Laman » Hiburan - Halaman 437

    Hiburan - Halaman 437

    14 Celebs Who Raised Their Kids Vegan
    It's no secret that celebs like to look good. They spend tons of time and money on stylists, designer clothes and jewelry, and of course, working out. But they want...
    14 Celebs Who Mastered The Fish Gape Pose
    For the longest time, it's been all about the duck face for everyone, celebrities included. Sure, there are many celebrities who smile on the red carpet or give a stoic...
    14 Celebs Who Look Awesome In Gym Clothes
    Rocking gym clothes is no easy feat. Most of the time, you haven't got a lick of makeup on, your face is all red and sweaty and the hair on...
    14 Celebs Who Have No Clue Their Fame Is Ending
    It's pretty easy to become famous nowadays, at least, for fifteen minutes. However, fifteen minutes of fame has downgraded to about fifteen seconds. With 24-hour news cycles and short attention...
    14 Celebs Who Give Us Major A$$ Envy
    Once upon a time, the main asset a woman was compelled to flaunt was her cleavage. Because the standard for a beautiful body was always measured by her frontage. The...
    14 Celebs Who Can Convince You To Buy Anything
    Recently, a market research firm by the name of The NPD Group did a study seeing which celebrities were the most marketable - meaning, which celebrities' fans were willing to...
    14 Celebs yang Bersih Mengenai Pembedahan Plastik mereka
    Pernahkah anda melakukan kerja? Ini adalah soalan yang anda mungkin dapat meminta rakan-rakan terdekat anda dalam nada hushed (dan bahkan kemudian anda menyokong diri anda untuk tindak balas), tetapi ia...
    14 Celebs Who Battled Depression
    For people who have dealt with depression or other mood disorders, the experience can be both deeply personal and lonely. You feel hopeless and like you have no idea how things...