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    15 Things You Need To Know About The Taylor Swift/Katy Perry Feud

    You definitely know that if there's one massive feud in the music industry, it's between pop stars Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. It's no secret that Taylor's song "Bad Blood" from her most recent album, 1989, is most likely about Katy, and that the two of them are constantly asked about what's going on between them. It's always sad when you see two women fighting and not being super sweet to each other. You totally believe that everyone should support each other, especially if two women are in the same industry and dealing with the same stuff. Sure, you might not know the entire story -- okay, you definitely don't, since you aren't Taylor Swift or Katy Perry -- but you at least feel like you get the gist of the whole situation. Right? Well, you definitely know the basics, but there is a lot more to this tale. Here are 15 things you need to know about the feud between these two talented lovely ladies.

    15 They Used To Be BFFs

    @taylorswift13 You're as sweet as pie! Let's write a song together about the subject we know best… for my new record. It'll be brilliant~

    - KATY PERRY (@katyperry) July 6, 2009

    It's hard to remember that these two used to be really good friends, and maybe you never even knew it. But Katy and Taylor really did use to support each other. Just check out some of the tweets that they sent to each other back in the day. When Taylor tweeted back in July 2009 that she was a big fan of Katy's video and song, Katy said, "You're sweet as pie! Let's write a song together about the subject we know best… for my new record. It'll be brilliant." So what happened?! How did these two go from tweeting the nicest things at each other to not talking or talking smack about each other (or at least writing songs about the other person)? It's honestly a real shame that they can't just make up and move on and be civil to each other. That's not always the most fun thing to do, but sometimes you just have to.

    14 The Feud Is Still Going On

    If you thought that the Katy/Taylor feud was totally and completely over, you would be wrong. It's definitely still going on. These days, Katy Perry is being asked a lot of questions about Taylor Swift, mostly because her latest album Witness just came out. It's pretty fascinating to think about how many years this argument has been going on. There must be such beef between the two of them (or bad blood… ) because it seems like neither one of them is ready to let go of the bitterness and negative feelings and just move on. At this point, you probably don't even know why this is still happening, and you probably want to just tell them that they should apologize to each other and that will be it. You're probably a big fan of both of them so it's tough for you to pick sides. Or hey, maybe you have already taken a side and think that Taylor or Katy is 100 percent right. That's okay, too.

    13 Katy Wants Taylor To "End" It

    Recently, Katy has been saying that Taylor needs to end the feud, and if you think that Taylor is the one in the wrong, then you would agree with that. But if you think that T-Swift has done absolutely nothing to Katy and the problem is with the "Teenage Dream" singer, then that's another story. In May 2017, Katy said, "There's a situation. Honestly, it's really like she started it, and it's time for her to finish it.” She then talked about the whole "karma" thing. Hmmm. Well, you could say that karma goes both ways, and that maybe they should both just apologize to each other and move on, right? That's definitely an argument that you could make. It does sound a bit junior high-ish to talk about who started the fight. You have to admit that you think that they both had a big part to play in this. It takes two to tango and it takes two to argue as well.

    12 Taylor Has Talked About It A Lot

    While Katy Perry hasn't been super quick to talk about the whole thing (until recently -- more on that soon), Taylor Swift has been cool with talking about it. Well, she's been cool with talking about it… without actually mentioning Katy Perry by name. In the past, Taylor has said, "For years, I was never sure if we were friends or not. She would come up to me at awards shows and say something and walk away, and I would think, 'Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?'" She then said that it was over "business" and they weren't fighting over a boy. You have to wonder if there's something else that they have been fighting about because it's been so many years since the original altercation (the whole stealing a back-up dancer thing). There must be something else underneath the surface, right?!

    11 They Both Dated John Mayer

    This is an interesting thing to think about since it's not part of the usual narrative of the feud. But it's true that Taylor dated John Mayer -- and you know that because she wrote the song "Dear John" about him. Hey, it's not your fault that the girl literally writes a song about everyone that she dates. It's not like you're spying on her or trying to invade her privacy or anything. She does this herself. Of course, Katy has also dated John Mayer, but they had a much longer and more serious relationship. According to some things that John has said lately, he's still in love with Katy and wants to give their romance another go. So although Taylor has said that this fight is definitely not about a boy, you kind have to wonder if she's really telling the truth. If their problems do stem from having dated the same guy, you would understand their bitter feelings a lot more.

    10 'Bad Blood' Is For Sure About Katy

    You definitely thought that Taylor's song "Bad Blood" is about Katy as soon as you heard it back in October 2014… and now you're just thinking about how long it's been since Taylor released an album. And now you're super sad. Which was not the point. But hey, that's some collateral damage of discussing the Taylor Swift/Katy Perry Feud. Just look at the lyrics of the chorus: "Cause baby, now we've got bad blood/You know it used to be mad love. So take a look what you've done/'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!/Now we've got problems/And I don't think we can solve 'em/You made a really deep cut/And baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!" It's pretty clear that it couldn't be about anyone other than Katy Perry, considering the fact that Katy and Taylor used to be good friends and everything was totally fine, but then everything changed for the worse.

    9 Katy Has Always Wanted Taylor To Say Sorry

    If Justin Bieber wonders if it's too late to say sorry, Katy Perry definitely feels that it's never too late. Well, at least that's what it seems, based on the fact that she has been saying for a while now that she really wants an apology from Taylor Swift. Back in September 2016, she said that it would be great if Taylor could say that she was sorry about the argument. So when did Katy say this? She was talking to fans on Twitter one day and answering their questions, and when someone asked if she would ever sing a duet with Taylor, Katy tweeted, "if she says sorry, sure!" It's interesting that she would respond that way. She could have said no, she could have said maybe, she could have ignored the whole thing entirely. But she said she would if she got an apology, which makes you believe that this is something that she honestly wants.

    8 A Politician Has Said His Piece

    John Kasich, the Republican governor of the state of Ohio, has actually talked about what is going on between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. He was on The View on May 25th and he said, "Well it's shocking to everybody. Don't ever steal anybody's dancers is the message." He continued, "Maybe they're just trying to get some extra press, although I don't know that Taylor Swift needs any more press. In fact, she kind of went into hiding, and now they say she's going to reemerge with a new sound." He then said that he's met Taylor and she was really sweet and he knows someone who knows Katy. He thinks that they are both "talented." So there you go. It's pretty interesting that even a politician has an opinion on the feud and is paying attention to it, don't you think? It just proves that this thing has gone really mainstream.

    7 People Are Saying Taylor Is Taking Katy Down

    This is a pretty harsh rumor but it bears repeating since it's part of the whole narrative: apparently some people think that the reason why Taylor Swift has been pretty private for much of 2016 and 2017 is that she is working hard to make sure that she takes Katy Perry down. You really don't think that Taylor is actually doing that. You just don't see her as a conniving person who is hanging out at home and figuring out how to make sure that Katy fails. That's just not something that Taylor would do. Honestly, the reason why she's been pretty low-key lately must be because she has toured so much and performed so much and written so many songs, and hey, sometimes a girl just needs a break. Oh yeah, and then there's the fact that she's got a rumored album coming out this year, so she could have been working on that.

    6 Ruby Rose Got Involved

    I've always stood up for the people I love and against things I think are cheap or mean spirited. That's not new. You have to follow your ❤️

    - Ruby Rose (@RubyRose) May 19, 2017

    You know and love Ruby Rose, especially since she had a role on Orange is the New Black. Ruby Rose has been tweeting and throwing some major shade at Katy Perry. After Ruby Rose heard Katy's new song "Swish Swish" (more on that later), she decided to go on Twitter and discuss her feelings. She didn't think that it was a good idea for Katy to talk about Taylor in a song and she just wasn't on board with the whole thing. Katy's new sound is supposed to be something called "purposeful pop" aka she's supposed to be talking about things that matter and her new songs are meant to be super inspiring. Ruby doesn't agree that's happening. Since Ruby is known to be friends with Taylor and she's even part of her infamous girl squad, it makes sense that Ruby would tweet this stuff and defend her friend.

    5 Katy Called Taylor "Regina George"

    You love Regina George because being a fan of Mean Girls is basically a requirement. Did you know that Katy Perry once referred to Taylor Swift as the famous character played by Rachel McAdams? After Taylor was interviewed in Rolling Stone back in 2014, Katy tweeted a pretty harsh response: "Watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing." Of course, everyone is saying that she was obviously talking about Taylor because the lyrics in her new song "Swish Swish" mention "a sheep." You can read between the lines and you can tell that Katy is basically calling Taylor a mean girl. It's tough to know where you should stand and what you should think about this whole thing. They both seem like they're acting like mean girls since they both keep digging at each other in the media and in their songs.

    4 There Are Rumors About Katy And Calvin Harris

    Yup, that's one way to get some more bad blood… If you believe the rumors that are currently going strong around the Internet, then you totally think that Katy Perry and Calvin Harris have just started dating. There's really no proof or evidence of that, so like a lot of celebrity couple rumors, it's possible that it's just talk. But if this was true, then you could understand why the feud between these two pop singers just doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon. You never want your best friend or former best friend to date your ex-boyfriend, especially if you're a star and your relationship was pretty high-profile and so was your break-up. You really get the feeling that this fight will never end. New information and revelations seem to be coming out all the time and it seems like there's always something else to discover.

    3 Katy Has Told The Real Story

    The whole reason for this feud is that Taylor stole Katy's back-up dancers, right? Well, it turns out that might be more true than you might have originally thought. It can be hard to see one of your fave celebrities in a negative light and yet this story might change your view of Taylor. When Katy Perry recently appeared on James Corden's show, she said, "Okay, so there's like, three backing dancers, that went on tour with her tour, right? And they asked me before they went on tour if they could go… I was like, “Yeah, of course, I'm not on a record cycle, and get the work, and she's great, and all that. But I will be on record cycle probably in about a year. So be sure to put a 30-day contingency in your contract, so you can get out if you want to join me when I say I'm going back on.” Katy says that she texted them when her own tour was about to start, they tried to tell Taylor that they wanted to leave and go tour with Katy, and they were fired. Katy says that Taylor wouldn't have a conversation about it. Okay, makes sense now.

    2 Katy Has Tried To Fix It

    Katy Perry has said in an interview, "I tried to talk to her about it and she wouldn't speak to me. I do the right thing any time that it feels like a fumble…  It was a full shutdown and then she writes a song about me, and I'm like, OK, cool, cool, cool, that's how you want to deal with it? Karma!" This makes you pretty sad, doesn't it? You would honestly love nothing more than for these two kids to make up and start being friendly toward each other again. Sure, you get that it's possible that they can never be good friends again. There's just too much bad blood, as Taylor sings. But is it wrong to wish that these two pop stars could stop this feud and just get along again? No. It's not wrong. It's exactly what you should be thinking. Can't everyone just get along?! You feel like you're back in junior high or something.

    1 Katy's New Song "Swish Swish" Might Be About Taylor

    As soon as Katy released her new album in mid-May 2017, people started wondering whether she had written a song about Taylor. After all, Katy keeps talking about karma, and it seems like musical karma is something that she would do. The song is pretty harsh when you look closely at the lyrics. It's much more harsh than "Bad Blood." Here are some of Katy's lyrics: "Don't you come for me/No, not today/You're calculated/I got your number/'Cause you're a joker/And I'm a court side killer queen/And you will kiss the ring." If you think that's bad, here's even more: "Your game is tired/You should retire/You're 'bout cute as/An old coupon expired." Ouch. Burn. Calling someone a "joker" and telling them that they should quit the music business is pretty mean. Yup, it's definitely time to end this feud, that's for sure!