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    15 Things About The Weeknd And Selena Drama You Missed

    It seems like pretty much every day, there's a new celeb scandal to follow, and sometimes things can be kind of complicated and confusing. After all, it's not like it's your BFF going through a break-up or love triangle so you can't exactly text this person and ask them to meet for cocktails so you can get the details. It can be tough to know the real story, and sometimes when you do find everything out, you feel like the truth is a whole lot stranger than fiction. In the case of The Weeknd and Selena Gomez's new love story, your head is probably spinning. There is so much information out there about these two and you may not have read absolutely everything.

    How much do you know about Selena Gomez and The Weeknd's budding romance? And where does Bella Hadid factor into this whole thing?! Don't worry, we're here to help. Here are 15 things about The Weeknd drama you missed.

    15 Selena And Bella Were Friends

    The whole issue with Selena Gomez dating The Weeknd? That would be that Bella Hadid dated him first… and Selena and Bella were friends. People are upset about that whole "girl code" thing and the idea that you should never, ever go after your friend's sloppy seconds. Of course, things do not always work out that way, although it is really nice in theory. If you're thinking that you would never do that to your own best friend, then congrats, you win the BFF Of The Year Award. Unfortunately, a lot of people say they will put their friendships first and then they just do not. You do not want to say anything bad about Selena because who knows, she could be totally innocent in all this, but the facts are the facts and it does look kind of bad. It definitely looks like she stole her best friend's ex-boyfriend.

    14 Or They Weren't

    Rumors are flying around that the girls were not even best friends at all… or even friends. Or even friendly. If you are confused, then no worries, we are totally scratching our heads about this too. We are wondering if maybe Bella is saying that they were never friends because she is so hurt and betrayed by the whole thing? Or if Selena is even saying that? Either way, it must be one of them who is putting this out there because it definitely seems like they were friends. They seemed to be part of that Taylor Swift girl squad of super beautiful and fun young models, singers, and actresses who go around looking fabulous and look even more fabulous when they are all hanging out together. It is just hard to believe that they were never even friends, but that is the supposed story going around, so now you know.

    13 Bella Went To Her Ex's Concert

    Last Wednesday, Bella and her ex crossed paths at an event. Well, kind of. At a tribute concert for A$AP Yams who tragically passed away at the beginning of 2015. The Weeknd performed and Bella was in the crowd with Kendall Jenner. Thankfully Selena was not there as well or that would have been a source of major drama. Of course, the rumor mill is going pretty crazy since this was a really big deal. But really, if Bella did not want people to talk about the fact that she attended her ex-boyfriend's concert, then maybe she should not have gone in the first place. Hey, just saying. It is not like she did not know what was going to happen. That would be like if you went to your ex's best friend's birthday party and expected not to see him there or freaked out when you ran into him. Talk about awkward.

    12 Bella Seems Pissed Off

    Everyone is talking about how mad Bella Hadid seems about her ex dating someone new, but can you really blame her? It's not easy to break up with anyone and that becomes about a billion times worse when you're both in the public eye. And when your ex's new girlfriend is in the public eye as well. You feel for her. People keep talking about how pissed off, hurt, and betrayed Bella is, but it's funny to focus on that since of course, she wouldn't be jumping for joy right about now. The truth is that she was with The Weeknd for two years. Two whole years. It wasn't a fling, it wasn't a random thing, and it obviously meant something to her. They only broke up in November. If you saw your ex moving on two months after you broke up, wouldn't you be pretty much devastated? Of course, right?

    11 People Say It's All For PR

    This is one theory that is going around and it's something that you definitely need to know about the Selena Gomez/The Weeknd drama. People think that they are only pretending to date because it would be good PR for both of them. That's kind of funny since let's be honest, the two of them are famous enough. They are in the spotlight anyway, so why would they need to date an equally famous and successful person? It makes sense that if you're a celebrity, you're going to date another celebrity. After all, these are the kind of people that you meet all the time. You don't really meet regular old people. And if you do, you don't always want to date them since those mere mortals don't really understand the lives of the rich and famous. Well, at least that's what we think famous figures think about dating normal people.

    10 Famous Faces Are Hanging Out With The Weeknd

    In case you were wondering where the Jenners and Kardashians factor in here, at least Kylie Jenner is letting her real thoughts and feelings be known. Last Tuesday evening, Kylie was hanging out with Tyga and none other than The Weeknd. They were at an NYC restaurant called Carbone. So it definitely seems like the Jenners are fans of his. Does that mean that they love Selena and think that the two of them should live happily ever after? We have no idea, of course. All we can do is look at the facts and the stories that are floating around. But it definitely seems like if you are going to be friendly with The Weeknd, then that means that you are kind of dissing Bella because you are supporting him and Selena Gomez. The plot thickens, right? Things are definitely getting more and more interesting as time goes on.

    9 Selena Is A Big Fan Of His Music

    News broke this past week that Selena Gomez keeps listening to The Weeknd's music. Some stories are saying that she was listening on her phone. Because you really want to know exactly how she was listening to his new album, right? Of course, you do. You need to know everything. Okay, jokes aside, it makes tons of sense that she would be a big fan of his music. After all, if you're dating someone and they're a singer, you kind of have to be a fan. And you definitely have to listen to her music so often that you basically memorize all the lyrics and all the beats and melodies. It's going to get kind of awkward and weird if he mentions something about a new song and you act like you know what he's talking about but really, you haven't listened to his album at all so you have no clue what's going on. That's just uncool. So Selena is definitely doing her research.

    8 He Seems More Famous Than Ever

    All of a sudden, since news broke about The Weeknd and Selena Gomez, you are reading about him everywhere and anywhere. People are talking about the fact that he's Canadian and that he just donated money to The University of Toronto for a language course. Would he be in the spotlight this much if they hadn't shown the world that they are dating? Who knows? But it definitely seems like he is more famous than ever before. Sure, that could be because of his new album and his new song and just the fact that he's a super talented and awesome singer. But a lot of people think that all this is totally connected and that this is why they are together. People are so cynical, right? Why doesn't anyone believe in true love or romance or living happily ever after anymore? Or is that just totally impossible in Hollywood?

    7 Kourtney K Is A Fan

    Well, at least of The Weeknd's music, which is saying something amidst all this drama. After all, we can only take bits and pieces of what seems to be happening and try to see how it all fits together. This past Thursday, Kourtney Kardashian posted one of The Weeknd's lyrics on her Instagram account: "Tell me how to love, it's been so long." Hmmm. The plot thickens even more. These lyrics are from his song called "Attention" and people definitely think that this is super interesting timing. The post has 699.8k likes and 4,147 comments (and counting) so it definitely got tons of, well, attention. What was Kourtney trying to achieve? Was she trying to stir up some major drama? Or does she just adore the song so she figured she would post this selfie with those lyrics? We have no idea but we love hearing about it. And can't wait for more!

    6 There Is Still Major Drama

    About a week ago, Bella Hadid posted this photo on Instagram. Talk about a picture saying a thousand words, right? This probably says even a billion words. Whoa. Bella is definitely in a bad mood about this whole love triangle and that's no secret. You're probably kind of torn about this, right? On the one hand, you think that she should be classy because being bitter is never a good look, especially not after a break-up and especially not after your ex starts falling for someone new. On the other hand, you can't exactly blame her because everyone all over the Internet and on social media is talking about her, Selena and The Weeknd. Maybe she's just super sick and tired of hearing about this and wants to move on in peace. But hey, it doesn't seem like flipping the bird is really the best way to go around it. Just saying.

    5 People Are Wondering About What The Biebs Thinks

    The question on everyone's mind is, what does Justin Bieber think about this? How does he feel? According to, Justin thinks that she is "using" him. Hmmm. That's what a lot of fans seem to think so maybe there is something there. Needless to say, this is no ordinary romance. This is not just two random celebrities meeting cute and deciding that they really like each other, they really get along, and it's time for them to see where things go. This has become an absolutely huge story and it seems to even have a life of its own. It's pretty much impossible to know where it's going to go next. You probably can't wrap your head around it and the truth is that we can't either. It's interesting that Justin felt the need to say this because on the one hand, he could just be super jealous and so he would say anything negative, but on the other hand, maybe he's right and he's concerned about Selena. Hmmm.

    4 Justin Bieber Hates The Weeknd's Music

    As if things couldn't get any more interesting and awkward, Justin Bieber has said that he's just not a fan of The Weeknd's music. In fact, The Biebs said his songs are "wack." Yup, that's an exact quote. That's actually what he said. Hmmm. Is there some bad blood here, Justin?! It definitely seems like it. It's fascinating that he even felt the need to diss his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend (or at least new love interest) like that. The classy thing to do would be to smile and say "no comment" or even just tell a little white lie and claim that the guy is pretty talented. It's not like anyone really cares what he thinks about his music, anyway. It's just kind of crazy that he thought it was necessary to be so insulting. Come on, Justin. You're Canadian. You're supposed to be super nice and polite and basically a sweetheart. This is definitely not great for your public image.

    3 The Timeline Is Interesting

    As in kind of suspicious. It is not like you want to be paranoid about this new famous couple's motives or anything. You are pretty sure it seems like they are into each other and you can't deny how cute they are. But some people are wondering about the timeline of this whole thing and it is pretty interesting. As soon as photos surfaced showing Selena Gomez and The Weeknd clearly on a super romantic night out, people started talking about how he had just released his new song "Party Monster." People think that these two things are totally and completely connected. You are not sure about that, but you are not going to say that they are not connected, either, since you don't really know. We feel you. It is always impossible to know what to think when it comes to celebrities and when romance is involved, it is even more complicated.

    2 He Phoned Selena After Bumping Into Bella

    So the big news is that when The Weeknd saw Bella Hadid at the concert last Wednesday night, he phoned Selena Gomez so she would hear about this from him directly instead of, you know, reading it on TMZ or something. Sounds sweet, right? Isn't that what you want your boyfriend to do? Of course, there is literally no way that Selena wouldn't have heard about it from her other equally famous friends -- maybe even friends who were also at that concert and saw it firsthand. And she would definitely have read about it in every online publication and pretty much all over social media. There's just no escaping a situation like this. We would love to know what Selena said. Did she thank him for letting her know? Was she glad that he was so thoughtful? Or did it start a great big fight that might spell the end for them?

    1 The Drama Continues

    Apparently, Bella phoned The Weeknd recently and said pretty much what Justin Bieber allegedly said -- that Selena Gomez is "using" him and that being with her is a really bad idea. Of course, you have to take anything that someone's ex-girlfriend says with a grain of salt. And of course, you have no idea if this is even true and if she even said this because of course people put words in celebrity's mouths all the time. But if enough people say that she is using him, hey, who are we to say what's true and what's false? Maybe it really is true. One thing is for sure: the drama continues and will probably never die down until the romance eventually does. Because if we've learned anything from celebrity romances and breakups, it's that you never know what's going to happen and really anything could. They could break up tomorrow and each be seen with a new famous face. Stranger things have happened.