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    15 Films You Have To Watch With Your Tinder Date

    Balance is the one keyword and when it comes to choosing a film on a date, it is very important to remember. Figuring out the balance between chick-flicks and action-packed macho movies can be hard, but with this list, you will find understanding, not only for the film but for your date as well. With themes of self-discovery, love, horror, comedy, and the strange obscure films you would never watch with family, there's something for everyone on this list! All 15 of these films cover every category and combination that could tickle the fancy of those you meet on Tinder, (if they have great taste and if they're with you, they should!).

    Grab the blankets, snacks, your new Tinder date, and dive into a crazy movie marathon as unique as you are. You'll both be happy, you'll find things out about each other, and you'll have some brand new traditions!

    15 Charlie Countryman

    A bit obscure, but it's a great icebreaker if you're into cheeky comedy and tear-jerker films. Charlie Countryman follows the story of a man on a journey of self-discovery. Wrap your arm firmly around your Tinder date and get ready for a roller-coaster of emotions. Throughout his journey, he crosses many difficult decisions he must face, with friends and without. It will make you feel so invested you won't know what to do with yourself. Trust me. Charlie Countryman is just an average Joe living in the huge city of opportunity, Chicago, but he finds anything but opportunity. His mother passes, he sees her spirit, and she tells him to go to Bucharest. Not Budapest, Bucharest. He ends up on an adventure filled with real life challenges, death, exploration, love, and more. This film might help you figure out parts of your life you never thought to question, it's thought provoking and emotional, what else could you want? You never know, you might head to Bucharest!

    14 Scary Movie

    What a 360 right? Well, I remember a few years back my best friend had a date with a guy she met on Tinder, he showed her his movie collection and was obviously trying to convince her to watch Scary Movie with him, (his favorite movie). She thought he was insane! But she was wrong, watching it with your date really makes you see the film in a new light, it was a great opener to their relationship, and it's now a tradition to watch it on their anniversary. The movie is known as a classic in the film industry, but that doesn't mean that it's taken seriously. But do all dates have to be one hundred percent serious all the time too? Not on my watch. Sixteen years ago this comedy film directed by Keenen Ivory Wayans broke onto the big screens everywhere, filled with 90s style, drama, and a great soundtrack. Drew Decker a high school student gets a call he'll never forget, and if you haven't seen this film, you won't forget it either. Don't knock it till you try it!

    13 Tangerine

    This won't be for everyone, but this in-depth story of a life many of us don't know ourselves opens our eyes and hearts. Who better to open up with than your date. The day is always changing, ideas change, ethics have changed. Knowing that change is, 'okay' and figuring that out with your date could be the one thing that sets you apart from other failed Tinder dates. So what is there to lose? Not only is this film a beautiful piece of art in film history, It's also a huge feminist staple if you're into social justice and women's rights, give this a shot! You'll learn more than just your story you've come to know on a daily basis, you'll hopefully have a deeper understanding of the world around you after this fantastic film. The reviews might put you off, but that's why you need to watch it and form your own opinion, be independent! (with your date).

    12 Into The Wild

    Into The Wild has been in my top 3 favorite films list for years, never moving from its glorified spot. A story about leaving your possessions for the passion of exploration and happiness, sad and beautiful are two words I'd choose to simply describe this film. Into The Wild is a film that touches on the deepest most emotional levels, a story that will make you want to pause the movie and get up and do something adventurous with your date. The artistic expression behind this work of art will make you appreciate what you have, not just the material things, the things inside a person that really matter. It will give you a new perspective on life. And you'll probably watch it over and over again for years to come. If your date loves freedom, old western tunes, and reflecting on life as a whole to better themselves, give this film a try. You won't regret it.

    11 Hellraiser

    Demons, zombies, the underworld? Yes, please! Jam packed with supernatural body horror, you'll want to shield your eyes! Another film that's based on a novel, 'The Hellbound Heart', it has the writing of a literary genius. With hints of philosophical script, you'll be wondering if there's a deeper meaning behind this film. This gruesome and gory flick will keep you on the edge of your seat, your minds completely entranced as you watch the story unfold. Nowadays it might be a bit cliche, but the cliche is a guilty pleasure sometimes, right? This electro film really does stand tall in the history of horror, it's a must watch! Hellraiser is a horror classic if you're both into the macabre and love being scared (or having an excuse to bundle up close to each other) is there really any better film? Now go watch the whole series and fall asleep on the couch all day tomorrow! #DateGoals

    10 Moonrise Kingdom

    A tale of two lovebirds fleeing their New England home, with a dash of chaos and love, this film is one of my top favorites to this day. Yes, I know, another 360 when it comes to genres, but even if you love the horror and gore, I bet you'll fall in love with this soft and lighthearted film. Wes Anderson completely captures the idea of loving another and doing anything for them, as well as doing anything for happiness. The colors, environments, lighting, characters, everything about this film screams romance and adventure. You'll be soon packing your little bags together and heading off on an adventure to discover the world, this film is the epitome of inspiration and bringing a story to life. In a world so negative, we need more visual breaks like this film provides us with. Are you with an adventurous hopeless romantic, do you love hikes, coffee, and pastel colors? You already know what to do.

    9 V For Vendetta

    Is overthrowing the government a topic of discussion at dinner? Then you've stumbled across the best film recommendation you could hope for! The main character being a shadowy freedom fighter, known as “V”, plans to overthrow the government and expose all the secrets they've been hiding with the assistance from a young female protagonist. With mysteries of secret police, love, and everything that could possibly make your adrenaline spike through the roof, you'll want to sit down and enjoy this film. Or it might have the opposite effect and in no time you'll be scooping up your Tinder date and busting through windows and swinging on grappling hooks to beat down the oppressive government that's ruling your lives! You go! If you're a conspiracy theorist yourself, you've probably already watched this film, but watching it with your partner will be sure to become a tradition. So relax or don't, and enjoy this amazing piece of history that made us all feel like, maybe we aren't crazy!

    8 Dope

    Geeks being the underdog and rising up as an amazing individual is such a tug on the good ol' heartstrings, pair that with crime and drama, you have got a deal. The culture surrounding Los Angeles is near and dear to my heart so anything featuring this amazing place is a yes on my list. Dope follows the story of a geek who is trying to survive in a hard neighborhood, he goes to a party in LA, his life is now forever changed. He has his close friends with him for support and love, and this crime comedy is not missing any drama. Featuring celebrities like A$AP Rocky, Blake Anderson, and Zoe Kravitz, you know this star-filled film will make you cheer for the characters! Grab the popcorn for this 2 hour movie, full of action, wit, and great style. Not to mention the music is Dope, get it?

    7 Silver Linings Playbook

    Although more on the romantic side, this is anything but a chick-flick. Silver Linings Playbook is a story about a former teacher moving back with his parents, trying to reconnect with his ex-wife. I'm sure you can imagine some of the drama, but it doesn't end there. He ends up meeting a mysterious girl with baggage of her own. If you're past your 20s, this might be the perfect feel good film for you and your date. Not only was the novel amazing, this film completely captures everything from the book, unlike some film adaptations. Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper are really a perfect couple as well if I say so myself. It has a bit of everything mixed together, the perfect balance.

    “The only way you can beat my crazy was by doing something crazy yourself. Thank you. I love you. I knew it the minute I met you. I'm sorry it took so long for me to catch up. I just got stuck.”

    #Relatable right?

    6 Sharknado

    No, don't laugh, just hear me out! You are probably thinking, 'Keely, I don't know you, but if you recommend this, then I really don't want to know you.' I get it, truly, but if you give this film a try, you'll understand. Sometimes watching stupid s**t with a new date is the only way to really spark a sense of being comfortable around each other. This film should tell you the strength of being able to create what you want and it actually works out a complete inspiration! In all seriousness, the creation of this film really shows how you can make something out of nothing, when Sharknado was released, it was made by a group of friends just for a laugh, and now they're filmmakers. It's funny being able to reach into the deeper ideas of this film, but it's true! Sharknado as you all probably know as the movie with flying sharks, could be so much more!

    Plus after you finish the first one, you can watch the next two! How exciting!

    5 Across The Universe

    You know how I said earlier how Into The Wild was in my top three films, well so is Across The Universe. Tales from the 60s, the worn torn state the US was in during Vietnam, the sacrifices the time this music was born was surrounded by, it's a glimpse into a very harsh reality, one we will probably never experience. You'll laugh, you'll swoon, you'll cry, but it's all worth it. You'll be buying this on DVD soon after, and you'll protect that DVD with your life, I would know. If you and your date both have The Yellow Submarine on Vinyl (which you should know by now), then you'll be able to appreciate the intricate renditions of Beatles classics in this musical film.

    “Hate to mess with your groove, New York, but we're about two years ahead of you on the Coast. We already graduated from "what's been going on" to "where it's gone".”

    4 Good Will Hunting

    Self-discovery might be a running theme in this list, but if you think about it, most films have an ounce of it thrown in. While it might be the major theme of Good Will Hunting, this tale of two friends, teacher, and student, develop in a way that can easily inspire the friendship that should be a part of your romantic partner. This work of art will inspire you more than you might realize this second, it will have an everlasting effect on your date and yourself. The connection between you and your date will be sure to bond over this amazing film. A memoir for Robin Williams, you'll see the true expression of his character on the screen, it'll be like he's the one speaking to you and giving life advice. Good Will Hunting is something you'll learn from and is a film you'll probably never forget the impact it will have on you.

    3 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

    The perfect “weird” love story award goes to Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. This film filled with drama, fantasy, sci-fi, and romance, shares the intimate details behind a procedure to have memories erased about the protagonist's relationship, only to rediscover what they fell in love with from the start. The screen will be filled with cigarettes, colored hair, crying, love, and much much more. If you're someone like me who falls in love with the idea of embracing sadness and all the emotions that come with the life we live, you'll be sure to add this movie to your top favorite list. This estranged couple lost in this psychological thriller will have you wrapped around their finger, both hating and loving their roles and their lives, their decisions, and outcomes. Having a fresh start might ring true to you and your date, not in the literal sense like this film, but still, the sentiment is there.

    2 Pulp Fiction

    Classic. Pulp Fiction will be an action packed time with dark humor and a taste of violence. If you know the Tarantino films, you'll most likely sing along to the soundtrack and it's a plus if your date does too. The perfect way to discover if it's meant to be! If you're a huge Quentin Tarantino fan, you'll have seen this film and know that no matter how many times you've seen it, it only gets better with time. Like wine! So grab a glass and enjoy the story of this film that you've come to memorize and love.

    “Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers.”

    A quote we should all know by heart.

    1 The Holiday

    A romantic comedy that you will both fall in love with. The story of betrayal, romance, and spontaneity, The Holiday checks all the boxes when it comes to a chick-flick. With the holidays arriving quickly, the snowy atmosphere in which this movie takes place will not only make you feel cozy, the plot is as thick as that hot chocolate in your hand. The perfect holiday movie to watch with your Tinder date if you don't want something completely 'happy-go-lucky', knowing that these kind of films exist still to this day reminds us all that innocence isn't lost and that chick-flicks aren't that bad. In all seriousness, this film will melt your heart, it will bring a sense of joy and happiness that come from watching such lighthearted works of film. If you're able to convince your Tinder date to watch this film with you, you'll know they're the one!