Laman » Hiburan » 15 Kardashian Moments You Didn't Know Were Faked

    15 Kardashian Moments You Didn't Know Were Faked

    Say what you will about the Kardashians but you can't ignore the fact that most of the stuff that happens on their show is faked for the cameras. We've seen enough bad reality TV shows to know that nobody's lives are interesting enough for television. However, there are some reality stars who know how to make their lives entertaining and interesting for their viewers and the Kardashians are the best of the best. All it takes is some editing, fake drama, and a lot of lying. The thing about the Kardashians is that, for the most part, they're real about being fake. Kris Jenner herself has admitted to supervising the final cuts before they aired and it has also been confirmed that the Kardashians and Jenners will re-shoot a scene if they feel like they don't look their best.

    Sure it may all be for show but it's a very popular show. Keeping Up with the Kardashians is one of the most successful reality TV shows of all time and considering how many random, untalented people have reality shows, that's really saying something. There's a reason why this show is so popular and it's all based on lies--a lot of lies. Even the worst actors are good at causing drama and the vainer the person is, the easier it is for them to lie to the camera in order to get good ratings. They may have an extravagant lifestyle but their whole (mostly fake) life is on display for the world to see and, in the long run, exclusivity and mystery holds up a lot more than fake drama. Here are biggest lies that the Kardashians and Jenners have ever told us.

    15 Kris Jenner's House is Not Really Her House

    We shouldn't have been surprised that Kris Jenner's home on the show is not really her home in real life but it wasn't confirmed until the Jenner house went up for sale and people noticed that the interior shots of the house didn't match the interior of the house that appears on the show. This forced the Kardashians to come clean. According to Kim, the homes that you see on the show are 100% fake, at least when it comes to the exteriors. The reason why they shoot the exterior shots in other locations is for security reasons since fans had shown up at her own home that appeared on the show at all hours of the night which forced her to move. However, the Kardashians confirmed that the interior shots are actually filmed in their own home, it's a little difficult to believe them.

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    14 Kim Never Really Lost her Diamond Earring

    When Kris Humphries was dumped by Kim Kardashian, he was not happy and though his vengeance was swift, it wasn't very effective. According to Humphries one of these fake events happened during the incident in Bora Bora when he playfully threw her into the water. When Kim emerged from the water, she started screaming that she had lost one of her diamond earrings that cost $75,000. Somehow, one of Kim's sisters managed to find the earring at the bottom of the ocean and retrieve it. When Humphries mentioned to Kim how implausible that was, Kim just said, "I know," with a smile on her face. That was reason enough for Humphries but the rest of us should have been tipped off when it only took them a few minutes to find an earring in on the ocean floor that was about eight feet deep.

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    13 Kris Missed Her Family In Cuba… After They Had Already Returned

    It's true that the Kardashians did go to Cuba and enjoyed some Cuban cigars during their trip, but what Kris Jenner had to say about it was absolutely not true. Since Kylie Jenner and Kris were much too busy to go vacationing in Cuba with Kylie doing photoshoots and Kris doing… whatever it is she does. In an episode of KUWTK, Kris visits Kylie while she's doing a photoshoot and laments to her youngest daughter about how much she misses her family while they were in Cuba and that she wishes that she could talk to them. Here's the thing though… when this scene was filmed, the rest of the Kardashian family had already been back from Cuba for over two weeks. This is just one of many continuity (or Kontinuity) errors on the show.

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    12 Kim and Kris' Fake Wedding

    It's obvious now that the Kim Kardashian/Kris Humphries relationship was doomed from the start but the fact that their marriage was a total sham was not so obvious, especially not to Humphries. First of all, People magazine gave them $1.5 million for their wedding photos AND $300,000 for an exclusive on their engagement announcement. Secondly, they received amazing sponsorship deals for their wedding which included the dress, the ring, and even the invitations. The most damning piece of evidence, of course, are the court docs which revealed that the marriage scenes were "scripted, reshot, and edited" for ratings. Also, the marriage only lasted 72 days which doesn't necessarily mean that it was fake but it definitely was fake, but as far as Kim was concerned, it was definitely fake. It probably wasn't so fake for Humphries.

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    11 The Conversation Between Kris and Kim

    This emotional heart-to-heart chat between Kim and Kris was full of drama and heartbreak but it was also full of BS. The chat takes place in the back of a limo with the windows covered so we can't see out and it was supposed to have taken place in October of 2011 before the divorce. However, there were photos taken of both Kim and Kris in December (after the divorce) wearing the same outfits they were wearing in this scene. The photos were taken as the two were leaving the TV studio which means it's totally plausible that they filmed the scene in the studio and the windows are covered up so we can't see that they're driving around a studio lot. They should have at least changed their clothes before they left the studio in order to throw us off the scent but they're not known for their brains.

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    10 Scott Didn't Really Go to Rehab

    In 2015, Scott Disick checked himself into rehab after a weekend full of partying and said that he was speaking treatment for things "bigger than" himself and even the rehab facility sent out what looked like a totally legit press release. However, according to various reports, Scott was paid to check into rehab. We really shouldn't have any doubts that he was paid to go to rehab since legitimate rehab facilities don't make a habit out of making press releases. Since the facility where Scott went was for Iboga treatment, a trendy psychedelic drug that supposedly helps to help patients understand and overcome their problems and addictions, we can rest assured that this was an endorsement deal and nothing more. Promoting Fitea is one thing but making light of a situation as serious as addiction is just plain wrong but it's not like Scott is known for his morality.

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    9 Kim's Charity Work

    In 2013, Kim decided to clear out her closet and sell her goods on eBay. The proceeds were intended to go to the International Medical Corps (IMC) but fans were outraged to find that only 10% of the proceeds actually went to charity. Apparently, she didn't learn her lesson because she did the same thing again when she put her clothes up for sale on eBay and only 10% went to charity. However, this time the money went to the church of the pastor who married Kim and Kanye, Rich Wilkerson, Jr. who is not your typical pastor. Him and his wife have a reality show called Rich in Faith but they also appear to be rich in money since they spend the majority of the time hanging out with Justin Bieber and partying on yachts. So basically, the 10% helped fund the extravagant lifestyle of this Rich guy named Rich. This whole situation is very, very fake.

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    8 Kris' Fake Granddaughter

    Before Khloe Kardashian tried and failed to be a talk show host with Kocktails with Khloe, Kris Jenner tried to be a talk show host herself. In an attempt to boost ratings, Kris posted a photo on social media with the caption: "You never know who will stop by our show today! #WatchKris." This happened just a few weeks after Kim gave birth to North and viewers wondered if the newborn would actually make her debut on her grandma's boring talk show. Unfortunately for Kris, Kim would never allow that. It turns out that the baby who Kris was holding belonged to one of the hair stylists on the show and not to Kim and Kanye. It goes without saying that viewers were very disappointed. The whole ordeal was very desperate and very, very fake.

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    7 Kim's Infamous Meltdown

    Kim has had many legendary meltdowns on the show but few are as unforgettable as the time when Kris and Khloe covered her house in toilet paper while she was pregnant with North back in 2013. The infamous meltdown was supposedly staged. However, if this scene was actually scripted, it makes you wonder why someone couldn't have written something better than, "I know how I feel why would you say that? Like, you put me in such an uncomfortable situation." It's not very good writing. Still, it seems pretty clear that this whole situation was faked because when Kim fake-cries, she doesn't close her eyes all of the way and there's a reason for that which we'll fill you in on in another entry. Fake or not, this meltdown is hilarious and it will never be forgotten.

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    6 Kylie and Tyga's Friendship

    Tyga is a total creep who is attracted to underage girls which is disgusting. The two first met at Kendall Jenner's 16th birthday party when Kylie was only 14. When she was 17, the two were definitely dating though they were trying to keep it low-key--but they didn't try very hard. The two were posting photos of each other on social media, attending events together, and getting photographed together by the paparazzi… all while she was underage. Though their relationship was 100% real, the notion that they were "just friends" until she turned 18 was not real at all. Though Kylie has had so much work done to look like an adult including, lip fillers, cheek fillers, a nose job, and a boob job, that doesn't mean she's an adult and something should have been done about her relationship with Tyga a long time ago. The fact that their relationship was allowed to go on as long as it did is a travesty.

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    5 The Fake Proposal

    Considering how meticulous Kim Kardashian is about her image, it's not hard to believe that she was the one who planned her boyfriend's "surprise" proposal. In the deposition, the producer of the show, Russell Jay testified that much of the show was reshot and edited and the proposal, in particular, had to be reshot because Kim "didn't like how her face looked." The deposition also revealed that many of the scenes featuring Humphries were edited so that he would look like the villain in the situation. This includes the episode where Humphries and Scott upset Kim when they throw a party in her hotel room and made her question their relationship. If the deposition is to be believed, Kim knew about the party the whole time and was actually there for most of it. Humphries definitely saw a lot of the lies that go on behind-the-scenes first-hand and we want to know everything!

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    4 Kim's Slim Figure

    Though it is not as unlikely for Kim and Chyna to be friends as it is for Chyna and Kylie to be besties, it still has to be a little awkward since Kim married Amber Rose's (Chyna's best friend) ex-boyfriend (Kanye West). Though the two have been friends for years and they reconnected when she started dating Rob. The two took photos together of their matching booties. Though it may not seem obvious at first, if you look closely, you can totally tell where Kim Photoshopped her Instagram pic because doors don't usually curve like that. Kim may have a rockin' bod but don't let its perfection fool you. Though we all know that photos of Kim in magazines are edited and retouched, it's easy to forget that the photos on social media are Photoshopped as well. However, the Photoshop fails on social media are much more obvious since they're done by amateurs.

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    3 Rob Kardashian's New Girlfriend

    Though this may not have been a lie told by a Kardashian, it was a lie told about a Kardashian. After Rob Kardashian and his fiancé and baby mama, Blac Chyna broke up, there were rumors that Rob was hooking up with a woman named Mehgan James. What you should know about Mehgan James (besides the fact that the spelling of her name is totally bonkers) is that she was on Basketball Wives and Bad Girls Club and rumor has it that she was the one who planted the story even though she acted like she was the victim in the situation. Since the number of Instagram followers doubled in a week for James, it seems pretty clear that it was all part of her plan. She also helped to put fuel on the fire when she posted a photo on Instagram wearing socks from Rob's collection. Since the Kardashians are professional liars, some people may think it's fair to lie about them too.

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    2 Kylie and Blac Chyna's Friendship

    When Rob and Blac Chyna got together, the idea of a family reunion made us all cringe. The fact that Kylie was dating Chyna's ex-fiancé and baby daddy, Tyga, and now Rob was dating Chyna who was the mother of his sister's boyfriend's son made everyone's head spin. There were some who believed that Chyna only hooked up with Rob to get back at Kylie, it's unfair to assume that she had a relationship and had a child out of pure spite. Regardless how spiteful the entire situation was when Kylie and Chyna posted photos together something felt off. There was no way that these two were "best friends the whole time." Though it would be nice to believe that they did this in order to make ease the tension, it seemed more like a publicity stunt. Now that Kylie is broken up with Tyga and Chyna is broken up with Rob, these two don't seem to be "best friends" anymore.

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    1 Kim's Crying

    We already know that, according to the producer of the show, the proposal was reshot and much of the scenes involving Humphries were edited in order to make him look like a villain but the producer also hinted at something else. Though he did not say for sure, the producer implied that Kim uses a chemical irritant tool called a tear stick in order to make herself cry for the camera. How the tear stick works is that it releases menthol vapors that stream into the person's eyes which produce immediate tears. However, just because the tears are real doesn't mean that the crying is real. You can see from the photos above that Kim is just barely keeping her eyes open while tears fall out. It seems like she still hasn't mastered the fake crying yet and it proves that all her meltdown moments are 100% fake.

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