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    15 New Year's Resolutions For Our Fave Celebs

    We love staying up to date with the Hollywood hubbub, but sometimes we have to admit that what our fave stars are up to can be truly cringe-worthy. That is why we've created a list of 15 New Year's Resolutions that we would love to see our favorite celebrities adopt in 2017. While we don't mean any shade to Hollywood royalty, there may be a thing or two that could actually benefit celebrities and help them have a brighter year in 2017. From the need to have more shirtless Ryan Gosling scenes to Jennifer Aniston needing her own sitcom, these resolutions are bound to make the world a better place, both for the celebrities and the rest of us average people. We're determined to make 2017 a much better year than 2016 (and that shouldn't be too hard, given how bad 2016 was), and these resolutions are just the beginning.

    15 Ryan Reynolds And Blake Lively: Share More Photos Of Their Adorable Family

    Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively (aka the best Hollywood couple of all time) have been vocal about their want for privacy regarding their family life. They have criticized the media for taking photos of celebrities with their young children without permission. So it's no surprise the couple has yet to share any pictures of their little girls on social media. The only glimpses we've seen of James and Ines are during red carpet events (or illicit paparazzi photos). All celebrity families deserve privacy in their personal lives, so we respect Blake and Ryan's decision to not post photos of their family. But we can't help but hope they'll be a little bit more active on social media with their family photos. Their family is literally #goals, so we'd love to have a few more family shots to ooh and awww over. Both Ryan and Blake are extremely photogenic, so we can't wait to see if their little ones inherited their good looks and poise!

    14 'Gilmore Girls' Cast And Crew: New Episodes Pronto

    Gilmore Girls fans may have gotten four new movie-length episodes in November 2016, and all we know is that we need more. One of our more serious wishes for 2017 is that the entire Gilmore Girls cast and crew will reunite to give us more episodes. With a cliff-hanger ending, fans have been demanding that Netflix produce more episodes so we can see what happened to our beloved characters as many stories were left unfinished. If Netflix's tweets are hints, then there may be a possibility that the Stars Hollow gang will be back together once again. We are crossing our fingers that the cast will agree to film more episodes. We know it is a big time commitment, but the fandom is holding our breath that 2017 will bring even more GG action into our lives. Because come on. We can't be left with those final four words, it's just not fair.

    13 'S.A.T.C 3': Needs To Happen Or SJP Needs To Stop Talking About It

    S.A.T.C fans were very lucky to have six years of the television show but a full-length feature movie in 2008 and a sequel in 2010! So it's safe to say the fandom was satisfied with the past reprisals of the show, but that doesn't mean they don't want more. Sarah Jessica Parker, who played the famous Carrie Bradshaw, has hinted that another movie is a possibility. Or, well, at least she's said that she would want to star in it. We'd love another S.A.T.C movie grace the big screen. But, if this was just Sarah talking about something that isn't on anyone else's minds, then we think her resolution should be to stop talking about this and move on for good. It's not fair to keep fans on the edge of their seat hoping to see their favorite characters alive again. Stop taunting us and just tell us if this is a dream come true or not.

    12 Zayn Malik And One Direction: Get Back Together

    We love that Zayn has branched out and started his own solo music career. Let's be real, "Pillow Talk" was an absolute masterpiece. But we can't help but miss the days that Zayn and One Direction were a thing. The band definitely hasn't been the same since he left. We're totally hoping that 2017 will be the year where Zayn and One Direction reconnect, even if it's just for a song or two. Zayn said that a lack of expressive freedom was one of the reasons that he took a break from the band and it seems like he's super happy thanks to his successful solo career and his adorable relationship with Gigi Hadid. We definitely don't want Zayn to give up on his current musical aspirations, but we would welcome a collaboration between Zayn and his former band mates in 2017, too. Fingers crossed! We think this would be awesome.

    11 Jennifer Aniston: Star On A New Sitcom

    Sitcoms just have not been the same since Friends went off the air, and you can only binge watch the show so many times on Netflix. That is why we think Jennifer Aniston, who of course played the lovable Rachel Green, needs to star in a new sitcom ASAP. Several of her former castmates have gone on to star in their own TV shows including Courtney Cox and Matt LeBlanc. Jennifer has had a highly successful career on the silver screen since her sitcom days, so just imagine how successful a show starring her could be. We would definitely binge watch a sitcom with this funny lady the day it was released on Netflix, so we are hoping someone makes this a reality soon. Netflix was the mastermind behind the Gilmore Girls revival and Fuller House, so if anyone can make this resolution happen, it is Netflix. Are you listening?!

    10 Justin Bieber: Stop Making Questionable Fashion Choices

    Not only has Justin Bieber done a lot of questionable things this past year (okay, make that years plural), he's also worn a lot of questionable things. From shirts that go down to his knees to shorts that go past his knees, we get that The Biebs enjoys the baggy trend. But it doesn't look all that chic when it seems like none of his clothes fit him very well (or at all). Not to mention that he definitely needs to stop it with the fur. He's hurting innocent animals wearing it… and he's hurting our eyes because that's one fashion trend he can't pull off. We're hoping this year that Justin plays it a bit safe when it comes to his fashion choices. There was once a time he was the object of every teen girl's affection and, while many of us would still jump at the chance to be with him, his poor fashion taste is definitely not helping his former heartthrob status. Hopefully, 2017 will be a year of better fashion choices for Justin because we don't know how his wardrobe could get any worse. But we still love you, Justin!

    9 Shonda Rimes: Stop Doing Bad Things To Our Beloved 'Grey's Anatomy' Characters

    If we didn't know better, we would say that Shonda Rhimes loves to see the doctors on Grey's Anatomy suffer. Grey's is one of the best shows and one of the most beloved ones at that, but it's safe to say that in recent seasons, its plotlines have become unrealistic and even repetitive. Shonda is infamous for killing off almost every character and making the rest of the surviving characters go through horrible things. From airplane crashes to unnecessary car accidents, we just wish she would give Meredith and the gang a break! We're definitely hoping to see less drama on the show in 2017. We'd love to see the show focus more on the individual stories of the patients in each episode instead of drawing out an exaggerated story arc for an entire season. Meredith definitely deserves some happiness in her life (after all, we're still not over Derek's death), so maybe 2017 is the year that woman finally gets a break. We're hoping Shonda agrees with us.

    8 Jennifer Lawrence: Stop Tripping During Award Shows

    Leave it to Jennifer Lawrence to be the most relatable celebrity out there and that includes being clumsy like all of us. The actress is famous for tripping and falling during multiple awards shows, so we're making her New Years resolution to work on her balance! As much as she handles her clumsiness with grace and poise, we're sure she'd agree that it would be an accomplishment to go through the awards season without any unexpected falls. With that being said, we never want Jennifer to change her down to earth, easygoing nature. We love that she can laugh at herself and poke fun of her own clumsiness. Even if this is the year she learns to walk a bit better in heels, she better not lose her good sense of humor (and even better sense of style). Awards season may be a little less funny if JLaw isn't tripping and making fun of herself, but we're sure her knees will be a bit less bruised… and she'll probably be pretty happy about that.

    7 Lena Dunham: Stop Making Controversial Comments

    We were so on board with Lena Dunham when she first came onto the scene. Her show Girls challenged traditional norms of beauty and attempted to paint a realistic picture of what life is like for the average young woman in her 20s. Though we can still appreciate the show, Lena's recent comments to the media have become too controversial and even offensive. While it's one thing to make a slip of the tongue or not express yourself properly every now and then, Lena doesn't seem to understand the gravity that some of her comments have had. For example, after she released her memoir, Lena faced criticism for a passage where she described touching her baby sister's lady parts when she was a child. Even though Lena and her sister have said it's not inappropriate, the Internet said otherwise. Lena has recently gotten in hot water for saying that, though she'd never had an abortion, she wished she did have one so she could speak on behalf of a pro-choice charity that had approached her. Many women took offense as abortion is one thing you never really wish you'll need. In short, Lena needs to stop opening her mouth before thinking because her words are powerful and sometimes harmful.

    6 Ryan Gosling: Shirtless In Movies

    Even though he became a dad for the second time recently, there has been no shortage of Ryan Gosling movies hitting theaters, so we've definitely had our fill. But what we're really hoping 2017 will bring is more shots of Ryan with his shirt off. Everyone knows that Ryan is the epitome of boyfriends everywhere and, while we will never get a chance to witness his good looks in person, we can get a hint of it on the big screen. And that's why there needs to be more scenes with a shirtless Ryan Gosling. Thanks to his adorable boyish face to ridiculously good physique, we would love to see more of Ryan's abs come the new year, so we're hoping Hollywood makes this a resolution. To any directors or producers listening, the public would love more opportunities for a shirtless Gosling, so we're crossing our fingers that you make this happen. Do you realize how well a movie that featured only Ryan Gosling without a shirt would do? There's a good chance it would win an Oscar.

    5 Kelly Ripa: Host Her Own Show

    It's about time that Kelly Ripa doesn't need a co-host because she can host Live! all by herself! The show has been on the air since 1983, but since Michael Strahan left to host Good Morning America, the blonde host has had 59 different guest co-hosts during the past 127 episodes. While we love guessing who the next co-host will be and seeing Kelly's dynamic with each of the guests, it's about time someone realizes that she is an independent woman and doesn't need anyone to help her host a show that she's been doing for decades. We want to see the show become Kelly's in 2017. While we wouldn't mind if she has celebrity co-host guests ever once and a while, she can do a fine job on her own. It's tough watching her trying to get used to a new host all the time, and you can tell she agrees with us when we say she's qualified to take on the job by herself. There are tons of successful solo female hosts on talk shows, so we're not sure why it's taken Hollywood so long to realize Kelly can be one, too.

    4 Kanye West: Write A Book

    Whether you think he's crazy or an underrated genius, it's hard to deny that Kanye West's antics are anything less than entertaining. From comparing himself to Jesus Christ to asking the public to help him pay off his debt (we're still pretty sure he's ridiculously rich), Kanye has said a lot of things to the media that make us scratch our heads. We often wonder if he's just playing into an image, or if Kanye actually believes the things he publicly says. That's why we think 2017 is the year Kanye could write a book. Regardless if what he says even makes sense, we're sure it would be hella entertaining. It would also help him get more publicity since the media loves to cover anything the rapper does. And we're sure the Kardashians, who are his famous in-laws now that he's married to Kim, would love the publicity, too. We know we'd purchase a book written by Kanye just to get a glimpse of what's going on inside his eccentric mind.

    3 Drake And Rihanna: Make Music Together (And More)

    Our dreams came true for a short time when Drake and Rihanna seemed to be dating earlier in 2016. The duo has released tons of music throughout the past year, and each one is better than before. 2016's duet “Too Good” still has us dancing our butts off. But it appears that the duo's romantic affair died as quickly as it started, making us wonder if we're ever going to hear any more duets from these iconic musicians. We're hoping that 2017 surprises us with new music from Rihanna and Drake because we need a new anthem to get us ready for summer. While we also kind of wish the two would get back together (since we're convinced they've always been right for each other), we'd happily settle for some new music. The romance between RiRi and Drizzy may be over, but we hope the same can't be said for their musical collaborations.

    2 Liam Hemsworth And Miley Cyrus: Keep Adopting Adorable Rescue Animals

    2016 was the year that Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth got back together. The couple was engaged several years back after meeting on the set of The Last Song, but after a few years, they called it quits, citing scheduling and communication difficulties. We always secretly hoped the two would reunite and they finally made it Instagram official when they posted photos together where Miley was obviously wearing her engagement ring. The best part is that these two are known for adopting rescue animals. Miley is a huge lover and it seems like Liam is the same way. They're always adding new animals to their growing brood and sharing the exciting news on social media. We hope the couple adopts even more furry friends in 2017 because, not only does it make for ridiculously cute Instagrams, but it's amazing that they're adopting animals who desperately need forever homes.

    1 Michelle Obama: Plan Her Presidential Campaign

    A lot of people are saying that 2016 was the worst year ever… especially if you were unhappy with the results of the American Presidential Election. That's why we think Michelle Obama really needs to start working on her presidential campaign for the next election. The former First Lady has already said she's not interested in running for president, but we know she'd make an incredible leader. Of course, she would also be the first female president and it's about time we have a lady in the oval office. We hope Michelle realizes how perfect she is for the job. Not only is she a Harvard graduate with an amazing professional career, she's also been right by her husband's side during his presidency, so she totally knows all the ins and outs of the political realm. She's also a devoted mother and activist, making her even more qualified for the presidency. We hope Michelle realizes how much we need her in the office this coming year and starts making plans for her own campaign!