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    15 Things About 'Pretty Little Liars' That Drive You Crazy

    Of all the shows out there that you love and hate at the same time, Pretty Little Liars is pretty much up there. Sure, you adore this show and the four stylish and fun liars. You wish they were your best friends, you're super into the constant mystery and drama, and you're here for all the relationships. But it's impossible to watch this show and not come away feeling super annoyed and frustrated sometimes… especially after the finales. But more on that later. Some of that isn't the show's fault since, of course, if a series is in the air for several seasons, not every single episode can be perfect and there are going to be mistakes and missteps. But some of the frustrations are unique to this show, that's for sure.

    Here are 15 things about Pretty Little Liars that drive you crazy. You will never give this guilty pleasure up and will watch until the bitter end, but you can definitely relate to this.

    15 The Fake Finales

    It's a fact of life on this show that whenever there is a season finale or mid-season finale, there is a huge plot development relating to who A is, who is helping A, and whether someone that you thought was good (or just okay) is now totally and completely evil. But the problem is that these are totally fake. Remember when you thought Ezra was A and that he was a bad guy? What about Toby? That last storyline totally broke Spencer's heart and she started to think that he was a really cruel and mean person and that she should forget all about loving him. Of course, it turned out that Toby was using his powers for good and that he was still boyfriend material. It was pretty frustrating to watch all that unfold and then learn that, oops, none of that was really true. It was totally fake and everything that you thought you knew was actually true after all.

    14 The Disappearing Parents

    It's become a joke for fans of this series that the moms never made it out of the basement in the season six finale. After all, this was never explained and you never got to see them escape. Of course, you figured that they did eventually make it out, but it's still something funny (and a bit annoying) to think about. What's more, though, is that the parents on this show are basically always disappearing. Sometimes they're part of the plot and play a huge role in what's going on, like how Spencer's mom is always getting involved and Hanna's mom is often worried about her. But other times, it seems like the girls have no parents at all and they're pretty much left to their own devices. Sure, grown-ups don't always get a lot of screen time on teen dramas, but considering how these poor girls have been tormented by a bully for years and years, it seems like the parents should be more involved.

    13 The False Starts

    How many times have you thought that you learned who A was and then realized that you were totally mistaken? Or that the mystery was over only to find out that, oops, a whole new can of worms was being opened up? Or what about all those reveals about characters suddenly being evil and not who you thought they were, as previously mentioned? Yeah, there are a ton of false starts on this show, and it's not something that you love seeing. You're so invested in the characters and the storylines and the overall mystery that all you want is to get some answers. Really, can anyone blame you?! And yet you often feel like you're never, ever going to get those answers. It's like someone is toying with you and refusing to tell you what's really going on. Every time you think you know what's going on, you're totally wrong.

    12 The Confusion

    It's pretty clear by now that when it comes to the mystery on this show, you really have no clue what's going on. Even when you think that you do, you learn an episode later that you're totally and completely wrong. More than that, you're pretty much in the dark. It's not just you -- you often text your best friends, trying to get them to explain things to you, and unfortunately they really have no idea what's happening either. So much for that, right? Sometimes you feel like the show is playing some kind of joke on you because you're always staring at your TV screen in total and utter confusion. So this is something that definitely drives you pretty crazy about this show. But of course, you're not going to stop watching. You've come this far. It's time to stick it out until the very end. But you do hope that the series finale and the ending makes sense, otherwise, you're going to be kind of doomed.

    11 The Changing Alliances

    Another crazy and confusing thing on this show is how the liars often change their alliances and who they love and who they hate. Take the character of Mona, for example. One minute the girls can't stand her and wish she would just go away… and the next, they're hanging out with her, being nice and friendly. Sure, sometimes they want to get answers from her, and sure, it's kind of complicated, but it can be hard to keep up with. It's also kind of frustrating when the girls don't get along and seem to really annoy each other. Of course, that's normal because friends do fight. And then there's the fact that it must be super difficult to maintain a normal friendship when you're, you know, dealing with mysterious figures who seem to want you gone from this world. But sometimes you're staring at the screen, wondering who's mad at who this episode and wondering why this needs to happen at all.

    10 The School Scenes

    Sometimes it seems like the liars aren't in school at all. Okay, so now they aren't since it's years since they graduated from high school, but the scenes that the liars spent at school definitely used to drive you crazy. It seemed like all they did was hang out in the hallways or in the courtyard and talk about A and all the nuts things that were happening in their lives. You know, anything and everything but actual school stuff. Of course, a lot of teen shows do that and it's kind of boring to see characters sitting in class and actually learning things. But sometimes, you had to wonder how they got any work or studying done at all, and you would have liked a bit more academic scenes. You know, so they could spend the rest of their time solving the whole A mystery and snooping around and sticking their noses where they didn't belong.

    9 One Word: Ali

    The way that the four girls feel about Alison is also kind of confusing. Sometimes it seems like they're still those young girls in junior high, trying to be cool and trying to get her to love them the most. It takes all of your willpower not to shout at the TV and get the girls to stop sucking up to Ali and start living their own lives. It drives you pretty crazy that no one really grilled Alison enough when she returned to Rosewood. Yeah, she got the girls to follow along and tell her crazy story that wasn't even remotely true. But what was the real story? Did anyone ever really figure it out? It seems like the show just moved on from the whole Ali thing since the focus of the first part of the seventh season was all about the new mystery that brought the girls back home to Rosewood. Come on Ali, tell us what really happened.

    8 The Breakups

    Oh man, do you have some things to say about the breakups on this show. It was insanely upsetting to learn that Spencer and Toby had broken up. Come on, these two are just so sweet together, and it was even more upsetting to see Toby moving on with his new girlfriend. No one really bought that whole relationship, anyway, and it seemed like he was just trying to convince himself that he didn't love Spencer anymore. But you know the truth. Of course, he still loves Spencer. She's perfect so who wouldn't? Another upsetting breakup was definitely the one between Aria and Ezra. Sure, you understood that she was right to say that maybe she should just be a kid and focus on college and all that, but it was still super painful for you to witness. Of course, the third and final terrible breakup was between Hanna and Caleb, since those two are pretty much made for each other and the definition of #relationshipgoals.

    7 The Spencer/Caleb Thing

    Okay, so on that note, you absolutely worship Hanna and Caleb. They are your favorite couple on this show (sorry #Ezria). You probably have super mixed feelings about Spencer and Caleb dating in the first part of season seven and that's okay. That's how you should feel. After all, it's impossible to be a fan of this show and not want Hanna and Caleb to get married and live happily ever after. But… then there's the fact that Spencer and Caleb are pretty cute together. They hung out a lot in Washington, they had a lot of really sweet and romantic moments when they almost kissed but didn't, and it seems like they are really good together. Needless to say, this was a pretty awkward and confusing time for Pretty Little Liars fans. You just didn't know what to think or how to feel. Sure, you wanted them to explore their connection and, let's be real, their scenes were pretty hot. But you also wanted him to get back together with his one true love, Hanna. OMG it is a difficult thing to wrap your head around.

    6 The Snooping

    It is hard to find a single episode of this show that does not feature the four liars snooping around. After all, they are trying to solve a really big mystery since it sometimes feels like no one is on their side. They're always going on adventures, driving off to some super small town, and meeting creepy people. Their hopes are high that they can get some answers and finally figure all of this stuff out. And maybe they feel like they accomplish that goal. But you, the loyal fan and viewer, are left in the dark. You're still crazy confused, no matter what new information is given, and you get tired of all the snooping around and scheming scenes. Sometimes you just want to see the liars hanging out, having fun, and forgetting this whole mystery thing. Of course, that's not possible and it would make it a difficult show, but hey, a girl can dream.

    5 The Minor Characters

    Look, you absolutely love this show and you don't want to get all negative… but sometimes, the minor characters really bug you. You just don't always think that they need to be on the show. It's enough to keep up with the four main characters and their love interests, thank you very much. And it's definitely enough to try to wrap your head around who A is, who is helping A, and who the girls think is evil in this episode (as you know, that often changes). Minor characters tend to work with Emily at the coffee shop, or they show up around town, or they end up being possibly related to Ali or possibly working with A. But can you rattle off the names of any of these people? Probably not off the top of your head, and that's probably saying a lot. It can be tough to keep up with all the new characters.

    4 The Stubbornness

    Spencer is not the only super stubborn character on the show, but she's up there. It can be tough to watch your favorite characters go through the worst stuff that anyone can possibly go through… and then watch it all happen again in the next episode. Sometimes you just want to scream at the TV and ask these girls to please be careful, take care of themselves, and stop putting themselves in such dangerous situations. But hey, then they wouldn't be the four liars, and then it wouldn't be the same show. It's kind of like watching a horror movie and hoping that you're not about to witness characters being super silly and going somewhere that they really shouldn't go. How many times have you watched the girls travel to some random cabin in the woods and then, oops, something terrible happens? Yeah, that's definitely happened way too many times.

    3 The Timeline

    You totally get that the show takes breaks and that there are going to be several months between each season. But you get so frustrated with the mid-season or summer finales, you can't even talk about it. Sometimes the timeline of when the show airs drives you so crazy, you can't even. Of course, you can't blame the characters or storylines for that, but since there are so many questions on your mind regarding this show, it can be really tough to wait it out. But you know that you're not alone. Just go on literally any social media site and fans are going just as crazy as you are, dying to know what's going to happen next and eagerly awaiting the next season. Then there's the fact that you and other loyal and loving fans have to wait until 2017 for the final episodes of the show to air. Yes, 2017. Yes, really. It's hard to handle.

    2 The Horror Movie Moments

    The most exciting (and most terrifying) times on the show have been the famous dollhouse scene and, later, when Hanna was kidnapped. Yeah, you totally get that Hanna does not really want to discuss what happened to her, but that can be frustrating as a fan since you feel like you know her, you are best friends with her, and you need to know what is going on. While you do love the horror movie moments on this series, they drive you pretty crazy since they often give you more questions than answers… especially when characters say they don't want to talk about it after they get out of whatever bad situation they're in. Come on girls, spill. You're sure that you're about to be driven even more crazy when the second half of season seven airs in 2017 and when you have to (sob) say goodbye to this glorious show.

    1 The Cliffhangers

    It may sound nuts to hate cliffhangers since, of course, they are what keep you interested in a TV show and they are what keep you coming back for more. In that sense, cliffhangers totally and completely do their job. But the cliffhangers on this show definitely drive you pretty crazy… especially the most recent one. What is going to happen to Toby?! They can't kill him. He still needs to be with Spencer. They need to confess their undying love for each other and since that hasn't happened yet, he can't be gone. He just can't. It's pretty much impossible not to get annoyed and frustrated by this, especially when you have to watch so many months to find out what happened. This may not be a problem unique to this show since most television shows employ cliffhangers, but it still counts since this series in particular really does love using them. So come on, Pretty Little Liars. Come back soon and let Toby live.