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    15 Celebrity Marriages That Went Down The Drain Within A Year

    Celebrities. You love to hate them. You want to be them, be their best friends, or be with them. This strange fascination is likely related to the human psychology theory that you will always want what you cannot have. Their life, their body, their love, their money, the list goes on… But being a celebrity isn't all it's chalked up to be. Just think of all of the drama between Kanye and T-Swift. That's beside the point. Celebrities have to live in a world where they get next to no privacy, they have fans almost attack them during meals begging for autographs, and they can't go out and have a few drinks without some tabloid making a big stink of it. They also tend to have bad luck with relationships. Can you blame them? With the paparazzi following your every move, developing private, personal relationships can be a difficult task to accomplish. Not cool. Even when celebrities marry each other, it still doesn't usually end up rosy for them.

    15 Britney Spears and Jason Alexander (55 hours)

    One of the shortest and most highly publicized marriages (and break-ups) in Hollywood history is Britney and hometown childhood friend Jason Alexander. The two, who it's reported have known each other for years, shocked everyone when they made the walk down the aisle, Britney toting a pair of denims and being walked by a hotel employee. A Vegas wedding that it's argued was inspired by drunkenness and spontaneity, the couple was driven around the town to ensure marriage licenses were obtained and everything was done by the book. Backing up the alcohol-related rumors is the fact that the marriage only lasted 55 hours and Britney and Jason were meeting with a lawyer the very next day to talk annulments… Papers reported: "there are grounds for this court to grant an annulment because plaintiff Spears lacked understanding of her actions to the extent that she was incapable of agreeing to the marriage, the Plaintiff and Defendant did not know each others likes and dislikes, each others desires to have or not have children, and each others desires as to State of residency.” What happens in Vegas… ends up EVERYWHERE when you're Britney b*tch.

    14 Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries (72 days)

    Can you keep up with the Kardashians? It appears that Kris Humphries can't. This famous couple married July 4, 2004, after knowing each other for only one year. The marriage lasted 72 days, and apparently only that long because Kim was afraid of disappointing people. Kris took the liberty of cashing in on Keeping up with the Kardashians, occasionally engaging in arguments and disagreements with the rest of the clan. They also both made a disgusting amount of money when the four-hour wedding was aired on E!. Apparently spending $10 mill on a wedding, having multiple outfits throughout the four-hour special and making hundreds of thousands of dollars per day of marriage was not enough to make the happy couple last. “They sold the TV and photo rights for an incredible $17.9 million dollars, meaning that they earned about $250k for each day they were married.” This wedding was no slam-dunk for this then Nets and now Hawks forward.

    13 Pam Anderson and Kid Rock (122 days)

    Anderson referred to the union as "the best most romantic wedding of all time" when they married in Saint-Tropez, France in July of 2006. Though they started dating in 2001, and got engaged in 2002 in Vegas, the couple split the following year. After bumping into each other in France, the couple immediately reconnected as if they had spent no time apart. On the big day, Pam wore a veil with a white bikini and the wedding was in true rock star fashion. Also in true rock star fashion is the fact that the marriage only lasted 122 days, when the couple split up in November 2002. Though no reasons were given for the split at the time, Kid Rock later dished about all of the reasons for the relationship not working, citing: money, family, and control as the main reasons. Why did he marry the serial dater to begin with? Only God Knows Why.

    12 Renee Zellweger and Kenny Chesney (128 days)

    Talk about a whirlwind marriage, this couple tied the knot after only four months of romance. They married in the Virgin Islands and divorced 128 days later. Zellweger cited the marriage as “the biggest personal mistake of my life.” Even though country stars sing all about love, Chesney couldn't make the marriage work with the unlucky-in-love Bridget Jones. The other reputation for country stars being unfaithful to their partners may have been true, as Chesney stated: “Oh my God, but it's tough. It really is tough. And she's a sweet soul, no doubt about it, but I just wasn't ready." Sometimes a quickie should be just that, without the marriage. Oh well, at least it made for a good country song and some inspiration for Zellweger's next film. On that note, one of Kenny's hits is a song called "You Had Me From Hello," inspired by the famous line "You had me at hello" from Zellweger's breakout 1996 movie role in Jerry Maguire.

    11 Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Esposito (4 Months)

    Chances are, you are familiar with Bradley Cooper, having starred in many films, such as the popular Hangover franchise, as well as Limitless, Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. You may be less familiar with Jennifer Esposito. The 46-year-old actress has had roles in many small screen shows, such as The Looney Tunes Show, Mistresses and Blue bloods. This duo married long before Cooper struck it big in Hollywood. Their marriage lasted roughly four months, but apparently failed much sooner, with reports that the couple “separated” shortly after their marriage. Esposito blames Cooper's heartlessness about her Celiac disease for their demise (and being cocky, funny, and a master manipulator - wait a minute, he's an actor… ), and she was sure to slam him in her memoir about living with the illness. If this failed marriage teaches us anything, it's that gluten destroys love and Hollywood romance isn't anywhere close to limitless.

    10 Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray (5 Months)

    Most well-known for their on-again-off-again romance on One Tree Hill are Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray. The pair met on the popular television series in 2003 and married in 2005. Videos circulated of Murray calling and asking his father for advice prior to the engagement which aired on MTV and made viewers squeal with delight and wish they could find someone as wonderful as Prince Charming Murray (well, he starred in A Cinderella Story as Prince Charming so… ) and it seemed like everything was on the right path to happiness for this duo. The beautiful couple, who everyone thought were a match made in heaven ended only 5 months later, with rumors circulating that Murray cheated with House of Wax co-star Paris Hilton. While rumors flew and feelings were hurt, the couple were forced to continue working together on the hit show for 7 more years, as the show ran until 2012.

    They say that you should never marry a coworker and Sophia Bush and Chad Michael Murray are the perfect example of why.

    9 Drew Barrymore and Tom Green (5 Months)

    Everyone was rooting for this early 2000's power comedy couple, but like most Hollywood lovers, they were destined to fail. Like the big O, the build up to their actual marriage was far more exciting than the main event. Coined as “the odd couple”, these two were so weird that it was actually cute. Fun fact: Drew Barrymore's short marriage to comedian Tom Green was not her shortest nuptials, but certainly one of her most well-known. She married, and quickly split, from a bartender at 19 years of age, after dating for only six weeks, and funny enough being married for the same amount of time. They split after Christmas, approximately 163 days after their July wedding. Like many marriages in Hollywood, the couple cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split. Famous last words from Charlie's Angels: “ The Chad is great. The Chad is stuck” Well this Chad ship has sailed leaving both of these actors; well, moving on with their own respective careers.

    8 Carmen Electra and Dennis Rodman (9 Days)

    Chances are, you probably don't even remember these two Hollywood heavyweights being married at all. The reason for your memory lapse is that it literally lasted 9 days. That's right, 2 days more than a full week of marriage to each other was enough for Electra and Rodman to head straight for divorce. The NBA met Baywatch in this ridiculous 7am Las Vegas wedding back in 1998. It's said that at least one, or possibly both of them were drunk during the ceremony, which certainly explains a lot. At least they didn't waste $10 mill on a lavish wedding only to divorce a few months later. In an interview with People magazine, Carmen stated: “It's easy to get caught up in a moment. You think it's romantic, but then you realize, 'God, we did it in Vegas?' It's like getting a cheeseburger at a fast-food restaurant." These two certainly did more than get a cheeseburger on the strip. What happens in Vegas did not apply for these two, but they quickly dealt with the situation when it followed them back to Hollywood.

    7 Janet Jackson and James DeBarge (4 Months)

    Finally, a wedding that didn't happen in beautiful and classy Las Vegas. Jaskson and DeBarge eloped in 1984 against father Joe Jackson's wishes. DeBarge, an R&B singer who was famous in the 80's, married Jackson for four months and in that time, it was rumored that she aborted their child. Now rumors have circulated that the child was not aborted. Sounds like a crazy Hollywood movie, right? In 2000, DeBarge worked with DJ Quik on a track called “The Divorce Song”. Original, huh? After their fairly quick and hopefully painless matrimony, Jackson went on to show her breasts at the Superbowl and DeBarge went on to serve three years in 2012 for assault with a deadly weapon along with drug charges. Divorce impacts everyone differently; it's safe to say. Janet Jackson has since been married two more times and is currently married to Wissam Al Mana, a Qatari billionaire business mogul. DeBarge is not reported to be currently married.

    6 Charlie Sheen and Donna Peele (6 months)

    You've likely heard a lot about Charlie Sheen in these last few months; mainly, about his HIV crisis. Prior to that, it was his partying and drug abusing ways. You probably don't even remember his brief marriage to Donna Peele. Peele was Sheen's first wife, a model, (no surprise there) and the two met on the set of a cigarette commercial back in 1995. They married in September 1995, amidst Sheen being involved in a trial related to prostitution, and were divorced 6 months later. After their divorce Peele vanished from the public eye, while Sheen went on to star on one of television's most well-known sitcoms. Where Peele managed to avoid the spotlight, Sheen managed to stay in it, jumping from scandal to scandal. Sheen has since been married two more times after his first marriage to the model. About the split, Sheen said: “I couldn't breathe, I had to come up for air… You buy a car, it breaks down, what are you gonna do?” Well it's no surprise that Peele got out of Hollywood after being compared to a car. Wouldn't you?

    5 Axl Rose and Erin Everly (26 Days)

    Apparently, getting hitched in Viva Las Vegas is more addictive than crack to some of these celebrities. Another couple who said their vows in Sin City, likely with Elvis presiding, are Axl Rose and Erin Everly. The couple met at a party, in true Hollywood fashion. Everly is the daughter of Everly Brothers legend Don and is said to be the inspiration for the song “Sweet Child O'Mine”. It's reported that Erin wanted out a mere 48 hours after their wedding but the marriage officially ended just 10 months after the I-Do's. About their marriage, Axl said: "Sometimes we treated each other great, because the children in us were best friends. But then there were other times when we just f*cked up each other's lives completely"; while Erin sang another tune: “"It was the first relationship I had had… I felt like we were two people who didn't have much but who had found each other." It's apparent from this Hollywood split that sometimes young love is not enough… but it is enough to produce a number one song and a Video Music Award.

    4 Pamela Anderson 2.0 and Rick Salomon (3 Months)

    Repeat offender alert. Let's welcome back to the stage the lovely Pamela Anderson for her second short stint at marriage. The second Baywatch star (let's not forget Carmen Electra) wed Rick Salomon in October 2007 (because her marriage to Kid Rock worked out so well just a year before). Another Vegas wedding that was trés classy; she wore a dress instead of a bikini this time and it occurred during a break from a show she was filming at the time. If you're wondering why you might know the name Rick Salomon and you can't pinpoint it, he starred opposite Paris Hilton in her sex tape. Though it's unknown what drew these two together, one can hypothesize that their love of video taping themselves doing the deed could have been a bonding point. The couple married and divorced twice and at the end of it all Salomon got the couple's Rottweiler, Bumblebee, which is sort of funny considering Anderson's unwavering passion to the animal rights organization, PETA.

    3 Elizabeth Taylor and Conrad “Nicky” Hilton (205 Days)

    That's right, Hilton. You definitely heard correctly. The infamous hotel mogul was once romantically involved with the lovely and classic Elizabeth Taylor. The two were married on May 6, 1950 and it would be Taylor's first, of 8 marriages. The definition of young love, Taylor was 18 at the time and Hilton, 24. They seemed perfect for each other, which of course in Hollywood means, they could never be happy together. Their holy matrimony lasted a whopping 205 days and ended very much non-amicably. It likely only lasted that long because the couple enjoyed a lavish 3 month long honeymoon. The split ended with Taylor badmouthing Hilton, stating that he was "indifferent to me and used abusive language." Neither of them came out of the marriage in very rough shape: Taylor went on to have a twenty-something year plus long film career… and Hilton, well, you might be reading this post while staying in one.

    2 Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds (14 days)

    Some relationships end quickly and painlessly, with both parties citing irreconcilable differences and parting amicably and others don't. Eddie Murphy and Tracey Edmonds are not a couple that ended things on friendly terms. If you are unsure of who Edmonds is, she's 49-year old American businesswoman, media mogul and television personality, from LA. Her wedding to Murphy was an intimate affair happening with only a handful of their closest friends on an island in Bora Bora in 2008. Although technically, they were not legally married, they did have a romantic, symbolic union that ended a whopping 14 days later. One of the major issues that plagued this marriage from the start was Edmonds' not wanting to take Murphy's last name. A source said, shortly after their split: “he was insisting she change her name… It was a huge issue. They were arguing about it before they left for the wedding.” What's in a name? Apparently, in this case, absolutely everything.

    1 Cher and Gregg Allman

    Nevada sure is the state to head to if you are looking for a quickie marriage and an even quicker divorce. Cher and Gregg Allman tied the knot in July of 1975, only a few days after her previous divorce from Sonny was finalized. Allman, best known for being a part of the Allman Brothers Band, is reported to have had many substance related issues, which was the major contributing factor in Cher filing for divorce a meager nine days later. Those nine days, it seems, were enough for Cher to become pregnant with a son, now 39, Elijah Blue Allman, who is semi-estranged to his mother. Cher and Allman “reconciled” for a few years until their separation was finalized again in 1979, after a failed album attempt together. The album was referred to as "the worst of either artist's respective career" and apparently, that, combined with their troubled relationship, caused the split. Do you believe in life after love? It seems like Cher does.