Laman » Hiburan » 15 Film Moments You Wish You Were A Part Of

    15 Film Moments You Wish You Were A Part Of

    Film has exploded to new heights this past year, it's just amazing how many different genres of film have been released during 2016, we're going to need more popcorn! Throughout this list, we'll be searching through some of the top movies that have been released this past year and discover together the best moments within each film. There's something for everybody, action, adventure, animation, and romance! From having a laugh with Deadpool to exploring the downtown alleys of Los Angeles in The Neon Demon, you won't get bored whatsoever! If only we could jump through our screens and be fully immersed in the film we're watching, maybe we can look forward to that in the future! Challenge yourself to figure out what might be number one on this list and even let us know in the comments what movie moments you would love to be a part of if they already aren't on our list, and if you have another moment in any of these films let us know that too!

    Grab your popcorn and cozy blanket because this list will honestly inspire you to have a huge movie marathon and watch all of these films! While of course there are so many amazing films out there it's hard to just pick 15 from this year, but I thought it would be a good way to end the year by talking exclusively about 2016 releases. Who knows there might be a second installment of this film moment series!

    Get comfortable and happy watching!

    15 Swimming With Dory

    Finding Dory was released this year and everyone from young to old were filled with cheer! This film follows the story of Dory instead of Nemo, focusing on her past as a child and how she was also lost, separated from her parents. She deals with this struggle throughout the story and eventually all the obstacles subside! Once you see the cute animation of Dory, you won't be able to contain how happy it makes you, you'll want to dive right into the ocean and give her a hug to let her know that it'll all be okay! How amazing would that be if you could actually swim with her on her journey! This film is such a happy and amazing piece of work that fully captures all the nostalgia of the first film, you'll feel like you're a kid again!

    “What is so great about plans? I never had a plan! Did I plan to lose my parents? No. Did I plan to find Marlin? No. Did you and I plan to meet? Well, I don't think we did and that's because the best things happen by chance because that's life and that's you being with me out in the ocean not safe in some stupid glass box.” - Dory

    14 Falling In Love

    The Light Between Oceans is a romantic period film surrounded by drama, love, and exploration! The film surrounds a story focusing on a lighthouse keeper and his lovely wife that end up rescuing and adopting a baby girl they found floating in the sea. Even though this film isn't a fantasy film, it seems like it with the soft hues and beautiful cinematography. You'll find yourself wish you could explore their mysterious lighthouse and the waters that stretch out to nothing. This film is magical and the very special moment they realize the baby girl is going to be a tough but rewarding journey for their little family, it's an amazingly heartfelt moment that will bring anyone to tears.

    “There are still more days to travel in this life. And he knows that the man who makes the journey has been shaped by every day and every person along the way. Scars are just another kind of memory… Soon enough the days will close over their lives, the grass will grow over their graves until their story is just an unvisited headstone.” - M.L. Stedman, The Light Between Oceans

    13 Jamming With Sing Street

    While this might not be for someone looking for a happy fairy tale, Sign Street bring realness in film to a new level. This film, technically a musical comedy-drama, covers the story of Robert Lalor who's struggling in his life. He's having a rough time with his job, his wife, and he adds to it all by excessive drinking and smoking. Sing Street seems like a film we'd all want to stay away from but once you watch it, you'll realize how badly you'd love to see the UK in the 80s, to see how things were so different, how people use to be, and how that compares to how they are today.

    “Did the Sex Pistols know how to play? You don't need to know how to play. Who are you, Steely Dan? You need to learn how NOT to play, Conor. That's the trick. That's rock and roll. And THAT… takes practice.” - Brendan From Sing Street

    12 Exploring The Jungle

    The Jungle Book, how could we leave behind this re-released classic tale! This fantasy story stays true to the original film, there's tons of adventure, beautiful locations, and so much action! Mowgli the little boy who's the star of the show, takes on a huge adventure with his animal guardians, trying to figure out what he wants in his life, all the while trying to stay alive. This film not only fills us with nostalgia, the remade version that's been released this year has us almost in tears because of how beautiful it looks. I'm sure once you see this film you'll be wishing you could join in on the fun they're all having! Not to mention the amazing voice actors that worked on this film as well, such as Christopher Walken and Bill Murray. How could we not want to run around the jungle floor with Mowgli and his animal pals? Count me in!

    11 Self Discovery

    Moonlight is a film that completely captures the struggle of life for a young black man living in Miami, but there's one reason why you would want to be a part of his journey. His self-discovery is on a level like no other, his life has given him a chance to explore who he really is and where he really wants to take his life. This story is told in a series of chapters, from a child to a teenager, and finally an adult. While this story isn't exactly something fun and light-hearted, it's a film that holds so many important messages. It's a film that's also a work of art, you can't help but want to sit down with the main character Chiron and talk with him about his life and his goals.

    “Ok. Let your head rest in my hand. Relax. I got you. I promise. I won't let you go. Hey man. I got you. There you go. Ten Seconds. Right there. You in the middle of the world.” - Juan From Moonlight

    10 Joking With Deadpool

    Switching it up with a bit of humor, how could anyone pass up an exchange of jokes with Deadpool? He's literally the master of humor himself! The film that was released this year is a superhero film gone wrong, it focuses on Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool who goes on a mission to cure his cancer, leaving his old life behind including the love of his life. The film covers many serious topics that aren't as humorous, but Deadpool never fails to bring the humor back into any situation, even when it might not be most appropriate!

    “You're probably thinking, "My boyfriend said this was a superhero movie but that guy in the suit just turned that other guy into an f-ing kabab!" Well, I may be super, but I'm no hero. And yeah, technically, this is a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is, a love story. And to tell it right… I gotta take you back to long before I squeezed this a$$ into red spandex.” - Deadpool

    9 Discovering Magical Creatures

    Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them is an amazingly innovative addition to the Harry Potter world. The tale follows the story of Newt Scamander and his life in the Harry Potter world, on a mission to find his escaped mythical creatures. The story doesn't exactly fall in line with the Harry Potter series, but it is definitely something this generation can get behind after falling in love with the classic HP series as a child. You'll want to join Newt Scamander's team and help him find his magical creatures before they cause harm or are harmed by muggles! It's a very nice thought to think we could actually visit the world of Harry Potter, I hope I'm not alone!

    “We're going to recapture my creatures before they get hurt. They're currently in alien terrain surrounded by millions of the most vicious creatures on the planet; humans.” - Newt Scamander

    8 The Neon Demon

    While some adrenaline junkies out there might appreciate this inclusion, The Neon Demon is a film that completely captures what it means to survive. The story surrounds a young aspiring model that's headed to Los Angeles, she captures many jealous individuals with her beauty and envy grows in the community she just became a part of. While this might not seem like the most pleasant story you'd want to be involved in, there's a single moment of when she enters the city of LA for the first time and she's in total amazement. That's a moment I want to feel and be a part of. Would you feel the same way about a place you've always wanted to visit? Would you want to join in on this film moment? Not to mention the beautiful filming that was put into this movie really does shine a new light on the city of dreams, Los Angeles.

    “You know what my mother used to call me? Dangerous. "You're a dangerous girl". She was right. I am dangerous.”

    7 Don't We All Love Dogs?

    Don't you just wish you had a wiener dog? The film Wiener Dog is a loving tale about a dog that's meant to be euthanized but saved by the vet. She takes him home for him to heal and be the wonderful dog he always has been. I always felt that if I was in that position to save a dog some family just threw away, I would in a heartbeat. This film perfectly captures the love that animal lovers have and express towards the little souls they care for. This story is a tale that's not all fun and smiles, but because of this box office hit, it's become one of many individuals go to film for the year. One moment I think we can all agree on that we'd love to share with the characters in this film is nursing the little wiener dog back to health, taking care of him, and being able to be the person that saved him when he was so close to the end.

    6 Love & Friendship

    A drama based on the novella 'Lady Susan', a story that focuses on romance and the year 1794.

    This period comedy film follows the lovely story that's one for the ages. A story that might seem typical for this kind of period piece, but with the added humor thrown into the mix it turns over a new leaf for this kind of film. The recently widowed Lady Susan goes on a journey to find a wealthy match for her only daughter, as well as a husband for herself. Since she's lost most of her own money and fortunes the need for this match is dire for her family to survive. This tale goes on to express the trials of love and wealth but just seeing the fashion of that era and the connection to family many had in that time period, among the beautiful landscapes and classical buildings, it's hard not wanting to jump into the story and play a part in the love story at hand.

    5 Hiding With The Wilderpeople

    Hunt For The Wilderpeople is a tale that surrounds the story of a family during a manhunt, while this light-hearted film might not have light-hearted themes, it sure makes us think it would be fun to be on the run with these characters. If you love a good sense of dark humor this one is for you! While the themes presented in this action packed old-school comedy-drama are a bit touchy, you'll find yourself just begging to get involved in the intricate plot while sharing jokes with the main characters. This movie has a lot of relatable moments and for that fact alone, you'll want to join in on the chaos! The beautiful nature that seems to be a lasting theme throughout this film is enough reason to be a part of this great moment in film.

    “Uncle, you're basically a criminal now. But on the bright side, you're famous.”

    4 A Classic

    Cafe Society is a story that is the definition of a rom-com!

    Bobby Dorfman, the youngest son in this film, to an NYC family in the 30s decides to move to Hollywood for something greater than what they have. He ends up taking a low paying job for his uncle Phil who's an agent at a talent management company. Throughout this film the life of Hollywood in the 30s shines brightly on the screen, all the glitz and glam you could ever want. Ending up bringing some of that glam back to NYC, the nightlife of the city is forever changed. That's a moment in this film and in history I'd love to visit for a night, to have the chance to see how New York City was transformed from drab to glam. With love and turmoil throughout this film, there's something for everyone, even a bit of deeper self-discovery as you watch the characters grow and develop. I just can't help but want to witness that creative change that altered NYC forever.

    3 Family Values

    Captain Fantastic just seems like the most beautiful film to jump into! When a family chooses to live in the forest, off the land, and thrive on their love for each other and their creativity and expression, you can't help but wonder if this is some kind of fantasy film. But it's not! Captain Fantastic is actually based off of a real story which actually makes me want to join in on the tale, even more when it comes to amazing film moments! The father of six children live deep in the wilderness of Washington state, isolated from society, raising their children to be smart and intellectual individuals. Focusing on critical thinking and being athletic, and forgoing technology all together. You can't help but wish you were a part of this amazing story. When you see how they live their life and the moment they share together, that's one of the most beautiful film moments I've seen in years.

    2 Only Yesterday

    Another addition to the Ghibli franchise and we can't get enough!

    Just thought I would add this classic even though it's from 1991 because of it's recent remastered version that was released earlier this year. The nostalgia is real with this film and it perfectly captures the beautiful fantasy that exists in all Studio Ghibli films. The story follows a woman who has lived in the city all her life and ends up venturing out to visit her family in the countryside, where she ends up meeting a young farmer. The beautiful hand painted backgrounds and drawn illustrations in this film really sends us back to the good ol' days of the studio. The most beautiful moment in this film is when Taeko the woman realizes her deep love for the young farmer Toshio, you can see the glimmer of hope and understanding, it makes most people come to tears when they watch this moving scene. We can only hope we find that feeling of love in our own lives.

    1 Doctor Strange

    How could we leave out one of the most impressive movies of the year!

    Mixing it up a bit and bringing back this list to a classic American superhero film that was released this year. Doctor Strange focuses on the story of Stephen Strange, a man that's just a regular guy and ends up being severely hurt in a car accident, losing his hand. He ends up seeking out a sorcerer to help him regain his strength when he was so close to giving up and that's the moment that I think we all would want to be a part of, to witness the beautiful power behind an individual's willpower. Seeing someone that can get through anything is seriously more inspiring that anything we generally see in the world today. Besides that this whole film is a film moment you most want to be a part of, it brings new and innovative ideas to the film industry and the world that this movie takes place in, while staying true to the Marvel universe, sheds a new light on the cities we inhabit today. Just making everything a bit more magical.