Laman » Hiburan » 15 Times Celeb Eyebrows Were Hideous AF

    15 Times Celeb Eyebrows Were Hideous AF

    Ordinary people aren't expected to have their eyebrows on fleek all the time. Celebrities, on the other hand, have to make more of an effort to make sure they look right before stepping out in public. The paparazzi waits in anticipation to spot a star and send their photos to media outlets, mostly entertainment gossip magazines.

    Beauty trends change all the time. To keep up with the latest styles, celebrities are more inclined to try new looks. Eyebrows are supposed to frame the face and express your moods to others. However, some people took their brow look to the extreme with dyes, studs, overgrowing or over-plucking that resulted in unflattering demeanors.

    Some of these celebrities with unbecoming eyebrows look unrecognizable. What were they thinking?! Haven't they ever heard of the expression, “anything but the face?” Some of these images will haunt you and might ruin your day.

    Many of these celebrities that made this unfortunate brow look list are pop culture icons that are usually revered for their personal style choices. If only they could have reconsidered a 360 degree makeover. These particular celebrities could have saved themselves a lot of ridicule if they were content with appropriate looking brows. Here are 15 times when celebrities' eyebrows were ugly af.

    15 Pamela Anderson's Villainous Brows

    What happened to this Baywatch Babe's beautiful brows? Pamela wanted to draw attention to her smoky eye makeup but ended up distracting everyone with her severe looking brows. Her eyebrows look like they were drawn on quickly and carelessly as they are uneven and have an obvious over-arch.

    In this particular photo, she's into matching her brows to her dark roots. Even her shade of lip liner and the outline looks just like her penciled in brows! While she sexily pouts for the photo, we became afraid of her menacing eyebrows!

    Pamela wanted to show the world that she hasn't lost her sex appeal. Unfortunately, we can't get past this unusual brow look. She looks like she could easily be typecast as an evil character in a movie or a television show.

    14 Christian Slater's TV Antenna Brows

    Calling Christian- what happened to your eyebrows?! Did he get his signals crossed or something? Why does he look so stern? It's his sinister brows!

    Where to begin? His eyebrows have taken over most of his handsome face! He's not smiling with his teeth, which makes his smirk look more aggressive. These horrendous eyebrows have a life of their own. The eyebrows definitely look severely shaped by someone who loves surrealism.

    Christian looks more like an animated character or a funeral director than his true self in this photo. His disastrous eyebrows are to blame. He has deep sloped brows which then spread out becoming wiry and horizontal. The messy ends of his eyebrows are level to his ears. Talk about juxtaposition! His eyebrows are also two different shades! The ends of his brows are much lighter in colour and sparser than the rest of this peculiar facial feature.

    13 Adam Lambert's Sharpie Marker Brows

    Avert your eyes from Adam's awful eyebrows! His brows clash with his platinum dyed hair. You can tell that he was trying to make his bold eyes steal the show. However, we can spot his off-putting eyebrows from miles away.

    Adam is known for changing up his looks and personal style. If only he could have bleached his brows to match his hair. All that effort goes to waste if no one can get past this important facial feature.

    His edgy look came out to be more eccentric. The mismatched shades don't suit him at all. If he kept the colour consistent, he would have achieved his fashion objective and his brows would have killed it. Adam's brows go with his roots, but this is definitely not a great look. Hopefully, since then he's learned his lesson!

    12 Christina Aguilera's Incognito Brows

    Yikes! Christina, is that really you?! She looks almost unrecognizable with her very skinny, bleached eyebrows. At least her orange lacy bra peeking out from her plaid shirt goes with the brows. We give her some half points for trying.

    Christina's voluminous, long platinum hair does not compliment her almost invisible eyebrows. To make matters worse, her colourful eye makeup brings unwarranted attention to her hideous brows. If only we could turn back time to avoid seeing this unfortunate look.

    She attempted to draw attention to her strikingly oversized hoop earrings. We can't possibly approve of this look due to her disastrous brows. She was sporting a playful look, but her wacky eyebrows made her look more like extra-terrestrial. She needs to come back down to Earth and grow some acceptable looking eyebrows. Hopefully, we won't see her attempt to pull-off this unflattering brow style ever again!

    11 Amanda Bynes' Train Wreck Brows

    When Amanda went off the rails, her brows followed suit. Her erratic behaviour during this period may still be talked about in detail, but we're more upset about her uneven extremely dark brows. It looks like she scribbled them on her face after lining her eyes.

    She hated when the paparazzi took photos of her. Amanda preferred posting her own selfies. She ditched her brunette locks in favour of bright blonde hair. This ends up being a major fashion faux pas when she neglected to take care of her brows.

    Amanda's eyebrows look more like caterpillars than two essential characteristics to help frame the face. It looks like they are stuck in position which means she can't fully emote. It looks like she will stay confused for a while with her motionless brows. We still can't wrap our heads around why she would do this to her face.

    10 Drew Barrymore's Spoon Dip Brows

    Oh no! Drew, do you realize what you've done to your eyebrows?! We are bewildered that she'd shape her brows to such a small size! They're so skinny that even now she's still living with the consequences. The horrendous highlighter yellow eyeshadow is not doing her any favours either. What's with the ugly clown makeup?!

    Drew's scary skinny eyebrows are much fuller near her nose, and they should have been neatly groomed. Her bizarre brows have a noticeable bend, which also makes her look just like Bozo the Clown.

    It looks like she should have joined the circus. The dangling gold earrings, maroon lipstick and bright blush assisted in drawing all eyes up to her odd brows. She stands out in the worst way possible. Leave the crazy antics, wild makeup and funny faces to the circus clowns!

    9 Gwen Stefani's Shaved Down Twigs

    We can't even call these brows-they're twigs! Gwen's eyebrows should of came with a warning sign. They were shaved down and ultra-skinny. She was trying to pull off too many bold trends. The cornrows, flashy pink and glittery hair, huge gold hoops, pink eyeshadow, brown lipstick and mini blue gem are screaming for attention all at once.

    Shouldn't Gwen's eyebrows at least reach her brow bone? It looks like she has two wavy thin lines across her face. Gwen must have not been able to make up her mind about what look she wanted to convey and wanted to keep her brows simple or almost unnoticeable.

    Gwen is definitely a style chameleon and loves to keep things new and exciting. This still holds true today. Yet, we wish we could just forget about this horrible beauty moment. We can't seem to erase this awful image from our memories.

    8 Eugene Levy's Caveman Brows

    Welcome to the 21st Century, Eugene! His very hairy eyebrows look like they were around during prehistoric times. Eugene looks more like an unkempt cavemen than a camera-ready actor. Has he ever heard of tweezers?!

    Grooming for men certainly isn't taboo and should be encouraged. Good hygiene is important, especially if your brows look like little bird nests! His brows are so big, they could gather dirt and dust!

    Eugene should do us all a favour and trim down those monstrous eyebrows. His humongous black eyebrows look opaque. The shocking difference in colour between his eyebrows and his grey hair make him look haggard. His round dark rimmed glasses make his eyes look very small because they are so close to his bushy eyebrows. Eugene's outrageous brows leave us with far too many questions.

    7 Gwen Stefani's Pencil Thin Brows

    Yes, you may think that Gwen rocking braces is more newsworthy than her extremely skinny eyebrows. We disagree! The fact that she's already appeared on this list of ugly celebrity eyebrows strengthens our argument. A repeat offender is bound to be full of controversy.

    Gwen is wearing mostly pink in this dated outfit to match her makeup and hair. Her unattractive eyebrows almost wrap around her eyes and appear jagged. They don't look natural at all. Did Gwen forget to look in a mirror before she stepped out in public? Didn't she get a second opinion from a professional?

    We feel sorry for her because this is truly her worst fashion and beauty look. All of her crazy risks definitely backfired. No one should ever try to imitate this disturbing look.

    6 Angelina Jolie's Disturbing Brows

    No, you're not just seeing things. Angelina has appeared on our list of celebrities with ugly eyebrows. She's usually one of the most beautiful stars on the red carpet. Her luscious lips are fuller than her eyebrows. Angelina's brows are quite pointy and don't have a natural arch.

    We give her kudos for keeping her chocolate brown eyeliner in the same colour family as her brows. This is certainly not our favorite fashion and beauty moment of hers. She needs to save us the drama by not interfering with her eyebrows. The star usually looks sophisticated, but this look didn't make her shine.

    These clownish eyebrows need to disappear from Angelina's face. They almost seem to be tattooed in. The brows did not match with her hair color and were too harshly framed. It's a shame that a photo of her like this exists.

    5 Kesha's Tacky Studded Brows

    Does Kesha even know where to draw the line? These eyebrows are ridiculous! She thought that having another set of eyebrows covered in gold pyramid studs would be eye catching. They stood out in a horrendous way.

    The queen of pulling off tacky trends also rocked a metallic silver lips with a gold nose ring. She looks like she's the lead singer of an 80's rock band that got struck by lightning. All of her hair is standing right up, and it looks quite messy.

    Kesha needs to realize that less is more when it comes to making a great impression on the red carpet. Her eyebrows should have been kept simple, not overdone. We are so distracted by her brows, we struggle to think of something we like about her off the wall look.

    4 Lady Gaga's Bleached Brows

    The iconic performer is known for her killer fashion sense, amazing songs and activism. Unfortunately, she's also made some horrible choices when it comes to her eyebrows. She seemed to think it would be a fantastic idea to bleach her eyebrows. As a result, her gold eyeshadow is more pigmented than her own eyebrows.

    Lady Gaga should re-evaluate lightening her brows to the extreme. She looks like she has jaundice or has a vitamin D deficiency. The starlet looks washed out, tired and very pale. What a contrast to her usual appearances! Even in most of her candid photos, she looks remarkable and glowing.

    If Lady Gaga wasn't born with weird platinum eyebrows, why did she decide to go against Mother Nature? Seems like curiosity got the best of her. At least we don't have to follow in her footsteps when it comes to this faux pas.

    3 Lindsay Lohan's Dissimilar Brows

    LiLo has been found guilty of past crimes. Now the jury is out to dissect her super dark eyebrows against her sun kissed skin and golden locks with deep brown roots. One of her brows is even shorter than the other one. It's fair to say she's made some bad decisions. Rocking these scary brows is one of them.

    Lindsay looks exactly like a feminine Oompa Loompa instead of a recognizable public figure. She looks like she wants to speak to a manager to complain about a store's product. Her eyebrows look severe and should have been hidden from plain sight.

    LiLo should have looked for other eyebrow options-basically anything but those dark brown, bizarre eyebrows. Changing up her brow style would likely have made others perceive her better. With these divergent eyebrows, she looks suspicious and kooky.

    2 Martin Scorsese's Bushy Brows

    Martin is a well-known film director. His over the top, black eyebrows should belong in a category of their own. How about the world's most grotesque eyebrows?

    He needs to trim those brows down to make them more streamline and suitable. Tweezers, cosmetic scissors, waxing or threading exist for a reason! Take advantage of useful resources or those brows will become worse! His eyebrows take up so much real estate on his face! I don't know how anyone can keep a straight face or focus while talking to him.

    It's quite unfortunate that his brows are so naturally full and dark compared to his grey hair. His eerily hairy eyebrows are too much for anyone to handle! Martin can't control them and it looks like he was unsuccessful at convincing someone else to manage his beastly brows.

    1 Lil Kim's Almost Non-Existent Brows

    Looks like Lil Kim committed the ultimate beauty sin-sleazy bleached eyebrows! All of her eye makeup is significantly darker than her brows. To top it all off, she has bright blond hair and an obvious tan. The lack of pigmentation of her brow hairs can't be unseen.

    Lil Kim is notorious for doing what she wants and wearing anything risqué. There are some things that no one can successfully rock. Gaudy looking eyebrows ruin absolutely everything.

    Her eyebrows look almost grey, which definitely age her. Couldn't she have used an eye pencil to at least fill in her brows with some color? Easing off on the heavily used eye products would have lighted her look. Subsequently, her eyebrows would have been perceived just slightly better. It's time for Lil Kim to establish a new beauty regime and stylist.