Laman » Hiburan » 25 Pictures Of The Most Awkward Celebrity Encounters With Their Fans

    25 Pictures Of The Most Awkward Celebrity Encounters With Their Fans

    Everyone imagines what it would be like to meet an A-list celebrity. We think we would so chilled and cool that the celeb will ask us to hang out with them at the after party for sure - right? However, in reality, there are no chill moments when it comes to meeting some of the biggest names in show business and naturally just one sight of our idols sends us into meltdown.

    Stars are often kind enough to greet fans at promo events, say hello when gracing the red carpet (as long as it's guaranteed the crowds are forced back behind a barrier) or even charge several hundred dollars for a photo opportunity backstage at one of their gigs. For all these precious moments they allow us - we are forever grateful.

    Then there are days when they are caught off-guard, spotted in the street or at the airport and an impromptu photo opportunity takes place. It's often these moments that allow us the funniest results of all. Here are the most awkward moments between celebrities and their fans.

    25 Justin Bieber 

    Back in the day, a young Justin Bieber would reluctantly take pictures with his screaming fans - often with them fainting in his arms. Nowadays it's a different story as he outright refuses to get close to them.

    Earlier this year he posted his new policy online about fan pictures. He wrote on his Instagram: “If you happen to see me out somewhere know that I'm not gonna take a picture. I'm done taking pictures. It has gotten to the point that people won't even say Hi to me or recognize me as a human.”

    He continued, “I feel like a zoo animal, and I want to be able to keep my sanity. I don't owe anybody a picture and people who say “But I bought your album!” know that you got my album and you got what paid for AN ALBUM!”

    It's fair to say the fans were not happy about Bieber's new statement and reminded him that it was the fans after all who put him where he is today.

    24 Britney Spears  

    Britney Spears posed for this very awkward photo with a fan after one of her Las Vegas shows. What makes her attitude even worse is that the poor fan paid $2,500 for her just to grimace beside him. According to Radar Online, Britney was not only charging this staggering price but also spending just three-seconds with each fan.

    They reported, “Fans were told before the meet-and-greet that they were not to hug or touch Britney without her permission and they weren't allowed to bring her any gifts.” Including in the package was a front row seat to her Piece of Me show at Planet Hollywood and a goody bag of Britney merchandise. However fans were not pleased as “once they finally got to meet her it was like smile, take a photo, goodbye. Each person literally got like 3-seconds with her.”

    Well at least it's nice to know this awkward moment didn't last too long.

    23 Avril Lavigne 

    Pictures of Avril Lavigne looking awkward as hell next to her fans caused a viral storm as Twitter rightly responded to just how hilarious they are. The singer's Brazilian fans paid $400 for the pleasure of standing… somewhere kind of near Avril… and having their photo taken.

    The Sk8er Boi singer told Canadian radio station KISS 92.5 that she is cautious around some of her fans, as they can get quite “frisky.” She told them, “My fans are very frisky, actually. In some countries we've had security breaches, it's a little delicate because of things that have happened with stuff I probably shouldn't get into. Sometimes other people ruin it for other people.”

    So now she takes no chances and keeps all her fans (literally) at arm's length.

    22 Hugh Grant 

    There are two very different sides to Hugh Grant; on stage he's the lovable, floppy-haired, British comedy legend and off stage - let's just say make sure you keep a distance. Hugh Grant hates absolutely everything that comes with celebrity; he can't stand red carpet events, paparazzi (who he has assaulted before) and above all - fan photographs.

    Catching a smile from Hugh Grant when he's not being paid millions for it is a rare treat and the rumors are his ex-girlfriend, actress Elizabeth Hurley, labeled him “Grumplestiltskin” to her friends. Apparently the Notting Hill and Love, Actually star loathes every feature film he has ever acted in, despite these movies netting him $80 million over the years alongside Golden Globe and BAFTA nominations.

    21 Kim Kardashian 

    Kim Kardashian took time on her busy book tour, where she was promoting her book Selfish - a book of her own selfies, to take pictures with her fans. However, the normally picture perfect Kim couldn't help but look awkwardly into the camera as fans tried to capture the moment with their favorite reality star.

    When she took a family trip to Jerusalem with 3-year-old daughter North West, she was mobbed by fans and forced into a situation that was almost dangerous. TMZ obtained a video of her and sister Khloe being swamped by hundreds of screaming people as they tried to enter the St. James Cathedral. Kim held on to North and was screaming, “Stop!” to the frenzied crowd whilst Khloe starts yelling, “It's not safe for the baby!”

    Following this situation and the Parisian robbery - it might be time for Kim to invest in some proper security.

    20 Prince Charles  

    If you are part of British royalty, then it is your duty to meet with the normal folk. However, for us mere peasants there are set rules to abide by. On the official website of the monarchy it reads: “There are no obligatory codes of behavior when meeting The Queen or a member of the Royal Family. But those who wish to observe the traditional forms have the following options - men are encouraged to neck bow and women a small curtsey.“

    The Queen traditionally should be addressed upon meeting as “your majesty” and then “ma'am” after that and other members of the family should be addressed as “Your royal highness.”

    Or in the case of this woman who met Prince Charles, just dive in there and go for a big sloppy snog. You may only get to meet a Prince once in your life after all.

    19 Nicolas Cage

    Nicolas Cage became a household name after he received an Academy Award, Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance as an alcoholic writer in Leaving Las Vegas. However Cage can't keep a smile on his face as he has the weight of crippling bankruptcy keeping him down.

    Finance Buzz reported that he blew the $150 million he made throughout his career and was left with a $13 million outstanding tax bill. So what did he splash all his cash on? He allegedly outbid Leonard DiCaprio for a 67-million-year-old dinosaur skill valued at $300,000. He bought not one but two Bahamian private islands for $7 million, he collected specialty vehicles including a rare Ferrari Enzo for $1 million and a FOUR $20 million luxury yachts.

    All these possessions and still nothing can make him happy.

    18 Megan Fox 

    In 2009, the Internet's heart was broken as a schoolboy tried to give Megan Fox a stunning rose - only to be held back by her security team. The fan attended the Transformers premiere with an aim to win the heart of the actress but he had no luck. Megan was devastated she missed his romantic proposal and she wrote on Facebook: “There we like 80 million everywhere. It was dark, all I see are flashes. I feel so sad for him. That kills me.”

    Then photo company Kodak offered a $5,000 reward for anyone who could identify who the young boy was. Finally it was revealed the young Romeo was 11-year-old Harvey Kindlon from Canada. They then flew him to Los Angeles so he could meet with her in person and finally give her his yellow rose.

    17 George Clooney

    George Clooney hates being famous. Sure he doesn't mind having $180 million in the bank from all his blockbuster movies but he would just prefer to only be photographed by a professional director. In 2014, he had a whole law passed in Italy that prevented any paparazzi from accessing his wedding to Amal Alamuddin in Venice.

    Lord Mayor Roberto Pozzi told the press, “We have to guarantee security for George Clooney and his guests.” Any paps caught sneaking around his villa would face an on-the-spot $500 fine.

    Although one actor who didn't like his attitude was The Dark Night and American Psycho star Christian Bale. He told WS magazine, “It's like, 'Come on (Clooney), just shut up. Just get on with it and live your lives and stop whining.' I prefer not to whine about it.”

    16 Niall Horan

    Let's be honest here for a second - One Direction fans are insane. There was the fan who tweeted a picture of her holding a Chihuahua to the floor and wrote to the band: “Follow me on Twitter or I'll break her neck.” Or the fan who stole Liam Payne's boxers from his balcony and then wore them all day. Then the time they started the hashtag “#Skinfor1D” where they began sharing nude selfies for the band's attention.

    In just five years of the lads being together it's fair to say it's been quite the ride. Two of their fans, 17-year-old Kamara and 18-year-old Abbie, told the Daily Mail, “One their Manchester tour this year we booked a room at their hotel which cost $270 and chased them across the city in a cab. It cost a fortune but it was worth it. We just love them.” No wonder when Simon Cowell first laid eyes on the boys there were dollar signs in his eyes.

    15 Danica Patrick 

    American motor sports star Danica Patrick has fans that adore her worldwide - which is no surprise these guy wanted to set himself apart from the crowd. She moved from the States to the UK when she was a teenager to pursue kart racing full-time but was set back by the sexism she experience. She told The Independent, “It felt more old school. Women still cooked and cleaned. It felt like, you know, the women's movement happened a little faster (in America) then it did there.”

    Now with a personal net worth of $18 million she is head and shoulders above her male counterparts. She remembers her earlier days of training and recalled, “I remember one of the team owners I drove for. I was the quickest one day in practice, and to the guys he was like, “She's the quickest, come on!' as if it wasn't OK to be slower than me.”

    14 Cara Delevingne 

    Cara Delevingne has had many up and down moments throughout her modeling career. She signed to Storm Model Management in 2009 and has since walked the runway for Mulberry, Chanel, Victoria's Secret, Burberry and Dolce & Gabbana. But behind her signature heavy-eyebrows, she wasn't happy with her life or her career.

    Cara revealed to The Times, “It didn't make me grow at all as a human being. And I kind of forgot how young I was. I felt so old.” She continued, “I was like fight and flight for months. Just constantly on edge. It is a mental thing as well because if you hate yourself and your body and the way you look, it just gets worse and worse.”

    The London-born star has since made her transition over to movies and will star in Luc Besson's sci-fi blockbuster Valerian next year.

    13 Tyra Banks

    America's Next Top Model judge and host Tyra Banks took time out of her busy schedule to snap this awkward selfie with an eager fan. The former supermodel could have cracked a smile - especially as she's been fighting comments online which claim she is less than pleasant to be around.

    According to NY Daily News, The Tyra Banks show was pulled partly because she was so horrible to work with. A past crew member revealed the staff turnover was quite high and that Tyra was a real “diva.”

    She has also been branded as “exploitive” by previous ANTM contestant Angela Preston. The Cycle 17 winner told U.S.Weekly that she was planning on suing Banks for breach of contract. She revealed, “Tyra exploits women, period. Once she gets out what she wants from you, then you're done to her. You're nothing. She preaches on TV that she's just like you, but she doesn't help girls, she exploits them.”

    12 Tom Hanks 

    The above picture must have been an off-day for Tom Hanks because usually he loves nothing more than a photograph with his fans. Earlier this year, a video of him crashing a wedding whilst he was jogging in Central Park went viral.

    The official wedding photographer told the Daily News, “I had the couple (who were named Ryan and Elizabeth) pose near the reservoir. He just walked up to us and took off his hate and glasses and said, 'Hi, I'm Tom Hanks.'”

    Tom then posed for selfies with the couple and he was heard telling them, “I am an ordained minister, if the guy cancels just let me know.” He also told the couple, “Ryan, you're a lucky man. Elizabeth, you've done well for yourself.” He then put his sunglasses and cap back on so he could continue on his run. Only in New York.

    11 James McAvoy 

    James McAvoy has quite the temper when it comes to his fans. The X-Men star reportedly flew into a fit of rage when an 18-year-old fan asked him for a selfie outside a pub in London. British tabloid newspaper The Sun reported that he grabbed the girls phone and aggressively asked her to get outside. The incident was caught on camera by another witness and they filmed him screaming “Get the f**k out of here.”

    The student told the newspaper, “He looked at me like I was a piece of dirt and exploded with anger. He just flipped out. It was very frightening.” Although it is unknown what actually caused the Scottish-born to flip out but the student added, “I said, 'Just because you're an actor you think you can talk to people like that but you can't.'” Best to avoid any selfies with the star in the future.

    10 Blac Chyna

    Blac Chyna looked very uncomfortable when this over-excited fan tried to kiss her right on the lips after he took a selfie by her side. Chyna was hosting a gig at a nightclub in Los Angeles when she walked through the crowds of paparazzi and fans to get to her car. The fan jumped out the crowd, she obliged when he asked for a selfie but then had to take a big jump back when he took things too far.

    9 Bill Murray 

    Comedy legend Bill Murray's joker antics obviously didn't go down too well with this young toddler. After his parents passed him over for a perfect selfie opportunity with the actor, the kid wasn't playing the game and started crying hysterically. Of course, Bill Murray acting accordingly and mimicked the tiny tot.

    He told Irish America, “I realize it's impossible to have any sympathy, I mean, true sympathy, for people that are famous. People usually go through a bad period when they first get successful. You're all the attention, people treat you differently, and what happens is you start taking that seriously and you start becoming an ass and then they treat you like one.”

    After more than 30 years in Hollywood, he is certainly one star who knows what he's talking about when it comes to fame.

    8 Khloe Kardashian 

    Khloe Kardahsian has had plenty of scrapes with fans over the years. In an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, she told Kris Jenner and then-Bruce Jenner about her travels to Canada to host a Halloween party with Scott Disick and her step-brother Brody Jenner. Things got out of hand when a fan broke through security and rushed the stage. She was tackled to the ground during the incident but she managed to escape with no injuries.

    Khloe isn't completely innocent herself though as she has been known for attacking her fans on Twitter. She tweeted many expletives at a fan on Twitter who suggested she was not the biological daughter of late lawyer Robert Kardashian - but her actual father was O.J.Simpson (her father's close friend who he represented in court) due to the striking resemblance between the pair. It's fair to say that certainly touched a nerve with the reality television star.

    7 Elijah Wood 

    Although he looks a little frightened here with a fan, Elijah Wood is actually well-known as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood. His acting career has stretched over nearly 30 decades which has seen him in the role of Frodo the hobbit in Lord of the Rings, a psychotic cannibal in Sin City and a creepy lab technician in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

    He told the Evening Standard that's he always been the nice guy as he revealed, “I was the family peacemaker and moderator. The one who understood everyone's perspective, for better or for worse.” He also added that he never exploited his acting talents even at a young age, “I wasn't a show-off. I didn't put on plays at home. I innately knew that I had to portray another person and I had to do that with honesty.” Then just to melt our hearts even more he also confirmed, “I'm a mommy's boy. Totally.” Awwww, big hugs for Elijah.

    6 Russell Brand  

    Russell Brand was very vocal after his divorce from Katy Perry about how much he hated showbiz and the limelight. The outgoing, eccentric revealed his new documentary Brand: The Second Coming that his ex-wife's lifestyle was “vapid, vacuous, plastic, constructed, mindless celebrity.”

    The notorious ladies man has since moved on to father a child with his new girlfriend Laura Gallacher - but this picture proves he doesn't mind getting close with others. The notches on his bedpost read like a who's-who of showbiz, as he has previously hopped into bed with Kate Moss, Geri “Ginger Spice” Halliwell, Jude Law's ex-wife Sadie Frost, Courtney Love and Hugh Hefner's ex-girlfriend Holly Madison.

    No wonder he was only married for less than 18 months - poor guy would have been exhausted.

    5 Katy Perry 

    During a concert in Rio, Brazil, Katy Perry was kissed, cuddled and groped by an intoxicated fan on stage. The I Kissed A Girl singer set out to make a fan's dream come true by inviting someone up onto the stage to join her, but she soon realized her mistake when she mistakenly picked the drunkest girl in the crowd. The barely-clothed girl at one point even put her head on Katy's chest as if she was planning to fall asleep there.

    Katy tried to resolve the situation by shouting for water to be sent over to help the girl but that clearly would not have been enough to sober her up. The pair snapped a selfie together and with the help of the very little Brazilian language Katy's knows she learned that Brazilian for pizza is - well… pizza. She might think twice before picking someone out the crowd at random to join on her on stage again.

    4 Kanye West 

    During the Super Bowl XLIX, Kanye West proved that the only one who really likes taking selfies is his wife, Kim Kardashian. Fans cautiously approached Yeezy in the hopes they could get a snap with their favorite rapper but his face proved that he was not pleased about it.

    The mystery behind Kanye's non-existent smile had lasted for a long time until he finally spilled the beans. At the Los Angeles Fashion Awards he revealed to the press, “Back when I was working on Yeezus, I saw this book from the 1800s and it was velvet-covered with brass and everything.” (Don't worry he's getting to the point… ) “I looked at all these people's photos and they look so real and their outfits were incredible and they weren't smiling and people, you know the paparazzi, come up to me like, 'Why you not smiling?' and I think, not smiling makes me smile.” If you didn't quite get his point he summarized, “When you see paintings in an old castle, people are not smiling cause it just wouldn't look as cool.”

    Right we finally got it - he doesn't think smiling is cool. At least we got there in the end.

    3 Kendall Jenner 

    There's something about Paris and the Kardashian-Jenner family where things just take a turn for the worse. During Paris Fashion Week, a fan decided to run right at the model to kiss her and take a selfie. It's quite clear the plan didn't really work out as Kendall threw a mixture of confusion and shade back her way.

    Kendall has millions of fans worldwide and all of them were collectively heartbroken when she decided to delete her Instagram. She told Ellen DeGeneres, “I just wanted to detox. I'm always on it. I would wake up in the morning and look at it first thing. I would go to bed and it was the last thing I would look at. I felt a little too dependent on it.”

    Now her fans will have to detox from staring at pictures of Kendall all day.

    2 Rihanna

    Rihanna hasn't been the nicest to her fans. Two years ago, she mocked a 16-year-old girl from Baltimore who tried to replicate a green dress she had previously worn. Rihanna compared the fan, whose gown had wide and long sleeves, to a juice bat. She also retweeted several jokes about the girl that used the hashtag “#PromBat.”

    The girl known as “Miss Carter” wrote online: “I was very offended. Why throw shade on it when you on the exact same thing? The poses were different but the outfit wasn't. She doesn't love her fans like she says she does.” Miss Carter may have a point as Rihanna has either outright refused to take photos with her fans or like the one above she is reluctant to smile at all.

    1 Miley Cyrus  

    Who knows what really goes on in the mind of Miley Cyrus. As many other celebs on the list have chosen to keep their distance from the fans, Miley has flipped this idea on it's head and decided to awkwardly grope her own. During meet and greets for her Bangerz tour in New York, Miley went a bit too full-on as she practically harassed teenagers during the photo opportunity that set them back $900.

    She received quite the negative backlash from the snaps as one YouTube commenter wrote: “Cannot stand this no talent, no class, no respect.” Another commented, “Now I'm not sure who she is… stripper or singer?”

    The entire tour was bombarded with complaints as many disgruntled parents walked out of the concerts following Miley grinding semi-nude on stage and appearing to touch herself inappropriately. Sounds like just what you should expect from a Miley concert to be honest.
