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    15 Reasons You Should Be Watching 'Bachelor In Paradise'

    Mondays can be a real drag, so it definitely helps to have something to look forward to that will help get you through the day. Unwinding with some comfy yoga pants, a glass of wine, and some quality TV time sounds kind of amazing, doesn't it? If you're in search of serious prime time entertainment, look no further: this season of Bachelor In Paradise is pretty much the best thing that has ever happened to reality television. If you haven't seen an episode of this amazing gem yet, you should probably set aside some time to start binge watching right now. Want to know more? The show takes a mix of everyone's favorite (and least favorite) cast-offs from past seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette and puts them all together on an exotic tropical island, where the main objective is to date each other and find love. If the love-seeking hopefuls fail to receive a coveted rose from a member of the opposite sex, they are sent packing. Combine crazy former reality TV contestants with the shared goal of competing for affection (along with the temptation of an open bar) and you have the recipe for a show that you definitely don't want to miss. Here are fifteen reasons why you should totally be watching Bachelor In Paradise this season.

    15 The Chad Factor

    If you've seen the most recent edition of The Bachelorette, you're definitely familiar with the endearing villain, Chad Johnson. Chad made a name for himself on Jojo's season by being arrogant, offensive, cocky, rude, crude… and downright unapologetic about all of it. Though he was full of unlikable qualities, he was the main source of comedic relief on the show. Chad was the undisputed king of quotable one-liners, the central source of drama, and lover of all things protein. The muscle man was convinced that despite calling Jojo “naggy” right to her face and constantly threatening the well-being of his cast mates, that he would still walk away a winner. Unfortunately for Chad, things didn't quite pan out in his favor, but he did score himself a ticket to Paradise in the process. While Chad's time in paradise is short-lived, he provides viewers with at least a solid two hours of pure, unadulterated entertainment. There isn't a single person who's safe from Hurricane Chad… even the host, Chris Harrison, finds himself in the line of fire. This guy is a total ticking time bomb and an absolute train wreck… but we can't seem to look away.

    14 The Love Triangles

    If you've ever been torn between two different people each vying for your heart, you can totally understand the problems that come along with being caught in a love triangle. When you turn the quest for love into a full-blown competitive sport, there's bound to be a few love triangles created in the process. So far, there are already a few of these complicated relationships already brewing, such as the one between Amanda Stanton and long-standing rivals Josh Murray and Nick Viall. According to the trailer for this season, there promises to be a few more tangled webs to weave. We can't wait for the drama to go down when Jared Haibon gets caught in the middle of two lovely ladies - Bachelor In Paradise returnee Ashley Iaconetti (who won't seem to take 'no' for an answer) and former Bachelorette hopeful, Caila Quinn. We're pretty confident that producers are probably keeping a few more tricks up their sleeve this season and a couple of other triumvirates will have to choose a side as the series unfolds. Do yourself a favor and indulge in this total guilty pleasure of a show.

    13 The Scramble To Get A Rose

    One thing that has always been consistent on every season of The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and Bachelor In Paradise is that the rose always knows. The rules are pretty simple: if you don't get a rose, you get sent home. This obviously causes a lot of strain for a number of singles who haven't already found themselves coupled up before a rose ceremony. Of course, even if contestants don't see themselves finding a potential match in paradise, they definitely don't want to be sent packing. After all, who would want to leave paradise prematurely and get back to reality? Men and women alike do whatever it takes to receive a rose… even if it means lying, manipulating, and stealing someone else's love interest right from under them. If you haven't already guessed, this makes for some pretty interesting reality TV. The scramble to get a rose sometimes results in a full-blown battle of the sexes… and it's an absolute spectacle to watch.

    12 The Messy Breakups

    Breakups basically never go smoothly, and just because this show takes place in 'paradise' doesn't mean that everything is heavenly. Just like in the real dating world, there are bound to be more than a couple of messy breakups every now and then. This is super common on Bachelor In Paradise, simply because producers make sure to always have a seemingly endless supply of other options to tempt contestants with. Even if someone might be super content and coupled up, the island always has new love-seeking hopefuls arrive on a regular basis. Well, at least you know it will never get boring because this show really knows how to shake things up! There have been countless occasions on past seasons where a person would get completely blindsided because their partner decides to ditch them to try their luck with the latest arrival to the island. This can be a bummer for the heartbroken contestant, but it makes for some thrilling television.

    11 The Shock Value

    Yup, that's right. We're talking about actual marriage proposals that come from this hot mess of a show. Despite all of the wild hijinks that plays out during the course of their time spent in paradise, could it be possible for couples to actually find true love? The shocking answer to that question is a hands-down “yes”. You see, there have already been a number of men who have picked out a Neil Lane ring and gotten down on one knee on past seasons of Bachelor In Paradise, and this season promises to be no different. In fact, there is a largely spread rumor that a stunning three couples will actually become engaged at the end of this season (but you'll have to actually tune in to find out who was lucky in love). If you're not buying into the hype and still aren't convinced that these couples are the real deal, think again. Last summer, Jade Roper accepted Tanner Tolbert's proposal and the happy couple actually said their “I do's” later that year. Of course, it was all televised for a very highly-anticipated Bachelor Wedding special, but that's beside the point. It's super clear that real love can bloom in paradise after all.

    9 The Beach Bodies

    Even if reality dating shows aren't exactly your cup of tea, who can really say no to gazing at some seriously in-shape beach bods? One look at the chiseled abs and the toned physiques will leave you wondering why they're even single in the first place - well, until they start talking at least. All Bachelor shows are full of gratuitous shots of shirtless men and bikini-clad women, and who doesn't love a little eye candy? They're hot, single, and ready to mingle… and they're basically on a really expensive tropical vacation while the whole world watches. There's no denying that these reality stars are ripped, and you might even find yourself developing a little crush or two. It goes without saying that only seriously good looking people apply to be on this show, but it's not like we're complaining. We love everything about Bachelor In Paradise, but the beach bodies are super high up on the list.

    8 It's On Twice A Week

    Have you ever watched an episode of your favorite show only to be left wanting more once it ends? Well, Bachelor In Paradise has got you covered, and you'll never feel unfilled after watching a weekly double-feature/ This show is so good that it's on back-to-back every week, with both Monday and Tuesday night airing a two-hour episode. Viewers wanted a whole lot more of Bachelor In Paradise and it's safe to say they got their wish. This reality show provides hours upon hours of excitement. Trust us, it's so captivating that even your BF won't mind settling in for a couple of hours and watching the drama unfold. Like we've said before - there's so much happening on this show, so it must be hard to compact it all into one weekly episode. There's so many love games being played, romances forming, and hearts shattering that you really do need more than your average dose of this one. If you're someone who doesn't have any plans on Monday and Tuesday nights, try penciling in a hot date with Paradise.

    7 It's Like 'The Bachelor'… But Better

    If you are one of the millions of people who are hooked on shows like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, then you'll definitely enjoy Bachelor In Paradise. While the aforementioned series only air in winter and fall, Bachelor In Paradise will tide you over all summer long. The basis of this show it to bring back all of the former contestants that you know and love (and in some cases, love to hate). It combines the greatness of both The Bachelor and The Bachelorette by adding a handful of both men and women to a tropical paradise. The difference, however, is that they aren't all vying for the same person… which undoubtedly mixes things up in the best way possible. It definitely will fulfill all of your Bachelor needs with a little added summer flare. On top of all that, it's definitely way less serious than traditional Bachelor shows. The tone is lighthearted and fun and you can tell by the intro alone that the contestants aren't afraid to poke fun at themselves because they're totally aware of how ridiculous they look.

    6 There Are Hook-ups And Let Downs

    You know what they say: what happens in paradise stays in paradise. That sentiment would totally be true for some cases, but we're talking about reality TV here! If contestants decide to hook up with someone on the island, their escapades will be broadcast for millions to see. Of course, there is never a shortage of get-togethers on Bachelor In Paradise, and why wouldn't there be? The show plops players right down in the middle of a fantasy world, complete with beautiful beaches and even more beautiful people. It's totally expected that couples would form and people would shack up. While some find themselves on the fast-track to love (or lust), others end up somewhat disappointed in their taste in the opposite sex. There are definitely instances where old habits die hard and people become infatuated with someone who is just totally wrong for them. No matter how you slice it, the result is one super fascinating show.

    5 The Awkward Pairings

    If you want to see some seriously awkward pairings, then Bachelor In Paradise is the show for you. Sometimes certain people together just don't make sense, and when they actually become a couple it'll leave you wondering how it even happened. There are plenty of mismatched couples in paradise this season, like gawky Evan Bass and Paradise veteran Carly Waddell. Bass seems to be head over heels for his fair maiden, but Carly appears to be less than interested in her relentless suitor. He won't just settle for defeat lying down, and keeps shooting advances at Carly… which leads to some pretty hilarious interviews from Carly that are full of laughable one-liners. Despite her hesitation, we think that Carly will actually warm up to Evan's pursuit of her heart in the end. You definitely can't help who you fall for, so when the stars of the show find themselves in unlikely duos they seem to surprise even themselves.

    4 The Dates

    One of the many reasons why we're all really watching this show because we can't wait to see the crazy dates that the producers put the contestants on. On shows like The Bachelor and Bachelorette, contestants go on elaborate, dream-like fantasy dates that usually involve a private jet and a make out session under a waterfall. There are even times where entire busy streets will be shut down so someone like Luke Bryan can give a private performance. Let's be real: those kinds of super fancy dates just don't happen on a regular basis unless you're on a reality TV show. Not everyone has an unlimited budget to blow on lavish dates, which is exactly why we enjoy watching them on TV. On Bachelor In Paradise, things are a little bit different. Of course, contestants reside on a beautiful island in Mexico, but the dates are way more low-key and far more realistic than on the other two shows. Fancy dinners and romantic walks on the beach are what we're talking about, and we love every second of it.

    3 The Tears

    Don't get us wrong… seeing people cry is totally not funny or entertaining, but when it happens on Bachelor In Paradise you almost can't help but laugh. Most of the tears on the show come from contestants who are guilty of drinking a little too much and start getting misty about literally nothing. Possibly the biggest culprit of crying on national television is Ashley Iaconetti, who is making her second appearance in paradise this year. When she gets her sights set on a guy, she does not give up, and when the feeling isn't mutual (and it usually isn't), she sobs uncontrollably during her interviews while trying to understand where she went wrong. The emotional ups and downs of the people on this show are equivalent to a roller-coaster, and it actually makes for some interesting TV. You just have to watch for yourself to see what we're talking about.

    2 The Quotable Moments

    When you think about a reality TV dating show, comedic value might not exactly be the first thing that comes to mind. When you're watching Bachelor In Paradise - you might laugh, you might cry, and you will definitely be left with some seriously quotable moments. The people who appear on the show are unintentionally funny because they aren't super self-aware. Some have pretty big egos that they don't try to tame, even though no one else thinks quite as highly of them. One of the more amusing contestants this year is Daniel Maguire, a Canadian bodybuilder who struts around like he's total hot stuff. The women on the show don't really see his appeal, but don't worry - Daniel is his own biggest fan. During the opening episode of Paradise, the reality star offered up an interesting way of thinking during one of his interviews. He stated that if everyone on the island was a bird he would be an eagle and that everyone else is basically a pigeon… or a chicken. In fact, this guy tends to use a whole lot of bird analogies in regards to dating. No wonder why he's still single!

    1 It's One Big Hot Mess

    The upside to reality TV is that we get to watch people acting wild, crazy, and totally out of character. In a nutshell, that is basically what happens on Bachelor In Paradise. There really never is a dull moment because someone is always acting out, plotting, scheming, or trying to steal someone's significant other. If you enjoy watching reality TV at all, there's no reason for you not to give Paradise a try. Why? Because it has everything you'd ever need in a reality show. There are on again/off again relationships, backstabbing friends, frenemies, love triangles, fights, and people on a serious quest for love. While there definitely are actual couples formed on this show, there is still plenty of craziness that happens around them. Bachelor In Paradise really does cover all bases when it comes to being an entertaining summer show. Take it from us: don't be the only person missing out on this wild ride.