Laman » Hiburan » 14 Reasons People Aren't Psyched For Gilmore Girls To Return

    14 Reasons People Aren't Psyched For Gilmore Girls To Return

    It's no secret that Gilmore Girls has a huge, huge fan base. At the time, it kind of seemed like just another show amongst many. However, fans have remained loyal for years and years, rewatching the seasons, and when the full series got released on Netflix awhile back? People lost their minds. The world loves Stars Hollow, the sassy Lorelai Gilmore, her daughter Rory, grizzled yet lovable diner owner Luke Danes… we could go on and on. The point is, Gilmore Girls remains as beloved today as when it debuted in 2000.

    Fans still watched the show, but those in charge of production probably didn't know how deep the Stars Hollow love ran until Netflix released it. Pair that with the fact that tons of older television shows like Boy Meets World and Full House are getting re-boots, and soon enough, there was rumors going around about new episodes of Gilmore Girls coming to Netflix. Now, that rumor is officially confirmed - countless cast members have posted shots of themselves on set and at their trailers, and Amy Sherman-Palladino has given interviews offering some sneak peeks at the new episodes. However, as excited as fans are, there are a few reasons that they're a little bit hesitant for the show to return.

    14 April Nardini coming back

    Look, Vanessa Marano, the actress who plays April Nardini, is lovely. However, there's no doubt that fans of Gilmore Girls kind of hated April. First of all, she was thrown into the mix right when Luke and Lorelai finally got together, pretty much ruining the relationship as Luke suddenly wanted to take a step back to consider things. Second, she was just, well, sort of weird. Fans had a feeling that they were trying to make April a sort of quasi-Rory - nerdy, intellectual, with a mom who was a bit more of a free spirit - but she was just a little tough to care about. So, when fans found out that April was coming back to Stars Hollow, they were a little less than thrilled.

    13 No Richard Gilmore (RIP Edward Herrmann)

    Edward Herrmann, the actor who played the patriarch of the family, Richard Gilmore, passed away in 2014. The mere fact that he won't be there will be heart-wrenching enough, but according to Amy Sherman-Palladino, things aren't just going to get smoothed over - the Gilmore Girls will have to deal with the passing of someone they love. While there were a few fictional funerals throughout the course of the show, they were almost always relatively minor characters - however they decide to deal with Herrmann's passing, it's going to be heartbreaking. Even the venerable Kelly Bishop has said that “it's going to be very hard doing it without him.” I mean, Emily Gilmore without Richard Gilmore? It just doesn't seem right.

    12 Sookie is (probably?) not back

    There's been a bit of drama and confusion about McCarthy's involvement, with Amy Sherman-Palladino saying she'd gladly write her a scene if she stopped by, and McCarthy saying she hadn't been invited back, but signs point to her role being incredibly minimal if she's there.

    Now, there's no doubt that Melissa McCarthy is probably the Gilmore Girls cast member who has been the most successful after the show. While many of the other cast have continued working in Hollywood, McCarthy transformed into an A-Lister known for snagging leading roles in comedies. So, it's kind of understandable that she might be too busy to come back for the revival, but things just won't be the same without Lorelai's partner in crime.

    11 There are apparently a big cast of new characters

    In theory, it's important to introduce a bit of fresh blood when it comes to bringing a show back to keep things fresh. However, Stars Hollow had so many interesting minor characters that we'd love to catch up with. But, rather than bringing back some of the minor characters for small storylines, there will apparently be a few new faces in Stars Hollow including a Peruvian couple named Berta and Alejandra, a man named Nat Compton, a brother and sister named Tim and Gabriela, a Portuguese nanny named Clementina, Korean-American twins named Stevie and Kwan, a 13-year-old named Dewey and way, way more. The whole point of Stars Hollow's charm was that everyone knew everybody else - it seems strange to essentially get an entirely new town, by the sound of it.

    10 All Rory's men are back

    It makes sense that most of the leading men from the show would return, even if just for a small appearance in one of the episodes. The fans want to see Jess, Dean, Logan, the whole crew. However, there's one small concern we have, and that's finding out who Rory ends up with. There are so many shippers of the various Rory relationships, and fans kind of want to know how her romantic life ended up. Whether she's in Philadelphia with Jess leading an artsy life and helping with the publishing company, has settled back in Stars Hollow with Dean, or is travelling the world as a journalist with Logan by her side, we want to know how things ended up. For her. And speaking of her love life…

    9 Rory is apparently single (ish)

    Amy Sherman-Palladino has stated that in the revival, Rory will be single and dating. Now, we understand if she feels like Rory ending up with one of her former love interests is travelling back in time a bit too much. However, let's be honest - there are fans who loved every single one of the pairings she created for Rory, so she's going to have a tough time selling anyone as a potential love interest. It could happen that that Rory is simultaneously dating all three of her former lovers, but honestly, that would just be a bit weird as well.

    8 There's only going to be four episodes

    This fan concern is a bit of a purely selfish one - fans just want as much more Gilmore Girls material as they can get their hands on. So, it was a bit disappointing to find out that the revival would consist of four episodes, each about 90 minutes long, corresponding to the four specific seasons. We get the concept of a year in Stars Hollow, and it's kind of a nice idea to essentially make four mini-movies. However, let's be honest - fans sort of wanted a full, 20-some episode season.

    7 You likely won't be able to binge watch it

    One of the best things about Netflix (or perhaps one of the worst things about Netflix, if you're concerned about productivity) is the ability it gives you to binge watch a show. You no longer have to wait a whole week for a new episode to come out - instead, you can just go on to the next one, and the next one, until you're done with the entire series. Sure, it can feel unsettling to know that you just sat through 11 hours of Orange Is The New Black, but it's also fun. However, if you're looking forward to binge watching the Gilmore Girls revival, take note - Amy Sherman-Palladino has said that she would prefer the episodes not be released at once. Netflix hasn't commented on the situation yet, so we'll have to see who has the final say in that situation.

    6 It'll disrupt everyone's dream ending

    Season 7 ended with things a little bit up in the air. Rory hopped on a bus to go on the campaign trail and pursue her dreams of being a journalist, Lane was a relatively new mama struggling to raise twins while staying in the music industry, Luke and Lorelai were on-again, off-again… there were a lot of loose ends, and fans pretty much tied them up in their minds. If you liked Rory and Jess? You imagined they were living together in NYC with Rory finally having gotten her gig at The New York Times. Luke/Lorelai fan? In your mind, they bought a house filled with coffee and flannel shirts and lived happily ever after. Whatever you dreamt the characters went on to do, that'll now be disrupted - so while we're excited, it's a little hard to anticipate what might come.

    5 The iconic final four words might be disappointing

    As every Gilmore Girls fan knows, Amy Sherman-Palladino and her husband Dan were involved in every season of the show - except season 7. In fact, many fans consider season 7 not a 'real' season - sure, everyone still watched it, but it just wasn't the same without Amy holding the reins. Now, it's common knowledge that Amy Sherman-Palladino knew the final four words she wanted the series to end with - but she didn't get the chance to use them, since she wasn't there for season 7. We'll finally get a chance to see what those final four words are - but will they live up to the hype?

    4 Luke and Lorelai might not end up together

    There are definitely a few fans of the Lorelai/Christopher pairing out there, but as a whole, the Gilmore Girls fan base is team Luke and Lorelai. One of the major plot points that most fans hated was when the two split up after FINALLY getting together. So, in our minds, the two are living happily ever after, perhaps running an inn with an attached coffee shop? However, there's a very real chance that Amy decided to go a different direction - maybe Luke is with some new woman and Lorelai is with Christopher. Maybe they're both single and unhappy. Who knows - we don't even want to think about it.

    3 It might lose touch with its spirit

    One of the reasons that Gilmore Girls was so successful is because it was, well, a little bit different than a lot of the shows on television at the time. It was jam-packed with pop culture references that you may not have been familiar with, and usually every episode was followed by jotting down a list of books you needed to read, bands you needed to listen to, or movies you needed to watch. I mean, there are countless lists floating around the internet related to Gilmore picks. We have confidence that with Amy at the helm, and with the flexibility that Netflix offers vs. regular networks, things should keep their spirit, but still - we can't help but worry that they'll offer 2016 audiences a kind of Gilmore lite.

    2 The kids are all grown up

    In the last few seasons of the show, babies and children started popping up left and right. Christopher's daughter, Gigi, entered the picture in a big way. Lane and Zack had twins. Sookie and Jackson had their brood of children. While the show rang, apart from a few storylines that involved the parents learning how to cope, the children didn't really factor into the plot (apart from the brilliant episode where Michel attempts to babysit Sookie's child and rolls him under the bed). However, if the show acknowledges that time has passed, that should mean those children are older. Will they just be explained away as at college or a relative's house? Will they suddenly need to become a bigger part of the plot? We're not sure, but we don't want it turning into a typical family-centric sitcom.

    1 Sutton Foster showing up

    As some may know, Amy Sherman-Palladino was a part of the show Bunheads, which aired shortly on ABC and starred Sutton Foster as a dancer. Honestly, the only reason that many people watched was because Kelly Bishop, who played the venerable and hilarious Emily Gilmore, was a part of it. Well, it appears that Sutton Foster has been invited to Stars Hollow. Now, it could be that she's just a part of the endless new cast members that are being incorporated. However, we can't help but fear that things will turn into a bit of a Bunheads reunion when the focus should be on the Gilmore Girls. Although, perhaps Foster will play one of Emily's terrified maids? That, we'd love to see.