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    Clueless What The Cast Looks Like Now

    If there's one movie that we all agree is the best ever, it would be the 90s gem Clueless. The stylish teen flick came out in 1995 and we've been watching it (and obsessing over it) ever since. The story of Cher Horowitz, a gorgeous and popular girl who learns the cheesy but still relevant lesson that it's what's inside that counts, is a classic. We swooned over the eventual love story between her and her kind of stepbrother Josh (aka the adorable Paul Rudd). And no, we didn't even find that creepy or weird since they're not really related and they are clearly meant to be together. That's the power and magic of Clueless.

    Since 1995 was obviously a super long time ago -- chances are, most of us were just kids back then and caught the movie several years later when we were in high school -- it would make sense if the cast looked totally different. That's usually what happens when you get older and let time do its thing. But what's interesting about this particular group of actors is that they basically look exactly the same. You will seriously think that time has stood still and it's still the glorious 90s (we can only hope and dream).

    Read on to find out what the cast of Clueless looks like today.

    11 Breckin Meyer

    After Breckin Meyer played Travis, the adorable skateboarder who had a heart of gold, he starred in the TV show Franklin And Bash and was the voice of a character on King Of The Hill. So he's definitely done pretty well since the role that put him on the Hollywood map.

    Everyone will remember Breckin Meyer as Travis since he was such an integral part of the movie. In what was arguably his best scene ever, he tried to jump out the window of Mr. Hall's class after getting a less than awesome report card. Mr. Hall saved him and said, "And could the suicide attempts please be postponed until the next period?!" Classic. Travis is someone who also helps Cher see that she should love everyone at the school and in her life, not just people who seem super popular and fashionable. Travis is really one of the greatest film characters ever and it's awesome that the man behind him has gotten some other film and TV roles since then. His talent hasn't gone to waste and that's awesome. But no matter what he does, whether he stars in a million more movies or gets another big break in a TV show, he will always be Travis to us.

    10 Twink Caplan

    Remember Ms. Geist?! As Cher says, she often has "more lipstick on her teeth than on her mouth" and she isn't exactly the most fashionable person ever. But she is a lovely woman, cares deeply about her job and her students, and brings a real heart to this movie. And literally nothing is more adorable than when Cher sets her and Mr. Hall up and they really do seem to love each other. Talk about #relationshipgoals (before that was a thing or even a hashtag).

    Twink Caplan is now 69 years old and has been acting steadily in film and TV since Clueless. Most recently, she has a role in the new Ryan Murphy show Feud. What's cool is that she even reprised her role as Miss Geist on the TV adaptation of Clueless. We love taking a trip down memory lane and watching her in her most famous movie and we're so glad that she was a part of it. We truly can't imagine it without her because it just wouldn't have felt the same with another actress.

    9 Wallace Shawn

    Oh Wallace Shawn. How we love him. One of his most recent roles was Blair's mom's new boyfriend on Gossip Girl… and we adored seeing him on that show since all we could think was that we got another chance at seeing the loveable Mr. Hall.

    Mr. Hall was no small part of Clueless. In fact, he pretty much stole the film if we really and truly think about it. He's a great character and an even better teacher. He doesn't want to listen to the students' truly bad excuses and he's often at a loss for how to deal with the class and discipline them, especially as they continually chew gum and even answer their super ancient and massive cell phones in his class. But we get the feeling that he really cares about the kids in his class and wants them to learn as much as they can. Plus let's face it, he's just so adorable. These days, Wallace Shawn looks pretty much the same as he did back in 1995 when the film was made. Sure, he looks a bit older because, well, he is a bit older, but we think he still looks great.

    8 Dan Hedaya

    Cher's dad is a pretty scary character, no doubt about it. He's always yelling and it doesn't seem like he's even heard of an inside voice, let alone figured out how to use it. We love him, though, because Cher loves him so much, and it's super cute that she takes care of him all the time since her mom died when she was so much younger.

    One of the best scenes is when Cher convinces Josh to get all kinds of delicious and epic take-out for her dad and his employees who are working super hard burning the midnight oil. Cher freaks out when she sees that her dad is about to bite into a massive meat sandwich. She literally pulls it out of his hands and says something along the lines of, "Daddy, you know you can't eat that." It's hilarious since he actually listens to her, even though, of course, he's the parental figure and the one who should be telling her what to do, not the other way around. It's also hilarious that she gets the idea to negotiate better grades on her report card from him.

    These days, Dan Hedaya looks super similar to the way that he did back when he portrayed Cher's dad. Most recently, he had a guest role in a few episodes of The Mindy Project.

    7 Justin Walker

    Justin Walker aka Christian from Clueless has the same baby face that he did back in 1995 -- but yeah, he does look a bit older. That's okay though. We still think he's pretty cute and we will always remember him from his infamous role in one of our favorite films.

    Who could forget Christian, aka the guy that Cher is in love with until she and Dionne and Murray figure out that he's not actually straight? While Cher feels very naive for not being able to figure out the truth, it's a good lesson for her (mostly that not every guy is going to be head-over-heels in love with her at first sight or even at all). She actually seems pretty relieved that she and Christian can just be really good friends and she doesn't have to feel any pressure to look good or convince him to date her.

    6 Jeremy Sisto

    Ethan may be a villain of sorts in Clueless, but the man behind him, Jeremy Sisto, still looks as good as he did back in 1995. Seriously. Just look at his face. Sure, he's got some scruff (okay, he's rocking some serious scruff) but we really think that he has aged super gracefully. Most recently, Jeremy Sisto played the dad on the adorable sitcom Suburgatory and he's also been in some horror movies.

    Most of all, though, we remember him as Ethan aka the guy who hits on Cher at a party (or more specifically, in a car after he attempts to drive her home after a party). He tries to convince her that they're going to be awesome together and she's all "As if!" He says she can walk home and leaves her in what is literally the creepiest parking lot ever. It's seriously awful. Of course, then Cher is basically mugged and she makes the joke that she's wearing a designer coat so she can't possibly get down on the ground. Well, she's not trying to be funny and it's not a joke to her. She gets in big trouble for being all the way out in the Valley and it's a truly bad night. But there's something about Ethan that is kind of charming and endearing. Kind of.

    5 Donald Faison

    Murray is the best. Hands down. No questions asked. We love when he keeps calling his lovely girlfriend Dionne "woman" and then he ends up apologizing and explaining how much he loves and respects her. Major props, Murray. His outfits are amazing since they are so 90s and everything that he wears is super baggy. Most of all, though, we remember him and Dionne as the cutest couple ever. We had seriously never seen such a sweet couple. Their best moment is when she almost gets into a car accident when she's trying to learn how to drive and they furiously make out and as Cher says, Dionne's v-card goes out the window.

    The man behind Murray, Donald Faison, is well-known for starring in Scrubs with Zach Braff. And seriously, he looks just as good as he did back in 1995. Does the man age? We certainly don't think so. This is a recent picture but we think it looks like it could have been snapped back in the 90s.

    4 Elisa Donovan

    Oh Amber. She's supposed to be a mean girl (way before Mean Girls was another one of our all-time fave movies) but we don't hate her. In fact, we absolutely adore her. Because she and Dionne have one of the best exchanges in movie history. When Amber explains that she can't participate in gym class, she says, "My plastic surgeon doesn't want me doing any activity where balls fly at my nose." And Dionne says, "Well, there goes your social life." OMG. The best.

    If we first watched this film when we were pre-teens, we probably didn't understand what that even meant (hopefully we didn't) but now we do and we think it's hilarious. Today, Elisa Donovan is 45 but she doesn't look it at all. She looks awesome and young and we are still wishing that we had her killer red hair. It just doesn't seem fair, does it? Nope. It's not fair. She has the best hair ever and we're sticking to that.

    3 Paul Rudd

    Paul Rudd is probably the most famous of the Clueless cast members and he looks super hot these days. Of course, he looked super hot back then, too. So basically, he just always looks hot. Okay. Now that we've gotten that squared away, let's talk about Josh.

    Josh is such a great character. At first, we hate him because Cher seems to hate him. They have a sort of brother/sister vibe going on where they tease each other. We were pretty shocked when Cher asked herself the all important question -- whether or not she actually likes Josh -- because we honestly thought they would never date. We just didn't even go there. Of course, once they realized their love for one another and started making out, we knew that it felt right and we wondered why we never even thought that would happen. But when we first watched the movie? We had no clue this would happen.

    2 Stacey Dash

    These days, Stacey Dash is looking a bit different -- she's sporting a much shorter hairstyle than she did when she played Dionne back in the mid-1990s -- and she's become a somewhat controversial figure. That's because she's super into politics and is a proud and outspoken Republican. She has gotten in a lot of hot water for her somewhat extreme political views and a lot of fans were pretty shocked that she would say these things.

    But we don't really care about that. Because what we care about is that she basically looks the exact same as she did back then, just with much shorter hair. And we think she looks awesome. And since Dionne will always hold a special place in our heart since she's one half of the best friend team that we adore, we're going to ignore all the political stuff. Cher and Dionne are a BFF force to be reckoned with and they give us serious #goals.

    1 Alicia Silverstone

    And then we have Cher. She's the main character and the heart of the movie and one of our faves ever. Since her days playing the loveable Cher Horowitz in Clueless, Alicia Silverstone has become well-known for her books about her vegan lifestyle and raising children in a healthy, natural way. She starred in the 2003 TV show Miss Match and has had some guest appearances on other shows. But her role as Cher will always be what she is best known for, and for good reason: Alicia did an absolutely amazing job. She was funny, sweet, and managed to prove that Cher was not actually the ditz that she seemed to be from the movie's opening credits.

    Even though Alicia is now 40 years old, you have to admit that she looks exactly the same as she did back when she was setting people up and performing makeovers in Clueless. She seriously has a glowing complexion and she still has flawless blonde hair that you wish you had been born with. Sigh.