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    15 Ways To Spice Up Your Relationship Just like Kanye And Kim

    Kanye and Kim Kardashian, also known as Kimye, keep their private life private for the most part. But they are absolutely #relationshpgoals and they are a total power couple. We can take some major hints from interviews and Keeping Up with the Kardashians. If you've ever wanted to have a relationship that has a similar dynamic to Kim and Kanye, you've come to the right place! Follow these steps and you'll have a great foundation for a Kimye relationship all of your own. You'll be able to take these fundamental tools and apply them in a healthy way to have a power couple dynamic that can't be stopped! From basic respect to more glamorous things, such as going out on the town to show off your sense of style and major confidence, you can honestly have the relationship of your dreams. Remember to have fun and use this list as inspiration, not as rules to live by. Have fun and find your inner confidence while trying out these new aspects of life. Here are 15 ways to spice up your relationship just like Kim K and Kanye.

    15 Respect Each Other

    First and foremost you need to have basic respect for each other before moving on to other things on this list! Having basic respect is key to making sure your relationship works and is healthy. Once you have that awesome foundation, you can take it to the next level by working on the bond between both you and your partner. Start by sitting down and discussing what you want to work on when it comes to the relationship. Yes, that means the flaws, the negatives, and the positives so you can both move forward and have a killer relationship like the best Kanye and Kim! Respect each other and you'll find that everything from this point on is easy breezy. You'll find that you can work through the hard times together and you'll stay just as close as ever, maybe even closer than you thought. Act like how you would want to be treated and you'll receive that positive respect.

    14 Have Separate Goals

    Having separate goals might seem negative but it's really not. Being able to set up boundaries and understanding between both you and your partner is seriously needed if you plan on living the celebrity life! When you have those boundaries and understandings, you'll see that you can both accomplish your individual goals in a more efficient and satisfying way. You'll notice that you'll get a lot more done and the quality of your work will rise. Having separate goals will not make you fall apart as a couple, but it has the possibility of opening your eyes and your sense of motivation. Use that space and extra time to focus on your goals and what you're really passionate about, use the energy you feed off of each other to fuel that passion moving forward. You'll be surprised at how much you'll get done because of separating your goals and passions. It will give you more time to focus on the relationship and yourself.

    13 Go Out A Lot

    It's true! Get inspired by Kimye and go out and enjoy the town with your loved one. This is definitely a great way to spice up your relationship. This could be anything from a party with friends to having a few drinks with just each other at your favorite restaurant. No matter what way you decide to go about it, it all comes down to just enjoying your life and giving yourself a break sometimes. It doesn't hurt that it's a great way to have some fun with fashion and get noticed for how awesome you look! Go out and really push both of your limits when it comes to your bond. Try new things and explore what the world has to offer with each other. Going out like Kim and Kanye requires you to put on your chicest and trendiest clothing and you should definitely look sharp for any occasion. Never let your guard down. You'll attract a lot of attention and use it to your advantage because you and your partner deserve the spotlight treatment, right?!

    12 Don't Work Together

    Similar to the tip above, not working together is sometimes very important if you want to achieve power couple status like Kim and Kanye. They don't work together. You always see them working on their own individual projects and almost never meddling with the other's work. It's a great way to keep work out of the relationship so they can have more time to focus on just them when the moment is right. Seriously, this might seem like a broken record, but just don't do it! Use this extra time to work on your own goals and projects. You'll find that you'll be less distracted when it comes to enjoying your relationship with your partner. You can leave work-related topics at the door and you'll be able to bond over what's most important to both of you aka each other. Give it a try for one week and you'll see almost immediately that this was the right choice to make!

    11 Find Your Unique Style

    Kim and Kanye both have their own styles. While they both are drastically different, their high level of confidence brings them together in a very cohesive way. Their unique style is one of the first things you notice about either of them, so take a note from their book and embrace your inner style and own it. Don't apologize for your style or your partner's! Embrace both of your styles and rock that confidence together! Finding your unique style might take some time and it's not something that can just happen overnight, but it's seriously worth it when you and your partner find what you're most comfortable in. That confidence will help you in so many aspects of your life you won't believe it. Just give it a try this week and let us know if you feel a bit more like Kimye yet?! Trust us, just go with your gut and try that style you've always wanted to and you will look even more amazing together.

    10 Support Each Other

    Supporting each other might seem like a given, but it's super necessary to create that power couple lifestyle that you want so desperately! Dedicate some time to supporting each other. When you support your boyfriend and he does the same, then you will be doing just what Kim and Kanye are doing. You will grow together as individuals and as a couple. Support is the key to success in a relationship. Once you do this, you will see that everything will totally bloom and flourish. You will see immediately that you have been missing out on so much. You'll be able to focus on how much you love each other and grow together. Before you know it, you will be a power couple and a real team, just like the celebs that you look up to. Keep it simple and keep it real just like Kanye and Kim K do and you will have great success!

    9 Develop A Friendship First

    Having a friendship as well as a romantic relationship is key to understanding your partner. Friendship should be one of the most important concepts of your relationship when you build your time together as a couple. When it comes down to it, if your partner isn't your friend as well, there's a chance that things will unravel very quickly before you even know it! Kim and Kanye have worked together on their relationship for years. They focus on their own friendship as the bonding point between them and that should serve as an inspiration for all of those individuals out there who want to jump into a relationship and have the unique dynamic that Kimye shares. If you're already in a relationship that didn't start from a friendship, it might be time to take a few steps back and have a conversation with your partner about different things you can explore together to bring that friendship on to the center stage.

    8 Keep Your Private Life Private

    Kanye and Kim keep their private life very private. Besides the reality TV show, neither of them expose much about themselves or their relationship with each other or even their family. It can be quite frustrating for you as a fan. Since you probably look up to them like most people, you want to know more about what's going on with their lives and their relationship, but that extra step of security is necessary for building trust and so much more. Your private life isn't for the world to see and know about and if you really want to embrace the Kimye lifestyle you need to start being a bit more strict when it comes to who you share your life with. Kanye and Kim don't share their lovey dovey crap on social media so maybe you should rethink things before you post something like that. While of course, you can take what you want from this list, this is a serious tip that both Kanye and Kim would probably recommend!

    7 Explore Together

    Exploring together doesn't mean you need to spend a million dollars on a vacay like Kim and Kanye might. But it does mean that you can't stop doing small things for and with each other! Even if it's just going to the beach on the weekend or a new cafe that opened up downtown, it all matters and it is all a way to spice up your relationship and boost it to celebrity status. Exploring together or even saving up for a big trip is a great way to learn more about different cultures and different aspects of the world that you might not be familiar with. If you're one of those individuals who believe that the stars on the red carpet are a bit more dim than others, you would be wrong, because we know nothing about them, but we do know they have the smarts to make it in the industry they're ruling right now. Expand your mind and embrace change and you will see the positive benefits in your relationship!

    6 Keep A Straight Face

    This might seem a bit silly, but Kimye has mastered the art of keeping a straight face ninety percent of the time when it comes to the public! Whenever they're on the red carpet or snapped by paparazzi, they're always donning a straight face that can't be broken. Why? Maybe because that's just part of their style. They don't need to smile at random people to show how much confidence they have because they are secure and know that nothing can stop them. They know they can do whatever they want and no one will say anything. That's the kind of attitude you need to carry yourself with… and your partner should too! Keeping a straight face not only shows how serious you are, but it also is its own weird sort of fashion statement. You can't go without it if you want to emulate the Kimye lifestyle. Just take it for a test run and try to show no emotion for one day when you're out in public. Take note when it comes to people treating you differently.

    5 Have Time Alone

    Making sure that you have some alone time is important in any relationship, but especially when it's a relationship that everyone is keeping their eyes on. Hang out with yourself a bit to build yourself up and your character. Dive into what it means to be you and expand on that. Let your partner do the same and then when you come together, you'll be more sure than ever when it comes to yourselves but your relationship as well, just like Kimye! Having time alone is key if you want to successfully master a relationship. Having time to reflect on your personal goals, what you want, and where you are now is awesome since you will be able to grow your confidence and self-love. This sort of focus is needed if you want a relationship where you both can become strong individuals in the world that can hopefully make a huge impact in your own special way.

    4 Be Independent

    Being independent is something you don't usually hear when it comes to relationships. Usually, you think of yourself as kind of co-dependent since you've got a boyfriend and you love him and rely on him, but that's not the case anymore. You can be independent at heart and still have a budding relationship just like Kanye and Kim. What's cool about them is that they both have super strong personalities that can't be tamed by the other person and they can exist by themselves perfectly. At the same time, though, when together they're unstoppable. Being independent doesn't mean you have to shut your partner out, but it does mean that you need to be able to take care of yourself. Tons of things have happened to both Kim and Kanye where they needed to be strong and take care of themselves. Some examples: when Kim was robbed and when Kanye had a breakdown on stage in front of millions of people. Awful things always happen and you have to be ready to take on the world by yourself.

    3 Love Each Other No Matter What

    No matter what kind of success you find, it's important to keep those around you close. It's always easier to let the stress and anger get to you when you're working on building up a relationship to be as strong as possible. It's so easy to give up, but you can't. Relationships are never easy, but if you quit trying, that's when you completely fail and should possibly rethink whether you should even be in a relationship in the first place. With all the obstacles we face in life, we face double when we are running through life with someone we love. We have to be ready for anything, just like Kim K and Kanye. They constantly show how strong of a support system they are for each other and their families. Their love is obvious and nothing can stand in their way when it comes to negativity and toxic individuals trying to bring someone down. We all need more love in the world so we can all learn from this!

    2 Explore New Styles

    If you want to have a relationship like Kimye, go ahead and explore some new styles! Trying some new looks and buying some new clothing can really boost your confidence. It's a good idea to experiment and find what really makes you feel happy and the best self you can be. Encourage your partner to do the same and really try to explore together so you can both have the experience under your belt. This is totally something that you'll always remember doing together. Even if it doesn't work out when trying to find a new style and you just revert back to your original style, that's perfectly fine because at least now you're sure about yourself and you will be even more confident than ever before. Plus you won't have to keep wondering if you're missing out because you were too afraid to give it a shot. Try something new and you'll feel a bit more like the celebrities on the red carpet!

    1 Be Your Own Kimye

    When it comes down to it, you have to learn to love not only yourself but the relationship that you're in as well. Be your own Kimye! You can do this by accepting where you are now in life and trying new things with your partner to keep spicing up the relationship. Over time, you'll figure out that everyone is their own power couple in their own way. Everyone has it in them and it's just a matter of how you show those around you. Be a strong and loyal individual and trust your partner. Be on the same page as them and have respect just like they should have all that and more for you. While it might be hard to be in a relationship in general, since every relationship has its own rough patches, in the end, it's worth it if you've found someone you love with all your heart. Find what works for you and have fun with this list. You never know, you might be the next Kimye!