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    14 Reasons Kourtney Is Our Favorite Kardashian

    Today is a very special day. No, it's not a holiday and yeah, it may be the start of warm spring weather in most parts of North America, but that's not why it's so awesome. Today, a woman you might have heard of named Kourtney Kardashian is celebrating her birthday. Maybe you can't exactly tell her apart from her sisters, Kim and Khloe, or maybe you're a Kardashian devotee and have watched every single episode of their e! reality series. Whichever camp you fall into, you probably can't help but like Kourtney just a little bit more than her equally famous and beautiful siblings. There's just something about her that stands out. Here are 14 reasons Kourtney is our absolute favorite Kardashian (just don't tell Kim and Khloe).

    14 Her First Reality Show Was For Charity

    Never heard of Filthy Rich: Cattle Drive? Really? No, that's totally okay -- we hadn't heard of it, either. Apparently way before Kourtney and her family was super famous, Kourtney was on this reality show. It was back in 2005 and had a bunch of celeb kids working on a ranch… and giving money to charity. How can you not love someone who would go on a reality TV show and embarrass themselves for charity? You just can't not love them.

    13 She's Relatable

    You may not realize that someone with millions could be so relatable, but just consider this: Kourtney had a pretty stressful and crazy on and off-again relationship with Scott Disick. Naturally, as the story often unfortunately goes, he cheated and so she had to learn to live without him. But she's often told the media that she's totally cool with being on her own, and that's definitely a super relatable thing. She's also not jumping from guy to guy like most celebrities, so there's that.

    12 She's A Devoted Mom

    We all know that people love to poke fun at this crazy infamous family but you can't make fun of Kourtney's role as a mom. She's got three kids with beautiful and cool names: her sons are named Mason and Reign and her daughter is Penelope. She clearly loves her children and often posts adorable pictures on Instagram. Thankfully, she didn't go the crazy celeb weird name route and name them after a fruit or something.

    11 She's Stylish

    Admit it, you want every single thing that Kourtney has ever worn. She just might be the most fashionable out of the entire Kardashian clan (#sorrynotsorry). What's really cool about her style is that it seems to change every single day. She's not necessarily a jeans-and-t-shirt kind of girl or a fancy glam girl, either. She seems to dress according to her mood that day, which is always the mark of a fashionista. She wears prints like no one else and is basically a walking supermodel.

    10 She's Got A Cool App

    If you didn't know that Kourtney K. had an app, well, you do now. It's called Kourt and according to the iTunes official description, it's "a portal into Kourtney's world, bringing you closer to her than ever before." You can find recipes, advice, photos, etc. on the app. So why haven't you download it yet? We all need a daily dose of some inspiration and a break from our crazy busy routine. Seriously, where has this app been all our lives? A snapshot of one recipe: heat up vegan marshmallows with brown rice cereal and an entire stick of butter. Sounds delicious/terrifying, so you probably need this app in your life and soon.

    9 Her Instagram Is The Best

    Kourt is a master Instagrammer. Her account is definitely one you should start following ASAP, if you're not already. Her feed is super elevated above the typical celebrity accounts. Whether she's showing you snaps from her family vacation to Iceland for her birthday or posting an avocado pudding recipe that makes you drool, Kourtney has got one super interesting feed. Sure, there are lots of photos of her (okay, that's a total understatement) but you don't even mind because her Instragram is just really fun.

    8 She's Body Positive

    Kourtney, like her sisters, is not exactly a stick… and that's exactly why we love her. It's so amazing and inspiring to see a famous woman who is so body positive. She's posed naked when she was pregnant before and she has said in numerous interviews that you should never be ashamed of what you look like. So awesome to hear that. Isn't it great that she's not your typical celeb starving herself to look good in her next photo shoot or movie?

    7 She's Mastered The Selfie

    This may not seem like something we should be praising her for, but let's be real here for a moment. This is a family that became famous because of a.) their dad's connection to the O.J. Simpson trial/media circus and b.) Kim's tape. So, naturally, the world cares a lot about this family, and we just can't ignore the fact that the Kardashian women are crazy beautiful. So let's just admit that, yeah, Kourtney takes super amazing selfies. She's figured out how to get the best angle and the light always seems to hit her face in an amazing way. Sorry, we're just a bit jealous over here, because our selfies don't look quite that flawless. Sigh.

    6 She Might Be With Justin

    Okay, we have no idea if this rumor is true, but we really, really want it to be. We 100 percent believe that Kourtney and Justin Bieber would make an absolutely beautiful and adorable couple. According to an unnamed source (isn't it always an unnamed source? Makes it so impossible to know if this is true or false), the two have been spending tons of time together, and by that we mean in the bedroom. Who knows. But we can dream.

    5 She's A Healthy Foodie

    Sure, she loves treats like the butter/rice cereal/marshmallow concoction mentioned above, but Kourt has also become quite the culinary expert… but one who always has her eye on the healthy eating prize. She was interviewed in Redbook back in 2013 about her daily eating habits and she said she loves the healthy fat ghee, smoothies, salads, and trying everything that her mom cooks when she's over for family dinners. She claimed she would never do well on a diet and she probably still agrees all these years later.

    4 She's Also Avocado Obsessed

    We're all pretty into that little thing called the avocado, right? What did we ever do before we started eating this creamy, sweet fruit? It's a super healthy fat and fills us up like nothing else and makes the perfect addition to a smoothie or salad. Well, our dream BFF Kourt is really into avocados, too. She's got recipes for smoothies, puddings, and salads using avocado on her website and her app (they're locked, though, so you definitely have to buy the app).

    3 She's An Open Book

    Check out Kourtney's website -- she's got a section where she answers questions from her fans, and she also shares #TBT moments from her past, whether it's her 20th birthday party snaps or some photo shoots. She cares that her fans get to know who she is, so she's got tons of information about herself on her website. When we're a fan of a celebrity, we want to know everything that we can about them, and Kourtney seems to just naturally get that.

    2 She's An Unusual Celebrity

    She didn't get famous because of a scandal. She's not famous for doing nothing. She's got a bunch of different business ventures going at any given time, from her app to making sure her website is updated to, yeah, starring on a bunch of different reality shows. She's not your typical celebrity because, at the core of it, her brand is, well, her. She is always herself, whether she's posting selfies on Instagram or tweeting or chatting with her family on one of their many shows.

    1 She's Real

    It's become a bit of a joke to think that reality TV is actually real, but whatever you believe, you have to admit that Kourtney lets her guard down sometimes. She's broken down and cried in countless episodes of her shows, usually about the end of her 10-year romance with Scott, and she's also posted a lot of morning selfies where she doesn't look as flawless and polished as she usually does. A celebrity who doesn't mind being seen without makeup or even bawling her eyes out? We're pretty much obsessed.