her husband, or even that a sister was trying to help another sister, but by the clear shenanigans that the Kardashian family feeds us to keep our eyes glues to our TVs. It's hard to believe that even if she was able to, that Khloe Kardashian, while still on the dating scene, would offer her hard working body up to her big sister for more viewers.

    7 Her Images Are Apparently Edited to Make Her Look Bad

    Kim claims to love her curves but is quick to deny that her body isn't perfect. Hello, anyone with a large round bum will tell you that it is perfectly normal to have stretch marks and cellulite. Even fitness gurus admit to this. However, Kim fired back at the media when images of her recent family vacation showed her in a swimsuit with minor cellulite. She claimed during an interview on The View that the images were enhanced by the media to make her look bad. Right, Kim. Because women aren't allowed to be curvy with stretch marks and cellulite.

    Thank you for making it harder for women to love themselves. Let's be real, with a rear the size of Kim's, cellulite and stretch marks are a given. It's normal. And how dare she make you feel like it's not!

    6 She Jumps on the Hype

    To add to the list of things you don't need, or may never need, Kim jumped on the bandwagon with this one. She recently began selling a fidget spinner in the shape of a money sign that says 'daddy' for about $10. Why do you need this? Because Kim Kardashian West is selling it. How does this help women?

    Well, if you were looking for a crude fidget spinner, then you got it. But this has nothing to do with Kim's brand. It's just a product that is very popular and she sees it as an opportunity to make some quick cash… as if she doesn't have enough. A dollar sign shaped toy that makes her dollar signs… Her fans are sold, but the rest of us aren't.

    5 That Time She Threw Taylor Swift Under the Bus

    Kim was unfortunately put in a bad position thanks to her hubby, who is pretty rude and condescending to many. Ever since he cut off Taylor Swift's award acceptance speech to tell us that she didn't deserve it and that Beyoncé did, Taylor Swift's relationship with the Wests has been rocky, to say the least. At some point, we thought they had made it up. This was until, of course, Kanye West released a song claiming in a lyric that Taylor Swift was only famous because of him.

    This didn't not go over well with Taylor, or her numerous fans. At the time Kim said she was tired of her husband looking like a bad guy, even though he isn't known to be a nice guy. She had secretly recorded a private conversation between Kanye West and Taylor Swift about the lyrics in the song, and then leaked it.

    4 Her On and Off Feud With Caitlyn Jenner Is Tiring

    She loves Cait. She loves Cait, not. She loves Cait. She loves Cait, not. Wait what? Are you having trouble keeping up with Caitlyn Jenner and Kim Kardashian West's relationship status too? One-minute Kim is so supportive of Caitlyn and giving her fashion tips. The next minute, Kim is on her mom's side of some kind of petty feud. The truth is, many of us have stopped caring. We're bored with the relationship, or lack thereof, that Kim decides she does or doesn't have with Caitlyn.

    Perhaps if Caitlyn played nice with ex-wife Kris Jenner, the relationship would be more solid. But everyone is entitled to lead their own lives and support their own choices. Just leave us out of this one. The back and forth is too confusing.

    3 That Time She Got Married for TV

    Kim Kardashian West admitted to marrying Kris Humphries in 2011 for TV views. The 72 day marriage has even become a joke among the family. And the divorce lasted way longer. Can we really feel sorry for a girl who married a man for attention? I'm finding it hard to find a space in my heart for that.

    If she was willing to legally marry someone she didn't love on national television for her own income, what else is she willing to do? Can someone like that be trusted? Despite this huge mishap, Kim is still a great business woman, somehow. I'm not really sure how she was able to gain our trust back, but she did. Her following is still lucrative and she's definitely laughing all the way to the bank.

    2 Her Sears Line Was Made in a Sweat Shop

    When the Kardashian sisters announced that their Kardashian Kollection was coming to Sears, everyone seemed to jump at the chance to dress like Kim and her sisters Kourtney and Khloe. From jewelry to dresses and shoes, the public had the opportunity to get their hands on attainable items the Kardashians claimed to wear themselves. Things soon fell through when the media revealed that the K-Dash by Kardashian, Kris Jenner Kollection and ShoeDazzle lines were in trouble for using “slave labor”.

    Sweatshop workers in China claimed that they worked 84 hours week, seven days a week, to work on items for the lines. Despite reports, The Kardashian family was quick to deny the rumors. And the story soon disappeared, along with the investigation. What do you think happened?

    1 She's Talentless and Doesn't Care

    Time and time again, Kim Kardashian West has been told that she and her family are “talentless”. She is quick to agree that it's true, and so are the rest of her siblings. However, she doesn't care and apparently neither do any of their fan bases.

    All of the siblings have their own thing going on, but Kim has been the standout among them. The public is blind to her because we've let her get away with so much thus far. They are quick to invest and buy whatever she is toying with at the moment due to this. She knows she has no talent, but momager Kris Jenner is quick to sell her kids out at whatever opportunity she gets. However, it's no denying that Kim seems to be Kris' favorite.