Laman » Hiburan » 25 Pictures Of Rob And Chyna That Prove They're #Goals

    25 Pictures Of Rob And Chyna That Prove They're #Goals

    Real life prince and princess, spotted! No, we aren't talking about Will and Kate. We're talking about the hottest celebrity couple, Rob and Chyna. Recently they've been in the news about a possible break in their engagement. It can't be true, though, because the world wouldn't survive. All belief in love would be shattered if these two didn't work out. They're the cutest couple since sliced bread, and are totally our relationship #goals . They've managed to find the ideal balance between sexy, sweet, and wholesome, managing to look super fly the whole time. From chilling in the bedroom to reblogging each other's Instagram photos, it seems like such a normal, lovely relationship… But still has ridiculously hot model shots, red carpet extravaganzas, and wild date nights to Disneyland. Still, we like to think a relationship like theirs is totally achievable. Until we find the Robs to our Chynas though, it's totally jealous-making. Read on to find out how to have the same picture perfect relationship that Rob and Chyna have!

    25 They fight, they make up

    Rob Kardashian posted this sweet Instagram shot after one of their most recent fights. While the news insists it was pretty bad, Rob seems convinced that one photo caption can make it up to Chyna. Who knows what actually went on between them; it is seldom a good idea to trust tabloid sites, and even the people closest to them probably do not know exactly what is going on. All we can say is that it is super sweet to see Rob Kardashian owning up to his flaws, exercising regret, and painting Chyna in such a lovely light. He picked a great picture too, showing both of them absorbed in each other, and happy. That's all anyone can really ask for from a relationship, and this photo celebrates their love. Plus, Chyna looks beyond gorgeous, as always, and Rob looks healthy and strong. They are a match made in heaven! Awwww!

    24 Santa comes early

    Some people understand love the best through words. Whether it is saying “I love you” or “I need you”, if words are based on people who don't hear it, they don't believe it. Others, however, are more gifts based. Giving either time, experiences, or presents prove to them how in love you are. While they might enjoy hearing sweet nothings whispered in their ears, what really convinces them is material proof. Rob Kardashian is the gifts type of lover, who needs physical proof in his relationships. Chyna ended up getting him this cool ride to show off her love for him! Featuring a slick black exterior and huge bada$$ tires, Rob's going to be eager to drive around in his new present. Let's hope Chyna picked up a good, reliable car seat for it too, as no doubt their baby will want to join in on some of the joyrides. 

    23 They're so NICE

    Told y'all 😜

    A post shared by Blac Chyna (@blacchyna) on Nov 27, 2016 at 9:44pm PST

    Blac Chyna is the most adorable, and the most attractive person on the internet right now. Sometimes people get the idea that because someone is famous, they are mean, or nasty, or rude. This is especially true for newer celebrities who have not been around for ages and ages. While Blac Chyna is a newer celeb, she is definitely not one of those rude celebrities. Just because she looks fiercer than ever does not mean her personality matches it. Don't they say to never judge a book by its cover? And even Santa says so! This video was taken by one of the elves helping to sort out the naughty and nice kids at the mall. She stands on the platform, nothing but smiles, hoping that she's going to be dubbed nice. No reason to fear, Chyna. You're one of the nicest out there, and the end of the video proves it. Rob certainly lucked out with her.

    22 Such a flirt

    Rob looks to be head over heels for his beautiful lady. And Chyna certainly is beautiful, by any and all standards. Her Instagram is full of model shots, casual pictures, and good morning videos. Even though all these pictures are drastically different, they are also all gorgeous. Rob is a fan of reblogging his favorites, like this one and adding a little flirty caption. Adorable! This shot shows off Chyna's upper thigh tattoo, and features a luxurious bed and carpet combo. No doubt useful, depending on what the flirting leads to. She really does look ravishing, and he is clearly smitten. We can only hope that one day someone reblogs our photos with heart-eyed emojis. Though we can also hope that one day we get to do high class fashion photoshoots. Complete with the great hair, dramatic dress, and crazy eyelashes that Blac Chyna has. A girl can dream, right?

    21 They LOVE their kid

    With great reason as well! What a cutie pie. There are so many pictures, especially on Rob's insta, of their new baby girl. She's constantly seen being swaddled in little wraps, holding lots of little toys, and just generally being… Little. And SO CUTE! Rob is head over heels in love with this little baby, and for good reason. She's a gorgeous mix of her Mom and Dad's features, and every photo features her little sleepy face, or her brilliant eyes. He also has recently been using her as a big reason to seek out help in his life. We applaud him for that, as it's difficult to admit sometimes when you've hit rock bottom; or when you can see you're on the way there. Hopefully Chyna supports him in getting the help he needs, and they heal together. Not just for this adorable baby… But she's an awfully convincing reason!

    20 They design baby socks


    A post shared by Blac Chyna (@blacchyna) on Nov 25, 2016 at 3:49pm PST

    Oh man, this is ridiculous and oh so lovely. How many couples do you know that actually decorate their baby in their own designs? Probably not many. Of those couples, how many design socks?! It seems so random and out there, but Rob has been successful with his sock business. Featuring fun phrases printed on the bottom, they have been seen on tons of celebs. Comfortable, fabulous, and cheeky, they are the perfect casual accessory for lounging around. They are also the perfect accessory for babies being dressed up like a cute little present! This video shows their little one covered from head to toe in Christmas joy. She is happy, wide-eyed, and totally showing off for her parents. A big focus of the video is on the bottom of the socks which the baby is wearing, which feature the words “SANTA BABY”. Can you say perfect?! Because we can.

    19 They can laugh at themselves

    We have seen two Christmas videos so far, but that is not the only holiday they rock. Rob and Chyna make a dream team in many ways, including costumes. Chyna, one of the most gorgeous women out there right now, can pull off anything. Even the Purge style Halloween costume she decided on for this year's shenanigans. Rob was a great compliment, taking a more low-key costume approach but staying on theme. His mask complimented her blood, and they both looked absolutely to die for. Not to mention all the creepy Instagram shots, dance videos, and pop-up scares they posted. This picture is quiet, creepy, and definitely one of the best we have seen from Halloween 2016. Rob and Chyna prove that you do not need to do a couple's costume to have a creepy couple's Halloween. We just love how much they slay at everything they do, especially together. Totally #goals !

    17 Jokes and witty one-liners

    Rob and Chyna have one of the best reality tv shows on the air. It's full of real talks, outstanding experiences, and things we can only dream of doing. Plus, it's hilarious. Watching these two interact is like watching two best friends fall in love, make fun of each other, and challenge each other to be better, all at once. While it's pushed as reality, there are sometimes lines that seem too good to be truly thought up on the spot. Like this one! But who knows… Maybe Rob and Chyna are so funny, and play off each other so well, that this was done in the spur of the moment. They're both witty people, and not afraid to speak their minds. This is especially true for Chyna. The comment she made here isn't out of the ordinary. If anything, it could be more proof that she and Rob are meant to be. He acts as a great foil for her wit and vigor, and she needs him to balance out all her fiery energy.

    16 EVERY date night is special

    Sometimes bedtime consists of snuggling up with your favorite book, a hot cup of tea, and your significant other. Sometimes bedtime is a more wild time, with flying pillows and teeth marks everywhere. And sometimes bedtime is… Rock, paper, scissors time? Leave it to Rob and Chyna to turn bedtime into a silly hang out time. And we just think this is a major reason as to why they are just the best and cutest couple ever! Their relationship is the best because every day turns into an adorable couple-y day. From baby shopping to bedtime, they prove that you don't need to spend stupid amounts of money or constantly be getting physical in the bedroom in order to be in love. There's a sweet and simple aspect to their relationship, where they manage to combine silly activities (like rock, paper, scissors) with a true love angle. This makes them total sweethearts, and definitely the relationship we aspire to have.

    13 Cold spell

    Like magic, Rob and Chyna got to see a glimpse of their baby early on. As aired on their reality tv show, we get to watch Chyna go through the process of an ultrasound. This is when the ultrasound technician gets the instrument and gel set up on Chyna's abdomen and tracks the baby inside. We're able to see what's essentially a picture of the future kid, giving us a good idea as to what they'll be dealing with in the future. In this photo, Chyna's got the gel on her skin for the first time, which, if any of you have had ultrasounds before, is quite cold. It's shocking when it first goes on, and those rooms are not the warmest places to take your shirt off. Rob is sticking with her like a champ, though, and they're both laughing about the hilariousness of the situation. The first time they get to see their blossoming baby, and Chyna can't sit still! Glad they're both able to laugh about it. 

    12 Everything (and the kitchen sink)

    What does Blac Chyna want? Everything, by the looks of it. Blue hair, blond hair, a reality show. She is ambitious and wants to move on quickly to the bigger and better things. She and Rob are a good match because he'll help her to move upwards and towards the next big hit. He wants to give her whatever she wants, and she wants what will make his life better. This includes material things too, like her huge birthday cake. Surely he had a say in the type of cake she got, as he knows exactly what she wants. It's lovely to see them happy and celebrating too. Birthdays are something we all have, whether we like it or not, and seeing these two having fun and unwinding means we're happy to do that too. And seeing Chyna with such a big cake means we should get one too… Right? 

    11 They keep fit

    The couple that works out together stays together. Watching each other sweat and fight is the hottest thing in a relationship for a lot of people, and with good reason. In order to be a good partner, you need to be able to take care of yourself first. Exercise, eating right and taking a mindful approach to food are the best ways to do that. Over the course of the relationship we've seen Rob control his diabetes, and Chyna get back into shape really quickly after the birth. This is because they aren't afraid to push each other, to sweat for each other, and to improve themselves… For each other. Love is all about exploring, and it's clear from this photo that they like to explore not only the hiking trails in their town but the best possible versions of themselves. The next time you're looking for love, suggest a hike like Rob and Chyna like to do. 

    10 The family dynamic

    Okay, maybe it's not perfect. Chyna can certainly be outspoken, and she isn't everyone's favorite person. There has been some tensions on their show, as well as on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Overall though Blac Chyna fits in like a sister, and everyone seems to be in good spirits when they're together. She's spunky and wild and offers a good balance to the lower key energy of Kim Kardashian. There's a few similarities between them too, in the sense that they both spend a lot of time living in the spotlight. They also both come from the world of reality tv and modeling and being their own business women. They know how to get what they want, and they know how to build an image. It's a clever role they're each playing in their families, and it's very interesting to see them together. Rob's just pleased the two are getting along, as it can always feel a little stressful when your sister is meeting your fiance.

    9 They're so… Wholesome?

    Normally wholesome is not a word used to describe a Kardashian. When Kim K broke the internet with her champagne flute photo it was pretty clear that family-friendly was not the case for this family. That, combined with other shenanigans on their reality tv shows meant that the Kardashians were off limits to everyone who wanted a wholesome good time. But isn't that why we love them? Their unfiltered way of love just makes them that amazing, for us at least! This photo, however, proves how lovely and sweet Rob and Chyna are. Set up in the kitchen with a bowl of fruit, Chyna looks like she is changing Rob's life one strawberry at a time. They would definitely pass for a wholesome cooking show, which gives them a leg up in the reality tv world. More versatility means a wider audience, giving them more to work with regarding their image. Keep it up, Rob and Chyna!

    8 Fit for a princess

    There's nothing more exciting than fairytales and fantasy. As kids, a lot of us enjoyed the Disney movies (and spin-off toys). The princesses, the princes, and the talking animals were enough to drive us wild. It seems like it wasn't just us, though. Famous folk also felt the same way as kids. And in the case of Rob and Chyna, it looks like they still feel that way! This adorable photo has Disney in the background, with a big smiling Mickey Mouse looking down at them. No doubt Rob wanted Chyna to feel like a princess, which is why they decided to vacation there. Rob, the best prince out there, is smiling and stoked to be making Chyna's day. Amazing! They're so happy. We can't wait to see more photos when they decide to bring their kid. Maybe that's not for another few years, but who knows. It could become a Rob and Chyna family tradition! 

    7 Opposites attract

    For any of us who have been attracted to someone wildly different, this photo should prove it could still work. Rob and Chyna are total opposites. Outside of their love for each other and their family, on the surface, it seems like they don't have much in common. He's a very large man, and she's very compact. She's a sparkling, fiery burst of energy, and he likes to just roll along. She's outspoken and not afraid to tell us what's on her mind always, and he likes to throw a word in only when it's important. To anyone looking in on them it seems like they wouldn't work well together. But they work SO well together! They balance each other and make up for what the other person lacks. Even in the outfit department! Just look at all the color she's wearing… It totally makes up for his basic black.

    6 Their photos are hilarious

    Earlier on we talked about their mannequin challenge video that took place seemingly while Chyna was in labor. It looked like the pinnacle of hilarious personal advertising, but now we can say that it's just their style. This photo is a hilarious show of their humor and class. Chyna and Rob are caressing the subject of the “baby on board” tattoo on Chyna's abdomen. While we don't think it's a real tattoo, you can never be sure with these two. They might have gotten it done just for the reality of the photoshoot. Though later photos don't feature the phrase, so maybe it is an electronic add-on. Regardless of if it's real or not, this photo shows one of the key aspects of their relationship: The fact that they can laugh together, and find humor in their life together, while still showing class. Chyna is one of those people that's totally comfortable bouncing back and forth between looking lovely and looking goofy and feeling confident either way. Plus, aren't we all going to restage this shot for our pregnancy announcements?

    5 Rob let's her be herself

    There's nothing more sad in a relationship when one person tries to change someone else. If you want to change fundamental things about your partner, why are you with them? Sure, hygiene issues and health worries are things you should be able to discuss. But the way your partner dresses, does their hair, and moves through the world shouldn't be up for debate. That's who they are, and when you started dating them you agreed to deal with it. It's an even bigger worry when the two people in the couple are drastically different from each other, like Rob and Chyna. Sometimes someone will start to overwhelm the other, and both people get a little confused about who they are. It's great to see photos like this though, that show off Chyna being herself and Rob sticking to his style. Rob looks happy and confident beside her, and Chyna is no doubt thankful to have someone so supportive. One day we'll find someone to support us in wearing bright red bodysuits too.

    4 They just look happy

    It's only natural in relationships to stress, get angry, and complain… Sometimes. If this is all the relationship is made of, it's not a healthy relationship and you might want to re-evaluate. The same can be said for a relationship that's made entirely of smiles. If you want a good, meaningful partnership, you have to be able to handle the bad and the good. There's also the fear with famous partnerships that the smiles are fake. The flirtation isn't real, and the world is just a little confused about if they're friends or lovers. There's none of this fear with Rob and Chyna. Their love looks genuine, happy, and really real. Flirty shots like this are definitely not staged; just look at that passion! The happiness they show makes us all believe in love and romance. And especially in the truth of famous love and romance! Not everyone is just in it for the fame.

    3 Matchy-matchy

    You know those tourist couples you see that like to wear the exact same outfits, right down to the same color of Crocs? A part of us wants to puke about how sweet it is, and part of us really loves seeing that kind of couple compatibility. Rob and Chyna have brought their own twist to this style, which we see here. Instead of being totally matching, they're taking the essence of matching and integrating it a little at a time. The baseball cap is a signature of all of Rob's outfits. We think he'd probably even get married in one (if Chyna would let him)! Chyna, on the other hand, is not a baseball cap girl. Sometimes wearing hoodies or hair pieces, we very seldom see her sporting a sport cap. That's what makes this shot so sweet! They've started to match their accessories, and to an extent, their outfits. Chyna is giving the baseball caps a go, and she can pull it off. She's kept it classic though, as Chyna tends to do. Classy, sporty, and oh-so cute.

    2 They just look so good together

    We've said it before and we'll say it again. They look so cute together, and we can't stand it. Whether or not you have a significant other in your life is beside the point. One day the dream is to look as cute as Chyna and Rob. This high-class shot from one of their nights out proves that it doesn't matter if they're lounging in bed in their pajamas, or rocking out at the hottest night clubs. Their relationship is picture perfect all the time. And how do they always look so good?! Rob looks chill and confident, and Chyna looks like the queen of the world. They both have their own personal style and a flair for subtlety. Chyna's dress is stunning, and the club itself looks like a great place to get down. The only thing they're missing the picture-perfect drinks… Though no doubt there was a few of those earlier!

    1 They aren't afraid to talk

    Truly one of the best things about this relationship is how happy they are to talk about it. Rob is really vocal on his Instagram about how in love he is, and Chyna is not afraid to chime in with a story or anecdote. This includes talking to the news and paparazzi. Heck, they have a reality tv show! Their whole life is transparent, and we love them for it. We know this love is real and raw, and we can't wait to see where it takes them 3 years down the line with their whole family in tow. They have found the perfect balance of having private moments together and putting life on display. It is fascinating, and it makes us all hope for better relationships. One day… One day we will get the reality tv relationship experience! Right? And maybe the rumors are true or maybe this is all for show, but what we do know for sure is that no matter what, these two are definitely #goals!