Sesiapa mengatakan bintang kanak-kanak itu mudah, mesti tertawa. Berkembang di mata awam boleh memberi kesan kepada minda yang dapat dipertahankan muda. Di satu pihak, untuk sementara waktu, semua orang kelihatan...
Pengerusi WWE Vince McMahon cenderung menjadi sangat pemilih ketika datang menamakan para pegulatnya. Apabila datang kepada bakat wanita, McMahon suka menggunakan nama satu kata. Juga kerana tanda niaga, McMahon biasanya...
Gofundme. Kickstarter. EquityArcade. There are a few good crowdfunding sites out there going to great causes. Sometimes a house unexpectedly burns down and the platform allows people to gather monies...
If there's one thing that you know for sure in this life, it's that Grey's Anatomy has been on the air for a super long time. The first episode premiered back in...
Younger is one of the most fun and fashionable shows on television and since the season four air date has been set, it's thankfully not going anywhere anytime soon. This...
Setiap tahun, MTV VMAs mengejutkan penonton dalam beberapa cara. Sama ada Madonna membuat panggung dengan Britney Spears DAN Christina Aguilera, atau Miley Cyrus twerking pada Robin Thicke, orang-orang dibiarkan membicarakannya...
It's official: 2016 is almost over! Some of you may be thankful for this, but the year flew by and was certainly one for the history books. We lost a...
Love makes the world go round and that's definitely true of your favorite television shows as well. You love shipping your fave couples and dreaming about how totally romantic everything...