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    15 Things You Need To Know About Tyga's New Model Girl

    We've all seen the photos of Tyga looking real guilty walking out of the restaurant. While he and Kylie might have broken up, it doesn't mean that there isn't controversy about him dating his new girl. Is he really ready to move on so soon? How does Kylie feel? Who is this gorgeous woman? While she's adamant that she and Tyga aren't dating, he looked like he was caught red handed in the famous photo captured by paparazzi. We searched high and low to find all the dirt on this new, potential girlfriend Tyga has. Lucky for you, we've brought all the gossip straight to you. Everything from her backstory to where she wants to go, as well as all her secret quirks and charms. Here are the top 15 facts to learn about Tyga's new girl. The most important thing to remember? We don't know what's actually going on with them; only they can say what they feel… But it certainly looks like she's his new squeeze!

    15 Her Name

    No matter what article you read, it seems like she is the mystery woman that no one knows. People are shocked at how someone so cute (and sexy) is so unknown. No one has figured out who she is, which means she is either really good at hiding from the paparazzi, or really not famous enough for a high profile public image. Thanks to some snooping, we figured it out though. Her name is Jordan Ozuna, and she is a 27 year old model (wow a little closer to Tyga's age, shocking). She grew up traveling around, spending a lot of time in Hawaii. She has got a beautiful outlook on life, and has been everything from a hooters waitress to a runway walker. Her life has been a wild one, but her wits and beauty have pulled her through. Not to mention gotten her in with Tyga, the master himself.

    14 She LOVES Disney

    Have you seen her Instagram?! This lady loves Disney, and many of her posts are just snapshots of Disney movies and cartoons. Not only that but her actual profile picture is of a cartoon as well. This picture is a shot of her at Disneyland, standing in front of the castle. There are a few other posts talking about how much she loves it, and how big of a fan she is of the kids cartoons. Only the best people are Disney people, so we think she is probably worth taking the side of. Only someone sweet and kind could be such a big fan, and we love that. No doubt she did most of her growing up with the mice and the fairy tales Disney animates, which means she learned all the lovely lessons they taught. Good choice, Tyga. The best girls are Disney girls, though you clearly know that already.

    13 She was married

    This one might come as a shock to some of you, but Jordan Ozuna is not actually her birth name. Ozuna is the name she took after getting married, basically straight out of high school (what! this is a shock to us). She was the girl who married her high school sweetheart and tried to make things work. Unfortunately she could not, and ended up getting separated a year after marriage (that's too bad, kind of). It was not just on her part though; the two of them were married young, and they realized that they needed to work things out separately. There is nothing wrong with that, too. Sometimes people need to take their own space, and deal with their own relationships away from everyone else's judgment… Including their own significant others! She is much happier now too, having spent years separated from Daniel Ozuna and focusing on her career.

    12 She takes after Kylie

    Part of the big controversy about her being Tyga's new girl is the fact that she actually looks as good, if not better, than Kylie. People keep saying she's a natural beauty, who shines effortlessly. However, she takes after Kylie in more ways than being good with a make up brush. She's gotten some semi-permanent work done, just like Kylie. Though Jordan's work of choice is Botox. She affectionately calls her forehead a fivehead, and teases herself about how big it is. This also means that she's aware of how easily wrinkled it gets. She does the botox in order to keep herself looking fresh in photos, and extending the life of her smooth skin. While Botox is a controversial subject, she definitely does it for the love of her work… Not to be edgy. We also appreciate how upfront about it she is, speaking loud and proud about her ownership of self.

    11 She works OUT

    Woah. Tyga should consider himself a lucky guy to be dating this lady. She takes care of her mental health and her body, talking about and posting pictures of her gym workouts. We can't even tell you how jealous we are of her body. As people who work out, we know how hard it is to get a body like that. Not only does it take a lot of consistency and work at the gym, but it also takes a lot of commitment in the kitchen. We can't believe the photos we see on her Instagram, which often show salad, fruit, and healthy juice options. While there are a few exceptions (take a look at points 9 and 10 if you're wondering what we mean), no doubt she's clear in the importance of keeping her body in top physical condition. It's a little shocking to see how rocking her body is, and we're definitely working her into our fitspiration boards.

    10 She dated Bieber

    Yes you read that right, how much more jealous are you f her right now? Remember when we talked about her separating from her husband? That was before 2013. Justin Bieber came into the picture in 2013, when she and her hubby had already been separated for a while. It's like she gravitated up and beyond her normal, boring, Hooters waitress life to lead an exciting adventure with Bieber. While we're not saying it wasn't meant to be forever, it's no surprise that she and the Biebs didn't work out in the long run. No doubt she was happy to have the exposure and experience in the limelight, and that she and Bieber were compatible in many ways. It definitely didn't work out in the end though, and we haven't heard of her dating any stars since. Is Tyga the one to changer her mind? We'll just have to wait and see…

    9 She was a Hooters Waitress

    We've mentioned this a couple times, so it's time to address it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being a Hooters waitress, though the stigma around it can make it seem a little questionable to some people. We also feel that Hooters, a restaurant based on objectifying and sexualizing women, is problematic in and of itself. However, the fact that women apply and work there is their choice. We won't fault someone over the fact that they have to do this, nor will we worry about where they might end up next. Plus, we've heard the tips are pretty great. Jordan worked as a Hooters waitress for a while, and recently move up to working at a fancy LA nightclub. It was at this job that she supposedly met Tyga. We appreciate her moving up in the service industry, while balancing her modeling career… Which seems to be taking off quite well!

    8 She modeled for Kanye

    Okay, it's taken off very well. Not only does she seem to do a lot of different modeling shoots, but she also seems to have some big modeling experiences that she was called to be a part of. Her life is exciting, having modeled for magazines and promo shots as well as working as a runway model for Kanye West. She was part of a group of girls who walked for him at his Yeezy fashion event in Madison Square Garden. Not only that, but she looks up to Kim K as a fashion icon and love of her life, wanting to be like her in as many ways possible. Okay, maybe that part is a bit of an exaggeration. She certainly does appreciate the couple though, and no doubt would kill to be a part of another Kanye show. Next time maybe she'll get to do the photo shoots as well!

    7 She's not afraid to get greasy

    Remember when we talked about her diet and exercise routine? And how we loved and respected the fact that clearly she prioritizes her health and body image? And she does that through healthy eating and regular exercise? Well, even this vision of perfection has cheat days and cheat meals. Honestly if only we can look as good as she does and enjoy all the great wonders of the world that are bad foods, which are so delicious! This being one of them. Never have we seen a better date night dinner than two burgers and two sets of large fries. While we appreciate a good old McD's binge, we're shocked at that amount of food. No way can she actually pack that much away in her tiny stomach! That's why we assume it's a date night. If she did end up eating it all herself, we'd be surprised. And a little jealous; this is one woman that's not afraid to get greasy! So delicious.

    6 But she's also obsessed with sweets

    Carbs aren't her only vice though. While we've never seen her smoke, do any drugs, or drink more than a glass of wine, we have seen her again and again profess her love of sugar. It's part of the reason she's so sweet, we think. While her dietary desires might have changed from the time this photo was taken, we know that a love of ice cream never really goes away. Ben and Jerry's especially. This super sweet treat has been dinner on a few occasions, and we're jealous. She also likes her wine, which is another version of a sweet treat… Just a little more alcoholic. There's other posts about cake and desserts too that we can't ignore, and totally support. She knows when to treat herself, and we'll take it as inspiration that we can do it too. That's right: If Jordan treats herself, you can treat yourself too.

    5 She's an artist

    And we do not just mean because of her modeling. While we can't say whether or not she has ever taken lessons, it certainly looks like she practices. Every couple of weeks on her Instagram there is a new picture of her artwork. She has got drawings done by herself and her other friends, and the only thing we can say is WOW! Her lines are neat and smooth, and soar across the page. Pencil sketches are tricky, especially if you are not trained in it. Her freehand work is impressive, and shows off her artistic side. We knew that there was more to her than the tabloids have been speculating, and this is it. She is not just Tyga's new girl, she is a well respected up-and-coming model and artist. What a great mix to bring to the public media world. Keep drawing, Jordan! We can't help it, we think we are fangirling!

    4 She has tats

    It seems like everyone and their mothers have tattoos these days, and we could not be more impressed. Whether you are inked or not, there is something satisfying about looking at the artwork other people put on their bodies. The best thing to remember is the fact that everyone has different reasons behind getting what they are getting. While some people might put on a flower because it looks cool, others might get a flower because it reminds them of their grandmother, or even a concept (like regrowth). While it isn't everyone's cup of tea, it certainly has become more popular. Even models have them now, as seen by this shot that shows off Jordan's kind of scandalous tattoo placement. Does she have any others? Who knows. Once you get one tattoo you're bound to get another, and we wouldn't be surprised to see her covering herself in years to come.

    3 No Family Drama

    Maybe that is an exaggeration; every family has drama, whether it is spoken about or not. But we bet that nothing can compare to the drama and the life we see when it comes to Kylie's family and their reality show! This is especially true when it comes to people with higher profiles than your average jane or joe. Even the littlest stuff comes out, and makes it seem like no star's family is perfect. Except for Jordan Ozuna's though! While she might not have reached the stardom level yet, she is big enough for us to know that her family is a happy one. There are many pictures of her and her Mom, as well as her and her Grandma, which shows that she has connection to at least one side of her history. She is also tight with her brother, as they travel around and take adorable shots like this. She is just too perfect for words, which is further highlighted by her seemingly perfect family.

    2 She's a romantic

    No wonder she got married so young. Many romantics are enamoured with the idea of marriage, as well as with the pleasures of intimate relationships. We see both qualities in Jordan, and it is super sweet to watch. She regularly posts photos and Tumblr-style text pictures that talk about how much she likes romance, cuddling, and intimacy. The romanticism is super strong, and it is no surprise that she has been dating people during her separation. She has got the feel good goals for all her relationships. While she might be adamant that she and Tyga are not dating right now, who knows what might happen in the future. Romantics are always looking for other romantics, and we think Tyga might be the one to keep her happy. She just needs her romantic needs satisfied, and we would love to see that happen between them. They are super cute together!

    1 She's absolutely the sweetest

    What's the biggest take away from this article? Jordan Ozuna is the sweetest lady we've ever seen the paparazzi capture. While she might not be a superstar yet, we believe that she's well on her way to getting there. Having Kanye as a reference for her model profile will no doubt skyrocket her to being one of the top dogs, and we think that she's got more than enough talent to do well. She cares about her body and her mind, and invests in all the tips and tricks out there to do well. Not to mention the fact that she's led an interesting life, and seems to be a really considerate, sweet person. Her nickname is Baby J, and that could only happen if she was as adorable as a babe. Which totally goes without saying. Just look at some of her curly-haired, fresh faced photos. Follow her on Instagram for more love in your life, and don't worry about what's happening between her and Tyga; just like with her ex husband, that's something the two of them need to work out.